Dragon Talisman

Chapter 805: Heaven is not you

Chapter 805 Heaven Emperor Is Not You

"Congratulations to Lord Wang for his endless seven treasures. The Divine Gourd already has the characteristics of a flood gate, a sacrifice to the heavens, and a tree of Hongmeng. In time, the king will become the strongest. E┡'s novel WwwW.Ω1XIAOSHUO.COM, but that burns the world Escaping is always a hidden danger, and now united with Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, it will become one of our greatest enemies in the future. "

When Zhuge Ya saw Gu Chen returned to Jingxian Division, he knew everything.

"This harvest is still very big. Seven endless treasures were obtained. The power of Divine Gourd is huge. In addition, it also mastered the hundreds of billions of people of the Great Burning Dynasty. Over time, what we received from Jingxian Division The power of sacrifice will be ten times greater. "Gu Chensha already had a plan.

"The king's layout is good, turning his hands over the clouds and turning his hands into rain." Zhuge Ya exclaimed: "What's Wang's plan next?"

"Naturally, I want to rescue Chang Weiyang. Because of all my concerns, I wanted to cut and kill the giant spirit **** first, but it was unsuccessful, and because of burning the world to disrupt the world, I wanted to attack my land in China. Now that you have everything ready, you can spread the human dragon fist. The National Games are prosperous. One day is better than the other. I do n’t have any worries. In this way, I will concentrate on saving Weiyang. ”Gu Chen carefully calculated:“ Weiyang I fully know the whereabouts of the gods. The three celestial deities and the ancestors of the heaven and earth of Fasheng, the master of the immortal master and the immortal masters together make endless hearts, and ca n’t care a lot, this time is my opportunity, but even the three celestial deities are now Together, they are not my opponents. "

Between ancient dust and sand, there is naturally a domineering spirit.

Indeed, it took a long time for the three heavenly masters to reach an agreement with Hongmengshu. Being able to use the power of Hongmengshu is actually a parasite.

The ancient dust and sand can already make Honghuang Longmen retreat.

The three celestial beings who had been high up in the past and never lost money in front of Gu Chensha are actually nothing, because Gu Chen's vision and cultivation have improved a lot.

"Fight a feather." Gu Chensha said a name, and then drew a picture.

A picture appeared in the air.

A woman like a volley, floating up and down, wandering homeless, wandering freely in the depths of the void, is the state of heaven. This woman is Douyi, and on top of her head, there is also a gourd, which is a **** gourd that cuts the fairy.

This gourd is an irreproducible treasure condensed from the Hongmeng tree. In addition, there is a kind of murderous gas condensed in the sky.

This gourd's evil spirit is much heavier than that of Xing Qiong's, so it can be killed in that year.

The level of this treasure and the endless treasure is a level, which can be seen from this.

Now Dou Yi is condensing this gourd, and I don't know where it is, not in the Hongmeng tree.

Gu Chensha knew that Dou Yiyu's comprehension of the Tao was wandering freely, one volley in the sky, and homelessness. This artistic conception, such as flowing water and white clouds, was also a true meaning of Tao.

However, even if the three celestial deities are in the eyes of Gu Chensha, it is nothing, let alone fighting a feather. A few years ago, he felt that fighting a feather was unfathomable, but now it is just between fingers. Can be captured.


The ancient dust and sand left Xiaohongmeng tree, and once again came into the endless stream of time and space. In an instant, thousands of times changed, and space and time changed by billions of times. Through layers of barriers, it finally came to a pure, bright Among space-time nodes.

At this time, the space-time node is very mysterious and weird, it seems to be the pure land in the space-time chaos.

At this time, the continuous change of the space-time node has already achieved a world. Just like the flood gate, it constantly jumps and changes in the depths of space-time turbulence. Each blink will change its position thousands of times, even if it is a master in the realm of life. It may not be found.

It's a pity that Guchensha was repaired far beyond Tianshou at this time and was able to lock the position. Before he could get the endless Qibao, he could completely lock the position of burning Manjie. Now that he has obtained the endless Qibao, the prestige Can you know how many times it has increased.

What's more, Douyiyu is even more powerful. Compared with burning Wanjie, there is still a big gap. Not only that, even any one of the three heavenly deities cannot compare with burning Wanjie.

From the perspective of Gu Chensha, the essence and strength of Burning World Realm is only under his own and Gu Tiansha.

It is a pity that this person is too arrogant and has not yet understood the principle of the concentric beings of all beings. This is why this fiasco has failed. After this defeat, the burning of the world can become even more terrible. Underestimate this person.

In this bright space-time node, Douyi Yu cooperates with the God of Gourds of Zhanxian and condenses.

But Guchensha stepped into it and came to Dou Yiyu.

"A girl, you are so casual. You actually found such a blessed place in the chaos of time and space. At this time, the nodes of space are the essence of the chaos of time and space. They have been tempered and baptized by the tides of the universe and turned into time. The crystals, the crystals gathered, become such a node. To be able to find such a treasure land is to look for gold from the sand grains. "Gu Chen sand admired the surrounding scenery, and saw that among the crystals, everywhere It is a pure cloud essence and crystal mist condensed by the essence of time, and even some crystal mists have some dragons of time.

"You still found me." Douyi looked unsurprising, and seemed to have waited long ago: "No matter how I hide, I am afraid I can't escape your pursuit, and I didn't expect you to grow so fast. In just a few years, even the three celestial deities ca n’t help you. ”

"Why don't you hide into the Hongmeng tree. In this way, I will find you. I am afraid that it will take some time. It is also very difficult to break through the prohibition of Hongmeng tree." Gu Chen asked.

"In fact, there is no use." Douyi Yu said: "You broke into the Honghuang Longmen, and even expelled the old Honghuang and the giant spirit god. Even if Hongmengshu is stronger than the Honghuang Longmen, there are restrictions, but I compare The giant spirit **** and the old man in the wild wasteland are far apart. If you bear and resist, you will definitely be captured by you, and you will be deprived of all your cultivation just like the Gouchen. "

"Sure enough, it is good to know the current affairs." Gu Chensha looked at the "Cut the Immortal God Gourd", "Since then, please hand over this gourd. Then follow me, join the Jingxian Division, and make up for it, and I It's not difficult for you. "

"Don't you come to save Chang Weiyang?" Dou Yiyu smiled softly, not afraid of Gu Chensha: "How can I covet my baby."

"Chang Weiyang and you both broke through the Celestial Master, then were suppressed, and suffered a heavy blow. You refined all her spirits into this gourd, and used it as food, even for the deities of nine days and ten places. I ca n’t recover her, but unfortunately met me. Even if she died, I could bring her back to life. ”Gu Chensha carried her hands on her.“ Come here, do n’t do it. If I do, you may have to suffer. "

"It's true that even the fish on the cutting board has to struggle, not to mention me. Cut the fairy, come out." Douyiyu voiced out.

At this time, suddenly, a black gas suddenly appeared from the "Cut the Immortal God Gourd", and this black gas gradually formed a person with an unparalleled killing gas.

This man is a man, young and handsome, and seems to be able to do everything.

His eyes were empty and he had no feelings. He looked at the ancient dust and sand: "I am called Xianxian, and now I am awake. The Emperor of Heaven is about to be born. As a pioneer, I am a tool of the Emperor to kill the immortals and gods who do not comply with the order. I am awake. After that, the birth of Emperor Tian will not be far behind. "

"I didn't hear it." Dou Yiyu stood up: "This cut gourd **** gourd contains great cause and effect. In fact, it is not so simple on the surface. This gourd is far from mature, but as the calamity approaches, this gourd I started to wake up. I did n’t know how much effort I had devoted to the wake of this gourd. I finally realized that in the cataclysm, the real emperor will be born, and anyway, in the troubled world, there will be real heroes. This heroes will inherit the destiny of God and eventually Step by step on the throne of Heaven Emperor, this gourd is the criminal law tool that Heaven Emperor used to cut down the gods. I know you are now collecting endless treasures in an attempt to gain the throne of Heaven. Unfortunately, I have come to understand You are the son of Gu Taxian. Gu Taxian is alien ~ www.readwn.com ~ His blood, it is impossible to get the Emperor of Heaven, nor is it the Emperor of Heaven. The real Emperor of Heaven is still in the folk and rises secretly. In the rolling trend and torrent, you are now the most shining star, but you are not the protagonist. The protagonist is someone else who will ascend to the throne of the emperor. Medieval times, the days of emperor, and even now, are the groundwork for the preparation of the emperor before the birth of the drama. What kind of event is the birth of the emperor? You must obtain great merit to be able to enjoy this immense amount of power, and the ancient Ta Xian, and even his accomplices, are you, the greatest number of robbers. Whoever can get rid of you, can truly enjoy the Promise and become the Emperor of Heaven. After 36 years of Tianfu, it is the Emperor of Heaven era."

Gu Chensha listened to Dou Yiyu saying so much, but did not stop her from talking, but was thinking quietly: "Unexpectedly, you actually came to this point, I really underestimated you, this point In fact, the giant spirit **** did not fully understand it, and you actually realized it. Yes, the future trend is the era of the emperor. Everything in the front is used as a prelude. There is no real master between heaven and earth. You can say, Ever since the creation of the chaotic big bang world and countless universes and worlds have been born, it has been a troubled world, even if it is a prince, it is only a prince in Middle-earth China. It cannot truly unify the world of the infinite universe plane. It is also about to end, so the Emperor of Heaven will soon be born to calm down this troubled world from ancient times to the present. "

"But Tiandi is not you, all your efforts are futile." Douyi Yu said.

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