Dragon Talisman

Chapter 806: Who is Tiandi?

Who is Heaven Emperor?

"That's right, I know that Tiandi is about to be born, and maybe even has been born. Δ┡E" novel Ww "W.Z1XIAOSHUO.COM Since the ancient times, all of them are now in a troubled world. Tiandi was born, and has unified countless universes. Even in the past and future, the time and space are straightened out, but this is futile. Although I am not the emperor, I must refine the throne of the emperor and let the emperor's birth die.

Gu Chensha's recent enlightenment of the Heavenly Emperor's Tao has clearly realized some sort of mystery.

The emperor was indeed born, not him, or someone from Jingxian Division, not from Gu Tiansha, not from burning Wanjie, etc., or even from Xuanxin.

Gu Chensha can't figure out who the Emperor is now.

But he knew that this person should be hidden in the Middle-earth Divine Land, and he didn't even know that he was the future emperor, but he had faintly had an invincible atmosphere.

That is, in this great era, it seems that he has mastered the Jingxian Division, Middle-earth China, and the power has reached its peak. Even old antiques must be joined together to be able to compete with him, but he is not the protagonist.

The protagonist is Tiandi.

Tiandi has not risen yet.

Once he rises, he is the big villain to be defeated by the protagonist, and will eventually be beheaded and killed by the protagonist.

This is a future change that is almost irreversible.

Originally the ancient dust and sand could not see this, but the endless treasures he gathered increased, and gradually realized the way of the emperor, and he understood all these changes.

However, this matter is just a challenge for Guchensha. He can even reverse the heavenly path. Even if the emperor is the embodiment of the heavenly path, in his view, it is a huge opportunity. , Then the way that all sentient beings are united in one's heart is truly a success.

If Heaven Emperor sacrifices himself, to what extent can that sacrificial power reach?

This is what Ancient Dust does.

"Now that you know, you should be regretful. Maybe it is possible to get peace in the future. Otherwise, if you go backwards like this, you will probably die directly. You will even welcome something more terrible than death, as it is now Lei Jiyuan, who was still kneeling on the palace square, was the same as Lei Jixue's two brothers. "Dou Yiyu smiled.

"You said so much just because I didn't hit you? This is too whimsical. My ancient dust, Jingxianji, Yongchao will never fear any existence, and there is one thing, it is not important who the emperor is, Because I say who is the Emperor, who is the Emperor. I say who is not the Emperor, he is not the Emperor. "Gu Chensha held out his hand," Take it. "

"Bold!" At this time, the indifferent and handsome man "Chun Xian" completely locked the ancient dust and sand. Suddenly, when he waved his hand, a piece of swordman flew out, but this knifeman had wings, eyes, and stared Ancient dust and sand, cut directly.

"Good swordman, but compared to the power of the endless sword, it is in the middle of the middle, and it will not cause any harm to me." Gu Chensha stretched out his two fingers, and just clamped it gently, This sword is like a flying bird. It keeps leaping between the ancient dust and sand. If you want to leap out, it is still useless.

This sword is like a bird. It is exactly the same as the bird-shaped text on the celestial sacrifice. The flying bird can communicate the existence of heaven. The bird-shaped text is the inscription of heaven in ancient times.

The ancient dust and sand caught this bird-shaped sword-mang, and when he dropped it, he dropped it directly into his own Divine Gourd. Then he didn't say much. The Divine Gourd was raised, and he had the power to pour the world. All are contained in it.

Dou Yiyu was suddenly dark all around, then the world changed, and it seemed to have reached Shenzhou University 6.

She and Gu Chen are located in the middle of the Ninzhou of Shenzhou University, in the bottomless Ninhai. However, the bottomless sea of ​​sin in this state has completely disappeared. It has been replaced by a capital city. At the center of the palace is the palace. At the center of the palace is a throne. No one can tell what color this throne is because there is no color. The sacredness and greatness of this throne can be described.

This is the Heavenly Emperor's throne created by Gu Chensha himself. Although it is not the true Heavenly Emperor's throne, he already has a few lines of majesty.

"Here it is!" Dou Yiyu hurriedly carried out various methods, but now he was unable to fly.

"Here is my true Divine Land, the real Divine Land, and the Middle-earth Divine Land is now defective. I will repair it and recreate it." Gu Chen said: "The entire Divine Land is actually the heaven of the emperor. One day, in the future, Among them, Middle-earth China will be elevated to the real heaven. Dou Yiyu what you just said is true, but it is not your own enlightenment, but some of the will that comes with this gourd god. It's fully activated. Isn't it? "

"Zhanxian Divine Gourd has its own destiny, you can't take it. Tiandi was born, it is the weapon of Tiandi." At this time, Douyiyu's body moved and it seemed to be combined with Zhanxian Divinity Gourd to bloom out of heaven The sharpest evil between them is to rush out.

"It's useless, my Divine Gourd is ready. I want to create a perfect Divine Land. Divine Land and the Heavenly Emperor have a relationship. It is just that this cut fairy **** Gourd has a relationship with the Heavenly Emperor. I created the food of the true gods. "Gu Chen said:" Your gourd is not my opponent's gourd, or do not make unnecessary struggles. Bring me! "

Among the Shenzhou gourds, Gu Chensha completely controlled the situation, and the palm of his hand skyrocketed, like the hand of the Emperor, and seized the cut gourd **** gourd.

The handsome man named Zhanxian came out and roared, trying to compete with the ancient dust and sand, thousands of bird-shaped sword-mangs appeared and swept towards the ancient dust and sand.

"Striking with a pebbles is useless." Gu Chensha didn't look at it. He waved his hands and killed the hundreds of bird-shaped sword-mansions.

The power of the cut gourd **** gourd is much larger than that of the ancient times. In the ancient times, the scabbard released by this gourd can split the Xingqiang into pieces, and they ca n’t be gathered, and now this thousands of bird-shaped swords Mangfoot can hang the Xingqiang into fragments, and it can't even recover.

But this power is still insufficient for ancient dust.

After destroying the thousands of bird-shaped swordmangs, the palms of Guchensha have seized the cut gourd **** gourd, and then moved a little, and took out a bucket of feathers from it, and then he sprayed into it with a breath of vitality. In this gourd.

Immediately, a huge seal broke in the depths of the gourd, and then a celestial idea appeared.

It is Chang Weiyang's idea, already very weak, almost to be refined, and to die at any time.

"The severity of the injury is that it is not far from death, but to me, these are nothing." Gu Chensha input the power of his world into this idea, and the idea swelled immediately. Began to become a woman, it is Chang Weiyang.

"This is my robbery number. I have achieved a different number by myself. I am a deity. When there is a robbery number, after this robbery number, I will cross the world." Chang Weiyang condensed the formed body, watching the ancient dust and worshiping, "Thank you Grandpa The grace of salvation is unforgettable. From then on, I utterly devoted myself to Jingxian Si, and never hesitated. "

"You don't have to be polite to teach Weiyang." Gu Chensha quickly said, "I have resurrected your father, the universe, and the heavens are changing now. It is when the heroes are doing their best. Let us help the universe and build a new heaven."

"Douyiyu." Chang Weiyang turned his head and said to Douyi Yu: "Three celestial conspiracies and tricks have been successful in Taikoo Shidao until now, and they are prosperous. They think they have mastered the world, but they are just clowns. Knowing that he was not the enemy of Jingxian Division, he formed an alliance to make peace. You and I fought, the autumn was evenly divided, and both broke through the Celestial Master. Then the three celestial motives used to suppress me. This was not your intention, but then you refined me. I want to be integrated into this gourd, and increase the power of the gourd. It is also anxious to achieve success. I can not report this feud. If you join the Jingxian Division, we are colleagues and support each other in the future. A great cause is coming. "

"Why, Chang Weiyang, do you want to persuade me to surrender?" Douyiyu said.

"It is not surrender, it is to go one step further, to gain the ladder." Chang Weiyang said: "The three celestial deities are obsessed with ignorance and think that they are old-fashioned. In fact, because of this, they ca n’t see the way forward, and you are strong in proving and good at fighting. This is the right way. Who do you think will win the battle between Tiandao and Emperor Tianfu? If Tiandao wins, the Emperor of Heaven as you say will be born, and our Jingxian Division will also fail completely. ... it depends on how you choose. "

"Ancient step fairy is impossible to win ~ www.readwn.com ~ Douyiyu waved his hand:" In fact, ancient step fairy is also part of the robbery. He entangled with heaven, it is an illusion that you have. In fact, all heavens are under control. "

"Who gave you this message." Gu Chensha sighed. "It seems that you have entered the robbery, five colors of fear, but it does not matter, I have imprisoned you in this Divine gourd, slowly refine, you If you are awakened, you can come out at will. If you are obsessed with ignorance, you will die. As for this gourd, I will break it first, and see how the emperor was born, how to kill. Thunder come! "


On top of Gu Chen's head, a thunder ball actually appeared. This thunder ball actually resembled that of the Honghuang Dragon Thunder, and it came out of the power of extinction.

In one hit.

The handsome man who cut the fairy cried out and shrank into the gourd, and a crack appeared on the gourd.

"Miaoyu, my evolutionary flood and wild dragon thunder have great effects in the birth and death of thousands of worlds, but I ca n’t smash this gourd into pieces in one fell swoop. From this we can see that this gourd still has a lot of room for growth. The emperor knows that the enlightenment will be more profound. Basically, it is possible to figure out who is the clue of the emperor. "Gu Chensha was not surprised.

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