Dragon Talisman

Chapter 808: Demon counterattack

Chapter 808 Demon Counterattack

The ancient dust sand has almost explored the method of extracting powerful material from the sacrifice of the human heart. Over time, his cultivation will be promoted again and reached the level of heaven respect. Much stronger existence. Δ┡E "novel Ww" W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

Some of the things that can be extracted from the sacrifice of the human heart are not contained in the chaotic element.

Chaos Yuanli claims to create everything, from which any existence can be extracted, but the only thing that has passed it is the human heart.

The reason why heaven and earth created a human being is to test out the most perfect thing, and as a result, the human heart cannot control it.

The sentient beings are different, and no one can make them work together.

This point pursued by Gu Chensha is also something pursued by Heaven.

Tiandao gave the sacrifice to heaven, and propagated it down. The last trick was to congregate the sentient beings. It is also hoped that someone can truly cultivate it, so that the heavenly Tao will evolve again.

Gu Chensha watched Jingxian Division's qi count rise, the spirit of the Holy Dragon spread, and some important figures began to change, and nodded instantly.

Suddenly, he screamed, the power of the world in the whole body kept running, the sacred heart of truth wriggled, and immediately deep in the void, a large amount of the Holy Dragon's breath came down.

He extracted the breath of the Holy Dragon from the power of sacrifice.

Deep in the hearts of sentient beings, there is a desire to become a sage. This desire, reaching the extreme, is motivated by the ancient dust and sand with its own heavenly power, and a large amount of the spirit of the dragon can be born.

This was originally the ability of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, but now the ancient dust and sand condense the Shenzhou gourd, and it has swallowed a total of nine endless treasures. In addition to the Xianxian sacred gourd, the power of the Shenzhou gourd can now catch up with the three noble On the artifact.

In particular, the cut gourd **** gourd has a great relationship with the future emperor of heaven. This magic weapon itself contains a huge amount of Qi, which was obtained by the ancient dust and sand. Suppressing this Qi and slowly integrating into its own Divine Gourd In the course of time, the powerful ability was gradually shown.

Thirty-six endless treasures contain the Tao of Heaven, and the God of the Heavens is contained in this gourd-cutting gourd. The two sides can conceive the true way of Tiandi.

The ancient dust sand urges the essence of these strange treasures, and can be calculated in the dark, to obtain the true secret of the Emperor and the Emperor.

After three days and nights, a large amount of holy dragon spirit permeated the ancient dust and sand.

Then he thundered like a thunder.

All of the Holy Dragon's spirits have been transformed into one piece of elixir, and there are three thousand.

"The sacrifice power that we have accumulated over the years, and the desire to achieve the sages contained in it, have been refined. After cohesion, combining some of the mysteries of the chaotic element, they have finally been combined into a dragon dragon. I agree The creation of **** can make more than 3,000 born saints qualified in our Jingxian Division. You should carefully select talents, reward the saint dragon, pass the news, and add another one to the raging trend. Take the flame. "Gu Gusha disappeared and disappeared. He went to the folks, looking for the Emperor of Heaven.

"What kind of character and virtue are you worthy of being Emperor of Heaven? I would like to see that no one has appeared in the Emperor since ancient times, because even if the saint's virtue is ten thousand times higher, it is not worthy of Emperor Great position. "Gu Chen fell into the people, thinking in his mind.

He was actually curious.

The emperor is not the emperor, but the emperor has appeared a lot in the past, but the position of the emperor has been vacant, and no creature between heaven and earth deserves this great position.

Now there is such a person, and he wants to see how this person behaves.

But now this person has no clue, only a few clever ideas, to find this person still has to rely on the strategy and cultivation of ancient dust to promote again.

His current state of affairs is the "sacred heart of truth" in the thirty-three changes of the state. He is an out-of-the-world saint, but it is very difficult to be promoted to reach the thirty-four changes in "control of qi." The origin of Tiansha, or one of the three major artifacts, can be broken through again and again after refining.

The other saints arrived at the thirty-fourth change to "control the number of qi", but they only control their own number of qi. After the ancient dust and sand have been trained, they can control the number of heaven and earth.

Both sides are not a rank.

For example, in the same situation, there are two changes, nine cattle and two tigers. After the average person is trained, the strength of nine cows and two tigers is really true. The ancient dust is the power of 900 million 200 million tigers. How can this be compared?

How can a person's qi be compared with that of heaven and earth?

So the ancient dust sand is not trained, it will shake the world as soon as it is completed.

The ancient dust and sand landed in the city of Yinzhou.

It seems that this place has become the focus and center of the entire Yong Dynasty. The battle between the imperial court and the demons has reached a level of feverishness. Although the demons have said that they have failed, they have been captured by many masters and converted into puppets or The Buddhism's methods made the Dharma protector and bought and sold everywhere.

The demons are all treasures. Everyone in the court now takes the demons as their glory and can exchange them for wealth. That is, everyone is brave to advance and enter the demon realm to take risks.

Of course, many people died in the demon realm, but the wealth and danger sought, and in the battle between this man and the devil, a large number of masters emerged.

"Yizhou City has completely become the center of Shenzhou. Originally, this city is also the center of Shenzhou, but it has been leading to the Demon Realm and frequent disasters since ancient times, so it is all deserted and a ghost, and now we govern the country and make everyone afraid. Instead, our demon domain has become our hunting ground. In this way, aren't you hurrying? People in the world are practicing, even if they are diligent and diligent, if they do n’t go through actual combat, they will still be empty. And there is nothing to compare with the actual combat target. The fierce demons. The world's air counts are converging to Yinzhou, and I think it's time to build another political and cultural center in Yinzhou. "Gu Chen considered.

In fact, the source of the turmoil in the world must be the magic disaster.

Together with the magic disaster, the court system immediately collapsed, and finally caused turmoil in the world.

The magic disaster can't afford it. The world is peaceful. Even if there are some dragon and snake generations in trouble, they can be suppressed in a blink of an eye. The Great Wu dynasty established by Emperor Wudi at that time was also due to the explosion of magic, and Xiandao took the opportunity to support some forces. The major families were born with ghosts, and this collapsed.

Guchen Sand turned into a scholar and came to the huge square of Yinzhou City. There are many huge teleportation arrays that lead directly to the magic domain. The teleportation arrays were built by the Jingxian Division.

With his feelings, here you can find some clues of the people who the Heaven Emperor should meet.

Because this is the place where the spirits meet the most intensely. If the demons occupy this place, they will take this as a foundation, stand on their heels, and then occupy the Middle-earth Divine Land, and the flowering will be centered.

There are more and more heroes and heroes on the square, killing to the demon realm, magnificent, and surging with blood and pride all the time.

"Zhuangzhuang, my country's national dynasty is thriving. It's like the sun rising to the east. People's morale is uplifting. Everyone's justice is in their chests. So, how can the magic disaster be?" At this moment, a few scholars beside Guchensha Talking.

These scholars are full of spirits. They seem to have read the poems, but they also have the heart to help the world. They are pure in nature. When they come here, they may also want to enter the realm of magic and establish themselves.

"I have read history books. Since ancient times, once the dynasty reached its peak, the magic disaster would explode. In the end, the people would not talk about each other, and they would rule everything and chaos. Nothing like this, but this time the Yong Dynasty is likely to change this situation." Zi Dao: "You see, more than ten years ago, the world was shaken, the dark air swallowed the sun, and the demon star came into the world. Many people think that the celestial phenomenon is over, but the imperial court is over. The demons repelled. Even now the demon domain has become our hunting ground, which is a major change since ancient times. I am born in this world, and we must not miss the opportunity. At present, the court is enlightened. It is no longer ruled by human beings. The handsome operation, all credit will not be buried, all things will not be wronged. In this way, as long as we have the ability, we can make a difference. Sanctification is not impossible. "

"I heard that Jingxianji has already obtained the Holy Dragon mentality and is studying it. In the course of time, he will merge into the human dragon fist and impart it to people with merit. After he has learned this mentality, he can become a natural saint. In the future, he will become a saint in the future. It will be smooth sailing. "One of the scholars beamed his eyes:" The news has now spread everywhere, and the whole world has gone crazy. You see, there are more people coming to Niezhou. Times, in a few days, the news leaven, I am afraid it will be overcrowded, and the water will not leak ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone wants to rush into the demon realm, kill the demon, build a career, and be taught. "

Between words, the gentleman turned a wristband on his hand, and the wristband immediately radiated a light, forming a screen, and many messages and news appeared on the screen.

"Miaoyu, Brother Tan, what a new thing you are." Another scholar asked.

"This wristband is the latest produced by Jingxianji, called the communication wristband. This wristband communicates with the Skynet established by Jingxianji. In the deep, you can receive various information from the official first-hand. Materials, as well as the latest news from all over the country, and even to inquire about various news and learn all kinds of knowledge, my family was awarded the first batch because of their credit to the court, but this thing will soon be circulating in the market "The disciple named Tan, laughed, was very proud.

"There are countless layers of demons, among which the demons are countless, far greater than all the people in our court." There is a deep scholar saying: "In this trend, there may be some born within the demons. I see the demon's crazy counterattack, I'm afraid it's not far. "

Just after the gentleman's voice had just fallen, suddenly many people were flying out of the teleportation array. Some were seriously injured. More people shouted, "The demons fight back, everyone be careful ..."

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