Dragon Talisman

Chapter 809: Naturally {there are live shows behind}

Chapter 809 Nature

"Devil fights back?"

Gu Chensha saw this scene and knew in his heart that it was a matter of time. Ω "Ω" E Novel WwhanW. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

Regardless of the current imperial court's momentum, the number of people is still falling behind compared to the demons, and under the catastrophe, the elite characters of the demons will also emerge, endless.

If the Devil has no counterattack at all, then it is not ridiculous.

It is the many counterattacks and the many repulsions that can exercise the hearts and wills of the entire court.

Many injured people came out of the portal. Immediately, the court's medical team went to the rescue, and the fire pulled into the medical hall, which has become a stable rescue channel.

In addition, all those injured in fighting with the demons are free of charge.

This is the benevolence of the court, which is praised by many people. Over time, it has become a symbol of the benevolence of the court.

The court relied on these many things, accumulated little by little, and finally gathered together to gain huge popularity, and finally gained complete public opinion.

Gu Chen did not think of a shot.

In an instant, his eyes saw the endless time and space, and directly reached the depths of the demon realm. It turned out that some of the space in the depths of the demon realm was opened by the powerful magic, and countless demon army troops were assembled, including bull head demon and sheep head. Demon, Horseface Demon, Gnome Demon, Iron Armor, Demon Armor, Blood Demon, Zombie Demon, Skeleton Demon, Worm Devil, Serpent Demon, Poison Demon, Rope Demon, Troll Demon, Dragon Demon, Hexa Demon, elephant demon, lion head demon, hawk head demon, fire demon, earth demon, tree demon ........ Thousands of demon races have begun a large assembly, magnificent, towards the bottom This demon realm of Nie Hai swarmed.

There are so many demons in the desert that there are no counts.

Among them, a large number of demon gods gathered together and turned into a formation method, sweeping over with sweeping potential. In the magic array, I don't know how many old antiques are hidden.

The demon is also hidden in it.

"The Mozu finally got up a decent counterattack, but it still doesn't help. Strength is power. Although it is said that in the midst of the calamity, the spirits are confronting each other, and God's will is partial to the Mozu, but our power is too strong, even if the Mozu is If you have God's providence, you will definitely lose. "Gu Chensha will naturally not do it himself, because it is not his turn.

The court will naturally deal with this matter.

By the way, you can also see how many senior people there are in folk.

In the disaster, Fang can see who is the hero.


In the first layer of the demon domain, near the bottomless sea of ​​sin, there is no magic, and all the spells of the imperial court have been transformed, and then a huge fortress is established.

This fortress is glittering with engravings on it. It is much larger than the Great Stone Great Wall. There is even a variety of spaces in it. In the space, there are the demon heads that have been transformed into defenders. These defenders King Kong keeps saying the truth, accumulates strength, restrains the demons, and stops the demons from fighting back.

Originally, this fortress was forged by Hao Iron and Hao Jade, using the efforts of countless demons, and was later taken away by Jingxian Division. Many demons were transformed into Dharma protectors, and then used as the basis for re-forging before casting. To this fortress.

This "Fortress of Demon" is the strongest line of defense against the demons.

As the Demon Army rolled in, all of a sudden, a wave of golden light, like a wave of gold, was transmitted from the "Fortress of Demon Demon". Numerous small runes were chanting, which could save all the magical demon heads. .

Suddenly, the demon army stayed on the edge of the first layer of the demon domain, and began to camp and settle down, afraid to approach, fearing too much loss, the two began to confront each other in the first layer of the demon domain.

The first layer of magic domain is very wide, almost almost as large as wild, the magic domain is layer by layer, there is never end, at least now no one can explore how many layers of magic domain.

Now the imperial court has invaded the first level of the demon domain, sweeping around, capturing some of the demon heads cleanly, and there are some adventurers who come in. The first level of the demon domain can no longer find the demon head to deal with. Entering the second level of the demon domain, even some strong people have built up their mana, or even higher, directly into the third level, the fourth level of the demon domain, killing the demon head, of course, can also obtain richer wealth.

In addition, there are many masters in the family who form hunting teams one by one, and go hunting in the depths of the Demon Realm, but this time they encountered the assembly of the Demon Army and suffered a big loss.

"You see, that's the Situ family. Their family was originally a small family of second and third class. More than ten years ago, the highest elder in the family was the realm of Jin Dan. A talented person, called Situ Hengzhong, actually got an adventure and became a god. He is also likely to become a saint. "

Although the magic disaster explodes, countless people are not afraid, but excited.

More people are pointing and talking about each other.

"Cultivation of saints depends on qualifications. Only natural saints can become saints. Otherwise, even if they get more adventures, it is useless. If Situ Hengzhong became a saint, would there be another saint family?"

"Not necessarily. In addition to the natural sage qualifications, you can also learn about different numbers. But then again, if there is a sage in a family, as long as the family's blessing is made into a small thousand world, then the number will be truly achieved. A thousand-year-old sage family. But the small thousand world is difficult to refine. "

"It's really a generation of heroes. I am afraid that in the next hundred years, many new sage families will emerge, and old sage families will be eliminated."

"The oldest family is now the best martial arts. Wu Sheng actually resurrected. He still turned to Jingxian and became a monk. Later, the martial arts is not a saint family, but a Celestial family. And the emperor Wu has also surrendered and Wu Sheng is training himself. He, it ’s just that Wudang Kong has disappeared. This woman is carrying a sacrifice of heavenly charms, and has the appearance of a son of heaven, but the general situation is unsatisfactory. It can be seen that God ’s will will not help her. It is not empty talk.

"Man's victory over heaven is our philosophy of the eternal dynasty. Destiny is inadequate, ancestors are inadequate, and human words are inadequate. People in our eternal dynasty can open up new horizons, overcome thorns, disregard ghosts and gods, and disrespect heaven and earth. Only in this way can we create an unprecedented situation."

"The army of the Demons assembled, and the counterattack began. I see that after a short time, we will have a thorough confrontation. After defeating the demons' counterattack, we will make a lot of money again."

"Don't you ever think of failure? In case the demons defeat us, it's not a matter of life."

"That is impossible. We never thought of failure. We are invincible. You see how much the world is changing and how rich it is. You should know that we cannot fail. People are ancestors at the ancestor level in the folk. They are like a dragon. But now, across the country, I am afraid that more than half of them have entered the realm. "

"This is, failure is too far away for us. You see, the imperial fortress of the imperial court has successfully prevented the attack of the Demon Army."

"We are trying to find out how to obtain the battle merits in this magic disaster. If we can make a contribution and be taught, even if we obtain a Holy Dragon, upgrade our qualifications, and finally achieve a saint, we will not be able to establish eternity. Is the foundation and the family of Barbara? "

"In addition to Situ Hengzhong, the most powerful folks now include the jade of the Jiu family, Kong Xi from the Confucian family, Meng He from the Meng family, Mo Fei from the Mo family, Xia Qi from the Xia family, Yin Xiu from the Yin family, etc. Wait, these people got many peerless adventures, and during the battle with the demon, even killed the demon-level strong man of the demon, and received great praise from Jingxian Division. These families will soon become saints Family. "

Gu Chensha thought, all people talked, and the information was incorporated into their thoughts. Immediately, the state of all people, even the past and future, appeared in his thoughts, and he could see through anyone. The cycle of life and death can even see through all the people's upcoming and unexperienced.

"Without the clues of the Emperor, is it possible that the Emperor is in the Demon Clan? Impossible, only the talent is the spirit of all things, and the Emperor can only appear among human beings. Even if the Demon has received the blessing of Heaven, it must destroy us. Yong Dynasty. But Emperor Tian will never appear in the Demon Race. "Gu Chensha shook his head and sighed." It seems that if Emperor Tian is so easy to find, it will not be called Emperor Tian. "

"Why is Xiongtai sighing?" At this time, a voice from Gu Chensha passed around, "At the moment, the Demons run rampant, gather the army, and want to invade again. I waited for the time to build a career, and the big husband did n’t contribute to the country and sighed, What's going on? "

Gu Chensha turned around quickly, and saw a 14-year-old, wearing an armor and holding a spear, full of vitality, and said to himself.

"This little brother, I sigh not that the demons run rampant ~ www.readwn.com ~ but that the heavens are unpredictable, observing the luck, the calamity is approaching, and the world will encounter charcoal again. Why is God always able to tolerate humans, The demons are multiplying infinitely. "Gu Chensha moved in his heart and spoke. He saw that the boy was childish and could be cultivated to be not low, but he had already cultivated to the state of the Seven Changes of the Tao," vacated from the ground ", It is a human dragon fist, with a calm and peaceful atmosphere, long and deep, and the qualification is actually a genius, which can be regarded as the number one figure.

"Don't dare to be, the nanny is named Zhang, and the name is natural." This young man named "Zhang Ziran" carried his spear behind his back and arched his hand: "Man is the primate of all things, and naturally he is noble, expensive and suffering. If not, With so many robberies, the human race can no longer show its honor. "

"This statement makes sense. I can't think of your young age, but you can understand it." Gu Chen's age is the same as that of Tian Fuchao. Now he is 35 years old. If it is normal age, it is already in the middle. In 1999, looking at this natural boy, it was as if he saw himself when Tian Fu debuted in the 14th year.


{At three o'clock this afternoon, I will broadcast live with several executives of Shenjiying. On Orange Melon PP, the content of the live broadcast is mainly daily training and martial arts. Everyone is interested to download the orange melon app and have a look. }

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