Dragon Talisman

Chapter 800: 9 Great Tenno

Chapter Eighty Nine Heavenly Kings

This boy named "Zhang Ziran" is quite outstanding, but there is nothing special about it. He has blood, diligence, persistence, purity, bravery and other good qualities. If he is tempered, he will have a chance to become a great instrument in the future. . ΩE small Δ said WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

However, there are too many such youths in Jingxian Division.

If it is placed among the many teenagers cultivated by Jingxian Division, "Zhang Ziran" is still in the middle level, and his qualifications are better, harder and more enthusiastic than him.

Gu Chensha looked with his eyes for a long time, and has seen everything through this boy.

This young man's family is a third-rate powerhouse. He is a side branch of the family. He was not very good and was oppressed by the family. But because he got some adventures, he grew up and now becomes a genius. He has a place in the family. I want to build a career and do many things.

There are thousands of such young people all over the country.

In this way, we can see the prosperity of the Yong Dynasty.

After saying a few words with this "Zhang Ziran", Gu Chensha began to re-search for the people who the Heaven Emperor should meet, and this "Zhang Ziran" also went directly into the portal and went to the fortress of the Demon to take over the mission, hoping to build his career.

"The hiding of the Emperor Tiandi is really deep. Who is it? No clues have been revealed. I tried my best to calculate it but found nothing. It seems that a layer of mist is covering my eyes. Of course, this is not enough for my own cultivation and Taoism. At one point, I did not break through the odds and become a Celestial Supreme. If I became Celestial Celestial, I am afraid that the Tao of Heaven cannot blind my senses. "Gu Chensha thought in his heart.

Gu Chensha has not yet understood the different ways, because he is more difficult to understand than anyone else, and it ’s more than a million times. Once he breaks through, he is truly standing on the opposite side of Heaven, and he is no longer in harmony with Heaven. Any room for easing, besides that, after breaking through, he can even peek into the true intentions and mysteries of Heaven.

In the process of searching for the Emperor of Heaven, it is actually a practice.

If he can really find the clues of the people that Tiandi should meet, I am afraid that Xiu Wei will really go one step further, and completely understand the truth, and he will even progress to a terrible level.

Of course, ancient dust is already scary now.

Just when Guchensha was looking for the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, and the construction of a huge alliance was also the most critical time.

Heaven and earth ancestors, mysterious masters, fairy masters, Wanxian masters, Fa Sheng, Wudang Kong, Dou Sheng Tianzun, Proterozoic, Bodhisattva, nine core figures in the alliance, are still sacrificing a heart.

This heart is the most mysterious endless heart among the endless treasures. Although it is ranked at the bottom, 36th place, it contains the mystery of change, far above other endless treasures.

At this time, the Ninth National Congress put power into the endless heart, and this heart began to grow.

Infinite Thirty-Six Treasures is not as simple as it looks. After birth, it has to grow constantly. And the key to their growth is actually very simple, that is, the power of human sacrifice. The more the power of sacrifice, the more savage it is, the faster the endless 36 treasures grow.

Now that the endless treasure of the ancient bullet sword and the ancient sword is the number one endless sword. The reason why the power of the endless sword cannot tear the heavens and earth, cut through the universe, and destroy the void is because it was originally born, not completely. The shape is just like the difference between a newly born basalt baby and an adult four elephant sacred animal basalt.

The newly born basalt baby is very weak, and even the characters with many changes in the situation can be arrested, but the adult four-beast **** basalt, even a saint, cannot deal with it.

The adult thirty-six treasures are completely different from those without adults.

It can be said that now the ancient bullet sword and the ancient constant sword join forces and can only compete with Tianzun, but if their endless sword and endless sword are completed successfully, Tianshou can be killed with one sword.

It is a pity that ancient bullet swords and ancient constant swords are not able to grasp sacrifices now.

Although ancient Changjian and ancient bullet swords have mastered some wild tribes, these sacrifices are nothing more than salaries. If you ca n’t keep up with the sword, you will not be able to grow up completely. Only the people of Middle-earth China will gather for the national movement. This can make this artifact grow violently, and finally become a behemoth.

The endless thirty-six treasures have been born, including the three princes and eight princes that Fangchen now receives, Fang Lin, and nine endless treasures that have been incorporated into the Shenzhou gourd. They have not yet grown up and are still in their infancy, but Gu Chensha did not prepare these treasures of Weiyang, but seized their essence and luck, and used them to inject their own gourds and refine their magic weapon.

Otherwise, if you feed endless treasures, you will easily be dominated by these babies, which will cause you a dilemma. Even if you are Wen Hong, you now understand the restraint of the endless tripod, so you give the endless tripod to Gu Chen. Sand, let him refine.

The result is that once the endless treasure is abandoned, Wen Hong immediately becomes aware of the different ways, and soon the state of heaven is hopeful.

This shows that Wen Hong is indeed the son of the former destiny.

But the endless heart is now condensed by the nine giants. In addition to Wudangkong and Xuanxin, these nine giants are too ancient and powerful. They have created a huge world by themselves, and they have nurtured many people. Together, they can form the power of faith like a mountain and a sea, perfused in the heart of endlessness. Naturally, the power of endlessness can burst out, and it grows extremely fast.

At this moment, the endless heart has almost changed in the heavens and earth's Xuanmen into the size of Shenzhou 6, a heart so large that between the peristaltic bursts of force, this heart is slightly peristaltic, A large amount of chaos air is sucked into it, as energy, and then sprayed out, it is turned into a "sky of the air" much higher than the immortal air.

In this way, the heaven and earth Xuanmen have also been greatly nourished, and this ancient heaven and earth Xuanmen also has an evolution trend.

"Almost." The ancestors of heaven and earth suddenly stopped. "I don't know what you feel? God's will is unpredictable. When I condense this endless heart, I felt a certain kind of will in the midst, and God of Heaven responded to it. People actually appeared. Did you feel it? "

"I also felt some piecemeal information. It was really appalling when connected together. It was Heavenly Emperor." There was a shuddering accent behind Wan Xianshi's bronze mask. "But I also got a message that is the future Xiao Yan, one of the nine heavenly kings around Emperor Tian, ​​has been reincarnated. As a guardian of Heaven Emperor, this person was reincarnated more than thirty years ago, and thus established the Great Burning Dynasty. "

"I have already seen the future now." Yuangu Tianzun, one of the three heavenly deities, said: "The future era is the era of the real emperor. We have arrived from the ground to the present, but it is actually a time of chaos between heaven and earth. There is no real master. The unprecedented number of robbers of Gu Taxian is actually to pave the way for the emergence of Tiandi. Whoever can eliminate the scourge of Gutaxian can truly ascend to the throne of heaven and become the real master of heaven and earth. "

"You, we seem to be looking for the Emperor to be transported." Fa Sheng said, "If we earn our Majesty, even if we worship and worship a little, we will become the Emperor of Heaven, and we can attack in the future. It is not so easy to retreat and teach such great merit as the Emperor. "

"In the future era, there are nine heavenly emperors. They help the heavenly emperor to run the heavens, monitor the realms of the world, and kill all kinds of disrespectful heaven and earth. Xiao Yan is one of the heavenly kings. The most powerful manipulator of flames in the world. In addition, the other eight heavenly kings have not yet been born. But as time progresses, they will definitely appear one by one. "At this time, Bo Tu Tianzun said.

"Unexpectedly, our condensed endless heart not only improved Xiuwei, but also mastered so much information." At this time, Wudang Kong also said: "This time, I got the blessings of everyone, and made a lot of progress. Over time, we will achieve the sage peak, the state of change in the state of thirty-six, this is an opportunity never seen before. "

"It's true." Xuanxin seemed to be pleased with Wu Dangkong: "Since ancient times, the giants have never gathered like this, and the endless heart has never been born. But when Dangkong you have mastered the sacrifice to heaven, it is also helpful to us. It is extremely huge. The offering of Heavenly Sacrifice Fu is itself ordered by Heaven. In addition, it may also be the best treasure for those who seek to receive the Emperor. "

"Good." Fa Shengdao said: "If the sacrifice to heaven offerings is used well, we can take advantage of this and be the first to find the person whom Tiandi should meet."

All the antiques looked at each other and nodded secretly in their hearts. In any case, the sacrifice to heaven is not only an invincible magic weapon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also a manifestation of the will of the heaven. It must have a grasp of the future. Great effect.

"In addition to offering sacrifices to heaven, in fact, the endless thirty-six treasures are also the most important item to control the whereabouts of the emperor. Unfortunately, a lot of endless treasures have now fallen into the hands of the ancient dust and sand Jingxian Division." The immortal master sighed: "And because the Great King of Heaven was burned by Guchensha, he actually abandoned the empire and turned to Suntian Moon Gutiansha. If Gu Tiansha finds the man whom Tiandi should meet, it will be really nobody. It can be suppressed. It seems that we must secretly contact the Great Burning King Xiao Yan, which is now the Burning World, and join our alliance. In addition, the two brothers, Gu Danjian and Gu Changjian, are endless swords. And the reincarnation of the Endless Sword, these two brothers will also draw together. "

"Draw all the forces that can be drawn." Dou Shengtian said: "I also got the news that the giant spirit **** and the elderly man in the flood gate were expelled from the ancient dust and sand. We can draw the elderly man in the flood gate. As for the giant spirit **** Even if you kill him, refine it to sacrifice the endless heart. "

"This statement is true." Wanxian also agreed: "I do n’t have any trust in him because of the giant spirit god. Even the Jingxian Division is far more brilliant than him. Wu Sheng turned to Jingxian Division and became directly Tianzun giant, Fushou God is now almost becoming Tianzun. If you take refuge in the giant spirit god, there is basically no benefit other than being killed and robbing Qi. I suggest to kill it. "

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