Dragon Talisman

Chapter 802: peacock

Chapter 832 The Peacock

Lei Fei's maiden family is the Lei family, a true **** family. The thunder **** dominates the ancient world, but it is the true god. Finally, Lei Jiarao was sealed. However, Lei Jiarao is still like this. Able to sit firmly on the throne of the first-class family. E Xiaozhang said Ww "W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

However, since the Lei family nerve and Wudang Kong forced the palace, the two brothers Lei Jiyuan Lei Ji blood are still kneeling on the square, day and night scolding shocked the sky, becoming a laughing stock.

Later, the Lei family was unwilling to fail, and was ready to turn to the Wanxian division. No one expected that the new Shenzhou created by the Wanxian division was actually collected by the ancient dust and completely defeated the Wanxian alliance, making this old antique tired. .

From then on, as the ancient dust and sand became stronger and stronger, the Jingxian Division dominated the world, and the ghosts and gods were easy to find. The Lei family could only stay dormant and hide, and closed their doors to avoid disaster.

However, this will not last long. With the establishment of the Sky Net by Jingxian Division, the strength of Cangsheng, Cangsheng, and the King of Cangsheng has become stronger and stronger, and those families have been fully monitored, even the world of Xiao Qian has no use. It is impossible to resist peeping. It can be said that now all the family members have been captured by ancient dust and sand. Jingxian Si is in possession of all the secrets of the major worlds and is monitoring every move. As long as the family has any actions that are not conducive to the world and the Jiangshan community, they will be immediately wiped out. At the critical moment, any force knows that Jingxianji is absolutely ruthless and will not have any kindness.

However, since Lei's defeat with the imperial court, Lei Fei has never contacted Lei's family, even her son Gu Zhensha has never seen it.

She knew very well that Guzhensha was not the same as Guchensha since she was a child, and she even bullied Guchensha often. Now Guchensha is in power, although she did not start to kill the brother, but if Guzhensha is arrogant and arrogant, then It is undoubtedly dead and will even affect Lei Fei.

Lei Fei doesn't think she will be killed if she is a concubine. In front of Jingxian Road, the blockers will be crushed into powder. No one is exception. Wudang Kong is also Ming Consort. Jingxianji seized the "Qingjun side".

"In fact, the emperor treats us not thinly. We all have the blood of the emperor in our body, and we are stained with breath. These days, between my spiritual practice, Mana Meng, soon broke through a lot of realms." The Empress of France said: "The emperor's act Every move has profound meaning. We are definitely going to be of great use in the future, not as simple as a concubine. Think about it, the emperor's favorite three men and eight children, Fang Lin, is actually an endless treasure reincarnation. We It is the closest person to the Emperor. "

"But at present our strength is not enough, and now it is not safe to shrink into the palace, although it is a bit safe, but I vaguely know that 36 years of Tianfu will change dramatically. If we still look like this, I am afraid that there is real And, Princess Frost, I heard that Xuan Xin was resurrected? You have to be careful that he will take revenge. The emperor was because you killed Xuan Xin. "Fan Fei said, facing a cold sitting in the corner of the palace. Like frosty concubine.

This is Frost Princess.

The real name is Ning Qingshuang.

The temperament of this woman is even more arrogant than that of the woman who was reincarnated by the Endless Needle. She often sits still, as if it were an iceberg, she does not move or speak. After entering the palace for decades, no child came out.

It is rumored that she was Xuan Xin's fiancee, but she fell in love with Emperor Tian Fu. Xuan Xin was furious, but was beheaded by Emperor Tian Fu. Of course, there was another point when the Emperor Tianfu rose up in the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth and encountered the suppression of Xuanxin.

As the son of palm teaching, Xuan Xin holds power and naturally will not tolerate that there is a better existence than Xuanmen in heaven and earth.

"The emperor killed Xuanxin at that time, it was the person who blamed himself, and now he is resurrected. It is also the first-line vitality that the emperor gave him. If he is obsessed, he will die again without a burial place. At that time, he was seeking his own way. He ca n’t be saved. ”Ning Qingshuang ’s opening is also like the cold wind in the thousands of years of ice, which can freeze everyone:“ The resurrection of the mysterious heart is due to the ancient Tiansha, and the birth of the ancient Tiansha is also due to the emperor. This can It is determined that even if Gu Tiansha is ambitious, he is actually in the emperor's calculations and arrangements. "

"Xuan Xin has been with the ancestors of heaven and earth, as well as three heavenly deities, and a large group of old antiques, to cultivate the most mysterious endless heart among the endless 36 treasures. Now Xuan Xin may have become the climate, and he wants to solve it. The happy knot will definitely find you, and even will come to us and start with us. This matter also has to be guarded. "The Queen of France said.

"Jingxian Si will not be able to stand idly by," Ning Qingshuang said.

"Everything depends on Jingxian Si. Jingxian Si can't protect us. It's another matter. Let's talk about it. We have no friendship with Jingxian Si, and we even have grudges. Don't forget the original palace fight, and we His son crushed Gu Chensha fiercely. "Lei Fei shook her head.

"You guys, the calamity is coming. You have no clue. No wonder you can't compare to that fairy lord." Between the many concubines and the queen of the emperor had not yet discussed a countermeasure, a voice came out.

Then, in the hall, the void opened.

First, a peacock flew out. This peacock has thousands of colors, gorgeous and noble, the more phoenix.

Then the peacock turned and turned into a woman.

This woman is charming and charming, it is simply a charm of heaven and earth, but it is sacred in the bones.


There was a sharp flash of light in Empress Fa's eyes, and then she was taken aback: "Have you become a Celestial Master?"

The peacock is also one of the women of Emperor Tianfu. Her status is not small. She is the daughter of Li Wanlong, the master of the demon. Because of this incident, Emperor Tianfu even entered the nest of Wanlong, the demon holy land, and captured Li Wanlong. Serve soft. However, the peacock did not marry into the palace, because among the princesses of the palace, there are monster women, which is not a good thing after all.

"Yes, I have achieved Tianzun, and so has my father. He has become a Tianzun. Over the years, the Wanlong Nest of the Demon Clan seems to have been silent, but in fact has been accumulating strength in secret. I came here this time to think Join hands with your mother-in-law to deal with the coming calamities and situations. "Peacock said.

"Tell me how to join forces?" Xuan Fei, who had never spoken, spoke.

Xuanfei's son is the second prince Gu Xuansha, who was originally sealed as a prince. Xuanfei was later the queen queen, but now the prince has nothing to do with, but she was completely suspended. Now it is almost abolished. It is closed in Prince's House all day. It is impossible to get out, let alone commander.

The court is up and down, all of them are Jingxian Si, government affairs have been controlled by the commander of the common people, the civilian people do not even recognize this prince, and even many people with lofty ideals wrote poems and articles to mock the prince. use.

So Xuan Fei had only silence, and she couldn't do anything about it.

All previous methods of palace fighting have lost their effect.

"You guys, you probably don't know that Heaven Emperor has been born." The peacock language is astonishing: "This is the information we obtained during the practice of Wanlong Nest, and our Wanlong Nest is not as powerful as other giants. However, the title of the Lord of the Demon Man was given early, and it was recognized by many demon clan between heaven and earth, so naturally there was a lot of anger. The emperor was born, and the demon clan was a huge force. In fact, after the emperor was born, Rule under His Majesty. "

"The Emperor was born?" The Emperor France and many concubines gave a glance, then slowly said: "This is indeed an unprecedented event, but to be honest, even if the real Emperor was born, it is not as good as the emperor, to say that the only thing between heaven and earth Lord, there is only the emperor. "

"This statement really makes sense." Peacock said: "But the emperor can't despise the emperor's throne. Even if the emperor is only a piece of grain to the emperor, this grain is a relatively difficult bone."

"So what are we going to do, what secret has the Emperor given to you?" The Empress Fa gave his eyes a bright eye: "At that time, the Emperor was extremely fond of you. You said that you should not marry in the palace. The emperor also allowed it, and the emperor still looked at you. In his face, Li Wanlong has not been killed. It must have left you some key things. "

"Between heaven and earth, people, gods, demons, demons, and immortals. There are five major categories of demons, among them, unfortunately, the demons have never seen a master who can dominate the world in these years ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s a gossip, but it ’s just Tianzun, and it ’s still being refined. However, the demon clan is the largest existence between the whole world and the earth. It is much more than the demon clan. No matter how the number of days changes, naturally a large part of the number of qi is in it. "Peacock said:" The emperor naturally gave me some key things, my father will abdicate, behind the scenes, push me up and become new Lord of all monsters, but there are many obstacles in it, and I want to help you. How? "

"What can we do to help you? What good is it for us?" Asked the Queen of France.

"Do you know how I cultivated to Heaven? All the blood that the emperor had left in his body refined and possessed all kinds of incredible abilities." The peacock said, "The emperor has left a set of formations, and once said that if he encounters heaven The catastrophe, our sisters practice together and communicate with each other in the blood can protect the peace, and can do some important things that control the future operation of the Tao. "

"What array?" Asked many concubines.

"This is the Heavenly Mother's formation. If there is a Heavenly Emperor, there must be a Heavenly Mother. The Emperor left a set of Heavenly Mother formation maps. We can practice this array and get the news of the Heavenly Emperor and then capture the Heavenly Emperor together. , Educate him like a mother and child, so that he will do things according to our will. "Peacock said.

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