Dragon Talisman

Chapter 803: Tianmu

Chapter 83

"The emperor still has such a set of formations?" The Queen of France, Princess Fei, Princess Fan, Frost Princess, Heng Princess, Xuan Princess, Hong Princess, Yun Princess, etc. all came to be interested. E┡ Novel Ww ㄟ W. Ω1XIAOSHUO. Com

Even Frost Princess, who was not so cold, moved.

After all, this is the emperor Tianfu left behind.

Only men like Tianfu the Great can make her move.

"Yes, it is the Heavenly Mother array. In fact, we are all contaminated by the emperor's rain dew. Our bodies have been transformed by the emperor in the deep. There is a special breath. Combining these, the emperor created the Heavenly Mother array. We condensed together, we You can gather the heavenly mother's spirit. Each of us has been baptized with the heavenly mother's breath and cultivated to be promoted thousands of times. Over time, you can all be promoted to the level of heavenly respect like me, or even stronger, how do you think. "Peacock Take out a huge temptation.

"Heaven, where is it so easy?" Queen Emperor said: "I later relied on some secret treasures left by the emperor, and finally became a god-level, but also day and night hardship, plus some adventures, I dare not have a little slack. If you want to It ’s impossible to become a Celestial Master. You can say that we can become Celestial Master. Is n’t it a matter of confidence? ”

"I don't believe anything at all." Peacock solemnly said, "Don't you see the ancient dust? The cultivation has reached the thirty-three change, condensing into the Sacred Heart of Truth, and it has already dominated the world, killing all the old antiques and trembling. Immortal Master, Wan Xianshi are not opponents at all. Isn't this subverting any truth? The ancient dust sand was also cultivated by the emperor. In addition, the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha, is also the son of the emperor. Now it is also one of the most powerful people in this era. As the wife of the emperor, if it is not even Tianzun, it really tarnishes the reputation of the emperor. In fact, in this era, the emperor was born, and the past, present and future are completely Confusion, the heavenly path has undergone a new change. In the future, the state of heaven respect is no longer an unattainable peak. You can see that I have successfully gathered a trace of heavenly motherhood with the heavenly mother array left by the emperor, and I was promoted to Celestial Realm. "

"That being the case, then take out the formation and let us understand the operation formation together." The Queen of Law said: "If we really increase the mana greatly, and cultivate to the realm of thousands of miles, then we will naturally assist you to become real Lord of all monsters. "

"As far as I know, although you have been promoted to Tianzun and become a demon, you can be comparable to Gochen. Even your father has been promoted to heaven, but I heard that now the demon is also talented, even some ancient. The kings of all monsters have also been resurrected because of changes in the heavens. For example, the previous generation of kings of all monsters, the Black Dragon King, Tianpeng King, and Xuan Ling, etc. After these old antiques have also been resurrected, they have their own adventures. Not to mention, they also have It may be because of the rebirth after the calamity, and the revival of these old antiques, and the fact that these old antiques can be resurrected is because of the black hands behind them, and they also want to conquer the luck of the demon tribe when the world changes, although the demon is not as good as human beings. There is a huge number, between this world and the world, it is better than the demons. Who will become the master of the Wan Yao, even if it is in the future under the Emperor of Heaven, in addition to that, even if the heaven and earth change, the general situation is unknown, Wan Yaozhi The Lord can also sever one side and become princes.

At this time, Shuang Fei and Ning Qingshuang spoke suddenly.

"Oh?" Peacock couldn't help but be surprised when she heard such words from Shuangfei Ning Qingshuang. She didn't expect that the news was so well-informed and knew many secrets of the demons: "I didn't think my sister was so secretive that I knew it. As many things as possible. "

"The master of the Wanxian ancestor Gou Chen was called Honghuang Elderly. It is rumored that the creature born in the Honghuang Dragon Gate was extremely powerful, but it was in the realm of Tianshou. He joined forces with the giant spirit **** and carried out some plan to make him die. Those masters of all demons are resurrected. "Shuang Fei Ning Qingshuang said:" Peacock, don't underestimate us. I know that your current situation is actually a little difficult. You must use us to urge the Mother of Heaven together. So our cooperation should be equal, not everything controlled and led by you. I heard that the ancestors of the day and the earth, the mysterious heart, the three heavenly respects, Fasheng, Wudangkong, the immortal master, the Wanxianshi, all It divides the endless heart into nine. What kind of mother-in-law of yours is taken out, each of us, how about it? "

"Sister Qingshuang is so eloquent. The emperor uploaded me to the heavenly mother's array. I worked hard and didn't know how many adventures I got. This made a prototype of the heavenly mother's map. It's not perfect. Since sister Qingshuang knew me The demons are also not stable, and I have nothing to say, so I take out this picture and share it with you. "Between the words, the peacock shook and a girl appeared with an endless mystery. In front of many concubines.

"Huh? It's a mysterious breath ..."

At the same time, the ancient dust and sand in the city of Yinzhou suddenly seemed to feel something, and his eyes turned to the imperial palace built on the barren land 6.

Wild big capital majestic magnificent, high-rise buildings everywhere, and that Imperial is suspended in the sky, it is a huge floating city, the countless people this is considered to be a miracle, but also strengthened the large permanent court of 6 invincible confidence.

A time of catastrophe, the number of days again and again, again and again the crisis, have been witness to a large degree have passed permanent court, the court that what can not be overcome?

Ancient dust and so on repair, we have seen all the palace born.

But the top priority of the Royal Palace, Jing Xian Division of ancient dust can not be without any eyeliner and layout, in fact, the entire palace in all large and small, are all under control Jing Xian Division.

"Interestingly, Yaozu Yaozu ...... really huge, is too scattered, even if it is a demon Lord of the ages produced, but is also the name of a just, can not rule Yaozu." Ancient dust of the heart He said: "Imagine the gall Fu Huang legacy of such a matrix method, but is understandable, those concubine Fu Huang are now dealing with them, there is a problem, they are the very awkward position, we Jing Xian Division one is not able to manage them , and secondly, they each have a son, and we are actually in Division against Jing Xian, now that old shock sand, sand ancient Sanskrit, the ancient Hengsha, even the ancient secret of sand are still dormant, Jing Xian Division hated us, if after the world became pale and they got the upper hand, once the scourge is big, but that day the mother of the array, since it is the legacy of the Fu Huang, it must have its profound meaning inherent in them. and this array may be able to cause some of the clues of heaven peep. "

Originally wanted to do a series of actions, but after a careful consideration, decided to wait and see ancient dust.

He traveled in this sin chow, watching changes, this period of time, Hannibal battle seems to be getting worse, I do not know why, inferno master among the numerous layer Demon, toward the front of the army in the first layer Demon to build, re-condensed into a huge fortress.

The build-up of the inferno than ever to be huge once, even vaguely see the shadow of some of the Pacific in which the inferno.

Swire inferno among some rumors have become extinct, but now it seems, they are hidden in the deeper Demon, waiting for the secret, come out to stir up trouble.

"Very well, in addition to the sky demon, there are actually star demon, moon demon, pan demon, jade demon, cloud demon, feather demon, yuan demon, Luo demon, and even the shadow of chaos." Gu Chen observed The demons camp nodded secretly in their hearts: "It seems that 36 years of heavenly signs, the world has changed, and the number of calamities is heavy. Some of the demons in the ancient times who could not be hidden in the ancient times have also come out, once said to be dissipated in history Among the dust, these ancient demons are actually lurking. "

The demons are the masters of demons, but in fact, in ancient history, there are demons that are more powerful than the demons, that is, chaos ancient demons. These chaos ancient demons are actually brewed from chaos. The magical creatures that came out were the same as the fairy master and the master Wanxian, but the number was scarce, and because they knew that they might be jealous of the heavens, they didn't dare to come out and act wildly.

In fact, Wanxianshi and Xianzhu have only come out in recent years, and they have been hiding before.

"Devil's army is getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more masters. It's not easy to deal with."

"Yes ah, we attack again and again, to no avail, before you can grab some solitary inferno, but now actually in the inferno of the plan, almost besieged death, but for the rescue of people Jing Xian Division , I'm afraid we are all dead. "

"I think this time the Demon Army explodes. It's not a trivial matter. Fu Mo Fortress can't be guarded ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it can't be guarded, it will be invaded by the Demon Clan. The court must support it. "

At this time, Gu Chensha saw another team coming out of the teleportation team.

There are seven or eight people in this team, and their strength is not weak. One of the strongest characters has actually become a twenty-two state of change.

Such a realm was a peerless master in the past, even if it is now a "fairy" who is also a turmoil, there are not many in the world. They enter the demon realm to hunt demons much faster than ordinary monks, and they can also obtain huge benefits.

However, even such a team is now returning, so it can be seen that the court's attempt to move the people around the world has hindered the plan to hunt and exercise the demons.

However, Guchensha had long anticipated that the demons could not allow humans to hunt endlessly. They would definitely fight back and even kill in the state.

"In these years, we have obtained huge resources for hunting and attacking the Demons in the Yong Dynasty, but they are still not enough. The assembly of the Demons is God's will, but I want to defeat the Destiny and defeat the Demons." Gu Chen's face appeared. Smile: "Shenzhou Gourd, it's time for you to have a full meal."

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