Dragon Talisman

Chapter 804: Heavenly Wrath

Chapter 844 The Wrath of the Emperor

The demons gathered again to attack and defend, and even the ancient demons that had fallen in the long river of history appeared. Guchensha decided to take a shot once, defeat the demons, and feed the ancient gourds with the ancient demons. "E Xiaoyan said WwwW. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

Divine gourd is now in a very important metamorphosis period.

After engulfing nine endless treasures, and after cutting the fairy gourd, the ancient dust and sand sacrificed the gourd day and night, urging the power of Divine Land, and gradually made this Baowei reach a certain limit. A sexual step, brewing a great deal of force.

In fact, the current Divine Gourd is itself a Zhongqian world, and it is the limit of the Zhongqian world, and among them, a great force will be born.

This would have been impossible, but Guchensha himself is an impossible existence, and the endless treasure has never appeared before.

All the past truths have been subverted.

The ancient dust and sand is to make Shenzhou gourd into the world of thousands.

The essence of the endless treasure contains the origin of heaven, there is unpredictable power of the ghosts and gods, the ancient dust and sand are now fully digested, and there are three males and eight children in the Hongmeng tree. When you get up, Shenzhou gourd can have twenty endless treasures.

It is not unusual for ancient dust and sand to conceive something truly chaotic in the Divine Gourd.

With time, he can definitely create a magic weapon that is stronger than the sacrifice to the heavens, the flood gate, and the Hongmeng tree.

What's more, the Middle-earth Divine Land itself is extremely mysterious. In the future era of Heavenly Emperor, the Middle-earth Divine Land will rise and become a heaven.

The ancient dust and sand estimated the Divine Land and condensed the Divine Gourd, in fact, is to grasp the future heaven, but also part of the way to grasp the emperor.

If Heaven Emperor lost Heaven, then he would not be Heaven Emperor.

One day, Emperor Tiandi will master Shenzhou.

These are iron truths and laws.

The more the ancient dust sand cultivated the Divine Gourd, the more advantageous it is to compete with the Emperor in the future.


Gu Chen's body disappeared, and the next moment, he came to the edge of the first floor of the demon realm.

At the entrance of the first and second floors of the Demon Realm, the most important place for the demon army to hoard, the huge fortress was built, and it was also created by Hades and Hades, and the layers of the magic array were blessed. Numerous demons read the spell, which can almost make the magic subvert the universe, drown the sun and the moon, and devour the eight wastelands.

In this unknown magic domain, the army of the demons is thousands of times larger than the number gathered last time.

The last time was dominated by the devil in the dwarf dead dwarf emperor dwarf, and dozens of demon clans were contacted. Now the demon clan is based on many lurking ancient thoughts that seem to have died long ago. As a trigger, thousands of races all began to gather.

Among them, there is no lack of the existence of Tianzun level, or there is a chaos ancient demon of Tianshou level in it.

However, from the perspective of Gu Chensha, these are not insurmountable existences. It is not a day or two to deal with the peak of Tianshou realm. When he is not a god, he forces Wanxian to abandon Xiaoqian of the new state. In the world, after being promoted to the **** level, the first fierce refining of Divine Realm in Tianshou Realm with unparalleled combat power became Divine Gourd.

Later, he entered the Honghuang Longmen, forcing the old antiques who had gone away from the two big days of life to join hands, the old man from Honghuang and the giant spirit god.

He is now a saint.

If it comes to fighting power, one-on-one, now between heaven and earth, no one is his opponent, fearing that Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, will not work, unless it is the rise of the Emperor that day that can prevent it. The fierce power of ancient dust.

Therefore, the ancient dust has become the first person in the world without knowing it.

Regarding the assembly of the demons, he didn't take his mind seriously. To be honest, as long as the emperor's people did not meet the climate, the ancient dust is invincible.

He had the luck of the Middle Kingdom and the state of the Yong Dynasty, and the endless sacrificial forces gathered and refined, making his sacred heart of truth stronger than the endless heart. Over time, his breakthroughs were unstoppable.

"Give these fiends a cruelty."

Gu Chensha watched the huge Demon Fortress constantly strengthening, thinking in his heart, what method to defeat.

This demon fortress does not know how many billions of demon heads unite together. The huge array of many ancient demon ideas can be said that even if the people in the realm of Tianshou come, they must break through this fortress by their own strength. impossible.

Because it also contains the power of countless layers of magic domain.

But this level of defense seems to be a loophole in Gu Chensha. As long as he uses the technique of change a little bit and penetrates into it, he can completely disintegrate.

However, this is his previous method, which is to rely on the wonders of his heavenly law and mix in them, soliciting alienation everywhere, killing key figures, marrying insiders, and then causing confusion, or directly stealing important materials.

He used to deal with Wudangkong, Wujia, Wanxian Alliance, and the barbaric temples.

But now what he is, he will not use this method to disintegrate.

"The biggest attack I encountered was the attack of the original will of the Honghuang Dragon Gate in the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate. The mine is called Daqian Honghuang Dragon Thunder. The power of this thunder is equal to the force of the explosion of a thousand worlds. Almost killed me directly, and the gods were destroyed, and even the resurrection was impossible. Thanks to my understanding of mystery, I used the power of this mine to become a saint and condense my own heart of truth. Later, I realized Many people realized the essence of this thunder, integrated all their learning into one furnace, and turned it into the biggest one-off attack. This thunder is temporarily called the Emperor's Wrath. "

Gu Chensha thus stood in the sky above the Demon Citadel, and was not even found by any Demon Clan.

Even if Tianzun realm stands here, it has already been revealed long ago, but the cultivation of ancient dust and sand is actually a child's play? The origin of the Demon Realm is unlikely to show any trace of him.

He also figured out that in this attack of the demons, there was also the promotion of the giant spirit god. The giant spirit **** itself devoured the ancestor of the witch ancestors and the Yuanshi heart demon. In front of him, also fall into the wind.

It is also possible that after the resurrection of the giant spirit god, he entered the demons and talked about many hidden ancient demons to get the demons.

The Qi of the Demon Clan now contains the will of God.

The giant spirit **** urged the demons and actually gained destiny in the midst.

Between thoughts, Gu Chen sat on his knees with a devastating breath brewing in the Divine Gourd, and he wanted to burst out the strongest blow, even stronger than that of the Qian Qianhong Longlei.

The "wrath of the emperor" that he enlightened himself.

He himself began to understand the Heavenly Emperor's Way, and for this blow, he was sufficiently confident to defeat all, to kill and kill all ancients, and to destroy the demon realm.

Even when Guchensha was brewing "The Wrath of the Heavenly Emperor", many forces were eager to move.

The news that the demons started a large-scale counterattack spread quickly.

In the desert.

The vast expanse of deep desert.

Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of oasis were established.

If someone looks at it from the extremely high sky, the desert deserts, all of which are yellow sand, have begun to come to life bit by bit, and some places have begun to turn green. It seems that there is a powerful force in the shore to transform the entire desert, making the desert Desolate into true green waste.

In the desert, the only empire is the Holy Samar Empire.

The sole leader of the Holy Samar Empire is Jingqiu.

Jingqiu has been against the ancient dust and sand for five times, and now she is still living well, which is a miracle.

"Great news, great news." Among the huge temples of the sacred Sama Empire, Jingqiu was discussing matters with Jing Fanxing. At this time, an elder of the Jing family walked in with a look of joy: "patriarch, great news. "

"Did the Demons regroup and prepare for a second attack?" Jingqiu seemed to know for a long time.

"Patriarch ..." The elder of Jing Family was suddenly surprised.

"Go out." Jing Qiu shook his hand.

The elder didn't dare to say much, but Vinuo retreated.

"Patriarch, the Demon Attack again is our greatest opportunity." Jing Fanxing looked up: "That Jingxian Division, Gu Chensha has been arrogant for so long, and finally met retribution."

At this time, Jing Fanxing, with a deep temperament, was not the same person as the frivolity and impetuousness he had before. He suffered two counts and finally realized that he now has an unfathomable breath, and his strength is faint. There is a special kind of weather, which is, in essence, some old antiques.

And Jingqiu is already the pinnacle of the thirty-six changes in the realm, and there is an endless treasure in his body.

Jingqiu is indeed the reincarnation of endless treasure ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the beginning, the ancient dust and sand have been calculated. Jingqiu and Fa Wuxian are the reincarnation of endless treasure, but a series of things made him only Taking Wu Wuxian to capture the endless umbrella, and had no time to look for Jingqiu, Jingqiu escaped the great disaster.

But now it seems that Jing Xingxing's identity seems more precious than Jingqiu.

"Fan Xing, I didn't expect you to be such an identity." Jing Qiu looked at Jing Fan Xing and said, "You were caught by the ancient dust and sand again and again, taking away all the qualifications and cultivation, and being cultivated by Wan Xianshi, but still being Take away the ancient dust sand, you are like leeks, harvested again and again by ancient dust sand, but this is your sharpening. "

"Yes!" Jing Fanxing heard the name Gu Chensha, and a deep hatred appeared on his face. "Gu Chen Sha harvested me again and again without killing me, just treating me as a leek, which is a complete shame on me. Playing with me, but did not expect my identity to be so precious, now that I have awakened my true identity and memory, I am the King of the Robbery, one of the nine Heavenly Kings under the Emperor of Heaven. These shames and numbers of me are actually not The shame and the number of robberies are my food, not the beast of Gu Chensha who has humiliated me three times or five times. How can I achieve what I am now? But I am now awake from memory, and to restore strength, it still takes a lot For a long time, I will rely on the patriarch to protect me. "

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