Dragon Talisman

Chapter 806: Fattened

Chapter 86: Fattening

Jingqiu had thoroughly seen Jing Fanxing. E novel WwhanW. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

He was the owner of the Jing family. He grew up watching Jing Fanxing step by step. He encountered setbacks every time. He never really became famous. Although after many setbacks, Jing Fanxing is always able to obtain new adventures, but after obtaining new adventures, he has not waited for the power of this adventure to fall into the abyss.

It's such a cycle.

Jing Qiu would like to see that this time, after depriving Jing Fanxing of all his cultivation practices, spirit, and essence, if he can recover again, and go further.

According to the truth, this is impossible. Jing Fanxing is the reincarnation of "King of Heaven". In the future heavenly court, King of Heaven is one of the nine heavenly kings, second only to the Lord of the Sun and Moon and Emperor of Heaven.

Jing Fanxing couldn't grasp such a lofty position. After the fall, he would certainly lose his heart.

"Jing Fanxing, do n’t do needless struggle. Your mind is not as deep as one tenth of mine. I have already calculated any counterattacks you have, and now I ’m not going to do it, I will kill you if I do "Jingqiu's face kept changing." Your IQ is not enough, your wisdom is shallow, and the key is too ambitious. If I were you, after waking up to the origin of the King of Heaven, I hid and waited until I had enough strength. Reborn again, so few people can estimate you. But you are greedy for the control of this sacred Sama empire, trying to replace me and gaining faith, so it is extremely fast to cultivate, and even get a heart of desertion. Isn't it? In fact, even if I don't plan on you, in the future you will soon start to plan on me, I just start off to be strong. "

In these words, it came to Jing Fanxing's heart.

Indeed, Jing Fanxing wanted to seize the management of this sacred Sama Empire.

In fact, Jingqiu has been operating in the desert for hundreds of years, and its belief has gradually penetrated into the depths of the desert. If Jing Fanxing took over the business of Jingqiu, he could grow to a very high level in just a few years.

The Great Burning King Xiao Yan, also known as Man Wan Jie, woke up thirty years earlier than Jing Fanxing, and then managed a huge country with a population of hundreds of billions. After thirty years of savings, he cultivated. To the realm of Tianshou.

Jing Fanxing didn't have this background, so he had to go another way.

Unfortunately, Jingqiu will not give him this opportunity.

The power of the desert was overwhelmingly suppressed, penetrated into Jing Fanxing's body, and gradually deprived him of a pre-existing King of Heaven.

The origin of this King of Kings keeps creeping. The color is deeper than the chaos. It seems pure, but it seems to be full of various runes.

"Good thing, this is the origin of Uranus. The best thing is cheaper for me now. You can see that Jing Xingxing, you are not the real Uranus, and I am the future Uranus." Jing Qiu swallowed these origins at a sip. Go in, then the cultivation of his body climbed up and down, there seems to be a tendency to break through.

"The way of different numbers is not a pass, the power of the King, the hegemon of the future."

Jingqiu swallowed the origin of this king with a big mouth.

The origin of the King of Heaven melts in his body, making him immersed in a stun, breaking a certain yoke and reaching an unprecedented state.


He realized the strange number.

Moreover, the power of the world on his body kept transforming, and the power of 36 in his realm turned into the power of the Celestial Master, and he actually began to impact the Celestial Master.

Jingqiu's strength has risen to higher levels, and the origins of the Kings have been increasing, and Jing Fanxing has become weaker and weaker.

After a few hours, Jing Fanxing's origins of all kings, qi, and even changes in the future were all absorbed by Jingqiu.

Jingqiu was finally promoted to heaven.

Jing Fanxing did not die, but he became an ordinary person again.

From an existence that can fight with Tianzun, and even Tianzun can't kill him, he has become an ordinary person. After many years of hard work, he returned to the original point.

"Why, why!" Jing Fanxing seemed crazy, he cried hysterically: "Jing Qiu, you can kill me if you have the ability. I now have nothing and become an ordinary person. I might as well die."

"Jing Fanxing, now this is a good thing for you. You become an ordinary person again, and start over again. There is no lack of resources, no lack of cultivation methods. As long as you don't die, you will definitely be strong again in the future. Why do you need to renounce yourself like this? "Jingqiu smiled:" You stay now, I will give you some elixir supplements, you have so much experience in robbery, re-cultivation is extremely fast, even if you lose What about the origin? "

Jing Fanxing hugged his head and shrank in the corner of the palace. It seemed as if his heart was ashamed. Not to mention him, even other people, after so many peaks to troughs, couldn't bear it, and finally committed suicide. None of them died.

When Jing Qiu saw Jing Fanxing like this, he shook his head and ignored him. Instead, he slowly digested all the origins of the king in his body. He is now in the state of heavenly respect and digests very quickly.

The origin of Uranus can make him break through layers of barriers. His cultivation is more than dozens of times better than Jing Fanxing?

Countless forces are entangled in his body, and then he stands up and worships the desert: "The great desert, we have condensed together. I now have the origin of the King of Heaven. In the future, he will dominate the realms of the world, the supremacy of supremacy. Exist. Now I sincerely sacrifice you, let ’s revitalize it together, I will build the entire desert into alive, and since then, the desert is me, and I am the desert. ”

"as you wish!"

An immense will filled in.

Jingqiu finally received the coveted heart of desertion.

The way of heavenly respect in his body was immediately completed, and then a breath of heavenly life was derived. He is both heavenly and endless treasure reincarnation. He himself has devoured the origin of the innocence of the King of Heaven, and the identity of King and the number of Qi come to worship the desert. Heart of desert, how much benefit can desert desert itself get? This is simply inestimable.

The heart of the desert was run by him for a hundred years. Oasis is everywhere in the desert, and Jingqiu has great merit.

Now he is truly recognized, that is, he is the Lord of Deserts.

Once, Fa Sheng wanted to become the master of the wild, and after a long management, he still failed. But now Jingqiu succeeds, and his patience and persistence are rewarded.

There are four deserts, wild deserts, desert deserts, eastern deserts, and sea deserts all around Middle-earth China. Each big 6 contains infinite mysteries. In essence, the four shortages are all thousands of worlds, and they have passed through the existence of the world of Xuanhuang Daqian, Central Daqian, Qiang Daqian, and Yanfu Daqian.

Jingqiu has been recognized by the desert, and his self-cultivation to reach the peak of Tianzun will soon enter the realm of Tianshou. Coupled with the desert shelter, it has become a faction in the midst of chaos. Sense of security.

"Unfortunately, my empire is not large, the population is not large, and the oasis is very small. It only takes up less than one ten thousandth of the desert. If I can turn the desert into an oasis, my strength will probably increase. Several times, it is not uncommon to break through the realm of Tianshou. Now it is just a little bit worse, but in the next few months, it is easy to consolidate and break through the realm of Tianshou. After all, I am now the King of Heaven, and there is no King of Robbery. As for Jing Fanxing .. ..... "Jingqiu slowly quit:" I still do n’t want to kill him, I can even cultivate him. With my current strength, I can completely cultivate him into a character with a variety of conditions. Maybe he will in the future. , And the adventures are not necessarily, I always feel that there is still a lot of oil and water on him to squeeze. "

Jingqiu was very proud this time, and his cultivation was greatly increased. He even gained a sense of indifference, although he could n’t fully grasp it, but he had the power of a thousand, and he was more arrogant than Fa Sheng. It was Wanxianshi who could not help him with these old antiques, and he was defeated one by one.

Not to mention anything else, his identity is now "King of Heaven."

"Next, what I have to do is very simple. I just want to find other Heavenly Kings. Two of the nine Heavenly Kings have now appeared. I am one. The Great Burning Heavenly King 'Xiao Yan' is one, and the others have not yet been born. , I have to find them one by one, and then devour them ...... "Immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jingqiu made a plan:" I have deserts now, I can use the power of deserts This is the supreme power of the thousands of worlds, and it is not impossible to suppress the Great Burning Heavenly King, let alone other reincarnation. If I have swallowed the origins of the nine heavenly lords and gathered them together, it will be repaired. What is the realm and the point is that this is not whimsical, but it can really exist. I have swallowed the King of No Robbery. Now is the darkest era before the troubled times. The situation is chaotic. Without rules, everything possible will happen. This is the worst and best era. In this era, I can use my strategies and talents to the fullest. This magic disaster is a counterattack of the demons. Jingxian must be careful to deal with it. no When I worry about me, I can do a lot of things calmly. If I am the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven ... and devour it? I am afraid that the future will be me-led. "

Jing Qiu's eyes pierced through a lot of time and space and fell into Middle-earth China.

In the beginning, the sky above Middle-earth China seemed to be shrouded by an invisible sky net. Even if it was sacred, even Tianzun could not see some movements of Middle-earth China. This is the prevention of peeping by Jingxian Division, or else any master With infinite time and space, you can see everything in Shenzhou vividly, isn't it a mess? The majesty of the Yong Dynasty cannot be shown at all.

But now that Jingqiu has become the King of Heaven, he can actually see through the sky net arranged by Jingxian Division.

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