Dragon Talisman

Chapter 807: 1 Thunder Break

Chapter 87: A Thunderbolt Breaks

In Jingqiu's eyes, the Middle-earth Divine Land is full of luck, and it continues to rise. However, under Niezhou, the magical energy gradually penetrates out, and the powerful magical energy will attack at any time, sweeping the entire Divine University 6, The situation that Yong Dynasty had worked so hard to set up was sparse.

"This demons invasion is really a blood loss, many ancient demons that have never been born have appeared one after another." Jing Qiu's face gradually started to startle as he watched.

Originally, he also knew that the demons gathered again to invade, but at that time, it was not enough to repair, and he couldn't see many secrets. Now his strength has increased by dozens of times, and some chaotic ancient demons can appear, even more mysterious. The breath of existence.

"The strength of the ancient dust of Jingxian Division is unpredictable. It can withstand the demons, but you want to defeat them, but I ’m afraid it ’s not easy. Especially the attack of the demons is just one aspect. In addition, the enemy of Jingxian Division is too There are many, the ancient masters of the sun and the moon, and the alliances of the eastern wasteland. In addition, there are also the emperor and many ancient beings, many deities in the world, and the depth of this endless big 6. Many old antiques are lurking and have not come out. If you use the disaster as the temptation point, you will be swarmed up. Jingxianji and the imperial court will definitely collapse. At that time, it is the heroes who are together, and the most chaotic era is really coming. My opportunity also comes . "

Seeing the Demon Clan gathered so vastly, Jingqiu secretly hid.

This time, we will see how Jingxian Cope.

Just as he planned how to run and wait for the last moment, suddenly, from the demon realm in the deep state of Niezhou, there was a sound of almost annihilation, the chaos of the big bang, and it was passed instantly. Countless time and space.

Even if it was Jingqiu's repair, he was almost shocked to fall to the ground.

He was frightened, his hairs were erected, and there was almost a feeling of being scared to death.

Then he saw an incredible scene.

The first layer of the demon domain was completely erased, completely disappeared into the realm, and no longer exists, and the fortresses of the demon army in the middle of the first and second layers of the demon domain were also bombarded. It was fragmented and fragmented, and countless demons were annihilated on the spot. Among them, the demons masters did not know how many were dead, and many of the demons' old antiques were also seriously injured and did not know where they went.

However, the fortress of Fumo still steadily fell into the second layer of magic domain, and was not harmed.

The Demon Army assembled, countless races and military fortresses were actually broken by the sudden shock.

"What is it! This is the power of the explosion of the world." Jing Qiu almost knelt down, he was completely deterred. In the face of this power, he knew that it would be a thunder, and his deserted land would No longer exists, and all the hard calculations in the face of this power are not worth mentioning.

At this time, a voice sounded above Shenzhou University 6, "All your subjects, the people of the world, the demons attack, gather the army, aggressive, and want to destroy my god, but my master Gu Jingsha, the master of Jingxian Division, urged With the supreme magical power, the anger of the emperor, the Demon Clan has been defeated in one fell swoop. Now the Demon Crash has collapsed everywhere, and the climate is not open. You can all enter the Demon Realm, kill the demon head, and accomplish your deeds.

This is the Jingxian Division propaganda.

The majesty of ancient dust and sand is reflected here, the more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

At that moment, Jingqiu seemed to feel that the dynasty's fortune and national transportation seemed to be on top of the fire and was poured with a scoop of oil, rising up to the sky until the sky.

Heat the oil.

National Games Changlong.

At this moment, the national transportation of the Yong Dynasty has reached a level where it can interfere with reality and reverse time and space. It can be said that since ancient times, the national transportation has not reached such a level.

"The Emperor's Wrath, the Emperor's Wrath ..." Jing Qiu murmured: "Under this thunder, the demons collapsed, indeed, the Emperor was angry. Did the Emperor have fallen into the hands of the ancient dust and sand? ? That way, all my plans will not be played. "

Jingqiu originally obtained the origin of "No King of Robbery" this time, and it can be quickly built into the Supreme Avenue, and then has been recognized by the entire desert. It is a **** thunder that can be transmitted in the demon realm. Shattered all his hopes, and seemed to have completely lost his confidence.

"Hahahaha ..." At this time, Jing Fanxing laughed wildly: "Jingqiu, you count everything, but you are still a lot worse than the Jingxian Division, that ancient dust and sand I originally hated him to the extreme, but Now I think he is the real overlord. All your calculations are futile. I hate it. If I was able to turn around and turn to Jingxianji at that time, this is definitely not the situation now. It must be a hand. Great power! What a storm! Where is it now, like a dead dog. "

"Jing Fanxing, you have lost all glory and dignity, and you actually want to take refuge in Jingxian Division. You forgot that your fiancee, Wu Dangkong, was forcibly summoned into the palace by Gu Taxian, and our Jing family was seized by Jingxian Division. Destroyed, how many disciples have died, and you are sacrificing for the family now, and that ’s not much. Besides, I will still cultivate you, and when I devour other kings, I will promote you to heaven, even stronger, what you pay now There will be huge rewards in the future. Do n’t you understand this? ”Jingqiu calmed down:“ Gu Chensha actually defeated the alliance of the demons. In this way, I have to regain his strength with Jingxianji After making an estimate, he certainly has the upper hand for a while, but I don't have no background, you just wait, I will let the Jing family become the real supremacy, and my Jingqiu will become the emperor in the future! "

Jingqiu didn't originally have this idea, but after he devoured the origin of the King of Robbery, he gained the power of the desert, and his ambition swelled like a ball.

"I'll wait and see." Jing Fanxing shrank into a ball again, as if he was a Hanako, wondering what he was thinking.

Deep in space and time, the ancient dust sand sits on her knees, adjusts her breath urgently, and restores her strength.

"Unexpectedly, I urged my whole life to learn, condensing the anger of the emperor, imitating the strongest attack of the flood-dead dragon gate, the power of the Daqian flood-dead dragon was so great, and it was so much to consume. In the time of the month, such a blow cannot be made. "

Gu Chensha used "The Wrath of the Heavenly Emperor" to destroy the Alliance fortress of the Demon Clan, killing some unknown heads, but many old antiques in the Demon Clan were not killed, they were only seriously injured, but they were frightened. The courage hid deeper into the realm of magic.

In this way, the original fiendish demons immediately collapsed, and the Yong Dynasty army and masters attacked, and they will definitely get more benefits, which will greatly increase the number of imperial courts and the country. Not to mention, the cohesion of the ancient dust sand will also reach An unprecedented extreme.

"The Lord of Dust and Sand is invincible.

"Become the hegemon of the world, sweep away the demons. A thunderbolt broke even the first floor of the demon domain completely wiped out."

"Yeah, I thought that this time the Mozu attack, our court would fall into a hard fight, but did not expect it to be between a thunder, the Mozu completely collapsed. This is the king's credit."

"The Jingxian Division is invincible, the Lord ’s means are all-inclusive, and there is no more worry about Jingxian Division in our country." .......

Countless thoughts spread from the air and gathered on the body of ancient dust.

The Jingxian Division had long sent commanders of the common people, and there were various channels of publicity. In an instant, it spread to all directions, and even spread the news of the ancient dust and sand breaking the demon domain outside the country.

Now it is different from Tianfu fourteen years ago. Some previous news at least took a few days, or even a month, to reach the capital. If it is to be spread all over the world, it is probably half a year or even a year later.

But now it is completely different. The court Jingxian Si has established the Skynet system. In major cities and even small villages, there are channels for publicity. Almost instantaneously, important news can be spread all over the world. Everyone knows.

Is this efficiency more than 10,000 times higher than before?

As far as this is concerned, the national spirit will be condensed thousands of times more than before.

In the past, the court in the hearts of the people was actually far away, but now all the people feel that the court is always around, and their voices can be heard immediately by the court. At the same time, the court's voice also Can be heard by myself.

In this way, there was no separation between the court and the people.

The achievements of Guchensha passed on all over the country and the vast territory in an instant, and countless people thanked him, worshiped him, and even worshiped him.

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The thoughts of these people gathered on his body, and then all poured into the gourd of the state, refined by him, and the strength recovered very quickly.

"It seems that I still underestimate the power of the people in the world." Gu Chensha sighed. "If the heart is boiling like this, it won't take me two or three months. As long as two or three days, I can fully use the power I just hit. Recover. If this time the National Games is promoted again, and I will integrate the hundreds of billions of people in the Great Burning Dynasty again, then my wrath of the Emperor will continue to flow out. Who else is my opponent? "

This blow of ancient dust and sand takes a long time to brew, and its consumption is extremely huge.

But if he integrates the world and the hundreds of billions of people who have burned the dynasty also merged with the court, then his own cultivation can be promoted, and there is absolutely no need to brew, and the anger of the emperor will come out.

In this way, the three heavenly masters of Wanxianshi and the alliance of the ancestors of heaven and earth are all like chickens and dogs. They directly come to the door and defeat them, seizing the sacrifice of heaven, the endless heart, and the heaven and earth. mortal.

The demons are defeated. Although it is still very dangerous, Gu Chensha will not kill himself. He let the people and masters in the world exercise to do it better than killing himself, because the national transportation of the world is strong, and it will benefit him the most.

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