Dragon Talisman

Chapter 821: Hidden secret

Chapter 822: Hidden Secret

With the method of Jingxianji, as long as it is within the Yong Dynasty range, let alone a person, even a flea can be searched. However, the clue as large as Jinmen Heavenly King is that it cannot be found, which reveals a sense of Mysterious taste. E Novel Ww "W. % 1XIAOSHUO. Com

"Hidden secrets are hidden." Gu Chensha thought for half an hour, and then slowly spoke: "Jinmen Tianwang and Honghuang Longmen must be in our court folk, but they are confused by some secret method, and it is difficult for us to search , The matter can only be narrowed down and searched slowly. "

"The time is very urgent for us now. The birth of the Emperor is imminent. If we are born and master the heart of Divine China, everything will be at a disadvantage." Wen Hong said: "I have over half of the land of the Dawei Dynasty there. And subjects, but they were resisted. The situation in the future is difficult to carry on, because the valley disaster has become the king of disasters, and also masters the heart of the sea famine. In this way, he can not only control the situation, but also fight back. Our major island nations. "

"The Great Burning Dynasty, burning down the Big 6 side, must also guard against the Great Burning King and the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha's counterattack. Burning out the Big 6 has a population of hundreds of billions, and has a strong sacrifice at all times. Power, these two people cannot give up. "Lou Baiyue said.

"We can support these at any time." Zhuge Ya said: "Our little Hongmeng tree has enough power to open the portal from here to the Burned Out Big 6, and the three males and Fang Lin urged the secret method to make their Qi and The endless treasure is stripped away from the **** and mission of Tiandao to himself, and since then, Pingchuan has never been bound again. "

"Yeah, I can help them once." Gu Chensha saw the depths of the Xiaohongmengshu. The San Gong Baou and Fang Lin were urging their own power, using the methods of Jingxian Division, and began to cut off certain lines of destiny. .

However, their own strength is far from reaching the level of Wen Hong, so it is not easy to get rid of the shackles of endless treasures.

"Some people resigned and returned to their hometowns, some rushed to the field in the night. Some people desperately wanted to get an endless treasure, while others wanted to abandon this treasure." Gu Chen's fingers flew, and twelve rays of light flew. Going out, these rays fell on the heads of San Gong Bahou and Fang Lin.


It seemed that some kind of deep connection was cut off, Tiangong was angry, and Xiao Hongmeng's tree was covered with layers of robberies.

"The number of robbers?" Gu Chensha sneered again and again: "Can the number of robbers help me now? Even the Emperor of Heaven must hide, lest I be found, otherwise it will be difficult for me to escape my grasp."

Before he waved his hand, many of the robbers on Xiaohongmeng's tree were all absorbed into the Divine Gourd.


Twelve endless treasures flew out of San Gong Bahou and Fang Lin at this time, forming an extremely dazzling Changhong. In this Changhong flying dance, it seemed that he would leave Xiaohongmengshu and fly in all directions to find a new master.

This is destiny.

The Three Gongs and Eight Hou gave up their destiny, and the endless treasures also abandoned them, and searched for new heirs and inherited the people of the future heavenly court.

Unfortunately, there is ancient dust and sand.

Ancient dust and sand once again patted Shenzhou gourd.

In this gourd, the light swept out, and the light wrapped all twelve endless treasures and pulled violently. Although those endless treasures were struggling violently, it was unfortunately they were slowly pulled into the Shenzhou gourd and precipitated. Go on.


There was another earth-shaking change inside the Divine Gourd.

At this time, Douyi appeared in the Divine Gourd, and the endless treasure fell into the real Divine Gourd inside the Divine Gourd, and it actually began to melt, making the Divine Divine more abundant and truly having the atmosphere of Middle-earth Divine outside.

"The Middle-earth Divine Land is the heaven in the future, and you actually created a true Divine Land in the Divine Gourd. You mean to compete with the Emperor of Heaven." Douyi Yudao.

"Yes, Middle-earth China is actually not a real China, a real ideal China, a perfect China, a real China, it is a China born in the minds of all beings, it is the real China, it is not a China Heaven belongs to all beings. The future is wrong. Between heaven and earth, there is no need for the existence of such things as heaven and heaven. Fighting a feather, I will not kill you, I will let you witness how the Divine Land in the minds of all beings was born. In the future, all sentient beings can come to study and observe in Divine Land. Divine Land is a flawless ideal, the highest way, the essence of knowledge for all living beings to learn. This is the Divine Land I need, not the highest, to govern all beings and oppress them. Heaven. "

The voice and will of Gu Chensha passed into Dou Yiyu's heart, which shocked the woman.

Instinctively, Dou Yiyu knew that Gu Chensha was all true, so ambitious and grand-minded, she almost had to convince her, but she knew intellectually how difficult this matter was, and she was cut off. The person admitted by Fairy God Shenfei knows many future opportunities, and she may have a very important identity in the future heaven.

"No, Guchensha, what you said are all false, Divine Land is Divine Land, Heavenly Court is Heavenly Court, Order is Order. In the future, according to your ideas, it will be a life-threatening charcoal. There will never be peace. There is already enough chaos between heaven and earth. The birth of Emperor Tian, ​​it ’s what everyone wants, and Emperor Tian is the savior of the world. "Dou Yiyu violently expelled all the will infused by Gu Chensha and firmed her thoughts. At this time, a clear understanding came from her heart. Deep into the sky: "The cutting sword of the gourd is a tool for mastering the criminal law in the heavens of the future. The one holding the flying knife is a heavenly king called the king of torture. Since the flying knife acknowledges me, then I am The reincarnation of the Uranus, but why is there no origin of Uranus in my body? "

At this time, Mingyi Douyi was interrupted.

"Yes, in the future heavenly court, the deity of the goblins is owned by the king of torture. According to the will of the emperor, he will regularly kill and clear some deities." Gu Chen's voice resounded again: "However, you do not It ’s not the reincarnation of the King of Heaven. I can tell you the cause and effect of this. In the future, your son will be the King of Heaven. ”

"Son?" Dou Yiyu shouted, "In this world, what man is worthy of me. Without a man, I can't have a son. Gu Chensha, don't be alarmist here, I won't listen. Anything you're confused about. "

"Since you don't believe it, how about we bet?" Gu Chen said: "I will let you out now, and you will soon have a son. If what I said is true, you have to trust with all your heart. how do I."

"As you wish." Douyu agreed without thinking.

"Okay." Gu Chensha really let go of the Shenzhou gourd and let Douyi flew out to escape.

Dou Yiyu left, and Chang Weiyang asked, "This woman has a huge number of spirits. Why does letting go do not deprive her of the number of spirits, and she is a deity, and the means are extremely arrogant. If it is against us, there will be huge obstacles, many in the future. Things are not going smoothly. "

Tianzun is an absolute ancestor who suppresses qi in any force. Even Jingxian Division is no exception. Jingxian Division now has only three Tianzun Divisions.

Not to mention anything else, the sacrifices of Tianzun far surpass any saint. As long as Tianzun sacrifices one, the power of the sacrificial is almost like a pillar of heaven, crossing the heavens and the earth, the color is pure, and the quality of the sacrificial power contained in it is amazing.

But throughout the ages, the Celestial Master has been high above him. He dominates countless people in the world. They will not sacrifice any existence. It is because they are not even in awe of heaven.

Therefore, there is basically no ritual worship in history.

If the Jingxian Division can provide an extra celestial sacrifice, the power of the sacrifice can greatly benefit ancient dust and sand, not to mention the celestial sage, even the saint's ancient dust and sand.

"No matter, I now grab Douyi, and she won't surrender in good faith. Moreover, from her body, I can indeed lead to the punishment of the King of Heaven. If the King of the King of Heaven is born, I will be snatched and believe in our Word. The power of sacrifice he produced is far from what we can compare now. "Gu Chensha This is a long line fishing for big fish ~ www.readwn.com ~ Indeed, the King of Heaven is the highest in the heavens of the future, Mastering countless immortals and great people in the world of time and space, their essence is tyrannical, and they are far from heaven. If they can surrender and sacrifice our doctrines, then our power will be strengthened thousands of times. "Zhu Geya understands this truth deeply.

"Yeah, those old antiques don't know how to use them. Even Jingqiu is thinking of devouring the king, blessing himself, and achieving himself. In fact, if he can convince Jing Fanxing, let Jing Fanxing believe in himself and sacrifice himself, like that. The benefits obtained are much greater than devouring Jing Xingxing. "Lou Baiyue said:" The way we go in the future is to conquer and let them believe in our truth. If there is a God who sacrifices our Tao, then it is truly amazing. To what extent will the power be pure? "

"In the sacrifice power of the King, I will refine the real immortal material. If there is a King to sacrifice our way, then I can be sure to be a celestial deity in decades. If all nine kings come to sacrifice, With the power of this sacrifice, I can even become Tianzun in a few months. Of course, it is difficult for King to surrender. Even if it is a bucket of Tianzun, it is easy to kill her, and it is extremely difficult to surrender her. So I let go of her, because it is a shame to kill a Celestial Master. Gu Gusha looked away: "Actually, what I want most is the Emperor's sacrifice and worship of my Tao. If I meet the Emperor, only This is needed to make us truly immortal. "

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