Dragon Talisman

Chapter 822: Unbelief

Chapter 822: Unbelief in Evil

Sacrifice is fundamental. ΩΩE novel WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Gu Chensha killed a Tianzun refiner to enter Divine Gourd, which is far better than surrendering to affect a Tianzun. It is valuable to sacrifice and believe in his own way.

A deity, even a saint, is a hen who lays golden eggs.

Refining and killing them is killing chickens to get eggs.

Before the last resort, ancient dust and sand will not kill Refining Celestial Respect, even if it is an enemy. In fact, although he converted the Xingqiangshi into a Shenzhou gourd, the Xingqiongshi was not killed by him, it was just a seal, waiting for the opportunity, Gu Chen will still release him.

With the release of Dou Yiyu, Guchen Sha can grasp the clues of the tortured King of Heaven, and it can also make Dou Yiyu completely surrender.

"Dust, we have done our best to improve the quality of the officials of the whole country. The harvest is huge, but it is far from everyone's genius, let alone everyone is sanctified." Gu Huasha also knows something about the situation. Urgent, "We don't seem to be able to help anymore."

"Four brothers don't say this. Governing the world still depends on everyone's efforts. I am just ahead. Many things to maintain the situation require Jingxianji to do it together." Gu Chensha knew that even if he had three heads and six arms, It is also difficult for a tree to become a forest. He fights outside the Quartet and masters the overall situation, and many giants of Jingxian Division are constantly operating and building. Without these people of Jingxian Division, the sacrificial power of the world must be reduced by at least 30%.

"Some things in the country must be handled properly. Now that the Institute is going to move again that day, in addition to that, a group of concubines in the Royal Palace have also started their own wishful thinking. It is the emperor's legacy, I don't know what the emperor means, but I am afraid that it will cause all kinds of uneasiness in the future. "Lou Baiyue said:" If I guess correctly, then the peacock may betray the emperor and use various concubines to urge Tianmu. For another purpose. "

"Yes, she wants to be the master of thousands of demon, not the name in the past, but the real demon emperor, unified countless demon clan, all demon clan will belong to the demon emperor. The mother array that day is to Gather the demons' qi. Between heaven and earth, man-made primates, demons, immortals, demons, and gods have their respective positions. If they are truly recognized by the demons, then with this qi, after the establishment of the heaven in the future, you can get huge The blessing of Qi is a time of chaos. The Lord of the Wan Yaos simply closed the door and sealed it himself. The strong among the several Yaos ranked each other. Now it is different. Many old antiques of the Yaos have been born. Dragon Nest naturally has difficulty controlling the situation. "Zhu Ge Ya seems to know the demons very well.

"We are going to do the things of the demon tribe. Li Wanlong is ambitious, and his daughter Peacock is definitely not a casual person." Wen Hong said: "Li Wanlong and I have some friendship, we can join hands with him for a while and see him What's going on with him? If he has other ambitions, we will surrender directly. "

Although Wen Hong had not been promoted to Tianzun, she naturally had a momentum when she spoke.

Li Wanlong had already achieved Tianzun. Wen Hong was not his opponent in the realm, but Wen Hong could simply despise him. Because Wen Hong is extremely powerful, he can already compete with Tianzun. He originally held the endless tripod, but Tianzun did nothing. Later, although he gave up the endless tripod, because he practiced the method of Jingxian Division, he took the "wanxingfeixian" "Surgery" has been promoted to a terrible height.

Now that Wen Hong is moving, the source of countless powers of stars gathers on his body, and it becomes a fairy garment. This fairy garment also seems to communicate the origin of fairyland.

"Mystery, Wan Xianshi ’s biggest reliance is to be recognized by the immortal realm. Part of the abilities of the immortal realm can be used. In a certain theory, now Uncle Wen has also been recognized by the immortal realm, and he can also use the power of the immortal realm. In that case, let alone Tianzun, even if you are a master of Tianshou Realm, it is difficult to get you anyway. But I think this method can be taken a step further, and it will directly separate the origin of the immortal world from the Master Wanxian. " Hearing these revisions, Wen laughed.

"This thing is very simple. My Wanxingfeixianshu itself is to strengthen the connection between the immortal world and the stars. As long as more people who reincarnate the stars are gathered and sacrificed together, I can extract the power of sacrifices from them to really motivate the stars. This made the integration of the stars and the fairy realm into a whole. Such a merit is enough to be the master of the fairy realm, and the status is only under the Emperor of Heaven. Wanxian is also working on this idea. "Wen Hong also saw through some future trends. .

In the future, Emperor Tiandi will control the heavenly courts and be supreme.

However, there are human realms below, mastered by the emperor, in addition to the demon realm, demon realm, fairy realm, and **** realm. They all belong to the vassal kingdoms of the heavenly courts. They listen to the orders of the heavenly courts, but they also have their own systems.

This is also a kind of balance necessary for the order of heaven and earth.

Fairyland is a place where many powerful powers with mana gather. After entering the fairyland, if you are an outstanding person, you can be promoted into the heavenly court as the fairy official.

Fairy is heaven, heaven is heaven.

Ancient dust and sand have long been inferred what the future pattern of the heavens and the earth will look like, and Wen Hong naturally is doing some layout.

"Now how many of the world's reincarnation stars, Jingxian Division, have we collected?" Gu Chensha asked.

All the reincarnation of the stars are geniuses. If you practice the Sacred Dragon Mind a little, it is only a matter of time to become born sages, especially the sacrifice power of these people contains the great luck of adhering to heaven and earth, which is not an ordinary genius. Comparable.

Gu Chensha knows that these reincarnated people will be established in heaven in the future. All of them are Xingjun officials, and their status is incomparable with that of ordinary immortals.

When he asked this question, the commander of Cangsheng immediately began to calculate, and almost three breaths were not needed, and the number came out: "At present, we have a total of 156 people who have been reincarnated in the Jingxian Division. At present, there are 1,735 people who have been reincarnated from the stars. These people have not joined the Jingxian Division. These people are constantly monitoring. Whenever there is movement, they are captured immediately. "

"That's right." Gu Chensha nodded: "People have their own ambitions and cannot be forced. Those who reincarnate the 1,735 stars do not want to join the Jingxian Division, do not force them, or even point out their identities. If It is best that they voluntarily join Jingxian Division. Forcing them to join will actually cause resentment, but if they do things that violate the law, they must seize and deprive them of their identity. "

Jingxianji's attitude towards the reincarnated person is very clear, that is, do not contact, observe this person in secret. If this person actively wants to join Jingxianji, it represents his true recognition of the idea of ​​Jingxianji in his heart, then You can focus on training. If you wake up to be a reincarnation of the stars and want to hide in secret, you do n’t want to be known by anyone, then you can, as long as you do n’t violate the law, you can still be free.

Now many reincarnated people secretly practice in the people and do not reveal their identities, but they do not know that everything is recorded by Jingxian Si, and they are constantly watching.

"The people who are now revealed to be reincarnation are actually nine cows and one hair. In the future heaven, there will be a total of 129,600 stars. There are countless other stars in the heavens." Wen Hong said: "If these stars are reincarnated All of the Xingjun are included in our Majesty, and they are sacrificed together. My Wanxing Feixianshu is instantly completed, taking off time and space, and being close to immortality. When you cultivate, you can reach the realm of Tianyuan immediately. The so-called number of one yuan in Tianyuan is twelve. Nine thousand six hundred and six hundred, in addition, the word Tianyuan is the center of the stars and the place of Tianyuan. "

"This is indeed the case." Zhuge Ya deeply believed that he was the master of the double seven stars, and he understood the meaning of the stars better than Wen Hong. The things Wen Wen had to do had a great relationship with him, and it was also the key point for him to break through. : "With my induction, in the 36 years of Tianfu's arrival, the large-scale reincarnation of the people first awakened, and the world was full of fish and dragons. The most horrible were some stars in troubled times. When these people came, they came from troubled times. To disturb the world, such as the Seven Kills, the broken army, the greedy wolf, some disaster stars, magic stars, disorder stars, and pestilence stars must be suppressed. "

"That is nature." Wu Sheng Tianzun said: "I am also paying attention to many things. At present, I am getting closer and closer to Tianfu 36 years. It is only a few months. Our interior seems to be united and indestructible, but Who knows what earth-shaking changes would take place at that time? If all the reincarnation of the stars were uproaring, we could of course suppress them, but then the reincarnation of the heavenly kings, plus all kinds of external forces, magic disaster burst ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ The demons and the gods of the emperor's seal also broke the seal, and immediately the world was in chaos, and we couldn't stop it. "

"I am also calculating these. For 36 years of Tianfu, our court will indeed usher in a huge number of robberies. This number of robberies can cause our world to collapse and the wind and rain to fall. If we cannot suppress it, it will be scattered and the world will be scattered. Worry, if the suppression continues, there will still be a great battle with the reincarnation of the Emperor in the future. "Gu Chen said:" So in the past few months, we must plan carefully. Take it lightly. "

At the time when Gu Chensha and the people of Jingxian Division discussed the next series of countermeasures, Douyi Yu had fled from Middle-earth China and watched the entire China from a distance in a sky net. Even the slightest move could not escape the supervision, and the bucket immediately trembled.

"Jingxianxi is really terrible, anyway, I escaped." Douyi again remembered betting with Gu Chensha, and suddenly sneered: "My son is the king of torture? Where is my son?"

Just as she sneered, a voice passed over: "A girl, could you have escaped the control of Gu Chensha?"

Douyi turned back fiercely: "Gu Tiansha, Lord of the Sun and the Moon!"

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