Dragon Talisman

Chapter 823: Who is his son?

Who Is Your Son?

Of course, Douyi knew Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. E 『』 Ω novel www. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

She originally hoped that this person and Guchen Sands would lose the battle and get hurt. She would gain the benefit of the fisherman. Even Gu Tiansha lost to Jingxian Division.

"Lord of the Sun and the Moon, why are you blocking my way?" Douyiyu knows that this person is not good, but at least both parties are enemies of Jingxian Division, and there may be opportunities for cooperation.

"That is naturally good intention. I heard that the girl was arrested by that abominable ancient dust sand, why did she escape again? Is there any loophole in Jingxian Division?" Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, now looks like a teenager, He is personable, with an out-of-things temperament on his body, which makes people seem to have no evil taste. Instead, he is chic, glorious, and the center of the universe is gathered in one body. Even the old antiques see the sun and the moon at this moment Gu Tiansha, the master, thought he was the strongest master in the future, the ruler of heaven and earth.

For the loss, Gu Tiansha may be misunderstood to pretend to be the emperor.

"This is my secret, but there is nothing to tell. But now the Jingxian Division is very powerful. The ancient dust sand has been converted into a Shenzhou gourd, which has swallowed twenty endless treasures, and created a brand new Shenzhou in it. Even if you are alone, it is difficult to support. "Dou Yiyu vaguely felt that the ancient Tiansha was bad, and she deliberately pointed out the strength of the ancient dust sand, so that the ancient Tiansha would avoid it:" But I The father ’s three heavenly respects and the heaven and earth ancestor master Xianxian Shi united to form an extremely powerful formation, and it is not a problem to resist Jingxian Division. "

"Really?" Gu Tiansha looked at Douyi with a smile: "In my opinion, your so-called alliance is just a joke. Soon, the three heavenly gods will encounter a secret calculation. You know that mysterious heart has been released to the outside world. Colluded with Jingqiu and Gu Su, they joined together to form a small alliance. The three heavenly deities and the Hongmeng tree were their possessions. "

"Jingqiu, Gu Su? What little character is this?" Douyi frowned.

"Jingqiu captured the origin of Jing Fanxing's invincible King of Heaven. He is now the body of King of Heaven. In addition, he has mastered the heart of the desert and has been recognized by the desert. What kind of role do you say he is? Desert waste is the real world of thousands and thousands, and the power is unparalleled. It is not under the Hongmeng tree. Jingqiu sacrifice and motivate the King of Heaven to obtain the full power of desert waste. The same is true of the valley disaster and the heart of the sea desert. , Itself is the Heavenly King of Disaster. Together, the two together with the mysterious Donghuang heart, suddenly you feel that the three heavenly deities can survive? "Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, seems to have mastered a lot Secrets are almost familiar with the general trends between heaven and earth.

"So what do you do?" Dou Yiyu then felt the seriousness of the matter. If Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is true, then the three heavenly respects in this alliance are at stake.

"I have an identity who is the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. You also know that the Lord of the Sun and the Moon is in the future heavenly court and is responsible for dominating everything. The Prime Minister Qian Kun exists directly to the Emperor of Heaven. , The Prime Minister of Heaven. I naturally know everything about the future Heaven, and the Nine Heavenly Kings are also my subordinates, including you, your Goddess Gourd, which is one of the nine Heavenly Kings. You punished the King of Heaven, and you should be the mother of the King of Heaven. ”Gu Tiansha's eyes looked at Douyi, and it seemed to be able to see through everything:“ In this way, the reason why you Gu Gusha released you is to punish Heaven. The king is born, and then earns His Majesty, and receives the sacrifice of the King of Heaven. He can use this sacrifice to break through the realm in one fell swoop. "

"Since you know everything, come to me today, there must be a big deal." Dou Yiyu looked around and was ready to escape at any time. Although she had become a Celestial Master, she knew that she was far from Gu Tiansha's opponent. Not to mention that she has lost the Ghost God Gourd, even if there is a Gourd in hand, she can be defeated by Gu Tiansha.

"Of course it is a big event. I have communicated with your father Dou Sheng Tian Zun, and married you as a tadpole." Gu Tiansha looked up and down with a gaze: "This is also the meaning of the three big Tian Zun. , The King of Heaven will become my son, and we can build the future heaven in the future, and even hold the Emperor to order the princes. "

"What? Gu Tiansha, you despicable!" Dou Yiyu immediately knew Gu Chen's prophecy, and could not help but regret it.

"One feather, this is a matter we have discussed." At this time, three shadows appeared next to Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, which is Dou Sheng, Yuangu, and Bodhisattva.

These three celestial deities came as separates, and the real body did not know what secret things were being done.

Dou Tiantian said: "One bird, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon has cooperated with us to increase the control of Hongmengshu. If you combine with him, we will form a solid alliance. In addition, he will punish the King When we are born, we can carry out the final refining of Hongmengshu. "

"Father, this is a must. My way is a volley, alone and free from any restraints. If you say this, you are breaking my way, and my way is breaking, I am afraid that the state of heaven is not necessarily Keep it. "Dou Yiyu shouted.

"This matter cannot be for you, but it is the general trend." At this time, another person appeared next to Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and it was Xiao Yan, the Great King of Burning Heaven.

This person originally controlled the hundreds of billions of people in the Great Burning Dynasty, plus the reincarnation of seven endless treasures. He could have huge powers, but all were defeated by ancient dust and turned into dogs for the family. So now The Great King of Heaven has endless resentment, and can't wait to destroy all the people in Yong Dynasty, kill Gu Chensha, Jingxian Division, and use the most vicious means to retaliate.

"That's it." At this time, Gu Tiansha waved his hand, and a sky came down, covering all the space and time, and began to move.

In the next moment, this space and time reached an unknown place.

This place is full of immense light, there is no darkness, and there are golden flames everywhere.

The golden flame was violently surging, among which many firebirds were born, including the Phoenix, the Fire Crow, and the three-legged Jinwu.

"This is, in the sun?" Dou Yife felt a huge threat.

"Yes, this is the big day, the big sky, and the endless shine. It is the supreme among the thousands of worlds. The scale of the big day is far from being comparable to other worlds." Gu Tiansha said: "I I advise you not to run around, let alone the practice of your deity, even the practice of Tianshou, you cannot escape at all. "

"What are you going to do?" Douyiyu was thinking about how to escape.

"Naturally I will be with you. I will soon be born to punish the King of Heaven, but I want to see how the King of the King of punishment was born, a process from nothing. This process is very wonderful to me. Life The birth of has always been the secret of heaven, especially the birth of such a powerful existence of heavenly king, created by me, which can make my deeper understanding of the secret of heaven, and it is not unusual to directly promote to heaven. " Gu Tiansha was forced to fight against Dou Yiyu. His current practice is the pinnacle of the thirty-sixth change in the state of affairs.

"It's all that **** beast and ancient dust and sand." Gu Tiansha's face became stunned. "I didn't take away one tenth of my origin. I have been promoted to the level of heaven, and swept the world, breaking everything But now he has made me incomplete and it is extremely difficult to be promoted, but it will be his death when I devour Heaven. "

As soon as Douyu moves, she will run away.

But Gu Tiansha pointed with a finger, and immediately, countless golden shackles landed, and actually locked Douyi and tied it in the air. No matter how much Douyi struggled, there was nothing he could do.

"Gu Chensha, I confess to losing!" At this time, Dou Yiyu knew where his only savior was, and suddenly flashed, and conceded Gu Chensha.

She bet Gu Gusha, and if she gave up, she believed in Gu Chen's philosophy.

Now she gave up completely.

She thought to herself, "If you can save me from the ancient dust, I admit that there is nothing in your philosophy. Your philosophy also includes the independence and freedom of everyone, and it does not conflict with my Word."


The moment she conceded, a breath came from her body, and the huge energy suddenly released, it seemed that the ancient dust and sand had made some kind of hands and feet in her body.

"Origin of the King of Heaven?" Gu Tiansha was about to pounce on it, and was very happy, but did not expect that Dou Yiyu's body actually burst out of the breath of the King of Heaven.

This king of the king killed the sky and cut everything.

The evil spirit diffused a little, and shattered the golden chain that blocked him.

Then there was a rune on Dou Yiyu's head. This rune exploded instantly, forming a complete Divine Land ~ www.readwn.com ~ even more perfect than Middle-earth Divine Land.

This is the Divine Land in Gu Chen's mind, and the Divine Land in the minds of all beings.


When the Divine State ran and exploded, a channel was opened directly, out of the control of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

"Gu Chensha!" Gu Tiansha's body lengthened and turned into a big hand, capturing the past, but the method of Gu Chensha is extremely fast, even if Gu Tiansha's repair is not caught, let Dou Yi Yu escaped.

The air flow around Dou Yiyu ’s body, and the next moment, she had already arrived in the city of Yinzhou, a small courtyard in the city of Yinzhou, which was quiet and leisurely.

Gu Chensha was sitting on a stool in the yard, and it seemed that she had counted her experience long ago: "How? Douyiyu, you are safer in our Jingxian Division, even if it is your father, the three celestial deities have long taken you Sold. "

With a frown, Dou felt her own body. It seemed that a powerful new life was being born. Suddenly her face changed dramatically: "You have already laid out in my body. Is my son yours now?"

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