Dragon Talisman

Chapter 824: Heavenly King

Chapter 224 The King of Torture

"I didn't do anything to you. Why do you think the son in your body is mine? E novel WWW.Z1XIAOSHUO.COM" Gu Chensha looked at Dou Yiyu, smiled, and did not deny or admit it. .

"I knew that you wouldn't let me go so easily." Douyi Yu said, "Who aren't you? Your means are no longer what I can imagine. The son in my body is not yours and who of?"

"Now no matter what, there is life born in your body, that is a fact. And that life is indeed the king of punishment." Gu Chen said: "It is not very meaningful to discuss who the son is, it is better to let the king of punishment be born. Then jointly build the Jingxian Division, take charge of the future, and surrender to the Emperor of Heaven, what is the significance? "

"I have conceded, you can do whatever you want." Douyiyu has completely lost his ability to resist the ancient and sandy ghosts, and besides, he has been disappointed with the three celestial deities. If it was sold, it was still sold to Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, which caused her to completely lose a certain degree of trust. Instead of being betrayed, it would be better to do earth-shaking things with Jingxianji.

"Things may not be as decadent as you think." Gu Chen said: "Cooperate with me, believe in our doctrine, sacrifice our ideals, and plan our future. Of course, we are fighting against Heaven, and against God, but Because of this, it is challenging and fun. I want to use your character and not do things that will be the same in the future? "

"You successfully touched me. In this case, I turned to Jingxianji to see what great business I could do." With one eye closed, a force of sacrifice rose into the sky and injected small Hongmeng tree.

She is sacrificing the truth of Jingxianji and endorsed the future plan of Jingxianji.

At the moment of sacrifice, her qi was connected with Jingxianji's qi, just like the original Fushoushen turned to Jingxianji, and she no longer distinguished from each other.

Any trust is unreliable, except that the connection between qi and numbers is the most stable.

Now Douyi completely followed Gu Chensha and Jingxian Si. The sacrifice of Qi Qi has been closely linked, and she faintly felt a certain kind of destiny repulsion. It was because Tiandao had abandoned her. She chose With the Jingxian Division, he will not be tolerated in heaven, and will not be allowed in the heavens of the future.

In fact, with her original energy, she was the mother of the King of Heaven, and she will definitely be able to accomplish her great cause in the future, and she will have a very high status. But now give up this, after putting into Jingxian Division, it is equivalent to give up all future glory and glory.

But she felt relaxed for a while.

"Now the heavens are sinking. Jingxian Si may not be able to create a new situation. In fact, there can be a few people who conform to the heavens. My father's three heavenly respects are also speculative. If the king appears before them, they are the first to think This is how to devour it. This is also an anti-celestial behavior, not to mention Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. They are only under the banner of conforming to the Tao of Heaven, and secretly do not make the head bird, waiting for Tian Tao, Tiandi, Future Tianting and Jing Xian Si fights after you die and live, and then pick up cheap. In this world, where is there any loyal minister and filial piety. "Dou Yiyu sighed deep inside:" Heaven is not born, now there is no backbone, all in the troubled times, all are heroic. "

"What you think is that the Emperor of Heaven is not born, in fact everyone is having a terrible heart." Gu Chensha has seen through Dou Yu's mind long ago: "Now you don't think about anything else, just give birth to the child, I want to Run the revolutionary way, scrub his own destiny, deprive him of his sins, and let him be our Jingxian Division. In this way, the heavenly court will always lose the king of heaven, even if the emperor is born, it will also save a lot of fierce authority. "

Among the Jingxian divisions, there was a sacrifice of the celestial statue of Dou Yiyu. The power of the sacrifice is almost as great as the sea, and it is surging, especially the purity of this power, which can greatly supplement the ancient dust and sand. .

Now Guchensha is the "sacred heart of truth" in the thirty-three changes in the state. If you want to be promoted to the thirty-four changes, you will need some kind of great opportunity to purchase.

Earlier, he won the dedication of Dou Yiyu. Not only did he gain the power of sacrifice, but he also felt that his vigor had increased. He had a clearer grasp of the future and could even change some future trends and trends. Because Douyi Yu is the mother of the Heavenly King of Heaven in the future, and he has a strong presence, and is an important figure.

However, Dou Yi's anger is far less than that of her forthcoming son, who will punish Heavenly King.

"If I can let the king of punishment take refuge in my Jingxian Division, with this energy and luck, I can break through many barriers in one fell swoop, and at least surrender the king of punishment, I can weaken the energy of the future heaven, so that I can easily do it myself Breaking through the realm of thirty-four changes to control the number of qi, and then accumulating strength, the promotion reached the thirty-fifth change of the dust storm, and the thirty-six change of other freedom is not unusual. At the thirty-sixth level of the realm of change, it was also leisurely to increase the combat power several times. At that time, it was possible to calculate where the various kings were. The most important thing was to obtain the Jinmen King and Honghuang Dragon Gate, and refine this dragon gate , When the 36th year of Tianfu is approaching, I will build the strongest foundation and go directly into the realm of Heavenly Supreme. If I become a Heavenly Supreme, I will suppress the world and it will be easy. "

Ancient dust and sand are plotting this realm.

Now his realm is actually too low-level to challenge the Tao of Heaven. Even if he runs Divine Land, collects endless treasures, and trains into Divine Gourd, in fact, he is stuck in the realm of saints. Restrictions, if they are to be revered, they are completely different. For example, dragons return to the sea, birds fly into the forest, tigers move into the mountains, and they can move freely.

And he can now suppress Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, but if Gu Tiansha is promoted to the state of heaven, he will not be able to suppress it. At that time, he will depend on the variables.

He and Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, are both characters who will not appear in the future. It is very difficult for such characters to break through the realm, but once they break through, the power of repressing the heavens and the earth and reversing the heavens will really appear.

Now Gu Tiansha has actually gained the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, plus the loyalty of the Great Burning Heavenly King, it is just a matter of time to break through the realm of heaven, so he must accelerate.

"I gave birth to my son?" Dou Yiyu still couldn't accept the fact that she had a son, especially who was the son in her body and who her father was. She didn't even know.

"Now I can help you." Gu Chensha flipped his hands and punched out a seal, and then his Divine Gourd flew out, in which thunder shook, and then a cloud of smoke permeated, and the bucket was beaten. Shrouded in it.

The Divine Gourd has now completely transformed, not that year, because it contains twenty endless treasures.

It can be said that at this moment, the Divine Gourd at this moment is essentially more than the Hongmeng Dragon Gate and the Heavenly Sacrifice. For each additional piece of endless treasure, the power is superimposed in a doubling number, but it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Twenty pieces of endless treasure are the endless number that occupies most of them.

The endless number is thirty-six.

Now Guchensha gathers twenty endless treasures into one furnace, and uses her own life to urge them to become his second avatar. The power is so unimaginable.

The cloud of smoke permeating from this Divine gourd washed Douyi a certain kind of evil barrier, then penetrated into her body, and began to enclose the small living body in her body.

This small living body kept on wriggling, which aroused the essence of the Heavenly King, that is, there was no mistake in punishing the Heavenly King.

"It's amazing." Gu Chensha also felt extremely fascinating. Why is this new life born is to punish the King of Heaven, how did the origin of the King of Heaven come into being? Regarding his cultivation and reckoning ability, he can't figure it out. He can only use this to peek into some secrets of the Tao, which is the authority of the creation of the Tao.

However, the birth of the king of punishment made Gu Chensha gain a lot of experience. He felt that the number of future qi was clearer, and many things that he could not see clearly and could not understand became clearer.

"Hahaha, that's the way it is. The way to count qi and control the way of heaven is such a little change." Gu Chensha suddenly had a hint of enlightenment deep in her heart, "Come out, punish Heavenly King!"

As his power entered a lot, the small life body in Douyiyu grew stronger, and then a cry came out suddenly, and then he got out of Douyu's head. When he got out, it was a glorious light. In the light of God, a baby is supported. In the light behind this baby, there are faintly seeing countless deities crying ~ www.readwn.com ~ Countless prisoners are holding countless gods Immortals and even great magical people.

His birth brought criminal swordsmen, ferocity, and majesty and shock.

This is the king of punishment.

After the birth, the baby-like punishment king opened his eyes and looked at Gu Chen, immediately deep in his eyes, hatred and murderous intentions appeared. Although he was born by absorbing the power of Gu Chen, But there is a deep hatred for ancient dust and sand, which comes from instinct.

Kill ancient dust and sand.

But this baby didn't do it, but turned into a Changhong, and he was about to be carried away. He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Guchensha.

Even if it is the Great King of Heaven, the master of endless treasures, or the realm of Tianshou, and the empire that is sacrificed by hundreds of billions of people, it has been defeated by ancient dust and sand, not to mention that the ancient dust and sand have increased compared to the might of the time How many times.

"Yes, yes. Once born, he has a realm of twenty states of change and impermanence. He has mana." Gu Chensha stopped the baby as soon as he moved.

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