Dragon Talisman

Chapter 825: Give you ambition

Chapter 825 Gives You Ambitions

Newborn babies, let alone the King of Heaven, can be suppressed by ancient dust. E novel WWWZW. % 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Besides, the reason why this baby can be born is by means of ancient dust and sand.

The ancient dust and sand are all in the mind for all this.

Because no one can stop him completely.

His power was suppressed, and an iris swirled and soared, surrounding the baby who was the king of punishment. Then he read the scriptures, and countless words penetrated into the baby's body.

The evil spirit in the baby's eyes was more intense, and the voice came out: "Gu Chensha, you are bold, you dare to start against the King, you know that you have really violated the rule of heaven, and you will never get any heaven forgiveness, immediately In time, there will be a calamity. "

"It's so funny." Gu Chensha looked at the baby. "No King of Robbers was taken away by Jingqiu, and I didn't see any great disaster coming on. Besides, I don't take your King of Heaven, just to give you a chance. It just allows you to go on the right path, making your identity of the King of Heaven more conducive to the exhibition of life in the heavens and the earth. A new era is coming. Following the path of the future, your final outcome will be destruction, and fate and heaven cannot be separated. Bondage, but following me can take a whole new path. "

"No matter who inherited the origin of the King of Heaven, as long as he respects the arrangement of heaven, it is in line with his destiny." The baby who ruled Tianwang said: "If he goes against the heavens, then he is wrong, and this king of heaven will automatically Fly away and find the right candidate. This is tantamount to being in his position, seeking his administration, not in his position, not seeking his administration. The King of Heaven does not belong to someone, but some kind of official position. If I give up on the Tao of Heaven, to the Emperor of Heaven Loyal, then I ’m not punishing the King of Heaven. This position will fall on the head of others. If you do n’t understand this, your Jingxian Division will not be able to fight against the Emperor of Heaven and the future heaven, but even if you understand It is also impossible to confront. In the future, the Emperor of Heaven will be born, establish heaven, end the troubled times, and achieve eternal order. It is the general trend. Anyone who violates this trend is a mantis arm, and it is difficult to continue. Jingxian Division, ancient dust and sand, your current forces The bigger the strength of heaven ’s merits will be highlighted in the future, it is because your power is tyrannical, the greater the number of calamities you cause between heaven and earth, Tiandi The world will be faster. Without your support, you ca n’t show the greatness of the Emperor. In the history of the future, only the emperor will calm down the turmoil, and the world will have a new era. And you, this is the era. Among them, the biggest villain. "

Gu Chensha listened quietly, and did not refute the punishment of the King of Heaven, until he finished his words, and then said: "You are right, this is really the case, but you underestimated something, that is ours. Strength, my philosophy, the ideals of all beings, the will of all beings to pursue independence and freedom. Their desire is enough to change the way of heaven, to change the destiny of the heavens. This is the strongest material. Although you are the King of Heaven, the realm is too little. Moreover, between heaven and earth now, there is basically no true loyalty to Tiandao and Emperor Tian, ​​they are all ambitionists. I don't think you need to do this, how can you change the gate? "

"Even if you say more, I will monitor my origins and not trust you. I know that you want to get my sacrifices, and use my sacrificial power to promote your cultivation, which is better than you killing me The origin is even more useful. If you simply kill me to seize the origin, it will not help you very much. "The prince tortured the king while talking, his body was actually bigger, and he turned into a three- or four-year-old boy.

"Your original thinking actually has a deep-rooted influence on you, but it can actually drive it out. You see that the Great Burning Heavenly King also has huge ambitions. His ambition is to rule the living beings and obtain the belief of hundreds of billions of living beings. Changed my mind, wanted to be the emperor of heaven, dominate the world. This is that people's hearts are higher than the sky. "Gu Chen said:" I can't convince you, but your ambition can change you. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha suddenly moved, and an illusion suddenly fell down: "This is the Great Burning Dynasty, hundreds of billions of beings, their minds and customs, as well as theirs, and even respect, I am now Let you give it a try, rule over hundreds of millions of beings, and even the great prestige of heaven and earth, your ambition will naturally breed. "

Immediately, this illusion envelops the baby who is the king of torture, and countless beings appear around him. In this illusion, he calms down the world, ascends to the throne, acts as a country, regulates yin and yang, and is admired by all beings. Countless people sacrificed him, respected him, and the mountains were high.

This is the possibility of breeding ambitions. Of course, this is not an ambition, but a responsibility.

A responsibility and commitment to all beings.

"Gu Chensha, what are you doing?" Douyi frowned. After all, the baby's punishment was born from her body. She had a mother-child relationship, although she didn't know who the child's father was. But there are also speculations of seven or eight points, which must have a deep relationship with the ancient dust in front of it.

"A newborn baby, although his wisdom is clever, but because it is covered by instincts, the destiny given to him by the heavens will help the emperor. This is a fixed thinking. What is the difference between him and me? I am now teaching him all kinds of knowledge. , The principle of humanity, when he truly understands the way of man, he will suppress the way of heaven, and will naturally join my Jingxian Division. "Gu Chensha has come to understand the method of changing the mind.


After three days and nights, this illusion disappeared suddenly, and the king of punishment in it also grew into a young man, with a face like a crown jade, faintly having the breath of the king and the heavens Being overbearing is very different from the one who assisted the Emperor three days ago to fight against the Emperor Jingxian.

"How? In this fantasy, you have experienced a dream, but the sentient beings' heart is real, how do you feel now?" Gu Chensha looked at the young man in front of him.

"It's a bustling dream, and people's hearts are unpredictable. The world is so wonderful. It's not all kinds of materials, but people's hearts, and people's hearts that are far better than anything." The young man who punished Tianwang sighed.

Reached a very high level, in fact, many treasures and wealth can use their own power to create and condense from the chaos, but some things in the human heart can not be manufactured, so this prosperous king said the prosperity is not The land of the Great Burning Dynasty was prosperous, but hundreds of billions of people thought, far surpassing everything.

"In that case, can you be my Jingxian Division?" Gu Chensha asked.

"Yes." At this time, the young man who had been punished by the King of Heaven considered for a while: "I have grown up in this fantasy, and rethink. Since the Great King of Heaven and the King of Heaven have their own abacus and ambition, I also There should be some. Moreover, the Heavenly Emperor has never been born, and I do n’t know how it will be displayed in the future. From the present point of view, Jingxianji is the best choice. Maybe Jingxiansi may actually replace the heavenly courts of the future and take the destiny. "

"Very well, you'll call it the Ancient Sword in the future." Gu Chen said: "The third generation of us all use swords as their names."

The second generation is named after sand, and the third generation is named after swords, such as ancient Changjian and ancient bullet sword.

The current ancient sword of punishment, identified as the King of Torture, was given this name, which allowed Douyu to immediately understand the truth of the matter.

"Gu Chensha, you gave him this name, and you can see that he is your son. You have done something to my body." Douyi Yu fully proved one thing: "And the Lord of the Sun and the Moon I encountered Are Gu Tiansha and my father's three heavenly gods all false? The hallucinations you have caused me? "

"Yes." Gu Chensha smiled and smiled: "You fled out, and met the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha, the three deities, and even the Great Burning Heavenly King, all the illusions I manipulate, but if it is not you If you wake up in time, even if you let you go out and find the three celestial deities, your end is much worse than that. "

"This is the end of the matter, and there are no other changes. Only one way can go to the black." Douyi said: "I want to see if you have any skills to surrender to the Emperor, change the future, and be the overlord of everything. . "

"I don't want to be the hegemon, but I want to be the guide of sentient beings. All beings are hegemons, and everyone is heaven." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "This is a state you can't understand. But it doesn't matter, even if I'm exploring this path. "

At this moment, the ancient sword of torture of the King of Heaven began to worship and pray.

Hum ...

A huge number of spirits and pure and incomparable sacrificial power changed in shock and shock ~ www.readwn.com ~, suddenly injected into the small Hongmeng tree of Jingxian Division.

On the small Hongmeng tree, there are many fruits, and each fruit is a unique world. Among them is a fruit world, all of which are stored with sacrificial power.

At this time, the sacrifice power of the ancient torture sword that punished the king was injected into it. Immediately, the fruit's light rose sharply and swelled, and then the sacrifice power in the fruit reached the root of Xiaohongmeng Tree.

Xiao Hongmeng tree began to expand, and more worlds were born.

"Very good." The ancient dusty gourd communicated with Xiaohongmengshu, purifying the power of sacrifice. At the same time, the huge amount of energy generated by the punishment of the surrender of the King of Heaven gathered on him, making him instantly. , Broke through some kind of meditation variables, and directly promoted to the state of thirty-four changes in the state of "control qi".

He surrendered the king of torture, which is equivalent to winning a crucial step in the battle with the future heaven. The nine kings are the most core high-level in the depths of the future heaven. With the addition of this Heavenly King, Dust has a taste of breaking through heavenly calculations for the change of his own qi.

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