Dragon Talisman

Chapter 827: Transform the empire

Chapter 827 Rebuilding the Empire

"Yes, there are many treasures in the alliance of the three heavenly ancestors, heaven and earth ancestors, such as Endless Heart, the immortal Lord ’s prehistoric civilization, the huge God system, the immortal master's will of the immortal world, and Wudang Kong's sacrificial amulet There is also the heart of the three wastes, the calamity of the King of Heaven, the calamity of the King of Heaven, and the two kings of King Qiuqi. "EΩ┡ 小" said WwhanW.1XIAOSHUO.COM. "There must be a huge one among them." If you can get benefits from the competition, will you be one step ahead? For example, if you get any of these treasures, it is not impossible to advance to the realm of heaven. "

"If I reveal my identity, I am afraid it will be dangerous." Dou Yiyu is still thinking.

"Please ask for wealth, if you don't take it, how can you shine in the future?" Gu Chen said: "You can rest assured that you have become a celestial deity now, with great value. Datianzun will certainly cultivate you so that you can gain benefits in their alliance battles. And you seize this opportunity to penetrate the power of sacrifice into that endless heart. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha flicked his fingers, and suddenly an endless force was injected into Dou Yi's body. Later, while Dou Yi was repairing himself soaring, there was a faint glimpse of the King of Heaven. Breath is still the breath of "Peking the King".

"This is ..." Dou Yiyu stunned for a moment.

"Now you are still the mother of the King of Torture, naturally carrying his breath, and even said that the King of Torture is in your body and has not yet been born. This is my secret method to fill the heavens. So you now The sacrifices of sacrifices bring the breath of the King of Heaven. In this way, you can even get the trust and blessing of the three deities. "Gu Chen said:" You use a set of lies to deceive them, then help them and let them be cut. Killing ancestors such as heaven and earth, destroying this alliance, and taking advantage of it, you are a **** I entered into the alliance. Of course, your current strength can secretly rely on the power of our Jingxian Division. Old antiques can't help you. "

Gu Chensha carefully prepared a series of big plans to dissolve the big alliance built by the ancestors of heaven and earth.

"If it's about tactics and viciousness, even the giant spirit **** is not as good as you." Douyiyu understood the calculation of ancient dust and sand.

"This is just normal. My mana has reached such a state, and it is easy to do Qi Qi. Your Qi Qi and our Jingxian Division are united with each other. If I do n’t practice, I will reach the point where I change to control Qi Qi. There is no way to cover up qi, but now, no one can see through it except Tiandi. This makes you extremely safe. "Gu Chensha waved his hand," This is your chance, and you will naturally know what to do. "

"Since I can be promoted to the realm of Tianyuan, I will definitely seize this opportunity!" Dou Yiyu's body moved slightly and has disappeared into this courtyard.

Gu Chensha looked at the trace of her departure, and her eyes had a deeper taste: "This woman is a wonderful bait. I put the best bait on her, depending on the emperor, or the sun and the moon. Gu Tiansha, the master, is no longer on the hook. Being able to see that she is actually the person of our Jingxian Division, she will count the plan and let me eat it, but I do n’t know, I have a plan and a series of strategies, depending on who The calculation is deeper. "

He let Dou Yiyu lurk into the league, which is definitely not as simple as it sounds.

Feeling the sacrifice of the huge sacrifice, the ancient dust sand patted the Shenzhou gourd, gathered and extracted the sacrifices of the ancient torture sword that punished the king, and extracted a bunch of immortal substances from it, and then poured it into the gourd. The wind and thunder inside the holy gourd in China, the world is born and died, the tide is born, the nebula is surging, the gas number is rotating, and there is a faint evolution of a large world.

This Divine gourd itself is made from the body of the Xingqiang family. It is a fusion of the holy gourd of the devil and twenty endless treasures. After the hardening of ancient dust and sand, it will take time to achieve the world of thousands. It's not unusual.


Gu Chen's body also disappeared. By the next moment, he had reached the distant burnt-out Big 6 and stood on the high sky. He looked at the hundreds of billions of people, countless cities and roads. The sects, monks, families, forces are intertwined, and the power of sacrifice is chaotic. They have not been highly cohesive and unified.

The Great Burning Heavenly King Xiao Yan's way of governing the country is far inferior to that of ancient stepping gods. Even though it has been renovated for more than 30 years, it is far from comparable to the Yong Dynasty of the Middle-earth China.

Of course, Xiao Yan's own strength, even if he has cultivated to the realm of Tianshou, is inferior to that of ancient Ta Xian.

At this time, the world still did not know that their emperor had been driven away by ancient dust and replaced it with a new court. However, some powerful folks also secretly felt that the situation in the court had some kind of essential change, and the court's intentions were one after another. A secret agency, also called the Jingxian Division, was established to supervise monks with supernatural powers in the world. The court was much stronger.

Many folk sacrifices have been cut off and replaced by a concept, a human-dragon concept.

This time, Gu Chensha won the sacrifice of the ancient sword of torture of the King of Heaven. The first thing to do is to change the number of qi in the thirty-four state. The first thing is to completely and quickly transform the Great Burning Empire and make this empire a part of the Yong Dynasty.

He left the pawns early and created thousands of gods of the common gods, all of them strong in the Twenty Changes, formed the Jingxian Division in the name of the imperial court, spread all over the world, penetrated into the people, and spread ideas. .

However, relying on these, if you want to completely change the idea of ​​hundreds of billions of people in a short period of time, that is also a waste of money. Even if he surrendered to the original high court, a saint and several god-level strong men, he could not quickly use this hundreds of billions of people.

But now that he has made further progress, he can do many things.


He fell into the capital of the Great Burnt Empire.

This Great Burning Empire is very huge. If the court ordered that if you ride a horse at a normal pace, you will not be able to reach the border for decades. Fortunately, the Great Burning Heavenly King burned the realm, that is, Xiao Yan already had a series of After all, he cultivated profoundly and reincarnate the King of Heaven, and he still had a good control of the entire empire.

He obtained seven inexhaustible treasures, and was about to do a big job to completely change his empire, causing the empire to burst out of its mighty strength and energy, and then occupy the Yong Dynasty and steal the Divine Land, but it was at these critical moments, Guchen Sand killed and expelled him.

The capital of the Great Burning Empire is exactly the same as in ancient times. Ancient streets, slate, city walls, officers and soldiers, shops, carriages, rangers, scholars, ladies, pickers, chariots and other characters are walking around, very lively.

"I heard that the court has changed recently." Many voices passed into the idea of ​​ancient dust and sand, and in many secret places, well-informed people were discussing the current situation.

Especially in some dignitaries, various discussions are going on almost every moment.

"It is true that the court established the Jingxian Division to monitor the movements of the people. I heard that many monks have been arrested these days. It seems that they are cleaning up all the sacrifices in the world and upholding the faith. The emperor has not been in the dynasty for many days. It seems something went wrong, and now the court is in charge of several cabinet ministers. "

"Several cabinet ministers have a god-level or higher rank, and a saint is also available. The emperor is absent. They can control the situation, but they need to reform. I'm afraid they have nothing to do. Now they are starting to hunt monks everywhere and clean up sacrifices. I am afraid that it will cause the family and some people in the fairyland to fight back, and the world will be chaotic. "

"We can only watch it change and see what tricks the court played. If there is something wrong with the emperor, it will be fun. But I heard that the emperor unified the world and suppressed many powerful existences. If the emperor was not there, These powerful beings will be born one after another, and the world will once again fall into a fragmented situation. "

"I recently heard a news saying that our court is actually a small country in the world. The real center of the world is a place called Shenzhou University 6. The emperor of Shenzhou University 6 can be called the emperor of heaven. God's scriptures. Our emperor was killed in order to compete for Divine University 6, and the court was actually secretly controlled by the Divine University 6. "

"There is still such a big thing? It will take decades, even a century, for our empire horse race to reach the border, but it is not the center of heaven and earth? What Divine University 6 I have never heard of before."

"70% of this matter is true. Do you haven't seen the movement of the imperial court? You have newly established the Jingxian Division and cleaned up the imperial minister and foreign generals who were loyal to the emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a situation that will change the sky. But they have not proceeded boldly. After all, there are not a few officials loyal to the emperor in the world. If all of them revolt, they are afraid that the world will be in chaos immediately. "

"Now many people are observing the presence or absence of the emperor. If it is not, I am afraid that chaos will occur immediately. We are in this capital, that is, in the center of the whirlpool of right and wrong, we must go far.

"Yes, I feel unknown." ...

Countless secret discussions passed into the ancient dust and sand in an instant, and he immediately grasped the hearts of the entire capital.

The capital of the Great Burning Dynasty was huge, inhabited by hundreds of millions of people, and it was very prosperous and prosperous. Many of them were hidden in the dynasty.

In short, the situation in Beijing is now panic-stricken, and many powerful people and people who understand the news are extremely uneasy about the future situation.

As soon as Gu Chen's heart moved, people have reached the center of the palace, above the throne of the emperor.

At this time, the Cabinet Minister is discussing the situation and countermeasures.

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