Dragon Talisman

Chapter 826: Already arranged

Chapter 826 Has Arranged

"The Lord of Divine Land, you are finally here. E Xiao Ω said Ww" W. 1 XIAOSHOO.COM "

There were a total of fifteen cabinet ministers present, all of which were converted by ancient dust. The cabinet was assisted by saints, and the rest were all god-level.

In other words, there is a Holy Fourteen Gods here. This lineup is enough to form a huge immortal martial art. But countries that want to rule hundreds of billions of people are still far behind.

You know, even Taiyi Xuanmen ruled a billion people.

When there is a large population, it is inevitable that the dragons and dragons are born, and it is difficult to suppress them and hurt themselves. In the vast burning of the Big Six, Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers, and the Great Burning Heavenly King Xiao Yan, with the body of the Heavenly King, Tianshou realm can be reluctantly suppressed, and there are many obstacles to want to carry out step by step reform.

You know, running an empire is much harder than destroying an empire.

Perhaps Xiao Yan, the king of the Great Burnt, could kill the entire empire, but it would be extremely difficult for the entire empire to be completely transformed, convinced, and operated in accordance with his order.

If we rely on killing, the population of the world will be reduced by at least half, and even huge injustice will be caused, which will cause hidden dangers in the future.

However, ancient dust and sand naturally have a set of self-governance programs.

At present, the cabinets of the imperial court were all transformed by ancient dust and sand, and there was no problem with the level of loyalty.

These cabinets call the ancient dust and sand the Lord of Divine Land.

However, even if they are saints and gods, they have never reached Middle-earth China, because it is too far away. Unless they are in the realm of heaven, they can break through some kind of **** in heaven and reach Middle-earth China from the burning of Big 6.

"How have you recently mastered the whole empire?" Gu Chen asked.

"Going back to the Lord of Divine Land, we have tried our best to eliminate the impact of the burning of the Manchuria nationwide. However, the burning of the Manchuria kingdom for decades has been his party feathers, and in countless civilian states and legions, it is him We want to eliminate its influence and make the world feel that it has changed its dynasties. It is definitely not that simple. This matter also requires the Lord of Divine Land to sit around with supreme power to spread around and suppress the entire big 6. " The saint hurriedly bowed down: "Besides that, the burning of the world was not dead, but instead it relied on a strong existence and looked at us in an attempt to regain control of the Big Six. If it did, it would soon cause a great disaster. "

"Burning the world is the best. I saved a lot of means and directly captured him and killed him. I didn't burn the Big 6 and the Great Burning Empire from this puppet, but this sorrowful and sacrifice. All the creatures on the Big 6 and Big 6 are trying to deal with me. I urged the Supreme Magic to save the entire Big 6 and Big 6 people. You must publicize this. "Gu Chen said.

"The Lord of Divine Land, this matter has a lot of obstacles. Now our cabinet is actually because of the authority of burning Wanjie, barely maintaining the rule of power. If the burning of Wanjie is denied, it will fall apart immediately. No one can suppress the scene. . And it is true that the Lord of Divine Land saved the entire Big 6. Even if the truth is spread, no one will believe it, and even say that we are discredited. At that time, countless people in the family will take the opportunity to make confusion. On the side of Qingjun, we immediately It will fall apart. On the burning of Big 6, some hidden saints 'antiques are not a few, and even some saints' antiques have been closed for thousands of years, and they are all enlightening on the way of heaven, even if they burned the world, they did not invite them out. "

A group of officials in the cabinet is also suffering.

"I naturally noticed the matter," Gu Chen said. "So I will send someone to help you."

Between words, he moved slightly, and a huge light suddenly rose into the sky. A huge portal appeared in the square in front of the palace hall.

The other end of this portal is actually connected to Middle-earth China.

Suddenly, many disciples of Jingxian Division came out in a hurry and came to the square where the Big 6 palace was burned. They all got the details of this mission. They were to assist the court, establish Jingxian Division, and control the world. Eliminate the impact of the Great Burning Heavenly King Xiao Yan, that is, burning the world.

Hum ...

Among the many Jingxian Division's children, the last one appeared, this one is the ancient sword of punishment, the king of punishment.

"This is ..." A cabinet minister looked at the ancient torture sword in surprise, and clearly felt the breath of the king on this son.

"Meet the Lord of Divine Land." Gu Xingjian, like these cabinet ministers, bowed to the ancient dust sand.

"An ancient sword, once the ignorance of Emperor Xiaoyan Xiao Yan has mastered this empire with hundreds of billions of people. You can now also master this empire, as long as you can fully control the empire's beliefs and hearts in a short period of time, you There will be a huge improvement in your cultivation. I will now bring you hundreds of thousands of disciples of Jingxian Division and use this capital as the center to allow you to use resources to completely turn every corner of the Great Burning Empire into our Yong Dynasty. Homeland, how about recognizing our concept of Yong Dynasty? "Gu Chensha is good at using talents.

"Yes! I will never live up to the expectations of the Lord of Divine Land." Gu Xingjian looked at the entire empire, looking forward to his expectations. He also knew that this was a huge opportunity for him to control the world and condense people's hearts. In the process, his cultivation can grow by leaps and bounds, and it can be dozens of times faster, or even a hundred times faster than his own hardship. Especially in this empire with hundreds of billions of people, everyone is a huge resource.

"My cabinet ministers, now I have burned the Big Six, and it has become a state of our dynasty. This place is called Fenzhou. I now appoint the Governor of Fenzhou to be the ancient sword of punishment." Gu Chen said: "You must do your best You must not neglect. "

"Yes." Many cabinet ministers saw the ancient torture sword, and knew that this person would replace the Great Burning Heavenly King to master the burning of the Big Six. His body had the same breath as the burning of Wanjie. The man sat down and immediately settled down.

"An ancient sword, this is your test and your chance. Before the 36th year of Tianfu, you must reassure the world and increase the population and use all the available power." task.

"I will do it." Gu Xingdao: "And it will send talents to Middle-earth China."

"It's so good. In the future, Middle-earth China will likely become a huge battlefield, and this is our solid rear. We must not be too slow." Gu Chensha once again ordered that after finishing, his body flickered and left here. Everything is left to the ancient sword.

In this way, the ancient penalty sword sat on the throne of the emperor, but now this palace is not the emperor's palace, but the governor's palace, burning up the big 6 to become the state, is already part of the Yong Dynasty. According to the truth, if a country is In another country's conquest, the number of qi will drop sharply to the lowest point.

But the moment the ancient dust and sand ordered it, the number of gas that burned down the big 6 did not decrease but increased.

"You guys, you heard the orders of the Lord of Divine Land. You should start now. It's no matter how late. We must fight for time." Commander of the Ancient Sword of Sword: "The disciples of Jingxian Division immediately and the original God of God Converge and travel to all parts of the country. I will use my strength to set up portals one by one. At the same time, I will overhaul railways and flying boats to communicate the place. In addition, I will arrest all the opponents and detain them. In addition to the transformation of people's economy, in addition to the promotion of loyal people, spreading people's dragon fist, at the same time, the burning of some of the special products of the Big 6 into various good things, transported to Middle-earth China go with."

Ancient dust and sand here opened up a huge teleportation array, which can directly communicate with Middle-earth China, which has brought great convenience to the world.

Ancient penalty swords naturally have their own set of governance methods.

He was in a fantasy world for three days and three nights, and the ancient dust made him born in the burning of the Big 6 and enjoyed the faith of the human heart. This is a foreshadowing for him to master the transformation of the burning of the Big 6 now.

The order of the ancient torture sword continued, and the cabinet ministers were shocked. They were so devoid of the ancient torture sword that they were so familiar with the entire empire's every move, where was there any talent, and where was the official who burned the heavenly kingdom Die-hard, there is even a secret institution where the court is not under control. In addition, some of the caves hide hard-working old antiques ........

Waiting for all this, the ancient sword of swords is very well known, the order of cloth is gradual, but the efficiency of governing the world is the best.

This is simply a miracle.

However, they did not know that the moment Gu Gusha obtained the punishment of the ancient King Sword of Sentenced King, he had already plotted this matter, so he would urge the fantasy to let the Ancient Sword of Sword master the Great Burning Empire. When there is more than one downstream, even the ancient torture sword feels that the ancient dust and sand are unfathomable and long-term planning.

The day passed.

The ancient penalty sword was well-traveled, and everything was planned out. The cabinet ministers also withdrew from the palace, doing their own things, and the interior of the palace was suddenly quiet.

In the middle of the night, the galaxy above the sky is brilliant, and sometimes meteors cut through the sky, and I don't know where it fell.

However, Gu Xingjian knew that all these fell to Middle-earth China, and naturally someone was born.

Suddenly, a huge throbbing heart passed over, and the ancient sword of sword turned back immediately, and saw a person appear in this palace.

It is the Great Burning Heavenly King, Xiao Yan.

"Unexpectedly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The king of torture actually came out, I said who dare to steal my throne here, it is you." Xiao Yan came out and said, "But I communicated with the alliance of the heaven and earth ancestors. , I heard that Dou Yiyu returned, and her body still contained the breath of the King of Heaven, which means that the King of Heaven was not born, and this matter can be determined to be the trick of the ancient dust. "

"Heavenly King, I knew you would come." Gu Xingjian looked at Xiao Yan: "However, you are very careful, come on by an incarnation, are you afraid that the real one will come to be destroyed and fall directly? ? "

"The ancient dust and sand will not be able to jump for a long time." An angry look appeared on Xiao Yan ’s face: “I ’m here today to discuss major issues with you. After all, we are both Heavenly Kings. You and I are on an equal footing. Yes, of course, your current cultivation is only god-level, and I am Tianshou. You are not my opponent at all, but this does not constitute our reason for confrontation. We are all future emperors of Heaven, and we must not make mistakes. "


{My Sina Weibo posted a video of the New Year greetings from members of Shenjiying, everyone can check it out. In the year of the rooster, I will write the dragon runes and finish the writing of the fist town. In addition, I will write another Kung Fu novel and a long-form fairy tale. }

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