Dragon Talisman

Chapter 827: Lobbyist

"It turned out that you came here today as a lobbyist. EΩΔ┡ 小" Δ said Ww "W.han1XIAOSHUO.COM" laughed the ancient penalty sword: "But as a lobbyist, I still need to make clear the stakes and let me get the most In this way, I will be a qualified lobbyist. For example, if I cooperate with you now and betray the Jingxian Division, what are the benefits and the risks? I have to analyze them one by one, which is reasonable, and I will be persuaded. But It ’s not that you directly talk about the future or the emperor. I have n’t seen the shadow of the emperor and it has n’t given me any benefit. Instead, Jingxianji taught me countless secrets, gave me countless resources, and gave me hundreds of billions of people to run my business. To gather their sacrifice and people's hearts. As long as I manage it slowly, it must be a leaps and bounds, and within a few years, I will be above you and directly reach the level of Tianyuan. How can you give me more benefits than Jingxian Division? "

"Punishment of the King of Heaven." Xiao Yan, King of the Great Burnt, opened his eyes in angrily: "You and I are all courtiers of the Emperor. What good do you say, you are against the sky and no one can save you."

"Come on." Gu Xingjian waved his hand: "Xiao Yan, you and I are all here, don't say such grandiose words, I know you can't see the future situation, if you can see clearly, you will Why bother with that ancient Tiansha, this person is not the true Lord of the Sun and the Moon, he does not exist in the future, he is the true enemy of the emperor and the future heaven. You also have a rebellious mind, I think you are now Come, the biggest purpose is to join hands with me, first swallow Gu Tiansha, then, right? "

"Gu Xingjian, don't make any mistakes. The Lord of the Sun and the Moon will be the Prime Minister of Heaven in the future. Under one person, above the infinity, I will work under His Majesty. It is reasonable and reasonable. What can be planned?" Xing Jian expressed his thoughts, and was a little embarrassed.

"You and I are both Heavenly Kings. You have no advantage in front of me. Although your strength and realm are much higher than mine, there is Jingxian behind me. As long as you urge the power of Jingxian, you will be abandoned. It's impossible to escape, even to escape. You said it? "Gu Xingjian fully grasped the initiative of negotiation:" I also know one of the deepest secrets, that is, Gu Tiansha is trying to promote the realm of heaven. As long as you are promoted to the heavenly realm, your strength will increase at least dozens of times, or even a hundred times. Even the Jingxian Division will be regarded as the enemy, and even before our leader Gu Chensha is promoted to the heavenly realm, there is nothing he can do. However, he wants to be promoted to the realm of heaven. It is extremely difficult. At the moment, the final sprint is in progress. Even if he breaks through, there will be a huge danger. You just want to take advantage of his robbery and danger and capture him in one fell swoop. After death and refining, you are not constrained by the king ’s life. If you have all the origins of Gu Tiansha, you will most likely have capital to fight against the emperor in the future. How you could not know? "

"Nonsense." Xiao Yan, King Tian Yan's face changed.

"You are now in great danger. For Gu Tiansha's promotion to the state of heaven, he will certainly pay your attention. He could have been promoted smoothly, but one tenth of the source of the whole body was swallowed, which caused some operations. It wo n’t be complete, but if you have swallowed you, you can barely get through those robberies and break through the most difficult level. This is also very clear in your heart, so you want to come to me and make me join hands with you to divide the heavens Isn't sand? "Gu Xunjian talked eloquently, and he had a tendency to be in control of everything.

"Begging for wealth, then, do you want to do this ticket?"

"Do, why not? This is a benefit to me without any harm." Gu Xingdao said: "If I do, I will have the opportunity to go further and get rid of an enemy for Jingxian Division. It ’s just that my current strength is not the opponent of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Even if I cooperate with you, I will only serve food when I go there. Instead, I will be caught by him and devour me. Believe, lie to me, maybe it will also swallow me up, so that you can get two sources of the King of Heaven yourself, and increase your strength several times. "

"Brother, you are so gentle with a villain." Xiao Yan, the king of the Great Burned, laughed.

"We are the King of Heaven, not a villain, nor a gentleman. Everything is to maximize the benefits." Gu Xingdao said, "I can work with you to deal with Gu Tiansha, and say, what benefits do you give me?"

"The benefits I have given you are huge." Xiao Yan, King of the Great Burnt, smiled, "This Great Burning Dynasty, a huge empire, I have worked here for 30 years with all my heart. How many chess pieces and how many backhands will you leave forever? I do n’t know. It can be said that 99% of the people in this world are loyal to me. If you try to reform and eliminate my brand, you do n’t need me to help, and the world will be in chaos immediately. You will not get any The power of sacrifice can't gather people's hearts, and it will even be swallowed by the evil cause. Of course, if I come to help you, in just a few months, you can completely change the dynasty and achieve the great cause. With this great cause, hundreds of billions of people Sacrifices, your strength can naturally advance in a short period of time. Naturally we have the capital to conceal Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. "

"I'm afraid it's still not enough. Even if I am in the same state as you, I have achieved Tianshou, and I still have no way to deal with Gu Tiansha." The ancient penalty sword moved his mind, and he knew that it was difficult to run the country now, and it would burn 6 thousand people. The 100 million empire has always been a difficult problem. If the Great Burnt King is dead, the human heart will disintegrate and it will be easier to govern. Now it is Xiao Yan who has not died. If he shows up, call for attention, I am afraid that the world ’s hearts will gather immediately. The counterattack made the good situation ruined once.

"Of course not only the two of us, but also a King of Heaven." Xiao Yan said mysteriously: "I recently contacted him. The three of us joined forces to definitely suppress Gu Tiansha. In addition, it can also make you get rid of Jingxian Division. It is not impossible to conceal the ancient dust and sand. At that time, were we invincible to the world? "

"Which other King? Is it King of No Robbery or King of Disaster?" Gu Xingjian moved in his heart, more cautiously.

"None, to be honest, the King of Heaven is now Jingqiu, the King of Calamity is the Valley of Calamity, neither of them has become a climate, and the true power of the King of Heaven is impossible." Xiao Yan waved his hand: "What I said was The other King, who is extremely hidden, has already achieved great achievements, and now he is even more powerful. "

"You're talking about King Jinmen." The ancient penalty sword suddenly moved: "The Honghuang Dragon Gate disappeared, and even the calculation could not be calculated. It is likely that it fell into the hands of King Jinmen. Is King Jinmen born?"

"Yes." Xiao Yanye was surprised by the ancient sword's ability to react, he said mysteriously: "In fact, King Jinmen is in Shenzhou University 6, and has been hidden. He has awoken his ability long ago, and he is still in my Above, coupled with the flood-dead dragon gate, a sudden attack, can you say that it can cause a devastating blow to that ancient Tiansha? "

"Where exactly is King Jinmen and who is he?" Gu Xingjian asked in succession.

"You don't need to know this. He will show up anyway, and I now tell you that if you turn around and tell Gu Chen, it will not hurt him? You know, Gu Chen is looking for this now. People, if you want to get the flood gate, you have to calculate a very powerful mentality. If you make him successful, the world will be upside down. You and I will never have a good life. "Xiao Yan, King of the Burning Heavens, said:" Now I have said so much. In a word, you agree or not, if you don't agree, I and the King of Heaven can join forces to directly destroy the Big 6 and let your chicken fly.

"Hundreds of billions of people in the Big Six used to be your people. Even if you sacrifice them, their hearts are toward you. It seems inappropriate for you to say such things now." Gu Xing Jian frowned.

"Our heavenly King, high above us, killing the creatures at will, and spawning all spirits, are all in our thoughts. Moreover, you are the most ruthless king of punishment. In the future, you do not know how many gods you want to kill and destroy the world. Xiao Yan said disdainfully.

"The master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha, is definitely not that simple. He also has some tyrannical people around him. I can't be underestimated. I know that he has surrendered many masters of the world, such as the Central World, Xuanhuang World, and Grandma World. , Yanfu Daqian World, Juhong Daqian World, Qingyun Daqian World, Guzhen Daqian World, Crystal Jade Daqian World, Feiyu Daqian World, etc. The strongest of these Daqian worlds are all Celestial beings. The population in these thousands of worlds can be more than hundreds of billions. I am afraid that it is calculated in trillions. If the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha, is prepared, I am afraid that he will deliberately reveal his flaws and entice us to hook. Capture in one fell swoop. "Gu Xingjian thought of another aspect ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can people in Daqian world compare with those in heaven? To be honest, the 600 million billion people who burned out were born from heaven. Their sacrificial quality is not comparable to that of human beings in the world. Of course, the people of our empire ca n’t be in harmony with China. The people of Turkmenistan, even if there are hundreds of billions of people here, cannot compare with the tens of billions of people in Middle Turkmenistan. Therefore, the power of sacrifice obtained by Gu Tiansha is very limited. In addition, those masters of the world can never let the Lord of the Sun and the Moon touch all things in his world, and Gu Tiansha is arbitrary. Many masters have dissatisfaction with him. We will unite and he will die. "Da Yan, the king of flames, everything is ready.

"Good, good." Gu Xingjian thought for a moment: "Since so, we will cooperate, and now you help me to integrate the empire completely."


{The fist town and river are updated on the WeChat public account. Everyone can go and see. See God and See Me in the latest chapter. Everyone can follow my WeChat public account. This year, I decided to finish writing Boxing Mountain and River soon. I have never had a **** in my dreams, even if I am writing a work. Everyone can search the WeChat account for the public dream dream machine, or the number: "mengrushenji1984". }

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