Dragon Talisman

Chapter 829: True God Broken Seal

Chapter 829 The True God Breaks the Seal

Many true gods broke the seal, all entered the flood gate, and then disappeared. This is the means of the King of Heaven, and Gu Chensha had to say "Great. ΩE" "novel WWW WW." 1XIAOSHUO.COM "

However, among the thousands of true gods, the ancient dust sand is somewhat frightened by two, one is the Capricorn god, and the other is the mixed world demon god.

In the dream world, the ancient dust sand of the human scriptures was obtained from the mixed world demon ape god, and this was successful.

The mixed ape demon **** actually realized the highest truth of all things, which can evolve the demon tribe into human nature.

Not human, but human.

Demon Cultivation has reached the realm of the twenty-two changes in the state of law: "Fairy, Heaven and Earth," and you can completely change your form into a person, but this is just the external form. The internal nature is still demon, even if it is a demon. The tribe became gods, holy, and even gods, all of them were demons and could not possess humanity.

However, the mixed ape demon **** actually broke through this unprecedented rule, and can transform the demon tribe into human nature. It can be seen that this ape's wisdom is superb, and in the midst of it, there is an invincible Qi.

And Guchensha knows the future.

After the establishment of the future heaven court, this mixed-world demon ape **** gradually cultivated for ascension and got a huge adventure. At last, he unified the demon clan and became the true master of billions of demon clan. In the coming years, this mestizo ape **** actually attacked the heaven court in an attempt to seize the throne of the emperor. After the war continued for many years, this mestizo ape **** was finally suppressed.

This is the history of the future.

Of course, this has changed now, and I am afraid it will no longer exist in the future.

But Guchensha knows that this mixed-world demon **** has great potential. In the turbulent era when Tianting was established, he can obtain great benefits and become the capital that will lead the demon tribe to make a big noise and fight against Heaven.

Now Jinmen Tianwang got this ape, which is tantamount to being a tiger.

As for the Capricorn God, after the establishment of the future heaven court, he was also a prince and became the true Lord of the Demon Realm.

These are the projections in the distant future. Only Guchensha can see so far. Even the Jinmen King, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon may not be able to calculate this.

"I killed the mixed world demon **** in the dream world, because he hasn't got a real adventure yet, and in this real world, the mixed world demon **** is sealed, and now born, I am afraid that Xiu will leap forward." Gu Chensha reckoned the calculation: "The birth of King Jinmen once again formed a huge force. King Jinmen itself, plus the old man of the wasteland, the giant spirit god, and thousands of true gods, also contacted the Great King of Burning Heaven. , Even digging a corner from the forces of the Sun and the Moon's Gu Tiansha, countering many of the world's great masters, those characters are all heavenly respects. In this way, I can't easily suppress it. "

If it is the King of Jinmen alone, the ancient dust and sand can be suppressed, even if it is the treasure of the Tianyuan realm, which is Honghuanglongmen.

But with the addition of thousands of true gods, it is completely different.

The sacrifice power of the true **** is extremely pure and horrible. It is no longer under heaven. From ancient times to the present, no giant has actually sacrificed the true god.

Generally, the true God spreads beliefs on the earth and lets the people worship themselves.

The object of true **** sacrifice is only Tiandao and Tiandi.

The reason why the current Jingxian Division is so fierce and the power of sacrifice is so vast, in the final analysis, it is because of the four heavenly respects of Chang Weiyang, Wu Sheng, King of Life, Dou Yiyu, and the God of Fushou, who has mastered Fu Lushou Three true gods, his sacrifice power is endless, such as the Tianhe Waterfall, glittering, and contains some exquisite soul power that even the saints do not have. Quality is not under heaven.

In addition, Jingxian Division has five seasons of gods, and their sacrifices can also make a huge supplement to Xiaohongmengshu.

"Father Emperor ’s seal has many ancient gods and evil gods, all of which have been enshrined by the ancient emperor. They have the title of true god. I calculated that the number is close to three thousand. If I can all obtain the loyalty of these true gods and their sacrifices, Then in a short time, it will break through the layers of obstacles and become the Celestial Supreme. "Gu Chen said in the heart:" The Jinmen Heavenly Kings obtained these true gods and worshiped in the flood gate, and soon the flood gate will restore all its power. Said, it can be promoted and transformed, and it is even more powerful. It is difficult for me to suppress it. Fortunately, I have now surrendered the king of punishment. The sacrifice and purity of this king are above the true god. It is just the strength of the ancient torture sword itself. It's still a little weak. If it's the Tianshou realm, like the Great Burning Heavenly King, the sacrifice I get will increase thousands of times. "

Gu Xingjian was just born, transformed by ancient dust and sand, and turned into a god-level powerhouse, which is far away from Tianzun and Tianshou realm.

"It seems that King Jinmen is not so good at surrendering. Above King Jinmen is the King of Wisdom, and this King of Kings is a group of strengths. If he is born, collude with King Jinmen and greet the Emperor, then my real danger will come. "Gu Chensha felt the coming of his crisis, and his mind was flashing, trying to get the perfect solution.

Among the ancient stars.

The giant ancient stars spin, eternally drawing trajectories in space.

Each of these ancient stars is a huge world, some of them are smaller, they are medium thousand worlds, some are big thousand worlds, but they are different from the other worlds, each of them is full of star power, and is affected by the origin of heaven. The impact of light, heat and various energy on the earth and infinite space.

Deep in the dense starry sky, a portal is looming, without any breath.

This is Honghuanglongmen.

In the depths of this flood-stricken dragon gate, thousands of true gods have appeared in the throne of ancient gods who have been banned from many ancient gods. These true gods surround a boy in the core of the dragon gate.

This boy looks ordinary, and can never be found in the crowd. Without any characteristics, the ordinary has reached the extreme. But thousands of true gods saw this boy with reverence and did not dare to act lightly.

Even the Capricorn has no expression of resistance.

The mixed-world demon ape **** looks like a Confucian student, and he can't see any evil spirits at all, but his every move, many demon gods respect him very much, even if it is a swallowing snake, **** snake, wolf god, tiger god, etc. , Also think he is the backbone.

However, the mixed-world demon **** is also willing to obey the young man's command.

Obviously, this ordinary boy is the King of Jinmen, the one who controls the portal of heaven in the future.

"Everyone, the world has changed. Your birth was not my rescue, but the Tao of Heaven broke the seal of the ancient stepping fairy. I looked for an opportunity to draw you out." Jinmen Tianwang, an ordinary boy, began to speak. "Giant spirit god, do you mean?"

"Yes." The giant spirit **** also sits on the seat of a true god. He behaves very honestly. On his side, he is still an old man in the desert.

"Unexpectedly, the largest number of robberies in heaven and earth is about to begin. The chaos era will eventually rob the counties, and the worlds and countless multiverses are about to usher in order." Appear, we are willing to surrender to His Majesty and build great merit. "

"That's what I mean." The mixed-world demon ape also said.

"The **** Jingxian Division actually made my Lei family descendants completely defeated. I will not destroy the Jingxian Division and swear it is not the true god." In the fury of Thunder God, countless thunder exploded beside him.

The descendant of the Thunder God is the Lei family, which originally belonged to the line of the ten prince Gu Zhensha. But later, he disobeyed and actually disrespected the gold medal that Rugao had visited in person, which led to Lei Jiyuan, and the two brothers of Lei Jixue were still kneeling on the palace square.

Later, under the repeated attacks by the Jingxian Division against the Lei family, the Lei family had been completely ruined and lost its former glory.

This is because Jingxianji doesn't want to go too far, otherwise Lei's family would have been destroyed long ago, and it would be impossible to stay alive.

"Our Hong family has also been suppressed and completely lost its energy." A black **** surging around the water spoke, he is the black emperor, also known as the water god.

His family is the Hong family.

The eighteenth emperor Gu Hongsha was the result of the marriage between the Hong family and the ancient family.

"You are all true gods now, regardless of righteousness and evil, you can no longer fight." The ordinary young man transformed by King Jinmen said: "You have had many sins before, but a new era has come. If you can help the establishment of heaven, It ’s great to be successful in the presence of Emperor Tian, ​​and it is impossible to realize it by yourself.

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xin Yan, the Great Burning King, appeared beside King Jinmen.

"We must all be unified under the Emperor Heavenly King." Xiao Yan, the King of Heavenly Burns, glanced at the nearly three thousand sealed true gods here, and a smile appeared on his face: "I, King of Heavenly Kings, and King Jinmen, apart from this In addition, no King of Calamity, King of Disaster, and King of Torture have been born. We will work together to form the prototype of the heavenly courts, sweeping the world, Jingxian Division will be vulnerable. Of course, then the King of Wisdom, King Donghua, King Da Luo The Chaos Kings will appear one by one. Our nine Heavenly Kings will gather together to help the Lord of the Sun and Moon recover, and the Emperor will appear. "

"Two Lords of Heaven." The mixed-world demon monkey said, "Jingxian Si is not so easy to deal with, I think this matter should be discussed carefully."

"Of course, Jingxian Division is not easy to deal with, but apart from that ancient stepper, an ancient dust is more difficult, but it is still in our grasp." Jinmen Tianwang's ordinary young man said: "It's true. My current Identity is a middle class in the Jingxian Division, which holds a lot of rights, but the ancient dust and sand can't show me at all, and I don't know who I am. In other words, the cultivation of this son is also extremely limited, under the blindness of the heavenly path. He ca n’t see the situation clearly, he will be reduced to painting in the future. Not only that, I got some information in the meditation, the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven is also in the Jingxian Division, and the Jingxian Division seems to you as solid as a rock. However, in my opinion, it is full of scars and can't be beaten, but the time has not yet come. "

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