Dragon Talisman

Chapter 830: Catch the loophole

Chapter 830 Catch the loophole

"Unexpectedly, the Emperor is also in the Jingxian Division?" The Capricorn God now appears to be a middle-aged man, with black beard and black, with a somewhat dignified appearance, just like the governor of the officialdom. No one can think of him as being too ancient. King of God, once Lord of Demon Realm. "E small" ΩΔ said WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO. When COM heard the words of King Jinmen, he moved his eyes and did not ask any more.

"Jingxian Si's methods are overbearing, and I have to admit it. These days, I lurk into Jingxiansi and do things anonymously. I feel that Jingxiansi's concept is very confusing and not to be underestimated." Turn: "I rely on the means now, but I can hide it, but as soon as the ancient dust and sand is promoted to heaven, I will be difficult to hide, it will certainly be revealed by him, but it is almost impossible to promote heaven. But we are still careful about the Lord. The news of the Capricorn God and the reincarnation of the Emperor in the Jingxian Division must not be circulated outside, if you ask me.

"I understand this." Capricorn nodded, not angry. His city was very deep, and no one knew what he was thinking deep in his heart.

"Giant spirit god, I know that you are good at calculating and have great ambitions." King Jinmen confronted the giant spirit god: "And the people you work with will basically be killed by you, but I now tell you that the emperor was born, heaven Dingding is the general trend. This is a rolling trend. If you still have two hearts, you must be unable to survive or die in the future. If you are dedicated to working in heaven, you can naturally get rid of the original sin and enjoy the beautiful future. "

"Subordinates understand." The giant spirit **** immediately rose up and said, he actually claimed to be a subordinate, and he was a little humbled compared to Capricorn.

Capricorn himself calls himself "I" in front of the ordinary boy of King Jinmen, showing that he does not consider himself a subordinate.

A series of details represent a subtle relationship.

"Master Jinmen, I do n’t know where the Chaos King, Daluo King, Donghua King, and Wisdom King are. Our gods are now together and they have become a huge force, but it is still not enough to help the Emperor." Hong Huang elderly said Li: "I also heard one thing, that is, the Lord of the Four Desolates has appeared, and he and the ancestors of Heaven and Earth have joined together to form some kind of huge alliance. Are we going to surrender this alliance? Otherwise We and Jingxian Si struggled for your life, and they came out to take advantage. I'm afraid we will also suffer heavy losses. "

"This matter really needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Since you raised it, you, as an ambassador, will negotiate with the Alliance of Heaven and Earth ancestors and let him submit to this seat. If it does not, this seat will naturally bring it to the throne. Kill! "Sneer appeared on the face of the ordinary boy of King Jinmen." I already know all about this alliance. Each of them has a ghost, and the Wanxian division relies on the recognition of the origin of the fairy world. He wants to be The future Lord of the Fairyland, unfortunately, in the future, the Lord of the Fairyland has another person, not him. All his actions are just futile, and after a while, the origin of the fairyland will not care He, at that time, he was like a tiger that had lost its minions, and had no threatening ability, but he was a chaotic ancient creature in Tianshou realm. He could obey me as a guard dog and provide me with sacrifices and faith. Keep him safe. As for the immortal master, she has the system of prehistoric civilization in her hands, but it is a supreme treasure. In the past, prehistoric civilization even wanted to rebel and replace heaven. However, it is this delusion of the mind, but that God system really has the supreme power, although in the hands of the immortal master can not wield one millionth of the power, but if obtained by the ancient dust and sand, I am afraid there is the danger of subverting the universe. As for the others, it is still next. The Lord of the Four Famines will eventually be affected by the source and will definitely turn to heaven. Needless to say. "

"I'll go now." Elder Hong Huang knew that this was a time of great contribution to the heaven, and hesitated. Everything he does now is to pave the way for the future. The more things he does now, The greater the credit will be in the future, the higher the achievement will be, and heaven will not bury the credit.

In the heart of the elderly Honghuang, "These people are really short-sighted and have their own hearts. I take the lead in being loyal to heaven and there will be achievements. Now in the troubled times, the last point of the end of the troubled times is when you seize the opportunity and give credit. In the future, not only will it not benefit, but it will die without a burial place. The rewards and punishments in the heavenly courts are clear, and sand cannot be tolerated in the eyes. "

At the time when his thoughts flowed, the old man in the wasteland looked at the giant spirit god, and a deep smirk appeared in his eyes: "The giant spirit **** is smart by himself. In fact, he is no longer trusted by the King of Heaven, but no force will trust it. A twenty-five or two who have two sides and three knives, who will always be against the water, I will now see when this man was undressed and killed. "

"Okay ..." King Jinmen was very satisfied with the old man from Honghuang: "You deserve to be born out of Honghuang Longmen. I take charge of Honghuang Longmen. You are the son of Honghuang Longmen, which is my son. As long as you go to persuade those people and make contributions, you will definitely get great benefits and great blessings in the future. "

"Yes!" The elderly Honghuang worshiped for a few weeks, and a sacrifice force rushed into the core of Honghuang Dragon Gate, and then he left.

"Everyone, start sacrificing." King Jinmen looked at the many true gods present: "If you take refuge in heaven, show your sincerity and inject the power of sacrifices into the flood gate. This is the imprint of loyalty, not to mention Contribute to heaven. "

"I am now a member of the heavenly court, support the Emperor of Heaven, and never die!" At this time, the thunder **** first stated that he continued to sacrifice, and a huge and pure sacrifice power also stormed into the core of the flood gate, making this gate Great moisture.

Subsequently, the gods of water, dragon, sea, and many mountains and rivers also began to worship.

Combined, the interior of the Honghuang Dragon Gate immediately began to violently operate, and the huge roar promoted eternity, and the Jinmen Heavenly King gained great benefits in an instant.

Forces of the birth and death of thousands of worlds were born from the depths of the flood gate.

So many true gods began to worship, a scene that has never been seen before.

"The Jinmen King has got too many benefits." Seeing this scenario, Xiao Yan, the Great Burned King, had some jealousy, but he couldn't help it. He was the last of the nine Kings, the weakest, and He hasn't got the baby he is famous for.

In the heavens of the future, Xiao Yan, the Great Burning Heavenly King, is the Heavenly King who controls the net fire of heaven.

But now Tianjie Jinghuo has not been born. I do n’t know what happened. Even Xiao Yan did n’t feel where the treasure was.

This is very abnormal.

The Capricorn God, the mixed-world demon ape hesitated, and joined the sacrificial industry. Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves, even if they once dominated the world and were peerless overlords, but for the king, they still have insufficient strength. .

Under the sacrifice of the true **** of nearly three thousand, the flood gate of the Honghuang Dragon Gate changed and disappeared completely, no one could calculate and capture, and the power of the King Jinmen was gradually increasing.

The old man from the wild wasteland came out of it and landed on the eastern wasteland. Suddenly, his body shook, and he felt that a force burst into the air, injected into his body, and a faint trace was born in his body. force.

"Hahahaha, Honghuang Dragon Gate is my mother. The mother is reflected in the sacrifice of the three thousand gods. She has fully recovered her strength and has grown tremendously. This will make my water rise and the ship will rise, and I will break through and reach the level of Tianyuan. The foundation, among so many people. I am the son of King Jinmen, and he trusts me the most. "The elderly Hong Huang was almost ecstatic.

"Congratulations ..." A voice came out when the elderly Honghuang was preparing to complete the task and convinced those in the Heaven and Earth to Xuanmen.

"Who!" Elder Hong Huang was shocked, and when he looked back, there was an extra person beside him.

This man is a teenager, very handsome, but there is endless majesty between his manners, which is more than the Jinmen Heavenly King.

"Ancient ..." The old man in the wasteland spit out a few words, "Ancient dust!"

That's right, this handsome boy is Guchensha.

Even if the old Honghuang had touched the realm of Tianyuan, he could see that the ancient dust was still trembling, and the huge horror enveloped himself: "You, how could you find me?"

"The King of Jinmen collected a lot of sealed true gods ~ www.readwn.com ~ Such a big event, if I do n’t know it, it is just waiting to die." Gu Chensha smiled: "Old man in the desert, you are a miracle, I have been mixing with the giant spirit **** for so long and have not been swallowed up by him, but now he is on the thief ship. You think that the heavenly court is the future master. This is a wrong choice. "

"Gu Chensha, what do you mean?" The elderly Honghuang knew that he could not be cured. Facing Gu Chen, he had almost a despair. He used secret methods to communicate with the King of Jinmen, but it was still useless.

The King of Jinmen couldn't communicate at all. This was obviously cut off by Gu Gusha, making him isolated.


The old man in the wild wasteland changed rapidly and tried to leave here, but now he can't move at all. In front of Gu Chensha, any means is childish and ridiculous.

"You don't think you can still run away." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "I know that King Jinmen itself is lurking in my Jingxian Division, and I think I can't find him, but since he was born, there are many I was persuaded by the clues. You are a flaw in him. When I surrendered to you, I can naturally find out his true body, arrange the net of heaven and earth, and kill him by refining.

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