Dragon Talisman

Chapter 831: Create a god?

Chapter 831 Creation of the Throne?

"You can actually break through the Jinmen Heavenly King's method of reversing the secrets and calculate my trace."

The old man in the wild wasteland was anxious, and he was still trying to find a way to make a final fight.

"If I can't guess even the Jinmen Heavenly King's upside-down technique, what else can I do to fight against the Emperor? It ’s okay to take the suicide early, but the Jinmen Heavenly King has got the Honglong Dragon Gate, but there are some means, but in his In front of him, there are still wise kings, Donghua kings, Daluo kings, and chaos kings. Without saying these, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon are in a disadvantage with me. "Gu Chensha seems to see through all the thoughts of the elderly Honghuang:" Do n’t you After struggling to die, submit to me and change the sacrifice, I can spare you a life. After all, a person like you has actually learned the power of Tianyuan, and the power obtained by the sacrifice is very beneficial to me. "

His Majesty Jingxian Division of the ancient dust and sand now has four heavenly respects. There is no one in the Tianshou realm. The Xingqiang is the Tianshou realm, but he has been trained into a Divine Gourd. His own spiritual knowledge is completely sealed and cannot be sacrificed at all.

However, if the old man in the wild wasteland was caught and influenced, the power of sacrifice produced by virtue of the peak cultivation of Tianshou Realm would be unimaginable.

In Gu Chen's eyes, this is a hen who lays golden eggs, and she must catch her hand.

Now the strength of ancient dust and sand is getting stronger and stronger, because the Divine Gourd has absorbed 20 endless treasures. The horror is very great. For every additional piece of endless treasure, the power will be multiplied. Twenty pieces are endless. Bao gathered, Wei Neng had passed the flood gate.

There are still sixteen endless treasures outside. Gu Chensha is determined to collect all of them. He sent a bucket of lurking lurking into the heaven and earth ancestor alliance to surrender the endless heart. Once he surrendered the endless heart, the other The endless treasure can be detected.

As for ancient bullet swords, endless swords and endless swords of ancient Changjian, ancient dust and sand have plans to collect and deal with them.

The two couldn't escape his palms at all.

"Gu Chensha, you are delusional." At this time, the elderly Honghuang exploded.

As soon as his body moved, his whole body turned into billions of dragons fleeing in all directions, and in the center of these dragons, there was a **** thunder. This **** thunder is similar to Honghuang Da Qianlong Thunder, but its power is far worse than that of Honghuang Dragon Gate. That big Qianlong Thunder.

Of course, this is the strongest means for the elderly in the flood.

"This kind of carving worm technique also wants to be revealed in front of me. I don't know if I am now out of the flood and a thousand gods thunder, even the flood gate is not as good?" A smile appeared on Gu Chensha's face, and a Chinese gourd appeared on his head. The energy absorbed by the Shenzhou gourd vortex swept a little, and immediately the thunder was absorbed into the gourd, and then together with the hundreds of thousands of dragons transformed by the flood-stricken old people, they also invested in this gourd.

This gourd can almost swallow.

"Why are you so strong!"

The old man in the wild wasteland only felt that the whole world was filled into the gourd, and he himself fell into the interior of the gourd. The body returned to its original state and saw the true state, which is the perfect state.

The ancient dust sand created a new Divine University 6 in the Divine Gourd, named the true Divine State, or the ideal Divine State, the perfect Divine State.

Now the old man in the wild wasteland was sucked into the gourd of Divine Land, and landed in the center of the real Divine Land, and in the imperial palace in the center of Yinzhou.

The underworld in the true state is where the capital is, there is no magic domain.

Moreover, the center of Zhenzhou is not called Yinzhou, and it was named Zhongzhou by Guchensha.

This is the real center of heaven, the center of heaven, and the center of time and space.

At this time, the old man in the wild waste fell into the palace hall, and his head saw a huge tower high up in the hall. It revealed the billowing breath, approaching heaven, and it was almost invincible.

Above this seat, ancient dust is sitting.

"You ..." Old Honghuang was taken aback: "You actually forged the Emperor's position privately, you want to be the Emperor! If you go against this, you are not afraid of real retribution."

"It's funny, the prince will be the prime minister, but rather the kind of emperor, the emperor is the emperor, the emperor is the one who can lead all beings to go better, and the emperor is the emperor. I have already seen the future heaven, To be honest, the structure of the future heavenly court is nothing more than enslaving sentient beings, and there is no new idea at all. "Gu Chensha stood high, looking at the elderly Honghuang below, his eyes moved:" Kneel down! "


The old Honghuang came out shouting, but it was useless at all. No one could exert any mana, and the whole body knelt straight.

"Gu Chensha, I'm also an ancient strongman. I don't know how many thousands of years you can kill if you want to kill. Why should you humiliate me so much?" The old Hong Huang shouted angrily.

"I ask you again, do you still accept?" Gu Chensha asked again: "Submit me, sacrifice me, do things for me, eliminate your sins, and become a member of my Jingxian Division. If I do n’t want to, I wo n’t Many things are entangled with you, and you are directly refined into my puppet. Your pet Gouchen has been refined by me to become the king of life, and now I am refining you into another king of life. For my use. "

"I'd rather die than surrender." The elderly Hong Huang sneered on the face. "Gu Chensha, do you think I'm a giant spirit god? Two sides and three swords. Regardless of infidelity, when did you surrender to others?"

"You can't see it, you are still very strong." Gu Chensha looked coldly at the elderly Honghuang: "Since this is the case, don't blame me for being cruel. Do you think I can't take you anyway?"

"It doesn't matter what Cangsheng Emperor you refined into me. The sacrifice of the re-refined Cangsheng Emperor is far inferior to me. After all, it has lost some spirituality. If you directly surrender to Gochen, then the sacrifice must be much higher now. The King of Cangsheng. "Honghuang Elderly Road.

"It seems that you believe that you have turned to the King of Jinmen? You can live forever? You have pinned your hope on the future heaven, and believe that if you are dead now, you will be loyal to the heaven. Achievement? "Gu Chensha saw the idea of ​​the elderly Honghuang almost at a glance. The reason why he was fearless, stinky and hard was that he was firm in his mind.

"Huh!" The old man in the wasteland hummed coldly: "Gu Chensha, you have all your skills to show you. I'm going to let you kill it now, yeah, even if it frustrates me, I don't care, I will Seeing what new flowers you can come up with can completely convince me. "

"Yeah, the sentient beings are indeed bad and difficult to be united, but I am determined to bring all sentient beings together to create an ideal world. If I cannot surrender to you, that is a failure." Gu Chen said to you: "You It was the will born out of the flood gate. When I surrendered to you, I can find out the flaws of the flood gate, seize the cause and effect, and suppress the King of Heaven again. "

Hum ...

Between ancient dust and sand, in this hall, there were more than 360 heads of Cangsheng.

The current handsome men are actually saints, which means that they have reached the point where the state of truth has changed to the sacred heart of truth.

It is also such a powerful practice that we can manage many things on the land of Divine Land, making Divine Land and the huge Yong Dynasty more and more stable now.

The Marshal Cangsheng was made by Gu Chensha, and then got rid of the fate of the uncle, and has his own life. They are now real people.

In addition, they have many places that masters can't compare, that is, the head of each life is fair and strict, won the love of the people, and over time, has accumulated huge popularity and popular support.

"What do you call these handsome men? Do you think they can deal with me?" Said the old Honghuang dismissively.

"Look at them, these abominations are governing the world, stripping cocoons, even if they are a little bit of civil disputes, they can be handled perfectly, so they are what the people want. According to the truth, the people ’s hearts on them You can condense into the true god. "Gu Chensha didn't care what the old Honghuang said, but said to himself:" I'll show you now, why can I fight against the emperor, God, condensate! "

Hum ...

On the body of the 360-year-old Marshal, there were countless popularity and radiance of the hearts and souls. These things were extremely precious and even contained the highest mystery.

In the previous folks, if an official even had one thousandth of such a person, he could keep his soul immortal after he died, and become a little god, who cares for the soil and water of a party. Of course, this little **** has not been captured by the Son Yes, but also under the asylum of the imperial court, there is a certain amount of pride.

And now any one of the three hundred and thirty heads of life, ~ www.readwn.com ~, they have gained far more fame and popular hearts than any of the great emperors in history, even the ancient emperor.

Gu Chensha just grabbed the old man in the flood and used this as a driving force to forcibly push to complete some of the strongest changes.

"You ... What are you trying to do?" The old Honghuang panicked: "You, actually want to create the true God throne out of thin air? You are really against the sky, you are crazy, are you not It may be successful. The true gods must unite the faith of the emperor after the state of God, use the breath of the heavens to enter the sacrifice of heaven offerings, and sacrifice to the heavens, and the heavens will condense into the true gods. If you do this now, you will have Without saying endless sins, it is impossible to unite success. What do you think ... "

The old man in the wild waste felt danger for a while.

"Don't forget that the sacrificial celestial sacrifice is half of mine. I just don't use it. Of course, I won't use the spirit of the dynasty of the dynasty to sacrifice heaven, which is tantamount to the heaven. But I have the art of stealing the heavens. By sacrificing the heavenly amulets and stealing the power of the heavens, I can consolidate the throne of the true God for my three hundred and sixty heads, and you are the culprit of suffering the anger of the heavens. From the perspective of the heavens, you It's stealing. Think about what happens to you. "Gu Chen said.

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