Dragon Talisman

Chapter 832: Serial meter

Chapter 832

Ancient dust and sand can actually create a god.

This is absolutely incredible in the eyes of the old man in the wild wasteland. At least this is the ability of the Heavenly Emperor.

Even with the current generation of masters, Honghuang Elderly can be regarded as the best. Except for some characters from the future heavenly court, he is standing at the pinnacle of this world, so his vision and thinking have never been devalued.

In the current master ladder in the universe, the first place is ancient dust and sand.

The second is the kings who have been born, and the Lord of the Four Famines. Of course, Jingqiu and Gu Su are now the Kings of the Desert, and the Lord of the Deserts and the Deserts. These old antiques.

The third step is the old antiques in the realm of life, such as the old man in the wasteland, the Master Wanxian, the three celestial deities, the giant spirit god, the immortal master, and so on.

The fourth step is some deities.

As for the Tianzun, as the calamity is approaching, there will be more and more, as if crossing the river.

There is a hint of great power in the elderly of Honghuang, and it is very likely that in the future, he will break through and reach the level of Tianyuan, and then he can rise to the second step.

"You are so vicious." The old Hong Huang's face had been distorted. He knew that what Gu Chensha said was true, and would bless the sins of anti-antagonism against him, even if the future heaven court was established, he would have to Without the slightest benefit, it is the sinner.

It's a dead end, and it's the kind of death you can't see at all.

"The only way out for you now is to trust in me, sacrificing my Tao, and abandoning the fantasy of the King of Jinmen and the future." Gu Chen said: "This is the only vitality, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

After saying this, the ancient dust and sand grabbed again, and suddenly the wind and clouds surged. The endless power of the deep Shenzhou gourd was drawn, and the seat of the 360-sage saint-level man in the seat of the Cangsheng was getting clearer and clearer.

Of course, the sin and the number of robberies have condensed into a body. It should have been directed at the ancient dust and the three hundred and thirty saint-level men, but now this group of robberies and sins are gathered. On top of the old man in Honghuang, it seemed to land at any time.

"I am willing to surrender."

In an instant, the old man in the wild wasteland kept calculating, and finally sighed, "I am willing to surrender the Jingxian Division and change my sacrifice. However, I have sacrificed the Honghuang Dragon Gate. If I would worship the Jingxian Division again, the Honghuang Dragon Gate and Jin The King of Men immediately appeared. "

"It doesn't matter, they can't do it now. If I can't even settle a little Jinmen King, then basically don't fight with the emperor. Don't talk nonsense, say sacrifice first." Gu Chensha sneered again and again.


At this time, the old man in the wild wasteland had no choice at all. He could only succumb, change his mind, and begin to worship the ancient dust and sand.

Hum ...

From him, a huge sacrifice power came out again. This is the sacrifice of the old antiques at the peak of Tianshou Realm. The power of sacrifice can almost change the world.

Even in the most prosperous days of the ancient emperor, there will not be the old sacrifice of ancestral worship in the realm of Tianshou, not to mention Tianshou, even Tianzun.

Therefore, the power of this sacrifice is also extremely beneficial to ancient dust.


The power of this sacrifice is like the Tianhe Waterfall, which keeps rolling, after falling on the ancient dust and sand, it suddenly changes, swallows and condenses, and then drills into the depths of the void.

"This ... the power of sacrifice has returned to the Honghuang Dragon Gate ..." The elderly Honghuang was surprised when he saw this situation: "But you did something from the power of sacrifice."

"Yes." Gu Chensha slammed his fingers: "You sacrificed to me, and the power of this sacrificing was urged by me to condense the Supreme Magic. I still seized the opportunity and sent it to the flood gate. From the view of King Jinmen, You have n’t betrayed at all. Another thing is that after your sacrifice, the power of your sacrifice lurks in the depths of the Dragon Gate. I can not only get the whereabouts of this Dragon Gate, but also slowly penetrate into this Dragon Gate by virtue of this point. , Ambush down the seeds, and at the critical moment, seize the dragon gate. "

"You have such a plan ..." The old Honghuang had a bitter expression on his face: "If you take the Honghuang Dragon Gate, the power will be further increased, and I will become the true enemy of the heaven in the future."

"Is it an enemy?" Gu Chensha pointed another finger. The group of robbers suspended above the old man of Honghuang suddenly changed, and it evolved into the light of the Xiaguang, and injected into the old man of Honghuang.

Suddenly, the great strength of the old man in the wild wasteland was a little bit more, which made his cultivation increase again, getting closer and closer to the realm of Tianyuan.

"I can change the number of calamities in heaven to merit. You should already know this. At the depth of the Longmen Dragon Gate, I also converted the sin of Longmen into merit. Now that you have come to me and started to worship, I naturally want to Give you some benefits. Since you have sacrificed me and turned the sins of Heaven into merit, you ca n’t look back. You must know this very well. Now I ’ll arrange a mission for you to go to the alliance of Heaven and Earth and Xuanmen. , Secretly relying on someone. This is also the way to sacrifice her. "Gu Chen said.

"Who?" The old man in the wasteland didn't know what huge plan Gu Gusha had to arrive for.

"Wu Dangkong." Gu Chen's eyes sharpened, "This woman has mastered the sacrifice of heaven offerings. She is also a very powerful character in the future heaven court. If I guess well, she should be the next important emperor of heaven heaven. The concubine should also awaken a certain ability now. "

"That being the case, I just need to obey the orders." The elderly Honghuang became very scared and afraid of Gu Chen, and he knew that if he did not obey Gu Chen's orders, he would not be able to survive in the future, he would not be able to die, and he would suffer the most. Pain, and can never be relieved.

"Go on."

As soon as Gu Chensha waved his hand, he sent the elderly Honghuang out of this Divine Gourd.

The next moment, the old man in the wild wasteland reached the middle of the eastern wasteland, his body shuddered, and there was no betrayal at all. If it was so easy to betray, Jingxian Si could not be the biggest enemy in the future heaven.

The elderly Honghuang knew in his heart that as long as he betrayed himself, he would soon have no place to bury himself.

"I didn't expect me to become a chess piece. I was born from the Honghuang Dragon Gate. It was so ancient that even the ancestor of Wanwan Gouchen was my pet. Now it's so miserable that I can't help myself, isn't my destiny in my heart." But he knew that these things were no help now, and only by completing the task given to him by Guchensha could he survive.

Heaven and earth mysterious gate.

Wu Dangkong has occupied a palace and is practicing hard. Her current state is also the peak of a saint. She wants to break through and reach the level of heaven, but she can't break through.

"Since ancient times, people who hold the sacrifice to heaven are all emperors, and the realm of emperor is the peak of the saint. No one has ever received a sacrifice to heaven. If I am a deity, I will control this amulet and obtain great benefits. "Wudang Kong practiced hard.

"Congratulations to the concubine Ming Ming will soon practice to the level of heaven respect." A voice sounded.

"Who?" Wudang Kong looked at the place where the sound came out, and a shadow appeared, and the condensed body was the old Honghuang.

"You? How did you come in? Now that the heavens and the earth are closing the mountains, and the law is prohibited, can you sneak in?" Wudang Kong frowned. Although the old man in Honghuang is an ancient giant, the current Wudang Kongji Tianfu is in his hand. Even more control of the endless heart, she was not afraid of this person.

"The King of Jinmen has been born and has mastered the Honghuang Dragon Gate. I am now into His Majesty. The King of Heaven has unsealed all the gods sealed by Tianfu Emperor and incorporated them into the Honghuang Dragon Gate to form a huge force. I came today, yes Say hello to the concubine Ming instead of King Jinmen. "The elderly Honghuang spoke according to the meaning of Gu Chensha.

"The King of Jinmen was born, and he actually took the true **** of the seal down!" Wu Dangkong was startled, then faced with a frost: "Don't call me Mingfei."

In Wu Dangkong's view, Ming Fei is a very shameful title. She was forcibly included in the harem by Emperor Tianfu. She had wanted to start a career, but unfortunately encountered the Jingxian Division and was suppressed. Now, the reputation of the people is also so bad that it has long been pointed at by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people.

"My name is not the concubine of the Ming dynasty, but the concubine of the future heaven, the concubine of the emperor." The elderly Honghuang calmly said: "Otherwise, why did the sacrifice of heaven offerings fall into the hands of the concubines, that day? Why did the great emperor Gutaxian marry his maiden into the palace? Didn't the maiden understand her identity? "

"What?" Wudang stood up fiercely: "What did you say ~ www.readwn.com ~ say it again?"

"Niangniang has heard clearly, why should I say it again?" The elderly Hong Huang stood up respectfully.

Wu Dangkong was silent. After a long time, he thought about it: "Elder Honghuang, what are you going to do? This palace already understands its identity."

"Naturally, I will devote my majesty, wait for the emperor to be born, establish a future heavenly court, and reorganize the order of all realms. His mother will surely hold power, billions of times more glorious than she is now, and follow the mother to be more prosperous than Jinmen. Honghuang said, "Mother, what's your intention?"

"Elderly Honghuang, you are the realm of Tianshou. If I read correctly, there is a great force brewing in your body. In the realm of impacting the unprecedented realm of Tianyuan, if you take refuge in me, I will naturally be more powerful, but in the end I want to How can I trust you? Unless ... "Wu Dangkong is not a fool, she must not believe the elderly Honghuang.

"Unless I sacrificed my maiden." Honghuang said, "The celestial sacrifice in the maiden's hand is a good thing. Unfortunately, it is necessary to master the power of sacrifice to seduce the power of destroying the world. Now the maiden is And he has not run his own empire, so he cannot exert his maximum power. "

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