Dragon Talisman

Chapter 833: 2 sides communication

Chapter 833 Communication on Both Sides

"Yes, I really did not manage my own empire. In this way, there is no sacrificial power available. E┡ novel WWW. Δ1XIAOSHUO.COM but one thing you have to figure out is that this sacrificial celestial sacrifice needs The power is very pure, even if I master a large world, such as the Xuanhuang Daqian world, mastering the creatures in it, and then sacrificing it, it is useless and not pure enough. Only by mastering the Middle-earth Divine Kingdom can we sacrifice the heavenly amulets. Energize it thoroughly, run the magic in it. "

Wu Dangkong is not trying to build an empire.

Taking her current cultivation as the foundation, occupying a place in the heavenly realm, such as burning down a similar area of ​​the Big Six, and then gathering human beings, educating the people, and slowly, they will obtain a huge faith, just like Jingqiu's management and desertion. Like the divine Samar Empire.

But she didn't have the patience and time.

Run an empire and start from scratch. Without hundreds of years, it would not be possible for thousands of years.

Coupled with the most valuable Middle-earth Divine Land, all four wastelands were occupied. She was looking for a big 6 outside to rebuild the country and establish sacrifices.

The people living above Middle-earth China have the highest value, followed by the four wastelands.

Because the four wastelands are close to the Middle-earth Divine Land, since ancient times, the people of Divine Land have reached the Four Wildlands, and the blood of Divine Land has flowed into the Four Wildlands, so that the people of the Four Wild Lands also have the blood of Divine Land in their bodies, so Gathering the four wasteland people to build an empire, the sacrificial power obtained is also extremely magnificent, and the quality is high, second only to Divine Land.

This is also the reason why Xiandao Xuanmen lives in the Eastern Wasteland.

"I know that besides this reason, there is another reason for the niangniang to be unable to seduce the offering of the Heavenly Fufu, and to show the strongest strength, that is, the offering of the Heavenly Fufu was changed by the Heavenly Fu Emperor and distorted the origin." Hong Huang said again.

"What can you do to recover?" Wudang Kong's eyes flickered. It is not a secret that she sacrificed the Heavenly Rune. Many old antiques know that if there is no problem, she has already established herself by virtue of her means and the ability of this rune. One faction, why is it necessary to join this alliance? Fighting with those old antiques?

With the sacrifice to heaven, you can suppress luck and even surrender a few old antiques.

"In fact, it is very simple. As long as the mother-in-law wakes up her own origin and achieves the Emperor of Heavenly Emperor, she can sense where the Emperor is, and then pray to use the power of the Emperor to eliminate the seal. In addition, as long as the mother-in-law wakes up her origin, her qualifications are definitely not in Under the King of Heaven, you can sit on the same level as the King of Heaven. In the future heaven, the maiden, as the emperor of the emperor, has great power and has won the trust of the emperor. "Honghuang Elderly Road.

"How to wake up the origin?" Wudang violently stirred up in the hollow, she knew her opportunity was in sight.

"It's still the power of sacrifice." Elderly Honghuang said: "The King of Jinmen mastered the gate of Honghuang and approached the sacrifice of the three thousand true gods. This is a huge power. In fact, the mother can cooperate with the king of the heavenly gods. With the sacrifice of the three thousand true gods, Make yourself break through some kind of limit in an instant, and wake up the emperor's original concubine. "

"Speaking for a long time, you came to be a lobbyist, not to trust me." Wudang Kong looked at me coldly: "The Jinmen King is afraid of having a ghost in his heart and wants to get my sacrifice to heaven, and then go further, At present, there are many variables in the chaotic world. Even the existence of loyalty to the future heavenly courts is actually watching the change. If the emperor of heaven is born, they may not be truly conscientious and convinced, but want to replace it. If there is no ancient stepping fairy, These people will still be honest. But now, they are a little loyal and really say bad. "

Wu Dangkong is not a fool, how can he believe what Honghuang elderly said.

"I can also see this, so I have sincerely trusted in my mother. In the future, the King of Heaven Jinmen is a party member, but the relationship with the emperor is still the most intimate. To be honest, as long as the emperor is unhappy, You can promote a new King of Heaven to take charge of Honghuang Dragon Gate and also be a King of Jinmen. It is not impossible for the old King of Jinmen to be deprived of its origin and to be demoted to the world. "Hong Huang said.

"You said so much, and I still don't see your sincerity." Wu Dangkong still remained calm, without seeing the rabbit and not spreading the eagle.

"Subordinates to see their mothers." The elderly Hong Huang actually stumbled and worshiped Wudang Kong.

Suddenly, a huge sacrifice power rose to the sky again, condensing to Wudang Kong.

Wudang Kong looked happy, and a light and shadow appeared on the body. He wrapped up the power of the sacrifice, slowly refined it, absorbed it into the body, and immediately improved it a lot.

There are many ways to extract the power of sacrifice, but Tianzifengshenshu is unique.

Wudang Kong has been practicing Tianzifeng Divine Art for a long time, almost complete, and has passed many ancient emperors, so as soon as she receives the sacrifice of the elderly in the desert, she will almost break through the barrier that has not been broken for a long time.

"The sacrificial power of this old man in the wild wasteland is so magnificent. Some of these materials are also rare in the world, and it is no wonder that this is an old antique in the realm of Tianshou. Since ancient times, the emperor has to worship Tianzun as a teacher, let alone Tianshou? Obtained the sacrifice of the emperor, the emperor, the saint, the immortal master, and the Wanxian Shi, to wake up the origins of the Ming Concubine, just around the corner, and there are three thousand gods, Jinmen Heavenly King! "Wudang Hollow was extremely happy:" All nine heavenly kings were born , I must let them all sacrifice me first, because I represent the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven is not born, and my status is the most precious now. "

When Wu Dangkong refined the sacrifice power of the old people in Honghuang, it did not appear. The sacrifice power contained some things that were difficult to detect.

Gu Chen is still in the city of Niezhou.

In front of him, the shapes, dialogues, movements, and even inner thoughts of the elderly Honghuang and Wudangkong appeared vividly and vividly.

At the same time, he saw everything clearly in the flood gate.

This is how he surrendered the old man to Honghuang. In this old antique sacrifice, he merged with his own god. With this, he can find the Honghuang Longmen, even Wudangkong's sacrifice to heaven and the Wudangkong itself. Origin of Ming Fei.

Yes, in the future, Wudang Kong will be the emperor's concubine. This concubine has not even been born for a while. He presides over the events in the court of heaven and becomes the spokesperson of the emperor.

Now Guchensha uses the old man in the flood and wasteland to infiltrate his primordial spirit into this person's sacrifice, allowing Wudang Kong to refine and refine, although Wudang Kong can fly to enhance his strength, and even break through the realm, over time, he will Being completely under the control of Gu Chensha, he couldn't get rid of it at all.

In addition, the ancient dust and sand are linked by the old man in the desert, and even Wudang Kong and the King of Jinmen can fight each other to gain the benefit of the fishermen by themselves.

Of course, the most important thing is to get the emperor's whereabouts from Wudang Kong and the emperor's secret.

The whole space-time, infinite universe, billion-gigabit planes, the past, the present, and the future, the most important thing is the emperor. If he can surrender to the emperor and obtain the sacrifice of the emperor, ancient dust and sand can be extracted from it. Real supreme, infinite, invincible, infinite. The substance makes it break through all realms.

This is the most important thing.

The Emperor Tian may have been born in the Jingxian Division, but he did not wake up his origin.

Of course, Gu Chensha didn't expect that he just grabbed the Heaven Emperor so simply. The Heaven Emperor is anthropomorphic of the Tao of Heaven. It can be said that the Heaven Emperor is Heaven, and the Heaven Tao is also Heaven.

Tiandi is not the son of Tiandao.

Even if Gu Chensha is as high as possible, he understands that his battle with the Emperor is protracted. It is absolutely impossible to succeed with this little trick, but the little trick is still needed. Great victory, this is the only way to succeed Gu Gusha.

"I ca n’t grasp the Emperor of Heaven, but the King of Heavenly Gate can still grasp it. He must still come down and lurk into my Jingxian Division." Gu Chen's eyes turned and he observed everything in Honghuanglongmen.

Deep in the Honghuang Dragon Gate, the ordinary boy transformed by the King of Jinmen sits and observes the changes. At this time, inside the Honghuang Dragon Gate, five worlds move and move, and the power of the five elements is brewing, and mountains and rivers are born in it. Stars and moons.

The vitality of Honghuang Dragon Gate was activated.

The ancient dust sand originally found the Honghuang Longmen ~ www.readwn.com ~ At first glance, there are five large worlds outside the Honghuang Longmen, which are divided into the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil.

He also had the intention to collect these five big worlds, but at that time it was not as arrogant as it is now.

"Master, how do we plan now? The Qi of Middle-earth China is also getting stronger and stronger. I think we have to do something. I observe these days. The Qi of Yongchao is skyrocketing every day. The birth of Xiong Xiong can be suppressed or surrendered afterwards. "The mixed ape demon **** said to Jinmen Heavenly King:" The dynasties since ancient times, when they were about to perish, were all descended from heaven, rebelled, It made the world confused, and finally paved the way for the true king. A few days ago, many stars landed on the world, that is the case, the same is true of the magic disaster, but now those who reincarnate the stars, one by one by the Jingxian Division. Not only did he not make a mess, but he believed in Jingxian's Taoism. In addition, the magic domain also became a place for the court to exercise. Not only did he not counterattack, he also continuously provided resources for the Yong Dynasty, making the talents inside grow extremely fast. I don't see the momentum right. "

"I also think that there are some bad things. Although it is said that the birth of Emperor Tian can reverse the situation, Jingxianji has gradually accumulated strength and accumulated less. When it reaches a certain level, I am afraid that the birth of Emperor Tian is difficult to reverse. . "Capricorn also strongly agreed.

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