Dragon Talisman

Chapter 834: Chu Feng

Chapter 834 Chu Feng

Capricorn is different from other gods. He sees very far, so he can become the king of all gods, and his cultivation is not the realm of heaven, but the realm of life, otherwise it is impossible to command the demon domain, although it has been sealed for a long time, but For him, it was a trial. Now that he broke through the seal, he realized something that he could not understand. E novel Ww * W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

In the body of Capricorn God, countless powers breathe and vomit, and gradually begin to condense, condense, and turn into a tiny force.

His practice is that he is still above the flood-stricken old man.

If, over time, heaven and earth change, and he obtains some adventures, he will probably enter the realm of heaven and earth.

Since ancient times, no one can practice to reach the realm of heaven and earth, but now the world is changing, heroes are coming out, and chaos is intensifying. In full swing, all kinds of impossible things will become possible.

"The reincarnation of the stars is still in reincarnation, and there will be one yuan reincarnation." Asshole Shinto: "The people who are reintroduced by the Jingxian Division are actually very few. It is not a cause for concern. But what I am worried about is this. The ancient dust and sand are resourceful and resourceful. The Zhugeya, the Lord of the Seven Stars, is more vulgar and has unpredictable mysteries. I am afraid that it is brewing some kind of big action. We have to guard against it. "

"In this case, the king will personally take action, collect the reincarnated people, and will gradually control the Jingxian Division. Now Zhugeya has set up an Xingshu Department within the Jingxian Division. In this department, all of the stars are reincarnated. In the endless collection, I will break into this interior, and finally control this department, and evolve from the inside, so that Jingxian Division can eat its own fruits. "Jinmen Tianwang, a mundane young man, is well-placed:" The reason why you have not shot now is because of you These true gods are sacrificed inside the Honghuang Dragon Gate. I want to refine and transform the power of the sacrifice to make the Honghuang Dragon Gate ascend, and now it is almost there! Honghuang Dragon Gate, change for me. "

Hum ...

With the order of King Jinmen, the entire flood-stricken dragon gate should not absorb the chaotic elements, and countless spaces were born. The layers of space were layered on top of each other, and various vitalities were brewing in each space.

"You are in this flood-dead dragon gate, each occupying a space to re-cultivate your kingdom of God. You must not neglect to sacrifice this dragon gate. In the future, this flood-dead dragon gate is the gateway to heaven from all walks of life. If the door is blessed, it will not only be meritorious, but it will also be more convenient for your children and grandchildren to enter the heavenly courts in the future. "

The Capricorn God and the mixed-world Demon Ape God looked at each other, and the helplessness appeared on their faces. The move of the Jinmen King made it clear that they should be kept in the flood gate and provide sacrifices, in other words That's when pigs are raised.

The King of Jinmen has been supported by so many true gods, and the power of Honghuang Dragon Gate will become greater and greater. In the future, his power is likely to be comparable to the King of Chaos and King Daluo in the future. In the future heaven, Status is rising very fast.

After the establishment of the future court of heaven, there was also a battle between Uranus and Uranus, and it was also a common practice to induce battles between the worlds.

Although both the Capricorn **** and the mixed-world demon ape **** now want to break away from the Jinmen Heavenly King and run their own businesses to quickly improve their strength, but now they have no way. Under the Jinmen Heavenly King's hands, it is impossible to escape at any time. May be killed by repression.

So they only have to honestly find a space to live in and worship and support.

The King of Jinmen saw that Honghuang Longmen was completely stabilized, and the strength of his body was transformed, making himself cultivated for ascension. Many great forces were also brewed in his body, and he could soon be promoted to the level of Tianyuan.

After receiving the sacrifice of nearly three thousand true gods, King Jinmen urged Honghuang Longmen to baptize himself, and in a short time, he could nourish and strengthen his own origin of the King of Kings, giving him sufficient capital.


Honghuang's Dragon Gate kept spinning, shrinking, and finally turned into a rune that was invisible to the naked eye. He entered the depths of Jinmen's eyebrow and merged with his own thoughts.

Then he left the ancient starry sky and landed quietly.

at the same time.

At the branch of Jingxian Division in the city of Fazhou, a young man named "Chu Feng" suddenly trembled. He seemed to be a different person, his eyes opened, and a strange smile that was impossible to detect.

"The sky net of Jingxian Division is really powerful. The middle land of China, even the barren, and the sea famine, are all shrouded in the land covered by the king of heaven. Even if the ants move, they can clearly see it and incorporate the data of the king of life. In the moment, it can be calculated that any hidden danger can be eliminated into the invisible, but this Skynet has defects. If it is a person in the Heavenly Realm, deliberately hide, Skynet may not be able to detect it. Of course, Skynet still has This person is horrified by the calculation of ancient dust and sand, even if I can be calculated by him at any time, but now I have received the sacrifice of the true **** of nearly three thousand, and my strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. Waiting for an opportunity to control the Jingxian Division, This person surrendered, let His Majesty pay his respects, and let him sacrifice me. Then in the future, my status will rise to a terrible level. Jingxianji, I am not going to destroy, but I want to earn His Majesty. Who will be the emperor in the future, and said Not necessarily. "

This "Chufeng" boy transformed by the King of Jinmen has long been hidden in the Jingxian Division. At this moment, he decides to do a lot in the Jingxian Division.

Yasuda's headquarters.

A small Hongmeng tree is looming in the sky of Middle-earth China.

Among the small Hongmeng trees, Zhuge Ya, Wen Hong, Fushou God, the five season **** Liu Yu, five people, as well as Ling Shaofei, Chang Wuqu, and others gathered together to discuss a major event.

"We have set up the Xingsu Department to bring all the reincarnated people together." Zhu Geya looked at the core group of Jingxian Division: "The reincarnation of the stars has a total of one yuan, which is far from appearing yet, but It is very likely that these people have already appeared in the folk. When the emperor is born, all these people will wake up, and then build up their strength against us, and all we have to do is to collect all these people, Then let them thoroughly recognize our ideas. "

"Yes, of course, I am a reincarnation of the spirit star and the meteor. I should have held a position in the future heaven, but I still give up this and join the Jingxian camp to get rid of my destiny and create a new one. A new self. "Ling Shaofei said firmly.

"Me too." Changwu curved face with a cold smile: "Unfortunately, many people are still looking to the vain heaven. Instead of looking to the future, it is better to seize the present. Now we are in a position where the Jingxian Division is in full swing. After destroying the demon one by one and occupying all the countless demon realms, our court can truly sweep across countless worlds and finally achieve our own ideals. "

"Gathering the reincarnation of a few yuan, all sacrifices, we will increase the power of Jingxianji many times." Wen Hong said: "My Wanxing Feixianshu can also be truly perfect."

"This is a recent reincarnation of the people, many of whom have not been reported. They have hidden themselves. Obviously, they have a misgiving. We must take a shot. The previous strategy was to observe in secret, let it be, but it is not possible now, it must be done. All of them are included in our system of Jingxian Division, and we must sacrifice to us. If we are not sincere, we must seize its mystery and clear our minds. "The color of the God of Fushou is very severe:" Thirty-six years of Tianfu will come At this time, the great changes in the earth and the earth will begin immediately. We must be aware of the internal instability factors. If there are no internal problems, we will work together, even if the emperor is born, and the enemy will be as stable as a mountain. "

Between words, the **** of fortune came up with a list.

The stars on this list flashed, many names appeared one by one, and sometimes a few more were added.

These are the identities of all the reincarnated stars in Middle-earth China.

Some of them are hidden, and their identities are not revealed, but they do not know at all that their every move is under the observation of Jingxian Division.

Zhuge Ya took the list and glanced quickly: "Every day, hundreds of reborn people are born, but only a few come to report to us. The other awakened people are hiding. It seems we are Jing The idea of ​​Sendai has not really penetrated the hearts of the people, and those people have selfishness. "

"There is no way for people to have selfishness. People first get huge benefits. Their choice is to hide ~ www.readwn.com ~. It is also human nature to not be seen by others." Wen Hong said: "We first These self-reporting people are promoted as role models, and then let them find other people and do ideological work. "

"As soon as this person named Chu Feng awoke, he immediately reported to us, saying that he was the reincarnation of Yuandouxing." Zhu Geya looked at one of the names, and a casual smile appeared on his face: "This person can be promoted as a The top of our star department. "

"The Yuan Dou Xing is extremely vast, and its star power is overwhelming, which is not bad." Wen Hong also laughed: "It seems that Mr. Zhuge can talk to this Chu Feng himself?"

"Good." Zhuge Ya beckoned suddenly.

Suddenly a passage appeared in front of him, the space changed, and he came to a space outside a small Hongmeng tree.

Inside this space, a teenager looks around, and looks a little scared. He doesn't seem to have seen such a big scene.

Zhuge Ya appeared, looked at the boy, and asked: "You are Chu Feng? Report yourself, Yuanyuanxing reincarnation? After many of the reincarnation of the stars revived, they chose to hide it, and you actually reported it, so Seeing your loyalty, do you know what I want to do when I call you? "

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