Dragon Talisman

Chapter 838: One after another

Chapter 838 has been born

"Yi Yu, you escaped from Jingxian Division. It seems that you have learned a lot of news. ┡" E┡ "" Ω novel WwΔW.1XIAOSHUO.COM can't imagine that you are the mother of the king of punishment, no wonder that the **** of cutting fairy Gourds will obey your orders, but unfortunately, the king of torture has been born, and the gourd that cuts down the gods has fallen into the hands of ancient dust. "

Yuan Gu Tianzun looked at Dou Yiyu and felt the breath on her, but it had nothing to do with Jingxianji, nor was Qi connected with Jingxianji.

"The King of Execution is called the Ancient Sword of Swords. He is now sent out by Gu Chensha to control the burning of the Big Six, and it will be operated to increase the number of Jingxian Division and enhance the national movement. As a heavenly king, the establishment of heaven in the future will be an invincible existence, a high weight, what is the benefit of relying on ancient dust and sand? "Said Bo Tuo Tianzun.

"Don't talk about this matter, I still say we have control over Hongmengshu." Douyi Yu said, "What did the father and the two uncles say about the upcoming Donghua Heavenly King?"

"Hahahaha ..." Dou Shengtian Zun laughed.

"Why is my father laughing?" Dou Yiyu wondered.

"Even if the three of us have been born of this thing, what kind of fetish Hongmenshu is, we must not be able to obtain it, but we can use this opportunity to draw a relationship with Donghua Tianwang! Become a subordinate of Donghua Tianwang, so In the future, after the establishment of the heaven in the future, you can also obtain great achievements and authority. "Dou Shengtianzun said.

"Really?" Douyi frowned; "What if Donghua Heavenly King regains Hongmeng Tree by force and even deals with his father and two uncles? Then again, in the future, no one will say well, who I ca n’t trust it. I took a look. Even if the emperor was born that day, I can suppress the Jingxian Division, but do n’t forget, there is an ancient stepping god. He and Tiandao are entangled in a day. In the end who decides, and one more thing is that the king of heaven can also plunder, for example, the king of no robbery, itself is Jing Fanxing, but that Jingqiu deprived Jing Fanxing of the origin of the king, merged with himself, and became a new innocence. Heavenly King, is it the father and the two uncles who are willing to be human beings instead of being Heavenly Kings by ourselves? Our ambition should be much greater than Jingqiu. "

All three heavenly respects were silent.

After a long time, the Proterozoic Venerable God said: "Jingqiu is bold and out of control, even if we have to admit that he is an unscrupulous, courageous, and wise man. In the future, he will be the greatest enemy of Yasuji. Now that he has gained the origin of the King of Heaven, he has mastered the heart of desertion, and his strength has passed us. He thought that he even came out first to rebel against the Yong Dynasty. Although he was destroyed, we can see it. People are good at gambling, and I think that his mental computing strategy is still above the giant spirit god. "

"Jingqiu forcibly seized the origin of the King of the Unharmed King, there will be great disasters in the future, but I can see that he is well prepared." Bo Tuo Tianzun said.

"Jingqiu, the calamity of the King of Disasters, and mystery of heart, have long been united to prepare to devour his father and two uncles to seize the Hongmeng tree. This is the news I got from the Jingxian Division. At present this alliance is very chaotic. The crisis is perilous, and we should deal with it early so as not to become fish and cannot extricate ourselves. "Dou Yiyu was trying to bewilder, and what she said was true.

"That being the case, how do you think we should be good?" Dou Shengtianzun asked: "Looking at the world, all are the wolves' ambitions, such as Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and they want to devour us all the time, we absolutely I ca n’t take refuge. In addition, there are no good forces. There are only a few kings. "

"I mean don't take refuge, but you can take advantage of it. Jingqiu can devour the King, and we can also devour it." Douyi Yu said, "It depends on whether the father and the two uncles can make up their minds."

"The words are clear." Yuangu Tianzun looked at Dou Yiyu.

"You can use the power of Jingxian Division." Douyi Yu said: "Father and two uncles joined Jingxian Division, joined forces with Jingxian Division, together with me, and the ancient penalty sword, we can form in Jingxian Division. A huge force can even squeeze out the rights of ancient dust and sand. In this way, we can use the power of Jingxian Division to devour the King of Donghua. "

"You have trusted in Jingxian Division, and come to be a lobbyist?" Dou Sheng Tianzun's face changed: "If so, then you are not my daughter, and you must kill you."

At this time, there was also a deep killing intention on the faces of the Proterozoic and Bo Tuo.

"Jingxian Si is against the sky and must be destroyed. This is a matter of principle. It is also a question of our standing and survival. Jingqiu devours the origin of Jing Fanxing. It is an internal battle in heaven. If Jingqiu makes a contribution, then It will not be punished at all, but if you join Jingxianji, it will be a black road and there is no room for maneuver. We have stood up for so many years. Dou Tiantian said.

"The times have changed, and your set is already difficult to work." Douyi Yu said: "If you are not fortune, but want to achieve great achievements, it is delusional. Is the father and the If the two uncles still ca n’t see clearly? If they stay the same and go on in the same way as before, they will be swallowed up by others sooner or later. At that time, they will sink forever, even worse than slaves. Relying on Donghua Heavenly King, but you do n’t want to think about how the first Donghua Heavenly King is still unknown to us. In the second case, even if we trust, it ’s just a small role of our subordinates. By that time, with your strength, is n’t it? Willing to be called for exchange? The third is the most important. As far as I know, the top kings, such as Chaos King, Daluo King, and even Jinmen King, are secretly hidden in the Jingxian Division, incognito and ready to move. I think King Donghua is also among them. In addition, even the reincarnation of Tiandi is already among them. "

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

"There are so many things." Douyi Yu said: "I am in Jingxian Division. If I take refuge, there is still a place, because the king of punishment is my son, and now the qualification of Jingxian is better than the king of punishment. Well, there is no one other than the ancient dust sand. You said that if we join Jingxianji, with the power of Jingxianji, how much benefit can we gain from it? Even the first reincarnation of Heavenly Emperor can be found! At that time, But it ’s not like playing with people like Jingqiu. We can even use the power of Jingxianji to deal with these people.

"How confident are you that you have earned the trust of Gu Chen?" Dou Shengtian asked.

"Gu Chensha will not trust me, nor will he trust his father and two uncles. But we can also join Jingxian Division, because Gu Chensha will not reject us. We must set an example for the people in the world. This is a combination of interests. At present, the alliance of Tiandi Xuanmen has nothing to do. We become part of the imperial court. In the future, the emperor will be born and it will be a great merit to follow the emperor. Another thing is that we joined Jing Among the cents, it is certain to get the benefit first. It is possible that Donghua Heavenly King will find us soon. After I became the mother of the Heavenly King, I had many ideas. Knowing that the Emperor was born, it must be the internal destruction of Jing Xiansi. In order to master the state of God, he will never be born outside and fight against the Yong Dynasty, because then, the world will surely die. This is not in line with the emperor's way, and the emperor must kill evil. It is most convenient to kill evil. It is to enter from inside the court, and finally remove the brain, and naturally you can swallow the world. "Douyi Yu said eloquently.

"Yes, this is the essence of the word. The rebellions of the past dynasties include the recklessness of the folk, the slashing, the **** rebellion, and the direct coup d'état from the temple. For the civilian people, there is no big influence at all. Whoever is the emperor is the same. The emperor of the heaven is kind and will definitely choose to kill the brain on the temple. "Yuangu Tianzun also agreed.

"That being the case, we can join Jingxian Sixu with the snakes and join them, how about it?" The Buddha Tuo Zun also agreed to this matter and was uttered by Douyu.

"But you still have to discuss this with Gu Chensha for a while, and for us to gain more benefits, we are willing to join, otherwise, this matter will stop." Dou Shengtianzun said.

"That is nature. The joining of my father and two uncles to Jingxian Division is a huge blow to the alliance of Heaven and Earth and Xuanmen ~ www.readwn.com ~" and you are in a very high position in Xiandao. In the civilian world, it is invincible. If you add Jingxian Division, the ancient dust can be used for publicity. Instantly, his popularity and prestige can be increased many times. At least in the Eastern Wasteland, some wait and see. Xuanmen will also return, and will not listen to the words of heaven and earth. We can take the opportunity to establish the group of immortals, and put all of these immortal gates under our control, so that we also have great power in the Jingxian Division. Even we can use the power of ancient dust to capture the endless heart. "

"You talk about this." Dou Shengtian said: "I and my two brothers continue to discuss how to maximize the benefits."

"That's natural." After Dou Yiyu finished speaking, his body flickered slightly and disappeared here.

After Dou Yiyu left, Yuangu Tianzun looked at Dou Sheng and Zhenbo Tu and asked, "How?"

"This matter will also invite King Donghua to come to a ruling." Suddenly, Zun Sheng Tianzun worshipped far into the void.

At this time, a voice was transmitted deep in the void: "Yes, this matter is imperative, but this bucket has joined the Jingxian Division, and her heart has betrayed the heaven, even if she is the mother of the King of Heaven. He will die in the hands of the King of Heaven. "

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