Dragon Talisman

Chapter 839: Donghua

Chapter 839 Donghua

This voice is very peaceful, long, deep, and beautiful. It is almost a kind of one who is gentle and elegant in the world. When you hear the voice, you will feel that the owner of the voice is a perfect male. E 』┡ Novel Ww』 W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

This is the King of Donghua, ranking third, mastering the Hongmeng tree, and a very high-level hegemon in the future heavenly court, controlling infinite time and space, infinite universe, infinite plane, and the greatest existence of the infinite world.

The three celestial deities heard this voice, and were very respectful. They had long trusted in this heavenly king, and Hedouyiyu was just a ghost and a snake just now, and now naturally he would listen to this heavenly king's command.

"Master Donghua Heavenly King agrees with us to join Jingxian Division? What the girl said just now is also in Jingxian Division. Even Tiandi may be in Jingxian Division. Is this true or false?" Tianzun asked.

"This is true, but where is the Emperor of Heaven, this seat is not very clear. When the Emperor of Heaven is born, he will naturally be born." Donghua Tianwang said: "I, Chaos, Da Luo, wisdom, Jinmen, both Lurking in Jingxian Division, but they do n’t know who each is. Jingxian Division now has hundreds of millions of talents. Several people lurk in it. It ’s easier to find out. ”

"According to Mr. Donghua Tianwang, do we want to seize the power of Jingxian Division?" Dousheng Tianzun also has his own thoughts: "As for the punishment of King Tian, ​​how should we face it? Is this person an enemy or a friend?"

"The King of Penalties is temporarily controlled by Gu Chensha, but after the Emperor's birth, his control will be lifted, and he will truly wake up and restore his identity." Donghua Tianwang said: "This point you You can cooperate with him. I push behind it. After entering Jingxian Division, I will instruct you how to do it. "

"The ancient dust and sand have many tricks and are deeply cultivated. I am afraid that he will use his schemes and use us to carry out various conspiracies. The subtleness of this son is already above us. If we are fighting, we may not be the opponents of this son." No confidence in myself for the first time.

The three of them have long been scheming, and they have never suffered any losses from the ancient times until now. Because of this, they know very well how to judge the situation. They did not rely on a single blood to fight hard.

"At this point, you can rest assured that the ancient dust and sand are powerful, but once the emperor was born, he could suppress it immediately, even without the emperor. Now I have contacted Wucai, disaster, and the Great Burning joined forces to expel the alien in the main body of the sun and the moon. As long as the origin is expelled, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon can be detached from Gu Tiansha and become the true Lord of the Sun and the Moon. The original Lord of the Sun and the Moon was swallowed up by the ancient Tiansha, but the Lord of the Sun and Moon He has never been able to truly refine and integrate. We seized the opportunity to save the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. At that time, the Nine Heavenly Kings and the Lord of the Sun and the Moon could join together to move the heavenly court formation and turn China into a state. In the future heavenly court, to welcome the birth of the Emperor of Heaven, Guchensha basically has no ability to turn over. We are most jealous of Gutaxian. To be honest, without Gutaxian, what kind of ancient dust sand and Jingxian Division are all chickens. The tile dog can be broken with a finger. "The voice of King Donghua faded away:" Go, you can join the Jingxian Division. In addition, you can use the power of the Jingxian Division to capture the Immortal Master. Capture the prehistoric civilization God from her System, this God system is a great blasphemy to the emperor, but the source has great magical effects. If it is available, sacrificing the heavenly way can make the heavenly way more perfect and assist the heavenly way to devour ancient stepping immortals. In a word, if you do At this point, in the future, it may not be the Nine Heavenly Kings, but the Twelve Heavenly Kings. After the emperor and heavenly engulfing the ancient step immortals, they will expand many times, and it is not difficult to add a few more kings.

"There is another way to say that." The three heavenly respects looked at each other, and each other saw the ambition in the eyes of the other.

In the city of Yinzhou.

Gu Chensha saw Dou Yi coming back.

Dou Yiyu reported all of this once. In fact, there is no need to report, Gu Chensha can see clearly, but Dou Yu ’s behavior made him nod, because this incident shows that Dou Yiyu has sincerely and Jingxian Division Together, even the appearance of heaven in the future cannot shake her will.

"Master Wang, this is the case. I was persuaded by the three heavenly deities to join the Jingxian Division. With this, Wangye can quickly dissolve the alliance of the heaven and earth mysterious gate, and even get the surrender of countless immortals and conspiracy. To the endless heart. "Douyi Yu said.

"You have been deceived." Gu Chensha looked at Dou Yi lightly.

"How do you say?" Douyu was surprised.

"Actually, the three celestial deities have already been instructed by King Tung Wah, otherwise they would not be able to get anything from the Hongmeng tree, but you also have great credit, as long as you draw them into the Jingxian Division, whether they are sincere or not I can catch Donghua Heavenly Kings from them and take the sheep by hand. "Gu Chensha praised Douyi quite:" You said to the three heavenly respects that I set up a new department in Jingxian Division and let them collect Xiandaoxuan Doors, gatherings and sacrifices, if the great cause succeeds in the future, they will be in the control of the immortal world. In addition, I will personally urge Xuan Gong to gather thousands of seeds for them. After they have obtained the Hongmeng Tree, they have been promoted to the realm of Tianshou, but want to be Furthermore, touching the secrets of Tianyuan is still delusional, but after I give them thousands of seeds, they can gradually transform their world power into the power of Tianyuan, not to mention promotion to Tianyuan realm, at least there is hope. "

Between the ancient dust and sand, the palm of the hand was slightly waved, and the three seeds were condensed, with a pure immortal atmosphere, as if three large worlds were in the palm.

Dou Yiyu knows the goods, and her face is extremely shocked: "This, this ... this is what you made up? Daqian seeds."

Since ancient times, the Tianshou realm has been the pinnacle, and no soul can reach the Tianyuan realm, because after Tianshou, it is basically impossible to condense the thousands of seeds, so that the power of the world in the whole body has the breath of thousands.

In recent decades, the emergence of Emperor Tianfu has disrupted the heavenly path and caused the heavenly path to change. Therefore, some peerless powerhouses broke through, and the power of the thousand was condensed into the body, and then the force of the thousand was condensed into seeds. Incubation, evolved into a world of thousands, that is the realm of Tianyuan.

Such as the giant spirit god, such as the old man in the desert.

However, the three Great Celestial Masters have not yet reached this point. They are still very difficult to condense the power of Qianqian, and then condense the power of Qianqian into Qianqian seeds.

But now, the ancient dust and sand directly gave them three pure thousands of seeds.

In this way, as long as they have obtained these three seeds, they will be able to enter the realm of "half the sky." This is simply a step into the sky.

This is like the Three Great Celestial Masters, who were originally just a royal family disciple, were suddenly promoted to become princes.

"The Lord ’s magical skill is far beyond the imagination, and I think everyone is miscalculated." After Dou Yi was shocked, he said sincerely, "I see that Lord Wang is about to break through the realm of Heavenly Supreme soon? At that time, it was sweeping the world, When you are invincible, it is as simple as pinching a chicken.

The ancient dust sand secretly obtained the sacrifice of the old people from the floodland. Through the old people of the floodland, they directly communicated with the floodgate dragon gate. After stealing the sacrifice of the three thousand true gods and Jinmen Heavenly King, it was repaired to grow crazy every moment. The fifteenth change of the dusty famine realm can turn the dusty land into the universe famine, so he can produce thousands of seeds, of course, these thousands of seeds are extracted from the power of the sacrifice of the three thousand true gods.

"Three big deities will definitely make a lot of demands, but as long as they take out the thousand seeds, they will come immediately." Gu Chensha waved, "In the past, I hope to see the three big deities appear in me tomorrow. Before him. "

"Yes!" Dou Yiyu hurriedly left.

Sure enough, the next day, before it was bright, the three heavens were transformed into three elders, and they all appeared in the small courtyard where Gu Chen was located.

Later, they saw several servants serving tea in the courtyard.

"There is no law! Jing Fanxing! Emperor Wu!" The three celestial beings saw these three servants, and they lived the lives of ordinary people honestly. They seemed to be satisfied, and were very surprised. These three people were once a great presence. , Wu Wuxian is the reincarnation of the endless umbrella, Jing Fanxing is even more powerful, but it is the reincarnation of the Heavenless King ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Emperor Wu was also the Lord of Divine Land, and created a dynasty in the history of Divine Land It is a big man.

The three heavenly masters even knew that if the future God turned into the future heaven, then the great emperor who had been the master of the god, the ancient emperor would also get a good position in heaven, even if dead, he would be resurrected, not dead. , Higher status, second only to the nine Heavenly Kings.

"You are finally here, ready to take refuge in Jingxian Division?" Gu Chensha looked at the old man transformed by the three heavenly deities without any surprise. In the past, these three heavenly deities existed in legend. Xiandao Xuanmen heard the three heavenly deities. All the names are enshrined as ancestors, and even the ancient emperor who has obtained the sacrifice of the heavenly gods, respects the three heavenly respects as teachers, and asks the way of governing the country and the way of spiritual practice.

The former three celestial beings also existed in the eyes of Gu Chensha, but now he can completely kill these three people with his fingertips. These three people have no secret existence in his eyes.

Ancient Dust in this world, the only thing that is jealous and unsure is the emperor. Otherwise, they are all ants.

"Sure enough, the hero is a boy." Dou Sheng Tianzun saw Gu Chensha sitting with a big grin, his frown frowned, and his heart was a little uncomfortable. It seemed that Gu Chensha didn't have the demeanor of a corporal.

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