Dragon Talisman

Chapter 840: Far-reaching layout

Chapter 840 Profound Layout

"Kneel down. E Novel WWW. Y1XIAOSHUO.COM"

Gu Chensha said two words.

"What?" Dou Sheng Tian Zun felt dissatisfied with Gu Chen's attitude and wanted to ask for a higher price before he could join Jingxian Division. Not to mention the victory of the Celestial Master, even the Elder Celestial Master and the Bodhisattva Celestial Master, the attitude towards the ancient dust and sand was also rising in anger.

No matter where they are from the ancient times to the present, they are almost noble, and no young man sits so sternly in front of them.

But the two words of ancient dust and sand drove them to the abyss!

Gu Chensha actually wanted them to kneel!

This is simply an unbearable humiliation, and the three celestial deities almost suspected that their ears were wrong.

"I made you kneel, did you not hear?" Gu Chensha glanced at the three heavenly deities, and then said, "You want to rely on Jingxianji. This is a wise choice to avoid the consequences of death in the future. But you do n’t have any awe. This is the taboo of trusting. Kneel down and worship before worshiping. This is the etiquette that you must trust. The king of punishment does all this. His identity is thousands of times more expensive than you. You Could it be that the status of the three celestial deities could be a blessing in Jingxian Division? "

"Ha ha ha ha ..." At this time, Dou Sheng Tian Zun laughed, with a sharp killing in his eyes: "Okay, okay ... Gu Gusha, I thought you were a personal talent. , But did not expect that you would start to swell as soon as you gained power. I do n’t know how high the sky is and how thick it is.

Dou Yiyu didn't speak, as indifferent as a stone, eyes and nose, nose and heart, as if the dispute at the scene had nothing to do with himself.

"let's go."

The Emperor Tianzun also wanted to mix in Jingxian Division, but the attitude of Gu Chen in front of them made them intolerable, and if they could bear it, they would be false if they kneeled down and surrendered. The second is to let Guchensha publicize this matter, their faces are almost gone, and their reputation is reduced to the extreme.

But Bodhisattva was very calm and looked at Guchensha: "Guchensha, our cooperation is of great benefit. You can gain reputation and control of the endless heart. It will dissolve the alliance between Heaven and Earth Xuanmen and Heaven and Earth ancestors. At present, the situation of your Jingxian Division is not very good. Sihuang has already fallen into the hands of others, and Shenzhou has not really mastered it. It seems to be prosperous. In fact, it is a strong outsider, and it will break in one hit. At this time, you are not wise to offend. We, you should not be so confused. "

"You come here as a separate person." An indescribable smile appeared on the ancient dusty sand surface: "The cunning rabbit three caves, the cunning of your three heavenly respects, have been rare since ancient times, but even the cunning rabbits and foxes cannot escape. The bait of the hunter, I seduce you with thousands of seeds, and you are still hooked. Although you have not refined the three thousands of seeds, you still can't help but study, so that I will seize your real existence And the person behind you, I also know, Donghua Heavenly King, isn't it? "

"You ........" When Gu Chensha heard the words "Donghua Heavenly King", the faces of the three heavenly gods changed drastically. They jumped out of their bodies and left here.

But now he can't move at all.

Moreover, behind them, there are also vortexes, this vortex has a huge pulling force, constantly pulling their own avatars from the void, to the end, behind the three heavenly deities, really The body is also pulled involuntarily.

The expressions of extreme fear appeared on the faces of the three heavenly gods. They had many avatars, and the true body was hiding in a place that no one knew, but now it was merged to one place by some force, and then attracted to it. In this small courtyard.

In other words, now the three heavenly deities have no support, if Gu Chensha destroyed them here, they would really die.

"I will consume huge power to make three thousands of seeds." Gu Chen said: "However, if it is not for this thing to attract, you will not be able to catch your three old foxes. Even if Donghua Tianwang saw these three The thousands of seeds are also considered pure and free of any impurities. How could Donghua Heavenly King understand my methods? If he can understand, how can I fight with Tiandi in the future? "

As Guchen Shaxiu ascended, he stole the sacrifices of the three thousand true gods. His methods are already amazing, and he can already detect Qiuhao and play with the three heavens to applaud.

Even the Donghua Heavenly King behind the three heavenly respects, Gu Chensha still does not regard him as an opponent.

"Three Great Celestial Masters, your current cultivation is the realm of Tianshou, but for me, they are still chickens and dogs, not to mention that you are three ordinary Tianshou, even if they are three Heavenly Kings, I can suppress them. "Gu Chensha pointed to Fa Wuxian, Jing Fanxing, and Emperor Wu." These are three beings that oppose me. Now you have seen it in the end. If you do n’t kneel, and offer a sincere sacrifice, then this little In the courtyard, there will be three more ordinary people, and they will live like ordinary people every day. "

Hearing this voice, Fa Wuxian, Jing Fanxing and Wu Di all bowed their heads.

Fa Wuxian was born with a prominent halo, but he is a disciple of the first family of Divine China. He is also a natural saint. His name is Fa Wuxian, which means he wants to compete with the ancient **** of ancient charms. But now, he is honest. As an ordinary person in the yard, I dare not face the ancient dust.

Seeing the status of these three people, the three heavenly gods thought that if they were like this, then it would be better to die.

"Subordinates meet the master." At this moment, Yuanzun Tianzun suddenly made an unexpected action, that is, Tong Tong knelt down, dropped into the ground of the five bodies of Guchensha, and continued.

At this time, Dou Tianzun defeated, and Bodhisattva also knelt down, and even scratched his head.

A power of sacrifice burst out instantly, but was absorbed by the Divine Gourd above Guchensha's head.

"Hahahaha ..." Gu Chensha smiled: "It is worthy of being the three celestial lords, and I am too old, and I have never suffered. I choose to be a lot clearer than others. Now I finally know why you guys are. I can live to this day, manipulate the changes of Divine Land, and be a teacher of Gu Tianzi. "

When the three great celestial beings heard Gu Chensha's words about Donghua Heavenly King, they knew that the situation had gone. Now that Gu Chensha knew the greatest support behind them, there must be a way to deal with it. Then they resisted stubbornly, and it was just cannon fodder.

Fa Wuxian, Jing Fanxing, Emperor Wu saw this scene, his eyes were straight, they never expected it, he was so famous, Swire was high above him, and the three heavenly masters, who are the highest ancestors of countless immortals, also kneeled down and worshiped Gu Chensha. Sacrifice.

"Fight a feather," Gu Chen said.

"Subordinates are here!" Dou Yiyu immediately stepped forward.

"You command the three celestial deities to establish a new department, called the Sanxian Department, and act according to opportunity. The so-called Sanxian, in the laws of the future heavenly courts, among the realms, all the practitioners have reached the level of mana and the state of the twentieth confluence. Those who are impermanent and have not been granted official positions are called Sanxian. "Gu Chensha commanded:" Besides, you must pay close attention to the news of King Donghua, and I must cast him out. "

"Yes!" Dou Yiyu was very excited.

"Master, we are under the control of Donghua Tianwang and we can no longer control Hongmeng Tree. In fact, Hongmeng Tree has fallen into the hands of Donghua Heavenly King." At this time, Dou Shengtianzun hurriedly opened his head. "Donghua Heavenly King may not Trusting us may even kill us. He has lurked into the Jingxian Division. Our lives are also at stake, and it is very likely that he will be killed casually. "

"You can rest assured, I have urged the means to make the heavens." Gu Chen said: "Donghua Heavenly King has not been truly consummated, and his realm has not recovered to the heyday of Heavenly King. He wants to get rid of my confusion, not at all. Probably. You can rely on me. It is a matter of time. Go now, register in Xiaohong Mengshu, and let all of your disciples turn to Jingxian. I hope that in one day, I will see this thing completed. "

"Yes, yes ..." The three celestial deities went out immediately.

Waiting for the three major deities to leave, Douyi immediately said: "Wang Ye, the three major deities are now truly sacrificed, but they are still not very secure. These three major deities are best at changing hexagrams. Now they are caught by the handle. , Using sanctions to punish them, but they will definitely find ways to crack the sanctions, get rid of our restraint, and have to guard against them. "

"I definitely know this, but no one except Heaven Emperor can make the three heavenly gods free from my restraint. If Heaven Emperor appeared and shot, I would definitely have a lot of sense." Gu Chen said: "My priority is, Just let them fish out Donghua Tianwang, and then use all their power to suppress this Heavenly King, forcing him to sacrifice me, and I can refine the Hongmeng tree with the power of his sacrifices ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time swallow the Honghuang Dragon Gate and move Preparing means to take the sacrifice of heavenly offerings, integrate the three treasures, and integrate into the body, you can break through the celestial body and even the realm of life. "Gu Chensha already had his own set of ideas.

Now his layout is almost moving.

First, he has successfully laid out the Honghuang Dragon Gate, and all the Jinmen Heavenly Kings and the Three Thousand True Gods sacrifice are in his hands. Second, the old Honghuang has been surrendered by him, and has now become a courtier of Wudangkong. Third, the three heavenly masters also became slaves to the ancient dust and sand, which could capture the King of Donghua and further gain the Hongmeng tree.

In this way, the three treasures are integrated into the Divine Gourd, and this Divine Gourd will become the strongest artifact.

Of course, the endless heart must also be gathered into the Divine Gourd, and all 36 endless treasures must be gathered.

This is the ambition of ancient dust sand, and in the non-stop layout, we have seen the hope of success.

"But Wu Dangkong is the emperor's concubine in the future heavenly court, but the emperor also has a main palace, the queen of the emperor. Who is the queen of the emperor? I can't figure it out." Gu Chensha flashed a doubt in her heart.

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