Dragon Talisman

Chapter 841: Who is Tin Hau?

Chapter 841 Who is the Queen of Heaven?

Gu Chensha has been calculating and studying many things in the future heaven. ΩE small Δ said WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

He has analyzed almost all the structure of the future heavenly courts, such as the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the Nine Heavenly Kings, and then His Majesty's officials, the immortal officials, the gods and the immortals, each performing their duties and forming their positions. Huge working governing body. In addition, there are many princes in the heavenly subordinates, the four wastelands, and guarding the heavenly court. Then there is the human world, the demon world, the demon world, the fairy world, also called the Sanxian world, and the land government.

In the structure of the future, it is definitely not the present, mixed with demon and demon.

The human world in the future is human world, and it is also extremely huge, but all of them are only humans. Among them, if a powerful monk is born and cultivated to the realm of mana, he will rise to the immortal world, and the monsters and magic in the human world are the same, but They will soar to the demon world and the demon world.

The land government is that after a person dies, the soul will enter into it and divide the good and evil into reincarnation. Of course, it's not just humans, immortals, demons, demon, and gods. Even if the immortal officials in the heaven court make mistakes, they will be driven into the prefecture and tortured, and they will be born in various places.

This is the structure of the future heavenly court. In the future heavenly court, there are many arrogant people, forming a force that can suppress the heavens, and then gather together to stabilize order.

After careful calculations of ancient dust and sand, I also felt that the order established in the future heaven is very stable and there are almost no loopholes, but ancient dust and sand feel that this order and structure is not what they want, and it is definitely not an eternal structure. It is a kind of stagnant water that cannot be used by all sentient beings and has fixed its destiny.

However, the strongest fighting force in the heavenly courts, the realm of Tianyuan or above, in addition to the nine Heavenly Kings, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, there is the Emperor's Harem, the four concubines. Wu Dangkong is the Ming concubine, who has great power in the future and even once mastered the overall situation of the court. However, the most powerful is not Ming Fei, nor other concubines, but Tiandi Zhenggong, Tianhou.

The Empress Dowager is very mysterious. It is rumored that she and Qiandi mastered the movement of the heaven and earth, even if the current practice of ancient dust sand is in constant calculation, the shadows of the Emperor and the Empress Dowager are very vague, and no clues can be seen at all. .

However, the ancient dust and sand are not in a hurry. With his step-by-step layout success and the increase in repairs, these can be calculated one by one. As long as he became a Celestial Master, completely separated from the heavenly path in cultivation and meditation, and became self-contained, the Emperor of Heaven would also become clear.

"As long as another month, I can almost break through the sacrifice of the Three Thousand True Gods to reach the realm of thirty-six alternations. At this time, I can devour the Honghuang Dragon Gate, and by the way, I am the intelligent Jinmen King. All surrender. With the power after devouring the Honghuang Dragon Gate, it is easy to devour the Hongmeng tree and the sacrifice to heaven. If my plan is not unexpected, I can be promoted to heaven in 36 years. Game with the born emperor. The emperor needs the cooperation of the people around him to establish the heavenly court. I have wiped out the sun and moon master, his concubine, and the nine heavenly kings. I see how he also established the heavenly court. ”Gu Chensha knew No matter how powerful you are in this world, there are still traces to follow. The birth of the Emperor of Heaven must also follow certain principles.

"The world is capricious and dazzling." Jing Fanxing suddenly said: "Master, my previous actions have been terribly wrong. As a result of confessing a thief as a father, my talents and years have been abandoned, and my origins have been taken away. I have achieved the traitor in Jingqiu. Now I am fully awakened and willing to do things for Jingxianji and reverse the number of days. Since Heaven gave me the status of King of Heaven, but I was deprived of it, then I simply do n’t want it, I want to let Tian understand this The thing is wrong. The grown-ups are now ready to fight with the Emperor of Heaven. With only a few means, they can let me re-cultivate. I swear that I will be an adult to slay Jingqiu and seize the desert. I hope the grown-up can give me this opportunity . "

Between words, Jing Fanxing knelt on the ground, scratching his head again and again, sincerely, without any falsehood.

Gu Chensha can see that Jing Fanxing has suffered many setbacks, and finally lost his temper. He has identified Jingxianji from the bottom of his heart. Since then, he has done things with sorrow and even willingly started from a small official.

Fa Wuxian bowed her head, deep in her heart.

As for Emperor Wu, he remained motionless and did not express his position. Emperor Wu is now an ordinary person. All of his cultivation has been put into practice, and he has succeeded in life.

"I can see that you are really sincere." Gu Chensha said to Jing Fanxing: "Since this is the case, I am as you wish." Between the words, a light blessed on Jing Fanxing, making Jing Fanxing stand in the air Get up, turn into a light, and put it into Xiaohongmeng tree.

"I will reshape the foundation for him in this scene, and later work under Zhuge Ya." Gu Chensha said to Fa Wuxian and Wu Di: "This person actually has great luck in his body, but he has lost the origin of the King of Heaven, but he is in his heart. Suddenly awake, so he got something that is not more precious than the origin of the King, that is freedom, because he put down the fetters of fate, and since then, fate is not controlled by heaven, free and free, such things are human By nature, man is the primal of all things, and his heart is even more brilliant than the Tao of Heaven. Heaven also avoids people's hearts, so he planted all kinds of shackles in the human heart and controlled them. If anyone can open the shackles, he can get real freedom. It ’s not a slave, but unfortunately, you are still intoxicated by the glory of the past, or you are nostalgic for your own destiny. It is sad that you can apply at any time when you are awakened. "

Gu Chensha waved his hands, letting Fa Wuxian and Wu Di continue to be servants.

The layout has been completed, the next thing is to wait for the opportunity to close the net.

At this moment, in the depths of the vast starry sky, at the highest place, there is a blazing fireball. This fireball is an aggregate of many large worlds, forming a large world. This is the big day, the sun. The light of heaven.

If you want to enter this big day, even the realm of Tianshou is impossible, as long as you are close to the edge of big day hundreds of millions of miles, you will be refined.

At this moment, in the middle of the depths of Da Ri, there is a place where even Tianyuan Realm cannot reach, someone sits cross-legged and practices.

This is Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

In the Great Sun, only the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Gu Tiansha, can come in. In addition, even the King of Heaven cannot help.

Last time, Douyi Feather experienced being caught in the sun by Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon. It was actually an illusion.

Of course, the real sun is also similar to the scene simulated by ancient dust.

In the depths of the sun, there are so many treasures. Unfortunately, no one has been able to enter them since ancient times. The size of the sun is equivalent to the union of many ordinary worlds.

And at this moment, this huge sun has completely become the self-reservation place of the ancient sun sand Lord Gu Tiansha. And in this, Gu Tiansha's practice can't be disturbed by anyone, because they can't approach the sun, let alone penetrate into the core of the sun.

Think about it, the celestial realm is almost endless, and it is called as endless big 6, but this sun can shine light to every corner. It is so powerful and unimaginable.

If Gu Tiansha can use all the power of this heavenly day, then the current Guchensha is not his opponent. Unfortunately, he cannot urge full power at all, not even one thousandth. .

But with the treasure in this big day, he can expand the business.


In the depths of the sun's core, countless swirls swirling violently above Gu Tiansha's head, all of which are sacrificial forces. Gu Tiansha caught many people from the world, even surrendered many deities, and gained many sacrificial powers.

"It's still not enough. The power of these sacrifices is huge, but the purity is not enough, and some of the key spirituality is missing!" Refining the power of these sacrifices, Gu Tiansha suddenly yelled, and those sacrificial powers collapsed: "These People in the thousands of worlds are not as good as the people of Shenzhou. In the hearts of the people of Shenzhou, there is a potential for heaven to be jealous. If these potentials can be refined, I am afraid of any ancient dust and sand. Even the emperor can directly suppress and Beheaded, it ’s a pity! The control of Divine Land, the people of Divine Land sacrificed the ancient dust and sand, the Jingxian Division, the Yong Dynasty, and the ancient Ta Xian! "

Gu Tiansha frowned: "No, you must quickly cultivate to reach the level of heaven, attack Shenzhou, and obtain the sacrificial power of the people. Otherwise, I will be passed by Gu Chensha sooner or later. Gu Chensha has mastered the worship of the Shenzhou people. Among them, the immortal materials were gradually refined ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now Gutian Shaka is at the most critical breakthrough point, the bottleneck period.

If Gu Tiansha breaks through the realm of Heavenly Respect, his cultivation will skyrocket by dozens of times, and he will use the power of the sun and the moon more. He can wage war, attack the Divine Land, occupy the land, and plunder the people. The ancient dust sand is nothing.

But now he can't break through.

Just then.

Suddenly, an aperture appeared behind Gu Tiansha. This aperture seems to be the original source of the sun, the essence of the sun, and the original core intention of the sun.

In addition, there is a deep cold white light in this aperture, which is the original essence of the moon.

These two essences directly entered Gu Tiansha's body, so that suddenly Gu Tiansha seemed to break some kind of supreme bottleneck, and directly achieved a different number, and then a breath of heavenly spirit rose from the body.

"What? The most fundamental core of the two worlds of Sun and Moon actually penetrated into my body?" Gu Tiansha himself did not expect.

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