Dragon Talisman

Chapter 842: Behind the scenes

Chapter 842 Behind the scenes?

Gu Tiansha actually received the blessing of the original origin at the core of the sun and the moon. This is equivalent to the master directly repairing his life as an empowerment, even if he himself does not know what is going on. E novel WWWZW.ん 1XIAOSHOU. Com

But he did n’t understand, he did n’t understand, Gu Tiansha got tangible benefits. He was originally captured one tenth of the origin by Gu Chensha, making his promotion to the realm of heaven respect not so smooth.

But now, he has sufficient origins, not only restored to the heyday, but also redundant, so there is no problem in breaking through the realm of heaven.


The power of the huge world in his body, the endless sources are violently surging, agitated, flowing, changing, and suddenly began to transform into the power of heaven.

The so-called Tianzun is an existence independent of the Three Realms and the Five Elements. It can be self-contained and become an independent existence. It does not need external forces, and it may not even need to extract the materials it needs from the chaotic elements. He can use All kinds of material are derived from your own mind.

Of course, this state of affairs is against the sky, jealous of the sky, and the number of robberies will be huge in the future, but now the deviation of the heavenly path, Tianzun can enjoy the freedom and seize the opportunity to promote.

As soon as Gu Tiansha is promoted to the state of heaven, I am afraid, at this stage, I am afraid that he is the first person, because his origin contains the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the kind of variable origin that is caused by the entanglement between the ancient step fairy and the heavenly path. The combination of the two makes him a unique existence between heaven and earth.

Heaven can't restrain him, nor can Gu Taxian restrain him.

If he grows up fast and unites China, there is hope to devour the emperor and ask the existence of the throne.

Gu Tiansha himself also has great ambitions. Naturally, he wants to be the emperor of heaven and enjoy the immense limitlessness. Unity of all realms, all time and space from ancient to modern times, has become the strongest existence.

"Tianzun, today I achieved Tianzun!"

Deep in the core of the sun, Gu Tiansha's long shouts continued, and countless solar flames gathered into his body, merging the two origins of himself.

Then, the layers fluctuated and the layers were transformed.

I don't know how long, suddenly Gu Tiansha's shouting sound stopped, his breath was tens of times stronger than before, and his ability to control the entire Da Ri also increased by dozens of times.

In this way, Gu Tiansha achieved the realm of Tianzun.

The atmosphere stabilized, but Gu Tiansha didn't change immediately, but fell into meditation, because he also felt that his promotion seemed to be in the midst of meditation and some kind of black hand was manipulating.

Although he has already been promoted, this promotion is beyond his control, which makes him extremely uncomfortable.

"The origin of the sun and moon is restless and injected into my body, which promoted me to the realm of heaven. This is to allow me to fight with Gu Chensha as soon as possible to kill you and die. This kind of means, this kind of power, I am afraid that only the power of Tiandi "Gu Tiansha thought for a long time, with a sneer on his face:" If I did not make a wrong guess, the Emperor of Heaven has been secretly born, but just did not show his own shape, I was promoted to heaven, he must have just urged My own authority has secretly catalyzed it. Can you hide it from me? The emperor is so insidious and poisonous that I will go to fight with Gu Chensha and lose both. Then I will take advantage of the fishermen. But Gu Chensha must be killed. Yes, if I do n’t kill, I will directly surrender him and sacrifice me. I would have been qualified to rule the Yong Dynasty! In this case, I will start my next plan! "


Gu Tiansha disappeared instantly.

He also made his own plan.

The next moment, he went silently and came to the imperial palace in the wild 6 and entered the Prince's Mansion.

The prince is the second prince Gu Xuansha, who was originally controlled by the three celestial deities. Later, Gu Tiansha arranged the prince into his own chess piece. However, since Gu Chensha came to power, the prince has been crouched in the mansion, never going out, and not contacting the ministers, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, otherwise, it would easily lead to the killing of the body.

At this moment, the ancient Prince Xuansha is practising hard in the mansion.

His current practice is actually the realm of the twenty-ninth change in the state of mind, and he wants to break through and reach the thirty-three change in the state to create the world.

He was already discouraged at this point, but cultivation should continue.

Because he knew that the situation in front of him would become more and more tense, and if he did not improve, he would likely be slaughtered by others in the future.

Just as he was practicing, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, had reached him.

"It's you ..." Gu Xuansha was startled, stood up quickly, then his face changed, and he knelt on the ground fiercely. "Subordinates see Lord Sun and Moon Lord."

"Get up." Gu Tiansha raised her hand slightly.

Gu Xuansha stood up respectfully. In his feeling, Gu Tiansha in front of him was the real sky. The real Tao, compared with Gu Tiansha, was the difference between fireflies and the mighty sun.

"Congratulations to the master for his great accomplishment. I am afraid that this birth is to deal with the Jingxian Division and destroy the ancient dust and sand." Gu Xuansha knew what he should say.

"You are clever." Gu Tiansha pointed a finger and suddenly a force gathered and penetrated directly into the body of Prince Edward Xuansha. Immediately, Prince Edward Xuansha's body began to expand, and all mana was turned. For the power of the world, it was so easy to enter the realm of God.

"Thank you for your promotion." The shock in Gu Xuansha's heart was beyond adding.

"Well, I am indeed a master of magic, but now I don't want to immediately fight the ancient dust and sand, but this Shenzhou Yong Dynasty, I will not give up to Jingxian Si and ancient dust and sand." Gutian, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Sha deepened a lot. After he was promoted to heaven, he also saw countless truths: "Now what I have to do is very simple. I will gather all the forces opposing the Jingxian Division in the court, sit up, and fight against the Jingxian Division. At least, I need half the sacrifice of Divine Land! "

"This ........." Gu Xuansha was a little hesitant: "Jingxian Si can now be described as arrogant, the entire Divine Land is under his control, and the imperial court is all included in His Majesty, even the original Tiangong Academy, has also been Full penetration, all monitored, even the ancient master of the Tiangong Institute has lost all power, and the Tiangong Institute has now been completely controlled by the Jingxian Division. The master of the fairy behind can only rely on that The alliance established by the ancestors of Heaven and Earth is lingering. I want to regain power, which is basically impossible. "

"It's not so bad. I will help you re-establish the Prince's authority. After you get my help, in a short time, the subordinates will have top ten deities!" Gu Tiansha looked at the Prince silently, "I surrendered Ten Lords of the Thousand Worlds, each Lord of the Thousands of Worlds is the Celestial Supreme, the Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial, the Central Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Regal forever

Under his call, huge black holes appeared one by one, and among the black holes came out one by one.

In the endless Big Six, which is a lot of time and space chaos outside the heavens, there are many worlds floating. Among these thousands of worlds, there are many souls and powers living.

Those powers also entered the heavens to disturb the storm. For example, the Dawei Dynasty was supported by Xuanhuang Daqian. The Xuanhuang Dragon Emperor was the spokesperson of Xuanhuang Tianzun. He even attempted to invade Middle-earth China for a time. Unfortunately, it was counterattacked by Jingxianji. Now The Dawei dynasty has been torn apart and is not the same.

However, these powers were all captured by Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon.

Originally, these people were suppressed by Gu Tiansha, and with Gu Tiansha becoming Tianzun, these people basically have no chance to stand up, only to follow Gu Tiansha to do things.

"Ten Celestial Masters ............" Prince Gu Xuansha was scared at this moment. His Majesty had no talents, but now there are ten more Celestial Masters, even the Jingxian Division does not have ten Celestial Masters now. In other words, as long as he has the support of ten deities, he can almost disturb the storm in the court and even in the world, because he is a prince, has a righteous status, re-energizes the Prince's House, and does some operations. That is more than enough. Not to mention the backing of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Of course, he didn't feel complacent because of this, let alone ten deities, even one hundred deities, it is difficult to seize power with Jingxian Si, let alone to destroy Jingxian.

"These ten deities are your subordinates, and they will do their best to assist you." Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, ordered the deities of ten worlds.

"Yes, sir, we must assist Prince Edward with all our brains, and there will be no slackness." These deities are kneeling down, and with their dignity, they dare not violate the words of Gu Tiansha in any way ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because they now know that no matter where they hide, Gu Tiansha can completely kill them with a single finger. Now Gu Tiansha is under his control.

"Gu Xuansha, what you have to do now is very simple. Under the help of the Ten Heavenly Lords, contact the Quartet and bring together other opposition forces, the major families, and the Capricorn family of Tiangongyuan. Some princes have also united and re-established the court for orthodoxy and resistance to the Jingxian Division. Spread the world. "Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, said:" I will help you behind, in the name of your Prince's Mansion, First fight a few battles with Jingxianji to **** the territory. For example, killing a few Cangsheng Marshals and occupying several states. In the name, Cangsheng Marshal is just a puppet. You are a prince. It is not a crime to kill Cangsheng Marshal. It is taken for granted. "

"This ..." Gu Xuansha hesitated: "Killing the Cangsheng Marshal, this has formed a deep hatred with Jingxian Division. With that ancient dust sand and Louyue's personality, I may be abolished, Then kill. "

"Huh, useless things." Gu Tiansha said: "Begging for wealth and danger, let me say, with me supporting you, Jingxian Si can't help you. In fact, with my current strength, I can completely defeat Jingxian Si, but I am I ’m afraid that some powerful fisherman who is hiding in the dark will benefit from it. That ’s why I borrowed your hand. Besides, your identity is not a trivial matter. The ancient step immortal makes you a prince. There is a very important reason. Your own strength. Not awake yet. "

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