Dragon Talisman

Chapter 843: Heaven and earth motherhood {on

Chapter 843 Heaven and Earth Motherhood

"My strength is not yet awake? That is my identity? Is there any new change?" Speaking of this, even Gu Xuansha understands. E novel WWW. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

"If you think about it, Gu Taxian suddenly promoted Wudang Kong to be a prison country, and the sacrificial celestial sacrifice fell into her hands. Now that I have known her identity, she is actually the emperor of the future heavenly court High weight. And you are a prince, and I'm still figuring out what role you will play in the future heaven, or that you are another overlord. "A smile appeared on Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon:" I am now It is to make you motivate and fight Yasukuni. "

"I see." Gu Xuansha's face still showed a lot of doubts. "There is a question for his subordinates. That ancient dust sand mighty face has almost all the advantages. He should not be an ordinary character. What is the reincarnation? ? "

"I'm also calculating this matter." Gu Tiansha said: "Gu Chensha is indeed a unique being. He must not be the Emperor of Heaven, but if he continues to show up, he will definitely be able to be promoted to Tianzun. It is not impossible, if he is also promoted to heaven. I am definitely not his opponent, I admit it, but now I can definitely suppress this person. The main thing is that this person has absorbed one tenth of my origin, if Without absorption, I could have an advantage over him, but it is weaker now, but if I devour Heavenly Emperor, he will definitely not be an opponent. "

"Adult must be invincible." Gu Xuansha lowered his head and was thinking about what to do. Right now he was forced into despair, and he must fight against Gu Chensha Jingxian Division to the end.

He knew that if he took this step out, he could not turn back.

His current status is Prince Edward. As long as he keeps a low profile, he can enjoy wealth and practice with peace of mind. However, if he cooperates with Gu Tiansha to kill the Marshal Cangsheng, it will surely be counterattacked by Jingxian Division. Whether he will survive the counterattack at that time is unknown.

He didn't believe Gu Tiansha would fight to protect him.

But if he refuses now, I am afraid that he will soon be hit by Gu Tiansha's poisonous hand.

"Very well, these ten Celestial Masters have taught me a set of formations, and the power of the combination is extremely great. One thing I need to do now is to refine, shrink, and bring their ten worlds into the heavens. Come and refine it into an invincible magic weapon. "Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, said:" I hope to see how your results will be after this is done. "

Although Gu Tiansha was promoted to Tianzun, I know that if you fight with Gu Chensha to kill you, I am afraid there are still many fears. If you rely on your own strength and do not rely on any, he is confident that you can suppress Gu Chensha, but now Gu Chen There are Shenzhou gourds, which incorporates 20 endless treasures, plus various treasures such as the cut fairy gourd and gourd, melted in one furnace, I'm afraid who deer died, it is not yet known, so Gu Tiansha wanted to refining a supreme one Arcadia, restrained the Chinese gourd, and then made him calmly kill the ancient dust and sand, refining this son.

"The subordinates must complete the task and not disgrace the mission." Prince Gu Xuansha cried loudly.

"It's the best." Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, shook his body slightly and disappeared. He left the palace, but the moment he left the palace, he glanced deep into the harem and felt a difference. The ordinary breath, he was ready to find out, but think about it, forget it, now I don't want to take root.

Deep in the harem, many concubines of Emperor Tianfu are condensing "Mother of Heaven" under the leadership of the peacock.

This day the matrix formation method gradually showed its power.

Dozens of concubines in the harem, plus peacocks, constantly input their power into the formation. Each concubine is soaring, almost a thousand miles away, especially at the deepest part of the formation. A heavenly mother is gradually born. Now, this mother of heaven is something similar to the Marshal of Cangsheng and King of Cangsheng, but the breath on her body really seems to be the mother of heaven, among which some inexplicable material is moving.

Uh ...

Suddenly, the peacock accepted the power and said to many concubines present: "You, Tianmu has condensed into a formed body, but unfortunately there is still some critical existence that cannot make Tianmu finally manifest. If Tianmu manifests, With this array, we can protect ourselves even if we cannot suppress the world. No matter what kind of attack we encounter, we can sit back and relax in the shelter of our mother. "

"What else do we lack? I have cultivated to the 31st state of the realm, the realm of void creation, able to settle into my own world from the chaotic elements, and derive a variety of material treasures, even elixir . But it has no effect on the mother of heaven. "Shuang Fei Ning Qing Shuang said.

"That's nature. The substance extracted from chaos is under heaven, so even if the chaos is refined to the limit, it is just an innate magic weapon in various worlds. It is impossible to condense the material that Heaven Mother, Heaven Mother needs, It is the human heart that is refined, and it must also be the human heart that is extracted from the sacrificial power of the people of Divine Land. That is the real immortal material, and it is something that heaven is also afraid of. "Peacock sighed.

"Man is the spirit of all things, and the person of Divine Land is the spirit of the spirit." The Queen of France said: "We need the sacrifice in the heart of people to extract the essence of the mother of heaven and earth and integrate into it. The cooperation of Xianji? Now Jingxian has fully mastered the sacrifice of the world. "

"That's natural, but we have to send someone to negotiate in the past, hoping to get the great sacrificial power of Jingxianji and consolidate the heavenly mother. The sacrifice required is definitely not ordinary, even the sacrifices that Jingxianji has accumulated over the years All the power is consumed, and it may not be able to condense. I am afraid that Jingxianji is not willing. But we must also have the power of sacrifice. Who can you talk about the ancient dust? In Jingxianxi, all are actually It is the ancient dust and sand. "Peacock said.

"I'm afraid this is difficult." Lei Fei's face appeared embarrassed: "The power of sacrifice is also extremely useful to Jingxianji, I think that ancient dust and sand can not cooperate with us at all. Unless we seize power? And Jingxianji Competition, robbing the world of sacrifice of faith, but it is more difficult. "

"To condense the most critical core of the Mother of Heaven team, you must worship the world. There is no doubt that if we do not unite, what we have done before is rootless." Peacock said, "How our secret law is derived from the human heart. There is a trace of heaven and earth motherhood extracted from it. This is something that Guchensha could not comprehend, but it was given to us by the emperor. I believe Gu Chensha would be very interested in this. If he has acquired this heaven and earth motherhood, Refining means will be upgraded to a higher level. In fact, Jingxian is now in Baoshan and cannot obtain treasures. The sacrifice of Divine Land is treasures. The powerful sacrifice power of the people in the world can get the best refinement. The strength of Jingxianji will increase by a hundredfold. "

"Are we going to exchange the core secrets of the Heavenly Mother array method with the ancient dust and sand?" Ning Qingshuang frowned. "In fact, we are not very clear about how to refine sacrifice, because our skills are not enough, peacocks, only Your practice has reached the realm of heavenly respect. Moreover, if Guchensha has obtained the motherhood of heaven and earth, his strength will increase by leaps and bounds. We are afraid that we cannot compete with him at all, and the court battle will be in a process of failure. "

"Good ..."

Just then, a voice passed into the harem.

Hearing this voice, Ning Qingshuang trembled suddenly and looked at the door. At this time, a man appeared at the door. This man was a young man. He had a taste of mountains and seas all over the body. Carrying a large world, there is also a deepest connection with the entire endless world.

"Xuan Xin!" Shuang Fei Ning Qingshuang saw the person clearly. It was actually the Xuan Men of Heaven and Earth. The Xuan Xin was resurrected. Xuan Xin is the endless heart reincarnation. Now he has become the Lord of the Eastern Wastes and got the Eastern Wastes. Acknowledgement of the heart. In this way, his strength is extremely arrogant, let alone vertical and horizontal, has attracted Jingqiu, Gu Su and others.

Now he walked into the harem with his chest raised. Four people were behind him, one of which was Jingqiu, the other was Gu Su, and the other two were ancient bullet swords, ancient constant swords, endless swords, and endless. The reincarnation of the sword, but this time, Gu Changjian's body, there is an extra flavor.

The body of Gu Changjian is reckless and vast, with a wild atmosphere and characteristics in the barbarity.

This is the wild heart.

Gu Changjian still received the recognition of the wild heart and became the master of the wild.

Now the Lord of the Four Desolations has assembled.

Lord of the East, mysterious. Lord of the Barren, Gu Changjian, Lord of the Desert, Jingqiu. Lord of the sea famine, valley disaster.

The Four Wilds in the Future ~ www.readwn.com ~ is second only to the existence of Heaven. The main status of the Four Wilds is the King of the vassal kingdoms. The status is the same as the Lord of the Immortals, the Lord of the Demon Realm, the Lord of the Demon Realm, and the Lord of the Divine Realm .

At this moment, the Lords of the Four Desolations are fully assembled. Two of them are not only the Lords of the Four Desolations, but also the reincarnation of the "King of Heaven without Disaster" and "King of Disaster". The heart that inspired the Four Desolations has more endless power.

"Xuan Xin, what are you doing here? This is not where you should come." The peacock screamed, "The formation method!"

Suddenly, a mysterious formation was condensed together, completely guarding everyone.

"Is this the Heavenly Mother's Formation? What is the ancient step fairy?" Xuanxin looked at the array with a contempt on his face: "The ancient step fairy deceived the world and will fly to ashes in the future. And you, Ning Qingshuang, You were my fiancée, but Yang Yanghua and Gu Taxian ganged into adultery. You said this account, how can we liquidate today? "


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