Dragon Talisman

Chapter 845: Promote again

Chapter 845 Ascension Again

Xuan Xin turned out to be the first to rob others. E novel WWWZW.ん 1XIAOSHOU. Com

This is the real wealth insurance, but his hatred of the ancient step immortal, the Yong Dynasty, and all the ancient families is simply impossible, and Jingqiu is bolder than him. The first time was a bet, and now the second time is a big bet.

If he wins this time, he can really enjoy the supreme position in the future.

And if they succeed, they can capture the concubines of the Emperor Tianfu and seize the mother-in-law formation, and they can also extract the mother-in-law of heaven and earth according to this formation, and obtain huge benefits.

Under these circumstances, these people have to bet.

There were five masters present, and the power of the four wastelands condensed into a large array, which was suppressed violently, and the mother-in-law method was wrapped in an instant, and then it began to be crushed.


The harem inside the entire palace seemed to be broken in an instant.

This imperial palace is a floating city, floating in the sky, and between the white clouds, it is also a huge magic weapon. Among them, the forbidden law is created by a great deal of effort, showing the majesty of the Yong Dynasty.

In the eyes of mortals, this palace looks like a city in the sky, but in the eyes of masters, in addition to the momentum, the law is also loose and ordinary, far less than that of the megalithic Great Wall.

Because when this floating city was created, Emperor Tianfu had disappeared.

Even more daunting is that this floating city is in the wild, and now the heart of the wild is controlled by the ancient Changjian, who is the master of the wild.

In this way, when Gu Changjian spurred the power of the barren, the entire barren power concentrated on his body, he stood up, and came out with a punch that dominated the world. In the midst, he It seems that the incarnation has become the king of the wild, with a fierce blow, the world has turned into powder.

The current ancient Changjian is itself an endless sword reincarnation, and has been blessed by the power of the wild, and after the hard training of the other three masters of the waste, he has been blessed by some mysterious power. His strength has reached To defeat Tianshou realm, now that the punch is out, it is not difficult to kill Tianshou.


Countless visions appeared between heaven and earth.

It was this momentary shock that day, the mother array was close to collapse that day, and the imaginary shadow of Tian Mother that had just condensed was immediately fragmented.

The mother-in-law method is actually an empty shell, which lacks the motherhood of heaven and earth. Without this thing, the mother-in-law method can not wield a thousandth of power, naturally it is not an opponent of these people.

"You guys, die obediently! Ning Qingshuang, especially you, now it is difficult for you to die. I won't let you die so easily." Xuan Xin saw his resentment will be stretched out, in my heart For a while, it was comfortable and extremely comfortable. Suddenly, a force emerged from his body. His attack on the mother array method that day was fierce again.


At this time, all the princesses in the Tianmu array, together with the queen of the French, were sprayed with blood.

Even if the peacock is in the state of heaven, under the crushing of the five masters. They are also fragile and vulnerable.

"Gu Changjian, Gu Danjian, you are really outrageous. You dare to take action against us, don't you want to kill us?" Xuanfei and Hengfei roared.

"Killing you, we can cut off all connections with the ancient Ta Xian." Ancient Tan Jian and Ancient Chang Jian are unmoved at all: "We are quite deeply influenced by the royal family, and I am afraid there will be some obstacles in the future, but Now that you have been beheaded, we have completely cut off cause and effect. "

These two men were extremely cruel and destroyed everything.

The edge of the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword are utterly extreme.

"You guys, at this time, I can only fight." The peacock knew that the situation was critical, and it was very likely that they would soon be extinct.

At this moment, suddenly a huge sacrifice power broke into the sky, and was injected into the mother's formation that day. The mother, which had been broken into light smoke, suddenly re-condensed into a shape, which was very clear. And that day, during the operation of the Mother Array, she began to refine this sacrificial power.

In the process of extraction, the strongest supernatural power was born. This supernatural power is the mother of heaven and earth that cannot be refined in the chaos, but also the mother of chaos. It is the real immortal substance extracted from the hearts of the people of Shenzhou and the sentient beings of China.

Only congenital babies can be refined in the chaos, but some things in the world cannot be refined at all.

With the help of such sacrificial force, the Mother of Heaven team formed the mother of heaven and earth, and the defense of the team suddenly increased almost a thousand times in an instant.

A mother of heaven appeared in the battle.

On this day, the mother has hundreds of millions of heads, billions of arms, and billions of eyes, and each head, arm, and eyes are calculating the invincible, infinite, boundless, and supreme magical power and power.

The sacrificial forces poured into it constantly, and the breath of Heaven Mother was injected into the concubines, and their injuries were completely healed immediately. And there is great improvement in cultivation. Heaven and earth motherhood is the existence that cannot be blessed and born by heaven and earth. The most exquisite material extracted from the human heart is now born.

In this way, the appearance of Tianmu's body supported the attack, and the forces of the four wastes could not be bombarded into the Tianmu array for the time being.

"Jingxianji, Guchensha, your little beast, you really shot it, but I already calculated that you will do it! This day's mother team needs a strong sacrifice power. You Jingxianji have saved for so many years, you also saved With a little power, it is not enough to be united in this array. When the power of sacrifice is exhausted, many of your mana can not be exerted. At that time, it is your death period. I will swallow you alive. "Mysterious heart went crazy again, came out Laughing, the power of a shareholder shortage has spurred even more violently: "Move!"

At the moment of his urging, in the depths of Donghuang, a huge source is surging. All the gods and ordinary warriors living in the fairyland of Xuandao in Donghuang have received Dong in the meditation. The call of the barren, that is to unite, attack Yong Dynasty, and attack Divine China!

At this time, Jingqiu, Gu Su, and Gu Changjian also urged the other three wasteland forces to call in the midst.

"This Jingqiu, Xuan Xin and others are so bold!"

The ancient dust in the city of Yinzhou has long seen everything in the imperial palace in the depths of the wilderness.

In fact, many concubines are condensing the Tianmu battle. He knew it long ago, but did not manage it. This may be the opportunity left by Emperor Tianfu.

Gu Chensha also studied this day's mother formation in the dark. In the unscrupulous attack by Xuan Xin and others just now, he input the power of sacrifice and opposed it, saving many concubines.

This is a necessary means. If there is a problem with the palace, people in the world will feel that Jingxian Si can not suppress the situation, which will lead to the decline of the National Games. He certainly will not allow such things to survive.


His body reached the base of Jingxian Division from the city of Yinzhou, the depth of Xiaohongmengshu.

"Dust, the number of robbers started to move. Xuanxin took the lead, and the forces of the four wastelands destroyed the palace. If we fight with these five people, other forces will rise up. We are definitely not optimistic." Lou Baiyue said: "This Five people can be said to be fighting, to rebel against the vanguard. In fact, the most horrible thing is that there is a strong presence behind them. In addition, the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha, is also brewing something secretly, and the lurking chaos inside our Jingxian Division The King of Heaven, King of King Luo, King of Donghua, King of Wisdom, King of Jinmen will immediately mess up. In addition, the most powerful is the Emperor of Heaven. Tianfu is coming 36 years, less than a month. He If we are born, it will be difficult for us to control the situation. "

"The Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Gu Tiansha, is now the strongest enemy, before the Emperor of Heaven was born. He is the strongest, and his strength has been cultivated to Heavenly Supreme. He was difficult to become Heavenly Supreme at first, but because he got it Some mysterious power is supported by a black hand. I suspect that the black hand behind the scenes is the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, and Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, actually felt it, so he didn't take the shot immediately. "Gu Chensha also has many calculations, the only thing he is afraid of It is the Emperor of Heaven, the others are clouds. Even if Gu Tiansha is now a Celestial Master, he is at most a little threatening. In fact, Gu Tiansha didn't know that Gu Chensha had secretly controlled the King Jinmen and the three thousand true gods.

Among them, the huge sacrificial power was used by the ancient dust sand, making the ancient dust sand's own cultivation into the calculation of the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha.

Gu Chensha was talking at this time, suddenly a surge of power surged, the realm was once again elevated, and reached the realm of the thirty-six states of Tao.

Because he suddenly practiced all the power of sacrifice into heaven and earth motherhood.

From the heavenly mother array, I realized the method of refining the motherland of heaven and earth. From the sacrifice power of the three thousand true gods, the ancient dust and sand refined the motherhood of heaven and earth and merged it into her own body. It changed a little and arrived immediately. The realm of the thirty-six states of Tao changed itself.

He is only one step away from the realm of Tianzun ~ www.readwn.com ~ hum ...

Heaven and earth motherhood is integrated into his own body, making him change and condense all the magical powers in the body. This is the power of heaven and earth motherhood. Heaven and earth motherhood is a wonderful substance that is level with heaven and earth.

The three thousand true gods themselves are the true gods that many heavenly sons have gathered using the beliefs of the people of the Divine Land. Then these real gods gathered faith on the Divine Land 6 in the years to consolidate their own kingdom.

If one comes, the sacrifices of these true gods include the beliefs of the vast Chinese people from ancient times.

Therefore, the King of Jinmen needs to obtain the sacrifices of these true gods at the first time, which can improve his huge status. Not only that, he will also improve a lot.

But now, all of them are cheaper than Jingxianji and Guchen.

"The calamity is moving ahead, but I am not unprepared. We are preparing for a protracted battle and our peaceful days are over." Gu Chensha was ready to kill.

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