Dragon Talisman

Chapter 846: God and Magic 1

Chapter 846 God and Demon One

Gu Chensha never showed up. Even the five masters of Xuanxin, Jingqiu, Gu Su, Gu Danjian and Gu Changjian attacked the imperial harem. He calmed down as usual, but only used the power of the sacrifice saved by Jingxianji to input that day. Among the mother formations, heaven and earth motherhood was refined from the mother formations, and she also obtained the method of refining the motherhood of the heavens and the earth, so that her cultivation reached the highest realm of thirty-six alternations. E┡ Novel Ww ㄟ W. Ω1XIAOSHUO. Com

Thirty-six changes in the state of consciousness, he is at ease, and is good at using all the energy of heaven and earth, the power of chaos, and in one thought, he has evolved all kinds of freedom and whatever he wants.

It is recorded in the ancient Taoist scriptures that he can be called heaven. That is, he is at ease.

However, this realm is still under the control of Heaven, and has not been freed from the shackles.

But when it comes to this realm, the absolute improvement in combat power is not a little bit.

Especially the ancient dust sand, since the promotion to the **** level, the difficulty of ascension of the realm is only the most difficult in the world. Each promotion of the realm is much more difficult than the promotion of the old antiques from heaven to heaven, especially after the saints. It is more difficult for Guchensha to improve his realm than Tianshou's promotion to Tianyuan.

Fortunately, with his great wisdom, great perseverance, and the use of changes in the present heavens, the babies and the masters of ancient heavenly courts have been born, and finally found their own foundation. Now they are only one step away from the realm of heaven.

"Human heart is really a good thing. The power of Divine Power and the hearts of Divine people are infinite treasures. No wonder everyone wants to master Divine Power, but refining the material in people's hearts is more complicated than refining chaos. If you use a knife to mutilate beef and mutton, refining the human heart is to break down the subtle ants and fleas. The subtlety, even Tianshou, cannot be used freely. After the motherhood of this heaven and earth is extracted from the heart, my cultivation is mellow. Many. Father Emperor is really powerful. If it was not for the mother-in-law team, how could it make me understand the motherhood in this heaven and earth? ”Gu Chen, the heart and the gods, realized:“ Beginning of the calamity, the means I prepared must also be used. In this case, first swallow Jinmen King and Honghuang Dragon Gate. "

Jingxian Division Niezhou City Branch.

Chu Feng was talking to the boy who was reincarnated from Wen Quxing. Suddenly, he was shocked, and a shocked expression appeared on his face: "The calamity actually started ahead of time, but by mystery, these people in Jingqiu started. Okay, it ’s so good. Sure enough, there is a warrior who dares to be the first in the world, especially that Jingqiu. He wanted to count on the first time early. Although he failed, he died without regrets. This is the spirit. No wonder he will be rewarded by heaven. He deserved to obtain the origin of the King of the Unscathed King. In contrast, Jing Fanxing was a waste, and now he still depends on Jingxianji. Who will die if he doesn't die? "

"Master, what should we do now?" Wen Quxing's reincarnated youth said: "I have joined Jingxian these days. I just feel that the structure is tight and the horror is very high. It is impossible to disturb the wind and rain in this organization. , But now that the cataclysm is up, our opportunity is here. "

"Yes, this is the best opportunity, and we are ready to move at any time." Chu Feng's long-scheduled expression appeared on his face: "The King of God planned ahead of time, surrendered to the Three Thousand True Gods, and raised the Honghuang Dragon Gate with the sacrifice of the true gods, This dragon gate began to change. In this case, I urged the last plan. "Chu Feng sneered again and again:" I see Daluo, Chaos, Donghua, and Wisdom. These heavenly kings are also going to be born. the Lord."

"Then we must act now?" Wen Quxing's reincarnated boy flexed his muscles.

"No, let's not do it first. I have contacted the Capricorn God with the old part of the Demon Clan, as well as many old antiques of the Demon Clan, and once again moved the magic disaster, counterattacked the Divine Land, and destroyed the world. The last time the Demon race had hundreds of thousands of races The allied forces were directly defeated by the ancient dust and sand, but those ancient demons and old antiques did not die, but hid into a deeper level of magic domain. These demons and old antiques joined forces again to attack. At least this evil state can be turned into a sea of ​​fire These human beings haven't felt the power of heaven for too long, so forgot why they all believe in the evil gates of the Yong Dynasty and Jingxian Division, and they want to cleanse them. Spooky, murderous.

"Yeah, but this is the rule. The human heart is like this. Given a little chance, they will expand very fast. The human being is infinite. The heavenly way gives these people the opportunity to cultivate. Even if they are poor and weak, they start. Peeping at the secrets of heaven, not only so, but also to escape the rules of heaven. "The incarnation of Wen Quxing also showed disdain for the common people. The various calamities that come down are to hope that the human heart can restrain itself, and not to do things that are against the heavens, as well as the emperors since ancient times. Now that the people's hearts are broken, I want to spread the article, be honest, and clear life. Duties, unfortunately, that Wu Quxing has been broken, and now he is still obsessed with it. In the future, there is no place for death.

"This is your responsibility. I know that your article was born, it must be amazing, but now it is not urgent. When Jingxian dies, and the world is settled, you will need an article." Chu Feng said: "Capricorn God will be the devil in the future. Lord, his sacrifice is very useful to me. His task is to contact the demons and make a blow, and your task is to contact many reincarnation of the stars, to move against the rebellion of the eternal dynasty, to kill the officials, to collect the hearts of the people, They even assassinated those disciples of Yasuji. "

"Yes!" Said Wen Quxing's reincarnated boy, "I will definitely do this."

In the ancient magic realm, I do n’t know the depth of tens of thousands of layers of magic realm, it ’s all dark, like a solid magic qi, this magic qi is solidified together, hard like the strongest **** stone, ca n’t shake at all, so deep In the demon realm, even the masters of the demon level cannot go deep. Only some ancient demons, which are born from adhering to the devil in the chaos, can build a nest in the solid magic air to survive and open up the devil. Palace, at ease.

At this time, the Capricorn God has reached a huge magic palace, which was the demon palace of the Yuan Dynasty, and has been abandoned for a long time, but it is also a place where many ancient demons and old antiques meet.

Capricorn God arrived here, and after a while, in this ancient demon palace, there were a lot of powerful shadows. The strength of these shadows is some of the realm of heaven, some are realm of life, this is the depth of the realm of magic , The greatest background, these innate old antiques of the demons, the ancient creatures bred from chaos, have not been born in many catastrophes in the past dynasties, because they do not need to be born at all, and Tiandao did not give them birth instructions.

But now they have to come out of trouble.

"You, the last time you felt the calling of the heavens, the magical origin was restless, and came out to disturb the Divine Land and destroy the existence of the anti-sky. Unfortunately, it was defeated by a thunder. Today you are going to make a big attack. Capricorn Shinto.

"Capricorn, your name of the King of Hell is just a joke. Why do you want to order us now?" An old shadow of a bloodthirsty spirit waved out: "The source of magic is indeed restless, but I think we The demons should figure out a real king, preside over the overall situation, and take the upper hand in the calamity to lay the foundation for the future establishment of the demonic world. We demons can not blindly use cannon fodder to consume and be in the calamity. Fight against that Yasushi. You said. "

"It's very simple, we really want to choose a real king." Capricorn Shinto: "The devil is the strength of the respect. In this case, let's try to see who comes first."

At this time, the shadow of the Honghuang Dragon Gate appeared behind the Capricorn God. In addition, the three thousand true gods in the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate and the phantom of the King Jinmen also appeared, and a vast and unmatched power penetrated out. Make these old antiques unable to move.

"This is ... the power of King Jinmen!" Many of the old demons and antiques were surprised.

"Yes, you surrender and sacrifice! You will not die in the future, do you dare to resist the future heaven? If you resist, I am afraid that you will be refined into a puppet and become a lowly existence in the future heaven. The heavenly emperor contends? "The Capricorn God looked at these demons and antiques and wondered if he was going to kill a few to stand up for it. If he could rely on his original strength, it would be impossible to suppress these demons and antiques. However, King Jinmen gave him authority to use the power of the Honghuang Dragon Gate.

"Subordinate, willing to surrender."

"Subordinates are also willing to sacrifice and turn to King Jinmen."

"Master Capricorn will be the Lord of the Demon Race in the future. We will immediately worship ~ www.readwn.com ~ Convene the Demon Race and attack the Divine Land!"


At this time, many demons and antiques knew the current affairs and knelt down and began to worship, but none of them sang.

Capricorn lamented: "I was in **** then. Although I was the king of hell, these old antiques ignored me, and I didn't want them. Now they actually surrender to me. This is the future of heaven. Powered up. "

Hum ...

A huge sacrifice power rushed into the Honghuang Dragon Gate.

Many old antiques of the Demon Clan, the ancient creature sacrifice in the innate, the power of sacrifice is the real horror. In the depths of the flood gate, there is a union of gods and demons. The ancient flood gate has absorbed many sacrifices of true gods, plus many chaotic The sacrifice of the demon, in an instant, expanded and evolved inside again.


The ancient dust sand face that had long grasped Honghuang Longmen secretly also appeared happy, and he felt the sacrifice power of the deities and gods in one.

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