Dragon Talisman

Chapter 849: Invincible assets

Chapter 849 Invincible Assets

"The calamity is coming, the Divine Land is shaking, but Gu Chen, the master of the Jingxian Division, repressed the calamity by supreme repair, and his power can almost control everything ..."

"Just in the midst of the catastrophe, many people died. My mother was submerged by the flood. After the flood receded, my mother was resurrected. Jingxianji is really invincible. EΩ Xiao" says Ww "W1XIAOSHUO.COM."

"My grandfather and grandmother all enjoyed the blessing in the old capital. Who knew that the entire capital suddenly exploded, and they all became ashes in it, and now they have been completely resurrected. This is just a miracle. Incredibly, Lord Jingchen Guchen, the Lord of Jingxian, can already perceive God and do everything. That is to say, we can follow him and live forever, and enjoy infinite blessings ... "

"Follow Jingxianji, you can't die!"

"The Lord Guchensha is the supreme master of life and death."

"There are still such things, we are not dreaming."

This series of storms spread across the entire land of Divine Land in an instant, and then the four wastelands. In an instant, everyone in the country knew about this big movement. Basically, everyone saw the big flood. Basically, It is unavoidable, but it is suppressed by ancient dust and sand. This shocking force on the human heart is not only not confusion because of the disaster, but also more cohesive. An extremely blind trust.

The ancient dust and sand required this kind of effect. In an instant, the National Games condensed to the strongest state.

In this way, throughout life, the people of the world, and even countless masters with ambitions, will feel that Jingxian Si is unpredictable and unable to fight. In this way, the overall National Games will reach a pole, and the hearts of all people will be in Suddenly, the cohesion reached the extreme, even the esoteric person would feel fear, fear, and oppress the ambition to the lowest level, and even some ambitionists would dispel the ambition, so deep in the heart of Jingxianji, no more Do not dare to take any action.

Suddenly, huge human hearts gathered, Gu Chensha felt that the power of sacrifice in the whole world was more pure at once, and the degree of concentricity of sentient beings greatly increased.

"Break through the realm, return to the source!" Gu Chensha received the blessing of this power. In an instant, he was promoted to a terrible level, and he broke through some realms again and again, making the interior of the gourd not only made up for the suppression of the state. Consumption, there is still huge progress.

"I do n’t know about my means. My strength can also be improved during this robbery. It is so difficult to rejuvenate the nation." After Gu Chen finished all this, the Shenzhou gourd harvested and learned more. Things: "Of course, the number of robberies can make a country ruin, but as long as it is used, you can turn the number of robberies into motivation. Just as the previous magic disasters, multiple magic disasters exploded, not only did not destroy our eternal dynasty, but we also won The people of Chaoyang have all been greatly tempered, but it ’s just that time is not enough, and the real potential of the people of the world has not exploded. But after this time, they will have a deep understanding that the world ’s calamity is right in front of them, and maybe change instantly. All People will die by fate, and the world is ruthless, and the only way is to fight against heaven. "

"Dust, you actually suppressed the explosion of China's robbery." The senior officials of Jingxian were stunned. They knew that the ancient dust and sand were terrible, but they did not expect it to be so terrible.

Wu Shengdu never expected that the ancient dust sand not only suppressed the fluctuations of the Divine Land, but also brought the dead people back to life, and everything returned to the previous state. This was already a state he could not imagine, even if it reached Tianyuan. No realm. Now the repair of Guchensha has reached a realm that no one can reach.

"I can only barely suppress the explosion of the number of Shenzhou robberies. Unless I am promoted to reach the Supreme, the situation will completely change." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "The next time the explosion of Divine robberies is even more powerful, but I have a series of certainties. Before the calamity arrived, I was promoted to heaven. If the first round of Divine Calamity can defeat me, then I am basically a waste. What other ability is there to fight with the emperor? Now we must seize the time and integrate the hearts of the world again. Do n’t take it lightly. The calamity has begun. Sooner or later, this state of China will rise to heaven. In the process of changing the state of heaven to heaven, all the creatures above will be washed away. My current cultivation is unable to prevent the birth of this change, because this is The future trend, even if I am a Celestial Master, I ca n’t help it. Unless I reach Tianyuan, or even the realm of heaven, at that time, I can really prevent the birth of the future heaven. "

"Xuan Xin, Jing Qiu, Gu Su, Gu Danjian and Gu Changjian are still attacking the Heavenly Mother Formation. Would you like to kill all of them? Take the heart of the four wastes?" Lou Baiyue asked.

"Not in a hurry, let them attack the Mother of Heaven team. The hearts of the four wastelands are not trivial. The forces of the four wastelands are gathered together. Of course, I can suppress them, but now they are suppressing Divine Land, not to mention the support of the mysterious Heavenly King behind them. Know if it is chaos, or Daluo, or Donghua, or wisdom. It may even be their four great kings. "Gu Chen said:" The first thing I do now is to devour Jinmen King, Honghuang Dragon Gate, and one of them. Three thousand true gods, many demons, and in this way, I have the capital to promote Heaven. "

"The King of Jinmen is now caught in the drum, thinking that the Divine Land Calamity, his opportunity has come. He subdued the three thousand true gods, accumulated enough strength, and sent the Capricorn God to surrender the old demon in the depths of the demon domain. The demon and **** are united, and I will feed him more. "Suddenly, Gu Chensha spurred his strength.

Hum ...

His own sacrifice power penetrated into the depths of the flood-filled dragon gate.

At this moment, the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate are already full of vitality, the world is everywhere, and the spirit is vigorous. I do n’t know how many times better than the previous half-dead. These are the results of the sacrifices of true gods.

Three thousand true gods, if their sacrifice power is used, they can be turned upside down. You must know that these true gods have been on the state of China for a long time, even longer, and I do n’t know how many people have sacrificed. Even they replaced themselves with the noble blood of Divine Land. They have become Divine people, the true primates of all things.

Therefore, their sacrifices nourished the Honghuang Dragon Gate, causing the Honghuang Dragon Gate to skyrocket in an instant. In addition, now the Honghuang Dragon Gate has also been nourished by the old demons of the ancient tribe. In the same time, these old demons of the ancient tribe have replaced their bloodlines with the bloodlines of the Divine Land, because they have appeared secretly. Bloodlines are the most noble and most magical. This nobleness and mystery come from the depths of the soul. They are born and live through the lives they have created in chaos.

Some old-fashioned antiques know that the people of Shenzhou, people born above Shenzhou, and even the heavenly can not control the experimental products, because even ordinary mortals, from time to time, are born anti- heavenly people, not that they can really go against the sky, and It is his mind that has anti-Sky thoughts, and strives for the pursuit of Anti-Sky, and the Tao of Heaven cannot change their minds.


Many old demons and sacrifices of the three thousand true gods are gathered in the flood gate, but in reality they are manipulated by ancient dust and sand, and the King of Jinmen himself does not know.

The huge sacrificial power tumbled in the depths of Honghuang Longmen. At this time, the ancient sacrificial power also quietly penetrated into it and became some kind of catalyst.

If the power of the sacrificial sacrifice in the depths of the flood gate is the oil sea, the power of the ancient dust and sand sacrifice is a spark, and in an instant, the entire gate is burst.

At this moment, Chu Feng, the incarnation of the King of Heaven, has gathered hundreds of reincarnated people around them. These people have been found out in the people. These reincarnated people have long been monitored by Jingxian Division, but they have been reluctant to follow. Jingxian Si did things, but the Jinmen King secretly drew, these people gathered around Chu Feng in an instant.

Chu Feng also accepted the sacrifices of these hundreds of stars who were reincarnated, making the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate more powerful to add color to the sacrificial deities.

The reincarnation of the stars also has great fortune, and their sacrifice is not a trivial matter. Even some folk wild gods, the grasshead gods, dare not accept the sacrifices of the reincarnation of the stars. Under the sacrifice, the idol will be scattered. On, the gods of the grasshead gods and the wild hair gods are even more spiritual.

"My lord, our opportunity is coming ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sky is falling, the world is cleaning, we can see that Jingxianji and Yongchao have been angry and can't support it anymore." The reincarnation of Wenquxing has sensed the disaster and suddenly My heart is overjoyed, and the other reincarnated people know that the time has come to make great contributions to the heaven and heaven.

"Yes, now you spread the concept on the Divine Land, that is, the Yong Dynasty is against the sky, which will lead to disasters in the world. All ordinary officials can be redeemed if they are on the cliff in time, otherwise they will be buried with the Yong Dynasty, and the most important point is That is to gather all the reincarnated people, pull into my Majesty, and sacrifice the Honghuang Dragon Gate. "Chu Feng knows that at this time, when it is robbing capital, if it can be looted, it will have a very high status in the future.

And he knew that even now, with all his first moves, he surrendered the sacrifice of the three thousand true gods, and also the demons, and even the reincarnated people. Based on these accumulations, as long as he digests, he can deal with chaos. Uranus is fighting, and the status of the first Uranus will not be known yet.

"If I can refine ancient dust and sand, then in the future, it will be His Majesty's first person, and he will even receive permanent care from Heaven. Even Heaven can not move me at will. My status is higher than the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. "Chu Feng's calculations are wishful.

But at this time, the ancient dust and sand has suppressed the fluctuations of Divine Land.

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