Dragon Talisman

Chapter 850: Devouring Dragon Gate

Chapter 850 Devouring Dragon Gate

When Chu Fengfeng and others were about to flex their muscles and fight in a world disaster, Gu Chensha actually suppressed the extinct Hongbo wave of Divine Land, and even restored those dead people and souls in the disaster And the land is fully restored. EΩΔ┡small "Δ said Ww" W.ん 1XIAOSHOU. Com

This scared Chu Feng, the incarnation of the King of Jinmen.

Chu Feng couldn't believe it: "Impossible, impossible, how could it completely restore all the damage caused by Divine Land, which is simply incredible. Even if I am a step deeper, I gather all the people who reincarnate the gods and stars. It is not even possible to gather all the power of the nine heavenly kings, what is this ancient dust sand doing, and where does his power come from? "

"Master, I am afraid that something has changed. What should we do?" At this time, the teenager who was the incarnation of Wenquxing was also extremely horrified: "In this way, the catastrophe is suppressed by the ancient dust and sand for a moment, and the people in the world Once again, the condensate reached its extreme, and I felt that the National Games almost burned. "

"I feel it too." The reincarnated people who were in the presence of hundreds of stars also looked extremely bad, and even some of them had the idea of ​​converting to Yasuji.

The people present were all heroes. Naturally, after the suppression of the world's Hongbo by the ancient dust sand, with the constant propaganda of the Cangsheng Marshal, the National Games rose to the sky, and you can even see that it will almost condense into an entity. Anything Anyone who has achieved a little bit of Taoism can see that strange scene.

This is the result of one heart, one nation, and one true support for someone.

"Abominable, this great disaster in China even helped Guchen Sand, so that people felt the danger of extinction immediately in the catastrophe, so they hugged Gu Chensha and Jingxian Division tightly." Chu Feng knew clearly, Had it not been for the number of annihilations this time, the National Games and the hearts of the people would not have been so cohesive.

This kind of national transportation, like the fire of the void, burns everything, and the ancient dust and sand that is the master of the country has been blessed by this national transportation. It is really terrible.

"What are we going to do now? We still have no momentum." At this time, Wen Quxing's reincarnated youth said: "I'm afraid it's not easy. I think Gu Chensha actually suppressed the Divine Calamity, but it must be a lot of power dispersed. Just like that ancient Ta Xian and Tiandao battle. He is already at the end of a strong crossbow, and the exterior wall is dry. "

"Yes, I'm thinking about it, otherwise, it's impossible not to suppress people like Xuanxin, Jingqiu, Gu Wo, Gu Danjian, Gu Changjian." Chu Feng carefully calculated for a while: "We are still According to the original plan, the plan of destroying and destroying, I will now urge the Honghuang Dragon Gate to attract magic disasters, but I will take a look. The ancient dust sand suppressed the turbulent extinct floods of Divine Land. Can I suppress the magic disasters and suppress the magic Disaster, can you stop my action? "

Between words, Chu Feng moved.

Immediately, he communicated the Honghuang Dragon Gate: "I took out a part of my source and urged with the Honghuang Dragon Gate to cooperate with the Demons and attack. In one hit, it will cause earth-shaking fluctuations and let the entire Niezhou The city turned into a fan of powder, let alone the situation of Gu Chensha's painstaking management, all broke, I want to make the earth, all of them are demons. If the people do n’t want to be killed by demons, just kneel down and jinmen king The demons will retreat. In this way, the hearts of the people in the world will immediately belong to me. I have mastered the ancient gods, the reincarnation of the stars, and become the guardian **** of so many people in China. Everyone sacrifices to me. Then my strength It is far from comparable now. "

Hearing Chu Feng's words, many people who reincarnated the stars looked at each other, especially the reincarnation of Wenquxing. He felt that Chu Feng's plan was simply invincible.

Think about it, the demons are raging on Shenzhou University 6, and everyone is in a dangerous situation. At that time, Jingxian Si could not save them. As long as he kneels and shouts the King of Jinmen, the demons will not hurt him. How many people will truly worship the Jinmen Heavenly King. After Jinmen Heavenly King has gained this sacrificial power, what kind of terrible realm will he reach when he cultivates?

If this continues, I am afraid that chaos in the future, Da Luo and other eight heavenly kings add up, and they are not Jinmen's opponents.

In this catastrophe, King Jinmen has taken the absolute lead.

The origin of Chu Feng penetrated into the Honghuang Dragon Gate. At this time, great changes occurred in the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate. Countless dense worlds were like the stars in the sky. Among each star, dragons were born. That is the Star Dragon family!

The Xingchen Dragons are a wonderful existence born in the Honghuang Dragon Gate. However, with the passage of time, the power of the Honghuang Dragon Gate has weakened, and it is difficult for the Xinglong Dragons to be born. But now, these Xinglong Dragons are like bamboo shoots. Seems to be a huge torrent.

As soon as these star dragons were born, they began to absorb the power of the stars, and the stars outside seemed empty.

The billions of stars in the heavens are vast and almost invincible. However, there are too many stars and dragons in the flood gate. Absorbing these billions of stars seems to be unbearable.

"What's going on? How did Honghuang Longmen swell so much?" Chu Feng, who had entered the source deep into Honghuang Longmen, was shocked: "Even if my source is combined with Honghuang Longmen, so many Star Dragons will not be born. The Star Dragon family is the peak of the dragon, the ability to swallow the stars and spit the moon, and I will rely on these star dragon families to master the portal of heaven and guard the most important entrance of heaven. "

Hum ...

At this moment, Chu Feng felt that the origin of his Heavenly King was constantly being lost, and it seemed that he could not control it at all, and all of it was entered into the Honghuang Dragon Gate.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Chu Feng's face changed greatly, but he couldn't speak at all, and his body shivered into the depths of Honghuang Longmen.

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the people present. The crowd only saw that Chu Feng had stimulated the power of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, and an overwhelming breath rushed out. In an instant, the breath passed from the depth of the Honghuang Dragon Gate let Many of the reincarnated people present were trembling. They thought that this was the power of King Jinmen, so they rejoiced.

Chu Feng disappeared and was absorbed into the flood gate.

Wen Quxing ’s reincarnated youth said: "All of you, Lord Jinmen, the King of Heaven, will promptly urge the peerless secret method, and we will have a chance to strike it. This time, we will make great contributions to the heaven, and your status will be huge in the future. Ascension, we must know that the reincarnation of our stars came to respond to the calamity. Once the calamity is completed, we will return to the stars themselves, which is equivalent to remaking the furnace. The next calamity may not be our own spiritual knowledge. But now if we make a great contribution, it is not necessary. We can get rid of the **** and become the immortal official. We are superior, although not as good as the Nine Heavenly Kings, we can still enjoy the Promise of Eternity for hundreds of millions of years. You can watch the changes in the world. "

"Yes, the future heaven is indeed like this. As long as you can enter the heaven, you can enjoy eternal life, and any person except the heaven, the devil, the demon, the immortal, even the heavenly respect, the life longevity, in the years to come, There are also robbers, who will die. After death, they will enter the prefecture, reincarnation, everything in the previous life, all disappeared. "At this time, a voice sounded:" Don't look at the current Tianzun, the strongest person in the realm of Tianshou, almost at ease. But this is because Tianting has not been born and is in a troubled time. These bandits like the King of the Mountain can be separated from one party, and the heaven is established, and the order is truly established. At that time, any deity, and people in the Tianshou realm, will also die. Will not live with heaven and earth! It is ridiculous that those who respect Tianshou Tianshou ca n’t understand it, but they are really stupid to shout flags for the future heaven. ”


Hundreds of star reincarnated people heard this voice, and his face suddenly changed, especially the reincarnation boy of Wenquxing. He stared fiercely into the void transmitted by this voice, and saw a one that he could never see. The shape is Zhugeya, the Lord of the Seven Stars.

"Zhu Geya!"

Wen Quxing's reincarnated boy almost got three characters out of his teeth.

"You are so brave, as a person of Jingxian Division, you have such a huge hatred of Jingxian Division ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is actually going to exterminate the people of Shenzhou, and the magic disaster will come here." Zhuge Yamen said: " In the end, are your hearts black, or your souls black? "

"Zhu Geya, you already knew all this, you want to wipe us all out." The boy who was reincarnated by Wen Quxing already knows that there is nothing to refute at this time, anyway, he must tear his face. The end of the day is coming. As the Lord of the Seven Stars, do you not feel the change of the heavens at all? The heavens have nurtured you and made you come out. You actually go against the sky. Is this my heart or your heart? "

"It is indeed the reincarnation of Wenquxing." Zhuge Ya shook his head: "It seems that you are ironed against the court. Since this is the case, then I can't save you! You think that the King of Jinmen will boost the momentum, so Will it be so fearless, but I will tell you the truth of the matter, and you may be desperate. Now Lord Dust has urged the power and began to devour the King of Jinmen. It is not called devouring. It just deprives him of his origin and He just became an ordinary person, just like the Fa Wuxian, Jing Fanxing, Wudi and others, let them taste the taste of ordinary people, the Lord has not opened the killing ring for a long time, he will not kill people, including you too, you do n’t need to Worrying about your death, even if I am now, it is just depriving you of all the magical power and strength, as well as the origin and identity of the reincarnation of the stars. In this way, if you lose everything, you will feel the value of your life and you will not feel yourself. High above you, if you look at the people like ants, you will also lose your life in the calamity. "

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