Dragon Talisman

Chapter 851: Mortal

Chapter 851 Relegated to Mortal

"Zhu Geya, don't be alarmist here!" Said Wen Quxing, the reincarnation of the young man, "The King of Jinmen masters the portal of heaven and possesses great fortune. Is it that you, the chaotic thieves, can be compared to you, you are the poison of heaven and earth? Without you, the world does n’t know how many times it takes to be peaceful. It ’s a good thing that the heavens will establish order in the future, they will be peaceful, and there will be no disputes. It ’s a good thing. Δ┡E ’novel WWW’W1XIAOSHUO.COM What kind of tactics are you forced to implement? Everyone becomes a genius, a genius, a sage, and even everyone who wants to achieve different numbers. Think about it, how is this possible? If there is no order and hierarchy between heaven and earth Everyone is the same, what does it look like? What is the meaning of existence? Everyone will lose the meaning of existence. You are the ultimate of the evil demon. I will never allow scums like you to exist and disrupt the order of heaven and earth. The reincarnated Changwu song of Wuquxing entered the demon road, his end will not be good, he will never Sink, those in the inferno Demon, in fact, not Magic, but a part of Heaven belongs to the female part of it. And you Jing Xian Division, is part of the real Magic. "

"It seems that your will is very firm. Wen Qixing's reincarnation is thinking too much in his mind, and he unknowingly entered a level of self-slavery." At this time, Zhuge Ya didn't want to say anything more to the boy who was reincarnated from Wen Quxing. One finger.

Zizi ...

A ray of stars flew out and shrouded Wenquxing's reincarnated boy.

Suddenly the young man felt that the origin of his body was passing away, which was the meaning of Wenquxing.

"You ... Zhuge Ya, how dare you deprive me of Wenquxing's identity, and you also deprive me of cultivation, you are bold! You rebellious must not die!" Wenquxing's reincarnated boy shivered, He tried hard to resist, but to no avail, he could not help but yell: "You guys, we haven't dealt with him together. If we can make him succeed, we will all sink forever."

Immediately, hundreds of reincarnated people burst out at the same time. They wanted to resist Zhuge's teeth, and even sealed Zhuge's teeth in turn to make a final blow.

"You guys are really stubborn. If you can turn back in time, there is still room for redemption, but now your heart is broken and there is no cure. Since you want to become ordinary people so much, it is as you wish. "Zhu Geya is now the realm of Tianzun at this moment. His combat power is amazing. He can even deal with the old antiques in the realm of Tianshou. Because he is the master of the double seven stars, he had a very strong destiny and basically could not be promoted to Tianzun. But now Breaking the shackles of destiny and achieving Tianzun, that is, can truly wield extremely terrifying power.

He moved slightly, and the attacks of these hundreds of reincarnated people were all absorbed by his body.

The attacks of these people have no effect on Zhuge Ya at all, it will only add strength to Zhuge Ya. Zhuge Ya waved again, the space here was completely sealed off, and then a huge vortex appeared in the reincarnation of each star. Over the head of a person.

Ahhh ...

Here there are hundreds of stars who have been reincarnated. All of their bodies have been absorbed into the origin, and those origins have merged into the top of Zhugeya's head, making the amount of attraction again increased many times.

"Why are you guys suffering?" Zhuge Ya looked at these people without the ability to fight back and shook his head, but his hands became more and more fierce. These people are stubborn, and they must all extract their strength and depreciate. For mortals, let them all become ordinary people, these people will know the value of life.

After a few breaths, all the reincarnated people at the scene have lost all their strength and qualifications, and all have become ordinary people without the power of a chicken.

All these people mourned.

"Master Zhuge, I'm wrong. I shouldn't cooperate with King Jinmen ... I'd like to make a sincere trust. Give me back your strength."

Some people are crying.

"I really do n’t know how to be in the blessing." Zhuge Ya sighed: "I help you to remove the **** from your body. From then on, you are not bound by the fate of heaven and earth, you can all have a huge exhibition, as long as you truly repent, The gate of Jingxianji will still be open to you, and you can learn quickly, so you can practice to reach a higher level than you are now. Yes, you are ordinary people now, but we all know the dragon boxing method of Jingxianji, sincerely. If you continue to practice step by step, you can become a genius, a wizard of the world, and even a born saint.

"Zhu Geya, you beast, if you are so contrary to the sky, you must encounter condemnation, neither you nor Guchen will die." The boy who was reincarnated from Wen Quxing was still not subservient, but instead yelled, with some loyalty in his body. .

"Sure enough, it is the star of Wenqu, but there is a strong personality of the literati, but this is of no use. Chang Wuqu." With a call, Chang Wuqu appeared in front of Zhuge Ya, and Zhuge Ya pointed at these people in front of them. They are still detained in the city of Niezhou, together with Fa Wuxian, Wu Di and others. Then slowly persuade them, let them support themselves and feel the hardships of ordinary people. In addition, don't embarrass and abuse them. "

"Zhu Geya, you must not die, you will end up miserable, and it will never end ...." The boy who reincarnated from Wen Quxing still yelled, "Chang Wuqu, you act as a tiger, completely contrary to your destiny and will You are even a traitor in heaven, and a sinner who will never live in the future. "

Chang Wuqu looked at the reincarnated boy of Wenquxing, but just shook his head: "It seems that you have to make a good transformation to be able to integrate into the ordinary people. In this way, you will be an ordinary people's picker, among the people now, though Many people have been promoted to the state of affairs, but after all, a large part of them are mortal realms, or there are excreta, you just have to clear these and understand at the lowest level, you will understand some true truth. "

"Chang Wuqu, you are not a human, you are a beast." Wen Quxing's reincarnated teenager is still yelling.

At this time Chang Wuqu no longer cares about this person. This boy was deprived of Wen Quxing's upright meaning, and is no longer Wen Quxing's reincarnation. He flung his sleeves. These people were packed into his sleeves and brought to Niezhou. Settled in the city.

From start to finish, he did not kill anyone, but he was degraded to a mortal.

As soon as Zhuge's teeth waved, the hundreds of stars and uprights flew out and merged into the Divine gourd, adding strength to the ancient dust.

At this time, Guchensha had already controlled the flood gate.

Inside the flood gate, Jinmen Tianfeng Chufeng has panicked! His Heavenly King's origin was largely absorbed by Honghuang Longmen, and he himself was fixed in the core of Honghuang Longmen.

At this time, Chu Feng saw the ancient dust and sand.

The two sides are at the core of Honghuang Dragon Gate. Even the three thousand true gods do n’t know what ’s changed in the depths of Honghuang Dragon Gate. They only feel that one world is born, the giant star dragon roars everywhere, and the power of Honghuang Dragon Gate has arrived. At the limit, everyone thought that Jinmen Tianxiu was promoted again, and the three thousand true gods did not dare to act lightly, waiting quietly for Jinmen to appear.

No one knows the depths of the core of Honghuang Longmen, which actually changed hands, and Chu Feng fell into despair.

"Chu Feng, don't come here. I should call you King of the Jinmen, right?" Gu Chensha smiled at this fifth-ranked king.

"It's you, Guchensha!" Chu Feng's heart has been shrouded in great depths: "You have been in the layout for a long time, even you have mastered me secretly."

"Yes, everything is under my control. Thanks to the sacrifice of the Three Thousand True Gods, I was able to suppress the extinct floods of the Divine Land." Gu Chen sand snapped his fingers, "Jinmen King, and I fight, you are indeed a lot worse, let alone you, even if the King of Chaos, or the nine kings and the Lord of the Sun and the moon, I have a way to deal with it. Apart from the emperor, I do not have any fears, You want to stir up the storm in my Jingxian Division, how can I let you do it? "

"Gu Chensha, you!" Chu Feng struggled hard to escape from here.

However, the ancient dust and sand moved slightly, almost destructively. The force approaching the heavens arrived here, and immediately wrapped up Chu Feng, and then began to extract. The power of the entire Honghuang Dragon Gate surged in, but the ancient dust and sand arrived. Around them, these forces have also surrendered.


Just then, suddenly, four forces appeared in the depths of Honghuang Longmen, all of which were injected into Chufeng's body, so that Chufeng was freed from restraint in an instant, and it was almost necessary to retake the final of Honghuanglongmen. Take control.

"Hahahaha .............." Chu Feng finally laughed and laughed: "Chaos, King Luo, Donghua, King of Wisdom, you finally know that I have encountered a dilemma, I I know that you will help. In this ancient dust, I want to see how you speak up ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not even our nine Heavenly Kings and the Lord of the Sun and Moon together.

Gu Chensha did not answer, but sighed: "The four great kings are always watching you, but because of your drag, they have been exposed to me. I already know where these people are hiding, so With their power, trying to get you out of trouble? This is too delusional. The odd number! "


Gu Chensha appeared on his body for a while to break through everything. At this moment, he realized the way of different numbers and succeeded in becoming a different number.

To become a different number is to become the foundation of the heavenly deity. The essence of the different number is to jump out of the **** of heaven. The ancient dust and sand enlightenment are not ordinary ordinary numbers, nor are they the kings of different numbers of Xingqiang. In other words, make all beings incomparable.

This is countless times more difficult than the King of the Abnormal.

There are several steps in the cultivation of ancient dust and sand. The first is to reach the thirty-sixth change of the state, to understand the different ways of beings, and then to promote Heavenly Supreme, and then to realize the dragon-free mind.

Now he has done the first step.

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