Dragon Talisman

Chapter 855: Against Ming Fei

Chapter 855 Against Ming Fei

The Divine Gourd is a combination of small Hongmeng trees and flood gates. Now it has become a solid rear base. With the ancient dust and sand calculation, there is no dragon heart method, the mystery of Divine Land, the essence of all realms, and even hope to achieve even the birth of Divine Gourd People can also be as perfect as those on Middle-earth China. E novel WWWZW. * 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Souls born today are not as powerful as those born on Divine Land.

Gu Chensha determined to forge a perfect Divine Land, and he began to analyze various situations. Among the dragon-free gourds, he took some experimental products of Divine Blood for analysis, not only to create people born on Middle-Earth Divine Land, Still have to pass, that is to say, the people born in the future of his dragonless gourd will pass the people born in the Middle-earth China.

In this way, Shenzhou has no advantage as a future heaven.

But Guchensha can't do this now, so he should protect it in Middle-earth China and extend it as many years as possible, even if it is a few years. In these years, more people can be born. .

The ancient dust and sand can be seen. The more people born on Middle-earth China, the greater the harm to the future heaven, and the strength of the future heaven will weaken.

It is best that the ancient dust and sand has collected this Middle-earth Shenzhou and integrated it into the dragon-free gourd, so that this dragon-free gourd is truly complete.

However, collecting Middle-earth Divine Land is still impossible for him. Middle-earth Divine Land is one of the strongest magic weapons. Compared with the Honghuang Dragon Gate, offering sacrifice to heaven, the Hongmeng tree is much stronger, think about it, This is the rudiment of the future heavenly court. Naturally, there is no magic weapon to compare.

Gu Chensha knew that the Emperor Tiandi had not yet been born.

If after the birth of the Emperor Tiandi, repression on Middle-earth China, heaven will appear in the future.

Fortunately, the emergence of the Emperor Tiandi requires thirty-six endless treasures to be united. Now, twenty endless treasures have fallen into the dust of ancient dust and refined into a part of the dragon-free gourd. To restore strength, in order to appear in the future, the court must kill ancient dust and sand and seize the dragon-free gourd.

"The heart of the four wastes will not be seized first, but the sacrifice to heaven is to be obtained, and the origin of Wudang Kongming Concubine must be extracted." Gu Chen said: "These are all future courtiers. Being able to surrender is one by one. If you surrender more, you can weaken the emperor's energy and slowly occupy a great advantage. "

"However, the current sacrifice to heaven is the easiest magic weapon we can get, because it still has half of your own control." Lou Baiyue said: "After you have obtained the sacrifice to heaven, you will reintegrate into this dragonless gourd. If you supplement yourself, you may be promoted to Heaven. "

"Almost, now I am actually one step away from the realm of Heavenly Supreme. After swallowing the sacrifice to heaven, it is truly complete, but it is best that even the Hongmeng tree is swallowed up." Gu Chen said: "Now you try your best The thing to do is to keep the world stable. As long as the world is stable and the power of sacrifice is constantly flowing, our strength can reach its apex. "

Between the ancient dust and sand, you can see that in the void, a huge sacrifice force came from the air, gathered together, and injected the depth of the dragon-free gourd, making the internal space of the dragon-free gourd After expanding continuously, the true Divine Land deep in Wulong Gourd gradually became a breath of Middle-earth Divine Land.

And among the dragon-free gourds, there is a place where all the true gods cannot come out. They are imprisoned by ancient dust and sand. All they need is sacrifice, sacrifice, and ancient dust sand to provide them with the vitality for cultivation.

Although the nearly three thousand true gods in Honghuang Dragon Gate were all surrendered by the ancient dust and sand, they are not actually insured. If they are released, they will cause inconvenience.

To manage the world, you only need to be a handsome man.

"The world will naturally be stable. We are slowly withdrawing from the bureaucratic system. Now villages across the country have no village heads, and towns have no town heads. They are all replaced by ordinary officials, and we will enforce the law impartially. Then we started The abolition of all bureaucratic actions, the county decrees, governors, governors, the governor, and even the six officials and the army, all were abolished, and all were replaced by people. In this way, the efficiency of work will be increased by more than 100 times. , Any bureaucratic resentment has also been eliminated, the world will usher in a new era of praise, there is a court, there is no bureaucracy. "Lou Baiyue's eyes flickered and decided a major plan.

Now the three hundred and thirty heads of life in the world have all been promoted to reach the realm of saints. In addition, they also possess the true gods. Their cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and soon they will reach the realm of thirty-six. In addition to the realm, there are also Cang Shenghou and Cang Sheng Wang. The management of the world is more than enough, it is to improve the efficiency of the work, and once again bring the National Games to the highest level.

Gu Chensha stood up: "Do n’t stop the attack on the Demon Realm. I could have wiped out all the old antiques of the Demon Race, like these three thousand true gods. Unfortunately, the Capricorn God suddenly cut off the sacrifice, even me Can't hold it, it is clear that some characters behind it have shot. If I guess well, the mysterious land government may have surfaced. If we capture the magic domain, the power of the land government will also be lost. The old demon head is actually a backbone member of the land government in the future, but after I get the heavenly sacrifice, I will completely lift the land government. In the future world, there is no need for a dark existence like the land government. Nothing like the land government should exist. "

"The thing of the giant spirit **** is really strong and always immortal. This time he actually escaped a disaster. It seems that he went to the land government again." Lou Baiyue frowned at the giant spirit god. Now, the cultivation of the giant spirit **** is the Tianshou realm. The power of Tianyuan is condensed in his body, and he attempts to ascend to the realm of Tianyuan. However, these forces are not the same for the current Jingxian Division.

But for this time, I tried to avoid hunting three times and never died. Lou Baiyue still had a great discomfort in her heart.

"Anyway, the giant spirit **** has a huge effect on me. I will not let him die for the time being. I now understand why the father did not kill him. In fact, he is a key person in the future. It may even be our victory over the emperor. The point is that his origins have not really been revealed. After he turned to the future heaven and the emperor, he would plot the emperor and want to seize the throne of the emperor. "The ancient wisdom appeared in the eyes of the ancient dust sand:" His origin is also A robbery, and a very powerful robbery, has not yet appeared. When he wakes up completely, he will be thrown into the world. At that time, it was a poisonous snake ambushing beside the emperor. I not only will not kill him now, but even Will help him secretly, making him play a huge role. "

After refining Hongmen Longmen, Gu Chensha seemed to understand many mysteries.


When he talked, his body was shaking, and he left the dragonless gourd, and went to Donghuang: "I went to Donghuang to collect the sacrifice for the heavenly sacrifice. Xuanmen of the Barren Fairy Road cannot be quickly incorporated into the national luck of my dynasty, and the ancestors of heaven and earth are still struggling to die. This time I went not only to capture the sacrifice of heaven, but also to gain endless heart, The endless thirty-six treasures are gathered in order to see more secrets of the Emperor. "

After swallowing the ancient dust of Honghuang Longmen, Xiu has reached an incredible state. It can be said that even Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon who was promoted to the state of heaven, is not his opponent.

Except for Heaven Emperor, Guchensha is already invincible.

As soon as he thought about it, he had already come to the heights of Donghuang.

The vast land and mountains of Donghuang completely caught his eyes.

The entire Donghuang has to fly for a long time even if it is a god-level strongman, but for ancient dust and sand, this Donghuang land is nothing more than a bag.

Looking down high, the Donghuang Mountains extend, some mountains stretch for millions of miles, up to 10,000 miles, straight into the clouds, there are auras everywhere, countless caves built in heaven and blessing, among which I do n’t know how many master monks Xiandao Xuanmen are hiding in practice , The mountains and forests are dense, and outside the world, the entire Donghuang can be described as a world of cultivation.

"Good place, good place." Gu Chensha is not the first time, but every time I saw, I nodded secretly, thinking Donghuang is a good place.

The central part of the Eastern Wasteland is where the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen are located. There is a huge independent space and time, and a huge portal artifact is looming, stabilizing the power of time and space, and at the same time gathers the entire Eastern Wasteland's Qi and Qiyun.

"The heaven and earth ancestors of the heaven and earth Xuanmen have some great strengths ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the heaven and earth Xuanmen were established, they bundled this artifact with Donghuang Qiyun, suppressing the east desert, no wonder Tiandi Xuanmen Standing upright. "Gu Chensha watched carefully and did not immediately go to find Wudang Kong.

He has sensed that Wudangkong is in the heaven and earth's Xuanmen, because he has arranged a chess piece beside Wudangkong, that is, the elderly Honghuang.

Now he is observing the Donghuang, in fact, he is thinking of a big plan, that is, to incorporate the Donghuang into the dragonless gourd, and the entire area of ​​the Donghuang is hollowed out and taken away. This is the real big deal.

What about that mysterious heart mastered the heart of Donghuang?

I repressed the entire Donghuang and refined it. What's the use of Donghuang's heart?

Not only that, Gu Chensha even wanted to refine the four wastelands into his own dragon-free gourd. This is the real masterpiece and big plan. This is not why he is too lazy to find Xuanxin and others. Yang Soup boiling is not as good as the bottom of the kettle.

Mysterious heart, Valley disaster, Jingqiu, and Gu Changjian each controlled the four wastes, but the ancient dust and sand collected all the four wastes, and the four were really dumbfounded.

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