Dragon Talisman

Chapter 856: Capture Rune

Chapter 856 Capture of Runes

Gu Chensha observed the Eastern Wasteland for half an hour, and was trying to figure out how to completely bring the Eastern Wasteland into the Divine Gourd. The Eastern Wasteland is much larger than the Middle-earth Divine Land. Once it is fully collected, it may cause a chain reaction, leading The four shortages and the Divine State are out of balance, and as a result, even greater disasters will occur. EΩΔ┡small "Δ said Ww" W.ん 1XIAOSHOU. Com

But Gu Chensha knows that this is the best way to weaken the future heaven. Without any one of the four wastelands, it is difficult for Divine Land to change to heaven.

It is definitely not that simple for the future heaven to truly stand on the heavens and immortal.


Between the waves of ancient dust and sand, suddenly there were thousands of dragon qi, these dragon qi twisted and twisted, each of them reaching millions of miles, penetrated into the deepest part of space-time, at that time the cosmic tides in the deep space Why can't this dragon spirit.

This dragon spirit is not a true dragon, not a holy dragon, but a dragonless spirit that came out of ancient dust and sand.

The so-called non-dragon is not that there is no dragon, but the supreme dragon, the highest dragon, can no longer describe the great dragon, can not find any adjectives and artistic mood to express its powerful dragon.

There is no dragon, the indescribable dragon.

This is the true meaning of no dragon.

The true dragon is the qi of heaven. Between heaven and earth, only the qi of heaven embellished by the National Games Divine Land can be transformed into a true dragon, but no dragon is many times higher than the true dragon. This dragon is a dragon that breaks the **** of heaven. Long Teng nine days, breaking through the shackles, flying freely.

"Donghuang, I infuse you with the spirit of no dragon, let you understand the truth of no dragon, the true meaning of this dragon is what you want, the heart of Donghuang that you have gathered now, but it is the destiny blessing on you It ’s just the shackles on your body. You have to abandon your heart of the Eastern Wasteland and condense into a heart without dragons. Only then can you get rid of its roots and achieve freedom, great freedom, and great achievements. The infiltration penetrated into the depths of Donghuang, and Donghuang shook slightly, and then completely subsided.

As soon as Gu Chen's body moved, she crossed countless obstacles, and at the next moment, she had reached the center of Donghuang, the interior of Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth.

He did not appear in front of the mountain gate of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, but appeared in the core of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen.

When Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, entered the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, he was in a state of no one, let alone the ancient dust. Today's Guchensha is more tyrannical than Gutiansha who was promoted to Tianzun. He can say that now that Tiandi Xuanmen is completely collected, the heavenly and ancestors and the entire Xuanmen do not know what happened, but for him , Tiandi Xuanmen is still too small, what he wants to charge is the entire Donghuang.

In one of the cores of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, Ming Concubine Wu Dangkong is practising hard.

The sacrifice to the heavenly sacrifice suspended above her head, and numerous green lights splashed down, making her invincible and guarding the heavens. No one can conceive her.

"The origin of the Ming Concubine is completely enlightened." Wu Dangkong's breath burst into tide, and something critical in his body was about to wake up.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and in the depths of her eyebrows, a huge force rose, and innumerable lights began to entangle each other. These lights shone, the earth subsided, the heavens and the earth separated, and the sun and the moon were bright.

"I am the concubine Ming, who is me. I am the concubine of the Emperor of Heaven, not the concubine of the ancient step immortal. This is the case!" Wudang Kongmeng said: "That Jing Fanxing is the King of Heaven without robbery. After me, my heart was miserable, so I lost my status as the King of Heaven, and I used to be Jing Fanxing's fiancee. This cause and effect was completely over. "


Awakening Wu Dangkong, the origin of Ming Fei, the whole body is gradually rising. Her waves of strength have directly broken the heavy bottleneck of the thirty-six states of self-reliance and heaven.

Suddenly, Wudang Kong reached the level of Tianzun.

Subsequently, Wu Dangkong's cultivation went further and entered the realm of Tianshou.

This is not to say, the power of her body is also condensing, surging, and the inexplicable power is touched, which actually condenses the core seeds of the world of Qianqian.

Her every move has great power. Although this is not the realm of Tianyuan, it is also a half-realm. This realm is really terrifying.

The old Honghuang stood next to Wudangkong, watching Wudangkong's changes, his face moved slightly, and bowed down: "Congratulations to the concubine for her great achievements. In time, she will definitely be able to become a realm of heaven and earth."

"The Tianyuan realm can definitely be achieved. Now what I need to do is very simple, that is, the four words left by the ancient Taxian in the refining sacrificial celestial sacrifice, and people will win the sky! Huh! The final outcome of the ancient Taxian is to feed Tiandao For Tiandao, Gu Ta Xian is a piece of fat that is difficult to digest, but after all, it is just fat. It is not a strong enemy. After eating Gu Ta Xian, we can all get great benefits. "Wudang Air Quality It ’s completely different. "As for the ancient dust, I will seize this person and directly sacrifice to heaven. The power of sacrifice is enough to make me ascend to the realm of Tianyuan. I can even push my own power to the extreme. A complete understanding of the secrets of the Tao of Heaven will eventually become a stronger existence than the Queen of Heaven. "

"I sacrificed the Lord Guchensha. In this regard, it is difficult for the concubine Ming Ming to do it." The old Hong Hong's tone also changed.


Wu Dangkong obviously felt the change in the mood of the elderly Honghuang, and suddenly looked at it: "What are you talking about? You are not loyal to me, who are you? But this is not important. I will capture you directly and make you thoroughly Refining, everything is known. "

Wu Dangkong looked at the elderly Honghuang as if looking at an ant.

To her, the old Honghuang is nothing.

Between words, she grabbed the palm of her hand gently and straddled the infinite space, so she would ingest the elderly Honghuang and burn it directly, turning it into a panacea or a treasure.

But at this time, all her current powers didn't come out, and the surrounding space seemed to be in a state of great destruction.

In this state, all her powers could not be stirred.

"What's going on? Ji Tian Fu Fu!" Wudang Kong unfolded the power of Ji Tian Fu Fu, but the next moment, her face changed completely, because she now cannot control Ji Tian Fu Fu.

In this secret space, a figure appeared.

It is ancient dust.

Gu Chensha looks like a 17- or 8-year-old boy without any change in appearance due to the changes in time. Tiandao years seem to have feared him, surrendered him, and did not dare to approach him at this time. Gu Chensha, the first feeling anyone sees him is that this person is invincible, immortal, and truly immortal, and the heavens have nothing to do with him.

After the appearance of ancient dust and sand, the palm of the hand moved slightly, and countless forces rushed in. There was a huge explosion in the celestial sacrifice, and the power of the explosion resounded. Every time it rang, Ming Fei Wudangkong's face turned pale. once.

After 36 consecutive sounds, Ming Fei Wudang Kong spit a blood spurt, and she felt that the celestial amulet originally granted to her by the Tao had completely lost her control, and she had lost her relationship with herself, and she could no longer control the amulet. That is to say, since then, this symbol has no connection with itself anymore, and does not belong to itself.

"Elderly Honghuang, you are doing very well." Gu Chensha seized the sacrifice to heaven, and a smile on his face appeared as if his beloved toy had been recovered.

He recalled that in the past, when he was fourteen years old, he was fourteen years old, and obtained this rune in the pile of old books stored in the palace, and then he was out of control. I knew how many benefits were gained. Later, this charm flew away and fell into Wudang's empty hands, but his qi was not reduced because of this. Instead, he increased even more steadily, abandoned the Heavenly God's Seal, and created the Cang Sheng Bu Tian Shu. He gathered all the minds, and finally achieved the dragon-free mind, and now he can see through the fundamental changes of this amulet.

This symbol is extremely mysterious to anyone's eyes.

But in Gu Chensha's eyes, there is no secret at all. He has refined all the Honghuang Dragon Gates that are as famous as the sacrifice to heaven, not to mention that half of the control of this amulet belongs to him.

"Miaoyu." Gu Chensha calmed down his mood with this celestial amulet ~ www.readwn.com ~, "This amulet really has a great connection with the Tao, and it will be the most important communication between heaven and the world in the future. Faith, if the human world is not obedient, heaven will use this symbol to exchange a master. In the future structure, the realm of the gods, the demon world, the demon world, the immortal world, and even various worlds, the human world is the weakest, but The human world has the most variables and has the greatest potential. It can pose a threat to the heavenly heaven. Because of this, Tiandao Jin must control the human world, and heaven must weaken the control of the human world. However, the human world is indispensable for the heaven. The reason why it can stand high, immortal, immortal, immortal is because of the sacrifice of the human world, if the human world is destroyed, the heaven will also lose its foundation and gradually fall. Therefore, for the heaven and heaven, The double-edged sword, the human world is too strong, and the heaven and heaven will feel a great threat. The human world is too weak, and the sacrifice is insufficient. The heaven will be weak, and the heaven will also be weak. It ’s more evolved. This symbol is a symbol of humanity, and it is also a blockade and bondage. It is no wonder that the emperor suppressed the symbol with the four words of victory. This symbol is now in my hands again, and I will make this symbol Take off. "

Gu Chensha knows that this amulet is the key to the heavenly path. Although he lost it, he still needs a lot of time to fully refining it. The meaning of the four characters in this amulet is that he can make his dragon-free mind further. If you refine this treasure, you will be promoted to heaven.

He put it away and looked at Wudangkong: "Wudangkong, come with me."

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