Dragon Talisman

Chapter 857: Tiandi shot

Chapter 857 The Emperor Tian shot

"Old dust, it's you. EΩΔ┡ 小" Δ said Ww "W.han 1XIAOSHUO.COM" Wudang Kong gritted his teeth: "You are always a ghost, but today you have taken away my sacrifice to heaven, but you Think you won this way? The situation is irreversible, no matter how much you struggle, it's all futile. "

"This sentence should be what I said to you." Gu Chen said: "In the end, you are the concubine of the father and the emperor. I don't want to do anything to you. You still push out the origin of the concubine yourself, and then I take it in my pocket and thoroughly Refining, then you honestly enter the harem, stay with the concubines, do not do anything, you may be able to escape your life. Jinmen Heavenly King was refined by me, Honghuanglongmen also fell into my pocket , This sacrificial heavenly falcon is as famous as Honghuang Longmen. I can refining Honghuanglongmen, and naturally I can refining the sacrificial heavenly fable. "

"I am the concubine of the Emperor of Heaven, not the concubine of the ancient stepper. Ancient stepper stepped against the sky and dared to come to me in the harem. His end is extremely miserable, and it can only be used as the food of the heaven, and you Gu Chensha, of course, can be proud for a while, but in the end it will be completely suppressed by the Emperor of Heaven. Everything you do now is actually doing a wedding dress for the Emperor of Heaven. "Wu Dangkong was unmoved at all, and she seemed to settle Determined to fight to the end with Guchensha.

"That being the case, then I'm not polite." Gu Chensha sighed: "Since you acknowledge that you are the Emperor of the Emperor, that is your own way to death, and I can't save you, only to seize the origin of your concubine and forcibly Extraction, turning you into an ordinary person just like the King of Jinmen. "Gu Chensha scratched.

A whirlpool emerged from the palm of his hand, and now his cultivation is returning to its original form, turning decay into magic, and a simple and simple action, a look, can have the power to tear the world.

Therefore, he basically does not have any martial arts moves, nor any Taoist killing methods. He is like heaven, he can kill and change at will, and he has everything.

This is the ancient dust now.

Sure enough, as soon as the palm of his hand moved, Ming Fei Wudangkong flew involuntarily towards the vortex.

"Not good." Ming Fei Wu Dangkong was shaking and exploding, and the source was going to be absorbed. Suddenly, she moved violently, and the endless rays of light radiated from the palm of her hand: "Innate way, six Damingquans!"


Between heaven and earth, six kinds of shocks, six kinds of sounds, six kinds of reincarnation, and six kinds of light are all rippling in her boxing skills. This is the supreme skill of Ming Fei in sweeping the world in the future.

"The future of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, shine on the sky, boundless."

Ming Fei Wu Dangkong's six big Mingquan came out, and immediately behind her, there appeared a golden giant, this giant serpent, desolate and ancient, raised his arms, when the air was swung, the world swallowed, Vientiane renewed, and it started again and again.

"Somewhat interesting." Gu Chensha nodded: "Six Da Mingquan, you as the Ming Concubine, created this kind of boxing method, which is most suitable for you. In the future, you really rely on this boxing to suppress the world, even the emperor can't. , You are in charge of the power of heaven. For a long time, the pheasant Sichen caused a lot of robberies. In the end, your end was not very good. He was imprisoned in the cold palace by the emperor. This is your destiny. You Rather than accepting this fate, it is better to convert to me and sacrifice me, and in future will be higher than the concubine Ming. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha held her arms slightly.

The surrounding void collapsed inward, all the light was suppressed, and a huge crystal sphere appeared in the middle. In this crystal sphere, Ming Fei Wudangkong was suppressed in it, conflicting left and right, trying to break the seal and get out.

"Useless, Wudang Kong, my seal is the highest seal secret method learned from the dragon-free heart method. In the future, I will prepare for the seal of the emperor. You are the emperor of the emperor. Then I will seduce the emperor from you. The secret is. "Gu Chensha shook her fist, and the crystal ball shrank again.

This seal technique is indeed his latest inference, used to extract Wudangkong's origins of Mingfei, without killing Wudangkong, making Wudangkong unable to survive and death.

Gu Chen cannot use all his strength to deal with Wudang Kong. He also has to guard against all aspects. A greater part of his power is to suppress Shenzhou, to resist the appearance of Gu Tiansha, the master of the sun and the moon, and to guard against the emperor, the land, chaos, and the Luo, Donghua, Wisdom and other kings.

He is now dealing with Wudangkong, in fact not even a tenth of his power is used.

But Wu Dangkong had no fight back in front of him.


After half an hour, Wudang Kong, who was struggling in the crystal ball, had gradually weakened, and Gu Chen felt a sudden movement, and the crystal ball suddenly spun high.

The suction from this high-rotating crystal ball could not resist even the heavens, Wudang Kong screamed in it.


Suddenly, a source that is brighter than the sun and the moon flows out from Wudang Kong.

The brighter this crystal sphere seemed, it was born the next day.

"Yes, Ming Fei's origin is indeed an immortal material, extremely mysterious. After I get it, I will integrate it into the non-Dragon gourd, and that gourd will go further. This origin can also be better used, making me quicker Change the sacrifice to heaven, and be promoted to the level of heaven. "Gu Chensha said in front of Wudang Kong.

"Dead!" Wudangkong was almost angry and could burn everything. She remembered that she had been suppressed to death since her debut. The anger in her heart had reached a level that could explode and destroy the world. She suddenly came out. With a long howl, almost all of his energy and spirit were completely burned. "O God, God, I am willing to give up everything I have, to fall into nothingness, to perish forever, and to pull this ancient dust and fall together, I Swear as your concubine and give everything. "

With this poisonous oath of Wudang Kong, it seems to have played a role, in the deep, a little inexplicable substance penetrated into it.


Suddenly, Gu Chensha felt the innumerable powers in this crystal sphere out of control and exploded directly. He couldn't control it.

"Very good." In the face of this change, Guchensha didn't panic. As soon as he pushed and pulled, he immediately sent the exploding crystal sphere into the chaotic flow of time and space. At the depth of the cosmic tide, a huge fluctuation.

This explosion is almost equal to the destruction of thousands of worlds, and its power is extremely great.

By the end of the explosion in the tide of the universe, that Mingfei Wudangkong had disappeared.

"Very good." Gu Chensha wasn't frustrated at all, but was happy: "This time, just in the midst, Tiandi shot. Tiandi saw that his concubine was about to be drawn from the source and captured. Finally he couldn't bear it and appeared There are clues. "He turned his palm lightly and stretched out a finger. Above this finger, there was an inexplicable light squirming, and it seemed to disappear, but it could not be completely dispersed, because Gu Chen was imprisoned with his mana.

This is a sign that Tiandi just shot.

Heavenly Emperor's Law.

The Heavenly Emperor's law was seized by Gu Chensha. With this, Gu Chensha can finally find out the whereabouts of the reincarnated Heaven Emperor. In the battle with Tian Emperor, he will not fall into the wind.

"Master Wang, just now ..." The old Hong Huang was scared to death.

"Yes, Tiandi shot just now. This is a good thing. The open gun is easy to hide, and the dark arrows are difficult to prevent. Now Tiandi is showing clues and leaving a trace of mana here with me. It is easier for me to catch his trace, and relying on With a little mana, I can study and calculate that many of the mysteries of Heavenly Emperor have greatly increased my own mana and repaired it soaring. "Gu Chensha seems to have been calculating:" Your current mission has been completed, go back, go into Wulong gourd, I will create a true **** for you. You are mixed with three thousand true gods, and you sacrifice and manage them. "

"Yes." The elderly Honghuang completely surrendered. He knew that he had entered the Wulong gourd to practice and manage the three thousand true gods, and he might become a Tianyuan realm in the future.

After sending the Honghuang elderly away, Gu Chensha looked at another hidden place deep in the heaven and earth's Xuanmen.

"Xianzhu, next is you. Your God system of prehistoric civilization is the essence of mechanical civilization, even if you want to replace heaven. Although this system is the highest crystallization of civilization, you still want to replace heaven. Possible things can fall into my hands, and I can refine and repair this system to cover the entire empire. The order of the empire in the Yong Dynasty will be strengthened by millions of times. It can still suppress the restlessness in China. "

The second target of Guchensha is Xianzhu.

The immortal master is the most important ~ www.readwn.com ~ is also the woman of Emperor Tianfu, and even Emperor Tianfu can give birth to ancient voile yarn. Gu Chensha would persuade this woman to surrender the God system of prehistoric civilization.

Ancient God Sand must be obtained for this God system.


He stepped directly into the secret space and saw a woman with fluttering clothes, as if waiting for him. This woman is exactly the Lord of the Immortals.

"You are here indeed." It is not surprising that the Lord of the Immortals saw the ancient dust descending, "I still underestimated you, but I did not expect that you could support it to this day, and you have not shown the slump, you are still conspiring. After calculating the King of Jinmen, you will obtain the sacrifice of the Honghuang Dragon Gate and the Three Thousand True Gods. In this way, you have become a major player and now you have become the greatest enemy of the Emperor. You can't doubt this robbery. "

"Now that you know, you haven't given me that God system yet." Gu Chensha looked at Xianzhu: "This God system is left on your body, but it's actually useless, only I can repair it, and you now It is actually no good to trust in the Emperor, but because of the relationship between Emperor Tianfu, you will certainly be intolerable by the Tao. "

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