Dragon Talisman

Chapter 859: System Power

Chapter 585 System Power

Just how brilliant the prehistoric civilization is, the ancient dust can be calculated. E novel WWWZW. * 1XIAOSHUO. Com

At that time, this civilization spread all over the big universe, countless time and space, and created the splendid history and culture of Hengsha. The current Yongxian Jingxian Division and the prehistoric civilization did not know how many billion years of history, but it is still naive. Baby learning to walk.

The countless powerful maggots created in the civilization of mechanical science and technology are far beyond the commanders of the common people. In addition, some brain characters have transformed themselves into more powerful beings, surpassing the King of Heaven.

However, these brain figures joined forces to challenge the authority of the heavens, and eventually the world returned to chaos, and once again created the civilization of immortality.

Heaven is doing experiments in this cycle.

Gu Chensha knew very clearly why the immortal master was so desperate because it was seen that the invincible existence of prehistoric civilization was destroyed under the control of Heaven. The ancient dust sand in front of him would not be stronger than the prehistoric civilization. So she felt that Gu Chen and Gu Ta Xian didn't have any hope.

But Gu Chen did not care.

In his opinion, prehistoric civilization was arrogant and good, but it went the wrong way.

His current savings and strength are not as good as those of prehistoric civilization, but the way is right. He is using the human heart to extract strength and master the heaven. In his mind, heaven is actually a controllable tool. There is a kind of tool Self-healing mechanism, but without the existence of emotions, Gu Chensha can inject feelings into the heavenly path as long as it grasps the key points of certain things, making the heavenly pathology weak, which is the real weakness.

The so-called sky is old if it is affectionate.

"Now you have no retreat, I will seal you for the time being, and you will enlighten yourself in this crystal sphere. Prehistoric civilization is certainly strong, but his failure is his own reason. After I acquired prehistoric civilization, I can change it even more. Good to find out the flaws in heaven. "Gu Chensha grasped the crystal sphere and watched the immortal master struggling in it, but he didn't take it for granted:" Now that I stabilize the Eastern Wasteland, I will go to the depths of the ancient chaos and find the prehistoric civilization Ruins ruined by heaven. Put the system in your pocket. "

Between words, he walked again and reached another core place of Tiandi Xuanmen.

This core place is a huge magic weapon of the heart, which keeps moving, and this magic weapon is an endless heart.

The ancient dust sand came here mainly to include all the treasures in it, and then make the endless treasure more complete. With the endless heart, as long as the ancient dust sand works in the dragonless gourd, it can make other The endless treasures have surrendered one after another, with involuntary inputs.

The heaven and earth ancestors were meditating in front of this endless heart at this moment. The great force of his body kept flowing, and it seemed to be condensed into something critical.

"Yes, ancestors of heaven and earth, you have to gather the core yourself." Gu Chen said: "Look at you as the one who is truly hidden, and you can break through to the realm of heaven and earth in the future. You are of course sun and moon. The Lord Gu Tiansha was resurrected, but he got rid of his restraint. This is a miracle. "

"Old Dust!" The ancestors of heaven and earth opened their eyes fiercely. "You are still here. I already knew that there would be such a day. This alliance in Donghuang is not stable. They are all born with evil spirits and hidden evil. But you also Don't be too happy, it's not easy to get this endless heart. "

"I want to see, how difficult it is." Gu Chensha played with the crystal ball in his hand, watching the celestial master calm down in it, and said to the celestial master: "Immortal lord, you and the heaven and earth ancestors Become an alliance, what thighs do you think the ancestors of heaven and earth clasped? How dare you speak to me like this? "

"The ancestors of heaven and earth are unpredictable, and naturally there will be killers." Xianzhu watched the changes, she knew that her struggle was useless, and she could not escape the pursuit of ancient dust, so she only chose to temporarily show weakness.

However, she did not surrender and did not sacrifice ancient dust.

"Immortal Lord, you should know who the ultimate victory will belong to in the future." The ancestors of heaven and earth stood up: "Gu Chensha, you want to capture the endless heart, this is something that your Laozi Gu Ta Xian could not do, then The ancient Taxian killed Xuanxin in fact to make the endless heart born, but it still goes against the wish. Today you can do this? "

"Naive." Gu Chensha shook his head: "Your heaven and earth ancestors have some talents, but they are too shallow and inadequate qualifications compared to those heavenly kings. If they are not adequately repaired, their origins are not enough, and their calculations are even worse. I saw through your dependence at first glance, the first is relying on the heart of the Eastern Wasteland, the second you have secretly colluded with several other kings, and the third you even have some secret existence, such as the promise of the land government, but now I Appear here, except Tian Di, no one dares to save you in front of me. Believe it or not? And do you think you deserve to be saved by Tian Di, who risks me being present? "

"East wasteland power, four wastelands gather, four wastelands kill and kill the enemy with one hit." The ancestors of heaven and earth sneered, ignoring the ancient dust and sand, and in the depths of the endless heart, four vitalities suddenly emerged. These four energies are entangled with each other, and then time and space are completely fixed, turning into a thunder ball formed by the four colors of blue, red, black, and white. When empty, the ancient dust and sand are wrapped.

"Gu Chensha, this is the God Thunder that the four wastes have gathered together, but it has accumulated a lot of time specially prepared for you. It is equal to the power of the four wastes to crush you. Enjoy it!" My ancestors are doing a sneak attack.

"Really? Sure enough, they have accumulated so many sources of the four wastes for a long time, trying to kill me? Or causing serious damage to me?" A gourd appeared on the head of Guchensha, and this gourd rotated slightly, Everything is completely absorbed.

The gods and thunders formed by these four wastes have instead become tonics of ancient dust.

"Yes, yes, the power of the Four Desolates is indeed Dabu, and you have saved tens of thousands of years of sacrifice to the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, and I have also watched. Since you attacked me, you will have to pay the price. You, the ancestor of Heaven and Earth, were already dead. Now, after being resurrected by Gu Tiansha, I won't kill you, because after killing you, maybe you will be resurrected. Only by degrading you to a mortal and your life still exists, will you know the value of life. "A lot of runes suddenly appeared in the eyes of the ancient dust and sand. This rune formed a long rope, which was tied directly to the heaven and earth ancestors like a dragon.

"Endless heart, the source of the east wasteland." The ancestors of heaven and earth saw that their killers were absorbed by the ancient dust and sand, their faces changed drastically, their bodies jumped violently, the time and space in front of them were opened, and then they were about to escape. Under his strength, it shrank into a fist-sized heart, and he also had to jump with him and escape from birth.

Gu Chensha is a must-have for the endless heart. How can the ancestors of heaven and earth escape?

The rope from his eyes spread slightly, and immediately intertwined, which then turned into countless large nets, densely penetrated into the depths of time and space chaos, and the time and space chaos was like a violent ocean. Ancient dust is a huge fishing net, in which you can catch everything that can be caught.

Heaven and earth ancestors are not a big fish to ancient dust. But the endless heart is a real big fish, and it is also a key point of Gu Chen's last glance at the emperor's throne.

So this time, he condensed his dragon-free mind into a big net, blocking the layers of time and space, even if the ancestors of heaven and earth escaped again, it would not be of any use.


The ancestors of heaven and earth didn't know how far they had escaped in the chaos of time and space. He even penetrated the cosmic tides and protected himself with an endless heart, making it difficult for the fierce cosmic tides to do any harm to himself.

"The endless heart is indeed the most mysterious existence among the thirty-six treasures of the endless." The ancestors of heaven and earth held the endless heart: "Shuttle at will, in an instant, you can use the power of heaven to reach any place, no one can Hurt me. "

"Really?" A voice passed slowly.

"Old Dust!" The ancestor of heaven and earth raised his head fiercely, and now he didn't know when he fell into a net bag. This net bag was only the size of a fist, and he shrank himself like a fish wrapped in a net bag. He thought he had escaped. It ’s actually a leap that I do n’t know how much space, but I have n’t leap over the ancient dust sand net ~ www.readwn.com ~ This Luonet fell into the palm of the ancient dust sand, and was placed with the crystal sphere. Sucking, the endless heart in the hands of the ancestors of heaven and earth was actually swallowed directly into his stomach.

After devouring the endless heart, Gu Chensha seemed to have some new changes. He was not in a hurry to deal with the ancestors of heaven and earth, but his body flickered slightly, and he also stepped into the depths of the chaos of time and space: "Immortal Lord, I have acquired all your memories, and now in your presence, go to the ancient chaos, find the things left by the prehistoric civilization, and obtain the God system, after this system is acquired. But before you, Let ’s talk to the ancestors of Heaven and Earth and let him surrender me. The Heaven and Earth Xuanmen as an example really belongs to my Jingxian Division. In the entire Eastern Wasteland, all the Xuanmen belong to our Jingxian Division. If you can do At this point, I will directly promote you to the realm of Tianyuan, and I will not abolish the practice of ancient sacrifice, how? "

"The ancient dust and sand, when you surrender the system left by your prehistoric civilization, I can tell you that the ruins and systems are extremely powerful. Even if you are repairing now, you must fall into it. Once it falls, you The Jingxian Division who lost your seat will definitely be torn apart and completely divided. "Xianzhu warned.

"You don't have to worry about this. Can you think of it, can I not think of it?" Gu Chensha smiled.

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