Dragon Talisman

Chapter 860: Prehistoric ruins

Chapter 860 Prehistoric Ruins

It will take some time for Ancient Dust Sand to refine the sacrifice to heaven, but he is not in a hurry. He must first find the relics left by the prehistoric civilization and the crystallization of all wisdom civilizations, the God system. E Xiaozhang said Ww "W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

Because the prehistoric civilization is extremely vast, their research on heaven is very deep. If they replace heaven, even capture it, or destroy it, they have gone through billions of years of analysis, and ancient dust needs to gain these experiences.

In the long battle, the vast experience accumulated by the game of prehistoric civilization and heaven and earth, and the existence of this God system has not been destroyed in the great destruction of the universe's time and space, which shows that this prehistoric civilization has come to understand Some immortal foundations.

If ancient dust and sand can gather all the data of prehistoric civilizations and integrate them into their own dragon-free mind, it is tantamount to concentrating the bright and bright experience of civilization for hundreds of millions of years.

And he can even peer into the Supreme Secret of Heaven.

Therefore, he has long planned for obtaining ruins and God's system.

With the seal of the immortal master and the ancestors of heaven and earth, the ancient dust and sand moved at will, and have left the eastern wasteland, the heaven and earth mysterious gate.

Tiandi Xuanmen is a huge artifact, although it is not as good as Honghuang Longmen, but after so many years of painstaking management and changes, it has become an extremely powerful existence in the Zhongqian world, not to mention that it has stored Tiandi Xuanmen for tens of thousands of years. The huge sacrifice, but also the core of Donghuang, is nourished by the source of Donghuang.

Throughout the dynasties, Tiandi Xuanmen did not know how many talents had been collected from Middle-earth Xuanmen. Now the core and important disciples in Tiandi Xuanmen are all from the blood of Divine Land.

Originally, the ancient dust and sand was to collect this heaven and earth mysterious gate and directly integrate into the Jingxian Division. It can also increase the strength and get a lot of nourishment, but he is still in the layout. When the time comes, he will collect the dragon gourd together with the Donghuang. Heaven and Earth Xuanmen is nothing.


He was in the chaos of time and space and started to move.

Each move is equivalent to a distance of hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, for a master of heaven.

The chaos of time and space is really endless. Even the person who is Tianzun Tianshou cannot explore it completely, let alone Tianshou. Even if it is in the realm of heaven and space, entering the chaos of time and space is equivalent to a small fish entering the sea.

The scale of time and space chaos is larger than that of heaven, after all, heaven is also in the package of time and space chaos.

The worlds one by one, the dust world, the small thousand world, the medium thousand world, and the large thousand world are all floating in time and space. Every moment, I don't know how many worlds are born and how many worlds are destroyed.

In the chaos of time and space, I don't know how many hidden treasures after the destruction of the ancient world, as well as artifacts left by the masters of gods and demons, and many innate spiritual treasures generated in the chaotic explosion.

But this is not a good thing for Guchensha, because his own cultivation and thoughts can make a better baby than this.

For example, the chaotic paleontology of the Tianshou realm took all the effort to create a treasure. It may take tens of thousands of years to settle, but the treasure created by the ancient dust and sand is more powerful than the 10,000-year-old baby created by this chaotic paleontology. Times, so the countless treasures in the depths of time and space, he also did not look at it.

He didn't even collect the Zhongqian World left by the ancient Buddhist Sect, Jinshan on the other side, because in his opinion, he could completely create something and collect what to do?

At this stage, only God's system, endless treasures, and Hongmeng tree make him interested in collecting.

Based on his cultivation for the time being, it is impossible to create the flood gate, the endless treasure, the sacrifice to heaven, and the Hongmeng tree.

But after he was promoted to heaven, that was not necessarily the case. Heavenly Emperor will be afraid of the ancient dust and sand.

"Promote Celestial Supreme, at this opportunity, if you peek into the relics of prehistoric civilization. I will definitely break through the obstacles and be promoted to reach Celestial Realm." Gu Chensha has seen from God's body that there is nothing in God's system. The mystery of the last is that he does not necessarily need to obtain this system, but must obtain the data on the study of heaven and earth in prehistoric civilization.

The crystallization of the wisdom of prehistoric civilization was the most valuable thing for him, not the system itself. Of course, after collecting the system, his dragonless gourd will also reach a certain limit, suppressing the emperor and heaven.

Gu Chensha's body flickers, changes, and jumps. I don't know how long after that, the turbulent flow of time and space suddenly disappears, and it seems to come to some kind of end.

At the end of the chaotic flow of time and space, there is chaos gas everywhere. This chaos gas is deep and unpredictable.

Gu Chensha knows that this is the chaos wrapped in the chaos of time and space.

In a certain theory, the entire universe of the heavens and the earth is such a form, centered on the celestial realm, surrounded by space-time chaos. In the space-time chaos, there are many worlds floating in it, and there are many dimensions.

Outside the chaos of time and space, chaos is wrapped.

The celestial realm is limited, and the spatiotemporal chaos is also limited, but chaos is truly infinite.

And this chaos is evolving at all times. Under the impetus of some mysterious force, it penetrates into the chaotic flow of time and space and evolves into various worlds. Therefore, the chaotic flow of time and space is expanding and expanding every moment.

Ancient dust and sand came to the edge of the chaotic flow of time and space, ready to go deep into the chaos.

The general Tianzun Tianshou can hardly cross the chaos of time and space and enter the chaos. If they are in the heavens, that is, the endless big 6, they must come out of the heavens and cross the chaos of time and space to the edge of chaos. For hundreds of years, this is also a very labor-intensive behavior for Tianzun.

"This is the body of chaos." Gu Chen looked at the edge of the chaotic flow of time and space, and the endless elements of chaos were flowing. There was no black and white, no color, and it was pure chaos.


Ancient dust and sand are still on the edge of chaos. Suddenly the chaos in front of me didn't know what force was used to generate a huge explosion. This explosion is simply a flood of thousands of gods that has crossed the flood gate, which is purely a kind of soul and magic weapon. Swing out power.

The ancient dust and sand were shaken a bit. If it had not been cultivated to a very high depth, I am afraid that it would have been directly destroyed by this chaotic explosion, because in this chaotic explosion, many worlds suddenly occurred, including the small thousand worlds and the medium thousand worlds. At the moment of the birth of the world, a cosmic tide swept violently, and time and space collapsed. These worlds did not know where the tide rolled up. Following the flow, some worlds were fragile, and they died directly in the cosmic tides, while others were alive. When it comes down, many creatures will be born in it, forming a whole new world.

Many ancient worlds also come from this.

The ancient world was born in chaos and went to the end of time, and the new world was born, alternating cycles.

This is the truth of the chaos of the universe.

The ancient dust sand surface exploded in this chaos to produce many strange landscapes of the world, and suddenly felt, but this is just a chaotic surface. To find the remains of that prehistoric civilization, you need to enter the chaos interior.

Chaos is even more dangerous inside, and the explosion is even more violent. There are even some ancient creatures that are born, as well as strange and powerful existence.

Immortal Master and Wanxian Master are ancient creatures produced in chaos, but they got out of the chaos and reached the heavens to enjoy the prosperity, but since ancient times, it is not known how many powerful ancient creatures have no way to leave chaos. Not to mention reaching the heavens, of course, there are some chaotic ancient creatures out of chaos, wandering in the chaos of time and space, looking for the world to devour, the world produced by those chaotic explosions is equal to the fertile fruit, deeply loved by the chaotic ancient creatures .

The ancient dust and sand stepped into the chaos one step, and suddenly lost all its brilliance. There was no light or light. Everything was chaotic. The outer world was vast and the endless squeezing force came out violently. Only characters in the realm of Tianshou can reluctantly act. Once in chaos, ordinary people are trapped in the quagmire, unable to escape, and even in chaos without any direction, they cannot find it.

Inside the chaos, everything is paste.

The heaven and earth ancestors and immortal masters saw the ancient dust and sand entering chaos, and their faces showed a shocked look: "Deep into chaos, it is difficult to get out of it. Basically, there is no way out for the outside world. The power of the explosion is involved in the chaos of time and space. "

"You can't come out when you enter chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ In my opinion, this chaos is just a bigger swamp." Gu Chen sand walked peacefully in this chaos, with him as the center, all The chaotic elemental forces all settled down, giving birth to an endless world. These worlds are like dream bubbles, random birth and death, illuminating the chaos in the distance.

"Immortal Lord, you will only be able to sense the God system and gain strength from it. You yourself are not the God system, but you are controlled by the God system. This system has to repair itself and recover to its heyday. .You have to control a lot of masters and do a lot of things for him. You are controlled by this system, the establishment of the Jingxian Division, and penetrated into our court. Then use scientific and technological civilization to provide a lot of national transport for this system, but It ’s just the strategy of the Father Emperor. How easy was it to obtain the national transportation of our eternal dynasty? ”Gu Chensha seems to see through everything. Is really sad. "

Gu Chen's body flickered and penetrated into the chaos again. Chaos seemed to be very afraid of him, spreading out, and even had the taste of surrender.

After a while, the chaos in front of it suddenly became intense.

A huge battleship, straddling incredible dimensions and time and space, appeared in front of ancient dust and sand, and this is where the relics of prehistoric civilization lie.

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