Dragon Talisman

Chapter 864: Avatar knowledge

Chapter 864 Incarnation Knowledge

Gu Chensha is now completely out of the normal cultivation system. The great thing about his dragonless mind is that the more knowledge he acquires, the greater the power. E novel WWW. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

Now that he has gained some knowledge of Lord Dan, the dragon-like heart has expanded fiercely, and he has begun to realize some of the secrets in this battleship, so he can walk freely among the battleships.

"Master, leave your knowledge behind. I won't kill you, but it's a lot easier to get your knowledge."

The dragon-free heart method penetrated into many corners of the battleship, and the Lord Dan and the Lord God who had just fled were already illuminated again.

Gu Chen did not kill them or even harm them, but only to learn their knowledge.

Gu Chensha transformed his dragon-free heart into a mysterious mystery of knowledge and penetrated into the depths of the battleship. The warship did not resist, but instead absorbed the knowledge of Gu Chen, because the war ship knew that Gu Chen For him, it is very useful. If it is obtained, the battleship will evolve again.

Gu Chensha had another idea to infiltrate his knowledge into the battleship. When the battleship was studying, he could also get the knowledge of the battleship.

Gu Chensha has now transformed into knowledge, basically understanding some kind of immortal way, knowledge will not be destroyed, no matter where the world exists or not, he is always there.

"Knowledge is the concrete manifestation of truth. Without knowledge, truth cannot be revealed. If the avenue is the soul of a person, then knowledge is that person. I finally touched some immortal way."

Ancient dust is full of joy.

He entered the battleship left by this prehistoric civilization, obtained a lot of knowledge and information, and calculated from each other. The dragonless heart promotion once again reached a terrible realm. Although it did not completely condense the formed body, it was still a stub. The realm is not far away.

If all the knowledge here has been absorbed, then Guchensha's Dragon-Free Heart Method does not know what level of promotion will be reached, not to mention promotion to Heavenly Supreme, even if it is promoted to the realm of Tianshou.

Now that he saw the Lord Dan and the Lord God, he felt the vast knowledge of the prehistoric civilization in ancient times. A civilization who didn't know how many billions of years of savings had really not been able to compare himself.

Zizi ...

The two leaders of prehistoric civilization, Lord Dan and Lord God, flew over directly and were wrapped in the ancient dragon's heartless method. After all, they are not real people, but two major imprints. Their imprinting power is almost Tianyuan Realm, unfortunately, in the face of the ancient dust, it is still not an opponent.

You must know that the ancient dust sand has obtained the Honghuang Dragon Gate and the Heavenly Sacrifice, and the power has been improved. Of course, the ancient dust sand has not been refined. Refine some.

But now he has gradually come into contact with all kinds of knowledge of prehistoric civilization, and he has a deeper understanding of the sacrifice to heaven and the Tao of Heaven.

This amulet is likely to be incorporated into the ancient dragon's heartless method.

"Suppression, capture!"

Lord Dan, the Lord God were both pulled out directly, they were wrapped in a piece of dragon-free heart method, could not escape, so they both called again.

Immediately, the rays of light appeared.

Another group of ten rays appeared.

Each group of rays carried drastic power and drowned everything. In this light, the twelve leaders of the prehistoric civilization gathered completely.

"Master, Lord Spirit, Lord Hugh, Lord Chi, Lord Mi, Lord Za, Lord Pu, Lord Na, Lord Zeus, Lord Division!"

The top ten leaders, together with Lord Dan, and the Lord God united to explode rolling powers. This power was united and changed with each other, and a huge matrix was formed in an instant. In their center, a sphere appeared.

This sphere is the true body of God's system.

As soon as the leaders of the Twelfth National Congress appeared, God's system manifested his true body, but in an instant, all the attacks of the ancient dust and sand were disintegrated, and even the chapter without the dragon heart method was forced to reach his body.

But Guchensha wasn't surprised at all. Instead, a look of joy appeared on his face. Looking at the central sphere, this sphere is also composed of many words and information. It seems to be an entity, but it does not seem to be a form of knowledge. .

"Miao, Miao, we thought of it together. It seems that I and the highest state of prehistoric civilization, the wisdom of all people, are communicating, we have all reached this step, but even if we have reached this step, It ’s still not enough to be able to surrender to Heaven, so that Heaven can serve us and cannot create a new situation. ”Gu Chen looked at the sphere representing God ’s system. He knew that if he swallowed this sphere, immediately You can get the inheritance of the entire prehistoric civilization, but the power of this system is far beyond that of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and even the Tao of Heaven cannot be finally eliminated, which already contains some immortality.

Gu Chensha thinks it is impossible for him to thoroughly refine the system, but he can absorb more knowledge now, be promoted to the level of heaven, and then absorb the system.

"Respectful strong man of this civilization, have you broken into us and forcibly plundered our crystals of wisdom, isn't it too much?"

Another middle-aged man in a white robe with a scepter in his hand and a golden code spoke. The middle-aged man had a big eagle nose and a golden head, just like gold. No trace of his age was left on him. This is "dominant."

"All of you, your civilization has fallen. It belongs to the losers. You haven't completely survived yet. They are all imprints. You don't have your own heart. Do you want to be completely resurrected? Only by me." Gu Chen "Now, in cooperation with me, I promise to resurrect you and bring you back to the top again and get what you want."

"You're called Guchensha, I know you." A woman spoke. She held the jade scepter and the jade code, still expressionless: "You established the Jingxian Division and made it on Middle-earth China. Many things, but this kind of thing is still not surprising to us. What we did in the last civilization is far beyond your imagination. You now say that we will resurrect us. We are absolutely unbelieving. Yes, because you have insufficient abilities, it's almost the same that you changed to be your father Gu Taxian. "

"My emperor is not here. He is suppressing heaven. Do you really think you have been immortal? In fact, otherwise, you will be completely destroyed in this civilization. The last civilization was actually a time of turmoil. Heaven Emperor has not yet been born, but now Heaven Emperor is born. You are used as a sacrifice to strengthen the authority of Heavenly Tao. Heavenly Heaven is just to fatten you and then kill, and let Heavenly Emperor kill you. You ca n’t understand why this is true. Too disappointing me. "Gu Chen said:" If it wasn't for our imperial court to suppress Tiandao, Tiandao now has no previous general power and its authority has been weakened so much that you would have no place to die. "

"Your strength is indeed not enough." The woman was called "Zhu Mi", and she looked at Gu Chensha for a while: "But you have the knowledge we need. Since you broke into this, then we are welcome. , Integrate you into our system and add power to our system. "

"Yes, I feel that the immortality of his body is completely different from ours. It is another way to avoid the supervision of the destiny of heaven and earth. It is amazing. This is a good experimental product. This gives us good data. "Lord Dan spoke again.

"Then arrest it." The twelve leaders nodded at the same time, and then put their light into the central God system sphere.

Hum ...........

This sphere of God's system is running high and trembling slightly. An invisible force has enveloped the ancient dust and sand. This force has surpassed Tianyuan. The ancient dust and sand has never felt the power of such a mighty shore. It seems that this sphere is the real heaven, the real Road.

"Yes, yes, this is the system that once wanted to replace Tiandao. Although it did not succeed, it can gather a crystal of civilization and wisdom. In the end, you can't belittle it. Since you want to treat me as a test product, I will be happy to let You devour and merge. "

Ancient dust and sand turned into knowledge once again, and it was so immense and imposing, without any resistance, the process of integration with this God system began directly.

He turned it into an article with no dragon mind, and immediately plunged into the sphere of this God system.

Suddenly, God systematically swallowed him, and in the sphere, there appeared a chapter without dragon heart method ~ www.readwn.com ~ and this chapter continued to expand.

"Huh!" Zhu Mi, the woman leader, knows Gu Chen's thoughts: "This man is so bold and daring that he can dare to let God's system absorb it. Does he want to be a guest, and occupy our system?"

"He doesn't have this kind of power." A stern expression appeared on Zhu Dan's face: "There is a saying in this civilization, called wealth and danger, and it's impossible to get a tiger in a tiger's hole. I think he is indeed Thinking of penetrating into our God system, and in turn devouring the mind, but how did he know the huge power accumulated by our civilization, our God system, among this civilization, also selected countless spokespersons to obtain the immortal civilization. The most fundamental thing, look at it now, we refine him, or he devours God's system. "

The leaders of the Twelfth National Congress at the same time spurred strength to watch everything that happened in the sphere.

The ancient dust and sand was absorbed into the depth of the sphere by the God system at this time. In the sphere, he felt that there was nothing, and it was not the world, but a kind of manipulation power. In a sense, the God system was the closest The things in heaven, the most profound crystallization of all the wisdom of prehistoric civilization, the ancient dust and sand are sucked into it, and the reason for not resisting is also a big adventure. If he wants to acquire the knowledge contained in the system, if he is unsuccessful, he will be truly refined by the system and become a supplement.

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