Dragon Talisman

Chapter 865: Tianzun

Chapter 665 is Heaven

In the system, the ancient dust and sand still incarnate into knowledge. Without form, it is a supreme state of mind that spreads, creates, and develops. Ω "Ω" E Novel WwhanW. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

The system itself is also a force that replaces the heavens. As soon as he entered it, he felt the greed of the system and seemed to treat him as the most fat piece of meat.

Indeed, in this civilization, there is nothing better for God's system than devouring himself.

Only by engulfing himself can the God system be able to defeat the Emperor of Heaven, even escape, achieve immortality, and survive the power of the Great Change of Heaven.

In the upside-down blur, suddenly Gu Chensha felt that an idea had penetrated directly into his own mind, and his knowledge of the dragonless mind suddenly gained a lot of knowledge and reason, which he could not himself Fully fused together are things that I can't understand. These things, like pollutants, penetrate into my dragonless mind, making it impossible for the mind to operate freely, and even trying to control him.

This is the system of God devouring him. First, he will penetrate into his will with his own will, just like the poisonous snake injects the venom into the prey, so that the prey is paralyzed and died, and then slowly enjoyed.

"This knowledge is really weird. I ca n’t even refine it. I can't understand it." Gu Chen was slightly shocked, but he had been mentally prepared to know that after being swallowed up by this God system, it would not be smooth sailing. Refining the system is irrational.

This is a kind of game and discipline.

Without going through this kind of exercise, how can you be promoted to Heaven?


The ancient dust sand is fully operating without the dragon heart method, digesting, and understanding the knowledge and truth transmitted by the system, and becomes a part of itself. The game between the two parties is as simple as it is, but it is extremely complicated. When they reach their realm, the battle is no longer The kind of boxing, fighting, destroying the world, but this seemingly calm, but even Tianzun, Tianshou, Tianyuan realm can not understand the fight.

In fact, after the ancient dust sand became enlightened, it became knowledge, and any attack had no effect on him. In a certain theory, the ancient dust sand itself is the incarnation of the immortal civilization and contains the entire civilization. The knowledge he possessed, especially his mastery of the God of Holocaust, was a secret method enlightened by the Emperor of Heavenly Charms, which contained what God's system wanted to obtain but could not obtain.


In an instant, Gu Chensha felt that the power of the God system had increased again. His dragonless mind method had suddenly doubled, and the content had expanded. It was not something Gu Chen could control. In other words, God The system gained half of the control power of Gushensha without dragon heart in an instant.

In a certain theory, the body of ancient dust and sand has been controlled by God's system half.

He himself felt that he was not very flexible and had a taste of being controlled by others.

However, this is exactly what he needed.

"Sacrifice to heaven, come out!"


In the article of the ancient dust sand's dragon-free heart method, a rune suddenly emerged. This rune's blue light flickered. It was the sacrifice to heaven, which he entered into the system of God.

Suddenly, this God system encountered the impact of the sacrifice to heaven, and immediately began to counterattack. The huge will rushed into the depths of the temple and stirred up the layers of light.


The sacrifice to heaven offerings was actually torn.

Fuyu has been reduced to two words.

One word is "Ordered by Heaven", and the other is "Man will win the sky!"

The sacrifice to heaven offering is divided into two parts, and it must be slowly integrated into the system of God.

"Okay! This God system is so powerful that it actually tore up the sacrifice to heaven. If I did not rely on your strength, how could I completely refine this system?" Gu Chensha saw this situation, and immediately rejoiced, "The emperor seals the gods, the holy slaughter of the gods, and they work together!"


Wulong Xinfa conveyed two kinds of breath.

One God, One God.

One makes up the sky, one takes the sky.

Yin and Yang rotate each other, Qiankun rotates with each other.

Suddenly, the two parts of the sacrifice to heaven offering were ordered by the heavens and humans to win the heaven. All eight words were absorbed into the dragon-free mind.


Ancient Dustless Dragon Heart suddenly became red like a flame, shining fire and gold.

Between the creeps, he actually started to fight back, forcing a lot of knowledge that forced the God system into the Dragon-Free Heart Method, and the ability to understand and calculate the ancient dust and sand has greatly increased. Digested one by one, in an instant, the repair of ancient dust and sand began to skyrocket.

Between him and God ’s system, he can naturally acquire the knowledge of this system. A lot of the secrets of prehistoric science and technology civilization were understood and understood by him. Suddenly he saw a completely different path from the Immortal Path.

He also used the power of God's system to thoroughly refine the sacrifice to heaven, without any impurities.

The core of the sacrifice to the sacrifice to heaven is the four words, which are ordered by heaven.

These four words are authority, that is, authority, which gave many ancient emperors the supreme authority, but also the shackles of destiny. However, the four words of man's victory over heaven completely broke this shackles and authority, representing different ideas. Gu Chensha merged these two concepts together, and immediately launched a counterattack on the system.

The celestial body breath of Gu Chensha is more.

A sense of heavenly respect runs in his dragon-free mind, making the red flames constantly burn.


Leaders of the Twelfth National Congress, Lord God, Lord Dan, Lord Juggernaut, Lord Spirit, Lord Hugh, Lord Chi, Lord Mi, Lord Zha, Lord Pu, Lord Na, Lord Zhou, Lord Division. They saw an incredible scene.

Among the spheres transformed by God's system, the ancient dust and sand were originally eroded and suppressed, and they will be assimilated at first sight, but in an instant, the ancient dust and sand turned into a small flame, and the red gas trembled, and actually began to have the original Potential, but fortunately, this flame is small enough to not pose a threat to the system.

But this is also a bad sign. Because it means that the system cannot refining ancient dust and sand, and the flame is still expanding and growing, and in turn absorbs power in the system, it seems that the virus is expanding.

"My dragon-free mind has really made great progress." Gu Chensha already had a lot of knowledge of prehistoric civilization at this time.

At the same time, among the middle-earth gods, among the dragon-free gourds, worship of the moon, Wenhong, Guhuasha, Zhugeya, Wusheng Tianzun, and Fushou God are all practicing.

While managing the world, they are also deepening their own cultivation.

Now in the world, the country ’s luck and sacrifice are getting more and more intense, especially the three hundred and thirty heads of the wild life. Now all of them are powerful men who have changed the state of 36, and have the true gods. You can turn your own energy into strength, and each head of the common blessing is now almost loved and admired by countless people, and has become the incarnation of justice and the **** of justice.

Although they are not Tianzun now, they can compete with Tianzun by virtue of ancient dust and sand.

Because of this, they sit in Shenzhou, and no one can invade it.

"it is good!"

Lou Baiyue is practising hard. Suddenly, a will flows through her, and she feels the dragon-free heart of ancient dust and sand. In her mind, a little flame suddenly explodes and burns. Countless The scriptures have replaced her original body, and she has also become a scripture.


A **** shackle on her body was completely opened.

Tianzun's breath was born in her body, and at this moment, she was actually promoted to Tianzun.

"The dust and sand are really powerful, and they are fighting against the highest wisdom of the prehistoric civilization. The God system has even gained knowledge of this system." Lou Baiyue instantly understood what he was getting, that was ancient The dust and sand combine the practice of prehistoric science and technology civilization and the immortal civilization, the comprehensive method of descending heaven, the method of no dragon.

By acquiring this knowledge yourself, you can break through to the realm of Celestial Supreme.

"Without a dragon gourd, rebuild the world, be a handsome man, reverse your destiny, and break through!" Lou Baiyue was promoted to Tianzun. Suddenly, an inexplicable force awoke from her body, and did not know if it was the source of the Queen Of course, her realm is Tianzun realm, but the breath that now appears on her body has almost completely passed the realm of Tianyuan, and even faintly, passed the sun and the moon's Lord Gu Tiansha.

"Is it really the Queen of Heaven? It is only after the Queen of Heaven that it has such a breath." Zhuge Ya looked at Lou Baiyue in shock, and Lou Baiyue was promoted to Tianzun. The breath in the dragonless gourd is simply earth-shaking and seeing this momentum Zhuge Ya knows that the current moon worship, even if it is between your fingers ~ www.readwn.com ~, can kill the strong in the realm of Tianshou.

After Lou Baiyue broke through, he poured the power in his body directly into the dragon-free gourd, and suddenly many of the sacrificial power accumulated inside the dragon-free gourd were refined and turned into a light of 360 groups. These The light flew out abruptly, and once again merged with the three hundred and sixty heads of the world who were sitting around Shenzhou.

"Mrs. Cang Sheng, made by Tianzun, all will be promoted. Each of your fighting power is actually equal to Tianzun, but you must not be the true Tianzun now. Now I have obtained the highest manufacturing method of prestige in the prehistoric technological civilization. , You can all be promoted to heaven, and since then, I have a real capital in the kingdom of Yongzhou! "

Lou Baiyue's voice passed from the dragonless gourd.

Then, this kind of voice began to spread among the people. The people now have news organizations at all times to spread the movements and changes of the high court. The whole court is transparent. This transparency has caused the people to have extreme trust in the court. To draw closer, in the minds of many people, the court was no longer the authority and the unpredictable authority of the past, but a family who could solve their own problems.

The intimacy of ordinary people and the court is getting higher and higher.

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