Dragon Talisman

Chapter 868: Adventure

Chapter 686 Adventure

If the ancient dust and sand will impact the heavenly respect, it is necessary to let this God system stop the disaster. EΩ novel WWW. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

The twelve leaders, the Lord God, the Lord Dan, etc. all saw it. They felt the devastating breath outside the ruins, knowing that this was the anger of heaven, the heaven felt a huge threat, and all kinds of disasters came down regardless of everything. Destroy ancient dust and sand, so that ancient dust and sand will not cause him irreparable damage in the future.

"What to do, this son is so insidious and cunning!"

Lord Dan knows that now is the last moment of life and death, he must make a choice.

"Hurry, give up!"

After a while of communication, these 12 leaders suddenly urged a certain secret method. Suddenly the entire battleship was shrinking violently, and constantly wriggling. The surrounding ancient chaotic elements collapsed and disintegrated. You can see in the explosion of chaos that countless The world of Xiaoqian, Zhongqian, and even Daqian are showing a blowout.

In the past, monks needed thousands of years of savings to create a small thousand world. For example, those sage families often saved 3,000 to 5,000 years before they turned their family ’s holes into a small thousand world. As for the medium thousand world, , Then we must respect the realm of heaven, build a huge force, gather sacrifice, and refine the heart, and then we can create it.

In the thousands of worlds, no creature can be created, only the universe can create nature.

The remains of this prehistoric civilization were shaken violently, causing a big explosion of chaos. The small thousand worlds are like rain, the medium thousand worlds are like clouds, and the big worlds are like tides. Between birth, they are sent into the chaos of time and space. In the depths of time and space, I do n’t know how many more worlds there are, and how many souls will be born in the world.

It can be seen that the power of this prehistoric civilization remnant spacecraft, if it was at its heyday, was even greater than the current heaven.

The spaceships and battleships of prehistoric civilizations began to shrink, and the power of the God system was strengthened at once, but this God system did not refine the ancient dust and sand again, but spit out the ancient dust and sand.

Hum ...

The remnants of prehistoric civilization and spaceships, which were almost invisible, suddenly disappeared, leaving ancient dust and sand here. Then all the heavenly angers gathered again on Gu Chen's body.

"Actually escaped?" Gu Chensha saw that the God system spit himself out, and the battleship of the relics of prehistoric civilization actually narrowed and escaped. He was not surprised at all. This was originally part of the plan. The God system was very powerful If he hadn't refined the Honghuang Dragon Gate, added the sacrifice to heaven, and added all the power to occupy the national movement of the Middle-earth Divine Land, this God system would probably have swallowed and refined him.

This God system does not yet have the power of one ten thousandth of that year. If it was the heyday of that year, even the ancient dust and sand became the Supreme, it could not be countered.

However, it is impossible for the God system to return to the past. All previous worlds belong to the God system.

Now God's system and this prehistoric civilization are just hiding in the chaos and lingering.

God's system wants to return to its heyday, unless it is to reunite all the realms, gather faith, and everyone belongs to His Majesty, and can return to the glory of prehistoric civilization, but this is obviously impossible.

"But this God system and the warships of prehistoric civilizations fled directly, consuming huge savings, and further reducing their strength. They will definitely seek the host, and they do n’t know who will get this system." Gu Chensha stood in chaos like this, Watching the endless number of Tiandao robberies come down and drown himself, but he walks like a leisurely court, deducing the pattern of creation and death on his head.

All the numbers of heavenly horrors are embroiled in this pattern of creation and death, and instead become food.

"Heavenly calamity is itself a kind of experience and knowledge. These experiences and knowledge have been absorbed by my Dragon-Free Heart Method, and have been gathered together with the knowledge obtained from the God system, which has just become a melting pot. The essence is all merged, and a new civilization is born. "

The ancient dust and sand disintegrated, and it seemed that it could not bear this power.

But after the disintegration, he gathered again, as if he had reshaped it, and his body became more horizontal.

Smashed by the heavens again and again, re-condensed again and again, Gu Chensha did not know how long it had passed, and with a click, the last core of his body was broken and transformed into the breath of heaven.

At this moment, he became a deity completely.

At the moment he achieved the Supreme, the whole chaos seemed to be violently shaken, and then spread to the chaos of time and space, and finally to the infinite world.

The whole Wanjie fault, space-time, every corner seemed to boil a bit.

Gu Chensha knew that the moment he was promoted to Tianzun, that was the 36th year of Tianfu.

This is a coincidence, and it is inevitable.

The turbulence in the universe of the universe just now is the turbulence that has come to Thirty-six years, and the calamity has begun. The universe will usher in a whole new kind of change.

In the end, is it that he was promoted to the Great Calamity, or was his promotion to coincide with the Great Calamity? None of this matters.

It is important that the world will usher in a whole new change.

The Emperor of Heaven will be born, and the real catastrophe and fighting will begin.

Without dragon gourd.

Lou Baiyue and many masters of Jingxian Division came together again. They observed the changes in the state of China. They were all very sensitive. They felt that the earth and the earth shook, and innumerable future scenes came one after another. , But can't tell what the difference is.

"Thirty-six years of fables have arrived. Thirty-six years ago now and now, the emperor announced the establishment of the Yong dynasty. I have to say that this is nothing but a coincidence." Lou Baiyue said: " The robbery really started. Just now, the dust has been promoted to heaven. This is another coincidence, but the God system escaped, I am afraid that it came to the Divine Land, and I do n’t know who was parasitic on it. . "

"We can only respond to changes." Wen Hong said: "Our dragon-free cabinet has been established, Jingxian Division, Tiangong Institute has passed, and the Prince has sue the world and abolished it completely. Since then, The court has ushered in a whole new era. "

"We have also obtained the highest crystal of 99% of prehistoric civilizations. Only the secrets of the existence of God's system have not been obtained. If all of them are obtained, our strength will truly progress to a terrible level." Zhuge Yadao said.

"After the God system escapes, it must be arrested and refined." At this moment, suddenly one more person emerged from the dragonless gourd, which is ancient dust.

At this moment, the ancient dust that was promoted to heaven is back. His breath is completely different from before, and looks very ordinary. However, it seems that he has no shape, but only a representative of civilization after civilization. He is the incarnation of multiple civilizations and the ultimate form of knowledge.

At this time, not to mention his cultivation behavior, to say that his state and state has passed all the practitioners from ancient times to the present.

Even in the heavens of the future, the only emperor that can rival him is Tiandi.

"Spread, host, trust ..."

At this moment, the shrinking prehistoric civilization battleship and its God system have hidden all the breath, and it has also become the intangible essence of civilization.

Hum ...

It disappeared into the Four Realms of Heaven and the Land of Divine Land, and it was unknown to whom it was pinned.

"I'm not willing, why was my Crown Prince so abolished." In the Prince's Palace in the barren land, the Crown Prince Gu Xuansha was angry, but there was no way he thought that his Crown Prince was Heaven. Emperor Fu was sealed off, and even if he had lost power, his status is still here. As long as he plans, he will still have a chance to come back.

But just three days ago, Lou Baiyue suddenly slain the world in the name of Rugao's personal gold medal, because the prince attempted misconduct, endangered society, blasphemed the life, abolished the position of prince, and was imprisoned in the imperial palace.

At the moment of proclaiming the world, a force emerged from the dragon-free gourd, and the Prince was completely sealed in the palace. Originally, the ancient Prince Xuansha hooked up with the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha, and in his support Next, began to liaise around, preparing to build up a princely power from the court again, to compete with Jingxian Division, but this time worshipped the moon and announced to the world, imprisoned him, the world did not respond a little, not to say, even the Lord of Sun and Moon Tiansha did not come to save him.

He was thus abolished, he lost the hearts of the world, and he no longer has the ability to make waves.

He was so angry that he wanted to burn everything and hate everything, but it had no effect.

Because his strength is too weak, not even a Cangsheng Marshal is an opponent. Think about it, now that there are 360 ​​Cangsheng Marshals in Jingxian Division who have been promoted to the level of heaven, and they also have their own true gods. This power made Prince Gu Xuansha feel despair.

"I can not be reconciled."

Gu Xuansha came out again and shouted, "I have been away from the imperial court from my childhood ~ www.readwn.com ~ That was to cultivate mysteries, draw forces, and then return to the imperial court, seizing power in one fell swoop. After I returned, I was established as a prince, thinking that I could master the imperial court. , But why is this. I am not willing, I want to dominate the world, to be the master of heaven and earth, I want to kill and kill ... Gu Gusha, Lou worship, you actually abolish me, Gu Tiansha you, let me As your pawns and minions, you all have to die. "

Gu Xuan Sha hysterically shouted.

But no one answered him, and no one could hear his cry.

Because here is closed in all directions, outsiders cannot enter, and people inside cannot go out. Only Gu Xuansha is a lonely person in an independent space. This is the seal, the most painful torture.

Lou Baiyue knew that Gu Xuansha's thief was immortal, and he actually colluded with his enemies in an attempt to confuse him, so it was cheaper for him to confine himself. Because he did not abolish all his practices.

After shouting, Gu Xuansha calmed down, and suddenly an intangible thought passed through time and space and reached his body directly.

"Civilization, spread, system, parasitic ..." A battleship appeared in his knowledge.

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