Dragon Talisman

Chapter 869: Netting

Chapter 869 Netting

Prince Gu Xuansha was in a state of despair, but in his knowledge of the sea, a warship was suddenly added. Suddenly, endless information passed into the depths of his soul, making him understand the warship. Supreme power. E novel WWWZW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

"Ha ha ha ha, it is actually a prehistoric civilization, the crystallization of the highest wisdom, now all invested into my sea of ​​knowledge, so that I am repaired for a sudden surge, I have mastered a civilization, and it really is a heavenless road." Gu Xuansha was ecstatic. He only felt that the warship in the back of his mind moved a little, and he conveyed an endless amount of power. This force was violently moving between each other, and suddenly an incredible sharp change occurred.

His practice was to break through layers in an instant, to reach the level of Tianzun, and then to the level of Tianshou.

The realm of countless people dreamed of, he broke through so easily.

This is a miracle, and it is totally against the sky.


As soon as his body moved, he immediately went silent, passing through the seal and escaping from the uterus.

"The ancient dust sand, the ancient sky sand, the moon worship, all of you, wait for me, until I have become thoroughly familiar with the power of battleships, that is, your death period, the pre-historical science and technology civilization of ancient times can challenge the existence of heaven, except In addition, the strength of this battleship completely passed the heavens in its heyday. "The prince Gu Xuansha's voice passed quietly, filled with overwhelming hatred:" I will frustrate you after I catch you, no, These are too cheap for you. After I suppress you, you will be reincarnated forever, you cannot survive, you cannot die, so that you can always enjoy uninterrupted pain for fun. "

Prince Gu Xuansha disappeared, he hid, lurked, ready to make a comeback at any time.

Just before he disappeared, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the ancient dust in the dragonless gourd: "It really has deep meaning."

"What is it?" Lou Baiyue asked.

Although Lou Baiyue was promoted to Tianzun, the mysterious source in his body was motivated, and his strength was almost invincible, but he was still a bit worse in the face of the ancient dust that was also promoted to Tianzun.

"I mean Prince Gu Xuansha, he has run away." Gu Chen said.

"How could it be? The seal I laid out, by what means he could escape, even the help of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, had no effect." Lou Bai Yueshen said, "It really escaped, it is Gu Xuansha What adventure did you get? "

"Of course, he got the warship and the God system of the prehistoric civilization, and the increase in strength was beyond our control, so he fled. The reason why the father emperor seized him as a prince, now we can see that the warship and the God system of the prehistoric civilization were selected After he got him, he got this battleship and system, and he will surely grow into a giant in the future. "Gu Chensha seems to have a good idea." This son has been suppressed by us and caused great anger in the soul. Hysteria, next, he will unfold. A series of retaliation methods, but it was definitely not us that he chose to retaliate, because the system already knew my power, and would definitely not allow Gu Xuansha and us to start slamming each other. Therefore, he must now be looking for soft persimmons. For example, go Looking for Gu Tiansha, or killing some of the great kings, we can calm down and watch the tigers, and make the best preparations for the real arrival of the calamity. "

"Thirty-six years have passed, and the calamity has really begun. Did you feel anything? Many things are faintly different between heaven and earth." Lou Baiyue asked Gu Chen.

"I have felt for a long time that the restraint of heaven on all realms has been reduced to the extreme! That is to say, many of the previous cultivation rules will be subverted one by one, and many levels of practice will become extremely easy, such as Taoism, the former people It ’s hard to break through, but it ’s almost simple now. In addition, the Jin Dan Realm, Mana Realm, Twenty-Three Changes See the Past, God Level, Sage, and even Heavenly Respect, Tianshou, Tianyuan Realm, it is easy to break through. .If I guess well, there will soon be giants who will become Tianyuan Realm. In addition, Tianzun-level masters will also be born violently. They will never be counted as few as before, and few. "Gu Chen sand secretly calculated Tiandao Nowadays, all the changes in heaven and earth seem to be hidden, and the supervision of many realms of time and space is almost gone.

At the moment when he was promoted to heaven, the heavens seemed to have disappeared.

It was like a court. Suddenly, all the troops, bureaucrats, fast catchers, and knock gates disappeared. The world suddenly lost its restraint and order. What would it look like in the world? The result is very simple, that is, immediately facing a troubled world, the world is in chaos, and the smoke is everywhere. I do n’t know how many people are called emperors and some are king.

Now the same is true. Heaven and Tao lose their order, there is no supervision between heaven and earth, countless dormant ambitionists will rise, and even within Divine Land, many people will cultivate to a very high level, and they will seize power. Ambition.

Ancient dust and sand must suppress internal contradictions.

Middle-earth China, even the Yong Dynasty, has never been a piece of iron. People's minds have changed. Even the heavens cannot master it, and the ancient dust and sand cannot naturally master it.

Of course, now that his strength has increased, the world has begun to change dramatically, and he is not trying to master the human heart, but to be a pioneer, to create an era never before, an era in which mankind can control the heaven, except In addition, it is even necessary to break the shackles of heaven and earth and make the heavens and earth expand infinitely.

That's what his Dragonless Mind is going to do.

"Tiandao did not completely disappear. On the contrary, it gave up the supervision of Wanjie. In fact, it was to better shrink the power and give me, or give the emperor a fatal blow." Gu Chen said: "In this way, I have to be careful at all times. Once Tiandao has shot, it will definitely not give me any chance of surviving. My current strength is not enough to compete with Tiandao. I still need to be promoted and learn more about the immortal way. "

"Unfortunately, let the battleship and the God system run away, otherwise we will refining into the dragon-free gourd, and the situation will change again. With more capital against the Emperor of Heaven, the contracting power of Heaven will attack us. Then you have to bless the Emperor. "Lou Baiyue said," However, I have searched everywhere and searched everyone in the original Jingxian Division again, but I haven't found the Emperor, and there is no other Emperor's shadow. And the ancient bullet sword, the ancient sword, the Jingqiu, and the valley disaster all seem to have disappeared, the mysterious heart has been hidden, the Great Burning Heavenly King, and the ancient Tiansha also hide where they do not know. "

"Of course you can't find it, because these people have left the court. They know that as long as I am promoted to heaven, they will not be able to hide, so they walk away first." Gu Chen said: "They are now gathered in a mysterious place. Ground, start counting, waiting for the time, or waiting for our civil strife. "

"How can we get into chaos?" Fushou said in wonder: "We are extremely powerful now. The 360-year-old Marshal Marshal has finally achieved Tianzun, suppressing the world, any ambitionist will be bombarded and dare not have any ideas. "

"The human heart will change, and it will always be elusive. Now Tiandao has lost its supervision, and cultivation has become extremely easy, especially to break through the realm. Think about it, in the following, many masters get adventures again, and they become gods, saints, Even Tianzun and Tianshou. Then their hearts will definitely change. As their cultivation grows, their ambitions will also grow. Think about it, if there are thousands of heavenly gods and thousands of heavenly gods in the world, we How to manage them, but we can't suppress their promotion. In this way, they follow the same path as Tiandao. "Gu Chensha frowned:" This is indeed a big problem. "

"Tiandao lost his supervisory power and contracted his power. He actually gave the problem to us." Lou Baiyue said: "But as long as we become stronger, we can still lead the world, so that the world does not have unpredictable changes. "

"I also have some calculations on this matter. I will sweep away the unstable factors first. Then I have to collect the four wastes, and all the income goes into the dragonless gourd." Gu Chen said: "When the four wastes are collected, the Divine Land is isolated. As soon as China is isolated, it is almost impossible to change into the heavens of the future. I am now really suppressed in the dragonless gourd, and the dragonless is suspended in the high altitude of Shenzhou, suppressing its changes at any time, and then urged the momentum and charged four I have acquired almost ninety-nine percent of the knowledge and wisdom of prehistoric civilization, and combined it with my dragon-free heart method ~ www.readwn.com ~ Promoted to heaven, and I have this big plan. The collection of Shenzhou has all been integrated into my dragonless gourd. In this way, I see how the ancient heavenly courts were promoted and how the emperor appeared. However, collecting the four wastelands is a big project, and I must make a layout. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha sat in the dragonless gourd in this way, and a force was transmitted to penetrate into the depths of the four wastelands. It seemed to be performing a spider-like netting behavior, waiting for the netting. When finished, the four wasteland and one net are exhausted.

Gu Changjian, Xuan Xin, Jing Qiu, and Gu Su are only acknowledged by the Heart of the Four Wilds, and they can get the power of the Four Wilds, so the power seems very powerful, but after all, they have only been recognized. Like a courtier, he has been given power by the emperor and can be taken back at any time.

The ancient dust sand now directly collects all the four wastes, which has passed the Tianyuan realm.

The body of Guchensha sits in the town, collects four wastes in the net formation, and a stream of air flows out of his body, turning into a brand new self: "I have already sensed other endless treasures after being promoted to heaven Existence! Do you think it has been hidden from my calculations? Even the heavenly path will have a hundred secrets, and I will gather all the thirty-six treasures and open the door of heaven to obtain the throne of heaven. I do n’t believe the Emperor is still out. ”

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