Dragon Talisman

Chapter 879: Communication Tianfu

"I did not expect Gu Chensha to have such a deep calculation. E┡ Novel WWWW1XIAOSHOO.COM" Gu Xuansha hated his teeth, but in fact, he had other plans deep in his heart. With the power of God ’s system, Between Gu Tiansha and this system, both defeated and wounded. He took advantage of himself, and then swallowed up Gu Tiansha and the system. In this way, he can always be at ease, invincible in the world, control everything, and do whatever he wants.

"If he did not have this calculation, he would not be able to compete with the Emperor of Heaven. Now, with his own strength, he can suppress the Shenzhou and the Four Wastelands unmovably. According to the truth, if he did not exist, now Shenzhou has risen to become Heaven, Emperor Tian has been born to preside over the overall situation. "Gu Tiansha said:" But these are not important. I still have the confidence to refine this God system and first devour the leaders of the Twelve. "

"These twelve spiritual imprints seem to be immortal, eternal, and the world is destroyed. It is impossible for the universe to return to chaos. It seems impossible to refine them all." Gu Xuansha is still trying Gu Tiansha.

"You and I can succeed together. You still don't understand what role you play for the system. In essence, you are a parasitic object, and this system and the warship are parasites. Your body draws your blood and qi, no, it should be said that the system and the battleship are a ghost, leaning on you, a man with a strong masculinity, absorbing your yang, so that you will eventually become him Food, but because of this, you can use the power of this system and warships. As long as you strengthen your blood, I can penetrate into the system, so that the power of the system is penetrated by you, and we can gradually master this system , Come on, start! "Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha were fighting each other. The two men fought against each other. Gu Xuansha was far from being Gu Tiansha's opponent, but now he has the parasitic power of the system. Ancient Tiansha autumn color is evenly divided.

"Well, this time the two of us will cooperate sincerely and no longer be suspicious." Prince Gu Xuansha also knows that using the Gutiansha balance system at this stage is the best choice.

At the moment, the two began to cultivate during this big day, and a stream of golden flames entered directly into it. This is the will of the heavens. The warships and systems of prehistoric civilization were suppressed with the will of the heavens, and finally swallowed up. The will of the heaven world, accomplishing great feats, this is the idea of ​​Prince Xuansha and Gu Tiansha.

Gradually, some white light appeared in the scorching sun.

"It's a big deal to steal the sky and change the day."

Gu Chensha stood in the city of Yinzhou, looking up at the scorching sun of heaven.

He felt the changes in the scorching sun. The scorching sun shone down, and many more things were said that could not be understood.

However, he was deeply aware of what had changed.

"Sure enough, in my guess." Gu Chensha nodded: "The ambition of this ancient Xuansha and ancient Tiansha breeds, and actually wants to refine the heavens and the sun, and instead, the light shines, so that all the heavenly creatures bathe their Born in glory, if it is successful, the heavens are naturally their possessions, and they can even compete with the emperor, but the two men are destined to be unsuccessful. Moreover, the truth contained in the God system, two People ca n’t master it, God ’s system has devoured my dragonless mind, and gradually a kind of mutation that ca n’t be predicted by the heavens is itself my method and arrangement. This system can also restrain the emperor, which will make me finally ,relieve pressure."

Gu Chensha knows everything.

For the time being, the God system cannot surrender and refine. As for Gu Tiansha, he has become a celestial realm and is advancing by leaps and bounds. However, in the view of Gu Chensha, this person can still capture it, but now Gu Chen's true body wants to suppress Shenzhou and The four wastelands, monitoring the emperor's movement, want to rely on the incarnation to deal with the Tian Yuan realm of Gu Tiansha is still unable to catch.

Moreover, in the view of Gu Chensha, Gu Tiansha ’s strength has not yet reached its peak, that is, he has not been fattened, and Gu Tiansha and Prince Gu Xuansha have been embarrassing each other, devouring and disturbing the will of heaven. Make the time of ancient dust and sand a lot more.

Divine Land is the center of Celestial Land. Celestial Land is the source of the power of Divine Land. If the Celestial Land is gradually eroded, the rebellious power of Divine Land will be much smaller, and it will be easily refined and absorbed by ancient dust and sand, and it will become a dragon-free gourd.

Gu Chensha's current strategy is not to kill Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha, let them grow up, and guide them to go and fight with the Emperor to kill you.

The current situation is all created by the ancient dust and sand.

The ancient Xuansha and the ancient Tiansha will devour the heavens and the sun, which will cause an irreconcilable contradiction to the emperor. Tiandi must stop this from happening.

However, Gu Chensha believes that the Emperor is hiding in the depths, there must be some conspiracy more than he imagined.

The only thing he can't calculate now is the existence of the Emperor of Heaven, and other people's secrets cannot escape his reckoning.

After obtaining the knowledge of prehistoric civilizations, which combined with their own immortal civilization, the dragon-free heart method can almost destroy and regenerate countless times, and countless cycles.

It can be said that Guchensha already has the immortal power of prehistoric civilization. Even if the heavens explode and return to chaos again, he can survive and wait for the next opportunity.

Gradually, he realized the doctrine and essence of immortality.

"Dust, is the strength in my body the root of the day after day? I have recently felt that the strength in my body is boiling violently. It seems to have a taste that is out of my control. My cultivation has also reached Tianshou realm, close to Tianyuan. I believe it wo n’t be long before it will become a Tianyuan realm. ”At this time, Lou Baiyue came over, her strength and breath were almost intimidating, but she was not happy at all, because she could n’t master it herself power.

"If I read correctly, this is indeed the origin of the Queen of Heaven." An ancient dragon-free mind appeared in the ancient dust sand eyes, and this mind permeated and turned into an eyeball. When this eyeball turned, You can see Lou Baiyue clearly. Sure enough, she is at the very center of Lou Baiyue's body, which is the most central dimension and space. It keeps spinning, changing, boiling, and there is a soft power that is almost moving. This power Unpredictable and unpredictable.

"come out!"

Ancient dust and sand.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared on the palm of his hand, and his own spiritual and spiritual powers were going to grab the source directly. However, he saw that he touched the source, but he caught an empty space. The source was in worship. In the moon's body, it seems to exist, but it actually does not exist. This state of existence and non-existence can also be achieved by ancient dust and sand. It is a very mysterious state of supremacy. This state has many changes and is endless. .

"Yes, it really is the origin of the day of the queen, but she is doing a trick in front of me." Gu Chen said: "Worth of worship, the source of the day after this is indeed infiltrating and controlling your body. As you can see, Tiandi is the incarnation of Tiandao, and Tianhou is the queen of Tiandi. The origin of the two is actually very close. I know that after this day, the origin will suddenly have a day to control your body and let you enter the Tiandi camp. You It is imperative to control this source with the highest will, so as not to get lost. "

"I know this." Lou Baiyue's murderous intentions boiled: "The queen of the emperor blame in my body. In fact, if it was not for this Rugao's personal token left by the emperor to have power, I would have been changed by the empress Will, what should I do now? I have to think of a way. "

"Referring to the token left by the Emperor Father, you can fully control the source of the Queen of Heaven, and then fully integrate the source of the Queen of Heaven. Actually, now the source of the Queen of Heaven is too late to transform you, it just wants to escape and then pass on to On other people, other women have become queens of heaven. ”Gu Chen said:“ In this way, we have one more powerful enemy. Tianhou is the support of Emperor Tiandi. In the future, Tiandi will usually be hidden. The decision is made after heaven. Therefore, Tianhou is a top priority in the future heaven. After you refine, not only will your strength become extremely powerful, but it will also weaken the emperor on the one hand. . "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lou Baiyue said:" After this day, the source kept sending me some information, which made me feel the power of some kind of heaven, and the fate of the fate cannot be reversed at all, we Qi is still relatively strong now, if Qi is weak, I am afraid that it will encounter the disaster. Everything we have is upholding the emperor's legacy, if something goes wrong with the emperor ... "

"Yes, there are problems." Gu Chen said: "Thirty-six years ago, when I was promoted to Tianzun, when I was promoted, I guessed some kind of information. This time, Tiandao completely gave up the supervision of heaven and earth, that is, to shrink its power and make a fatal blow to the father, which is extremely dangerous. "

"Who do you think the emperor and the Tao are more domineering? Based on your current cultivation, you can be described as standing on the peak of two civilizations and seeing so many things. My vision is far inferior to you now." Lou Baiyue asked one of the most critical questions: "Also, you seem to have a way to intervene in the battle between the emperor and heaven. Can you communicate with the emperor?"

"Communicating with the father emperor?" Gu Chensha said in his heart: "I'm almost a little bit, but I can practice to reach the Tianshou realm and even the Tianyuan realm. Tiandao abandoning supervision is a fatal blow to the father, which makes Gu Tiansha ’s cultivation has reached Tianyuan, and I will arrive soon. Once I reach Tianyuan, I can communicate with the father and emperor. "

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