Dragon Talisman

Chapter 880: Promote Tianshou

Chapter 880 Promotion to Tianshou

Ancient dust and sand is indeed one of the strongest in the world, past and future. E 』┡ Novel Ww』 W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Even if it is the Emperor of Heaven, it is good that he is in the middle of Bo Zhong. It is still very difficult to kill him.

His strength has now almost touched the realm of ancient Ta Xian, inherited the knowledge of Xiandao civilization and prehistoric mechanical science and technology civilization, and realized his own dragon-free mind. This mind has not achieved success, but it is also nearing completion.

As long as it is complete, people can achieve different numbers through this practice without dragon heart.

As long as Gu Chensha continues to enlighten, it will be a matter of time before the dragon-hearted method is fulfilled.

As soon as Wulong's mentality is complete, his cultivation is truly unshakable.

However, it is not easy to achieve the perfection without a dragon.

As the highest secret and strongest method of the two civilizations, the dragon-free mind method can make all beings into different magical powers. The mystery cannot be expressed in words.

At this moment, he understands the realm of ancient step immortals and the realm of heaven, and sooner or later he will merge with these two existences.

However, one thing he still couldn't understand is where did the ancient stepper come from.

In the calculation of the ancient step immortal, there is actually no past or future in the past. There is no such existence in the heavenly path. Of course, the ancient dust sand does not have it, but the source of this himself is actually the ancient step immortal.

"Tiandao contains countless time and space, past, present and future." Guchen Shadao said, "It really covers everything. The birth of the father emperor is a product outside of Tiandao. So, does there exist outside of Tiandao? "

Heaven is in control of everything. All that exists and does not exist. Those born in the past, those who are now born, will be born in the future. Everything is under the control of heaven.

While the human heart is beyond the control of the heavenly Taos, human beings have not been able to expand and grow. Therefore, there is not a large amount of material in the human mind that can be extracted from the heavenly Taos. Exhibition, has reached a very profound realm.

Therefore, he affirmed that the ancient **** of ancient charms of Tianfu was not born in the hearts of the people.

That means that there exists outside of heaven?

what exactly is it? Ancient dust sand this is incomprehensible. But he didn't try to force it. When the cultivation became deep, he could naturally understand everything.

"Now, I will help you suppress the origins of the refining chemical industry."

The ancient dust and sand let Lou Baiyue sit down, "The origin of the queen is always a hidden danger, but you can use Rugao's personal token for refining. This gold medal was originally given to you, letting you restrain the origin of the queen. In the future, this source can be completely surrendered by refining, so that your cultivation will truly reach a peak and become the real killer of our court. "

"The day after the original source wants to control me, it is simply a delusion." Lou Baiyue operated to cultivate herself and began to suppress the day after the original source in the body, and then she sacrificed the token that Rugao had in person, which was suspended above her head. The golden light radiated, making Tianhou's origins trying to shrink, so as not to be suppressed and refined by the majesty of the token.

"Yes, I have seen some of the mysteries of the origin of this gold medal. I can already wrap the gold medal with a dragon-free heart, inherit the will of the father and emperor, assist you to truly refine the origin of the queen of heaven, and even confuse the emperor!" Immediately urged by the dragon-free mind method, a majestic article appeared on the head. This article contains the heaven and earth, the origin of the avenue, and even some ability to cross the heaven.

This chapter without dragon heart method immediately wrapped the gold medal, and among the gold medals, light appeared and merged into the dragonless heart method, making every word in the chapter without dragon heart method shine brightly. Not only that, in In this chapter of mind, there is an extra text again.

These texts contain more secrets than prehistoric civilizations. Prehistoric civilizations resisted the Tao of Heaven and were finally destroyed by the Tao of Heaven. Now they have lost all their power in the heyday, and they are lingering. The ancient step immortal was trying to capture the sky, suppress it, and never fell into the wind, but in the gradual confrontation, it seemed to have the upper hand.

This point can be seen from the thriving world of the Yong Dynasty.

Of course, the world's yong dynasty was prospered by the Jingxian Division in the hands of ancient dust and sand. However, because of the game of ancient Ta Xian and Tiandao, the highest number of Qi was suppressed, making the Emperor carefully born. This won the most critical time for Jingxian to rule the world. .

Without the repression of Ancient Taxian, the power of Tiandao now is immeasurable, and the Emperor is ten times more powerful than now.

Gu Chen also deeply understands this truth.

He felt the experience of the game between Emperor Tianfu and Tiandao from the gold medal of "Rugao in person".

This experience is much more precious than all the knowledge gained by prehistoric science and technology civilization from ancient dust.

Passing down various experiences, more and more ancient chapters of the ancient dust and sandless heartless method have been written. Each of these words conveys the breath of the king of strange numbers, even more arrogant than the king of strange numbers. The ancestor of different numbers, the ultimate change of different numbers.

The text of the chapter without dragon heart law is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke. I don't know how many words. The words and words can be freely combined to evolve into a variety of knowledge and civilization.

The ancient dragon-sand-free heart method seems to be able to build a brand new, flawless, eternal, and immortal civilization.

The real mystery of the Yong Dynasty lies in his dragonless mind.

"it is good!"

The sacrifice of this "Rugao in person" token made Guchensha's face more and more joyful. The information passed on this token benefited him a lot, but the breath of the battle between the Emperor Tianfu and Tiandao was very profound, Ancient dust and sand want to completely refine, digest, understand, I am afraid there are some difficulties.

However, even so, the realm of ancient dust and sand suddenly increased to a level and reached the realm of Tianshou.

"Break through like this?" Gu Chensha could not think of it, and he sacrificed the gold medal himself, and there was such a mysterious message in it.

Is promotion so easy?

Even the dust is a bit unexpected. Originally, to reach his realm, it was extremely difficult for him to upgrade each realm. He did n’t know how much savings and accumulation he needed, and he even learned about it. The way of the person, so without the experience of predecessors, everything must be run and condensed and created by himself.

"Tian Shou Realm ........." Gu Chen's body is bathed in a force directly reaching the end of heaven and earth. This is Tian Shou.

Realm of Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and earth do not die, I do not die.

Such a realm is indeed a stronger realm than Tianzun. Tianzun's realm also has a life span. It can never reach the end of heaven and earth, but Tianshou realm can.

"Is this the Tianshou realm? This realm is indeed a challenge to heaven and earth. Tiandao has the same tacit consent as a special existence. In fact, Tiandao does not allow Tianzun, Tianshou to appear. After all, this is all It ’s challenging the authority of Tiandao, but Tiandao also has uncontrollable events. ”Gu Chensha secretly pondered his own realm:“ If Tianzun is a mountain king who does n’t respect the imperial court order, the realm of life that day is the vassal kingdom overseas, and the realm of Tianyuan, It is already threatening to reach the authority of heaven. "

In an instant, Guchensha has acquired all the secrets of the Tianshou realm, as well as some kind of relationship between this realm and heaven. It can be said that no one knows the state of Tianshou better than him.

This gain is simply huge.

"The day after the origin, after this refining, the emperor will weaken again." When Gu Chen suddenly moved, the gold medal fell into Lou Baiyue's body, and he actually hit the day after the origin, and the origin seems to be very after this day Afraid of the "Rugao in person" gold medal.

The light of this gold medal will directly wrap the origin after this day.

The origin of the day after night suddenly condensed and turned into a ray of light, and actually wanted to escape the body of Lou worship.

It gave up worship on the moon, and went to find other people, so that other women would become queens.

Ancient dust and sand naturally will not let the source leave after this day, because once you leave, the strength of Lou worship will greatly decrease, completely losing some mystery.

The reason why he wanted to assist Lou worship moon refinement this time was also to prevent the departure of the day after tomorrow, which caused Lou worship's combat effectiveness to decline and he could not suppress the situation.

At present, Gu Chensha's body disappeared, replaced by the dragon-free mind method.

Wulong could not enter the gold medals that Rugao came to, which caused the gold medals to expand suddenly, but also merged into Wulong's mind method, turning into a huge net of the polar world, suppressing the origin of Tianhou.

"To urge the Heavenly Mother array method." Gu Chensha's counterpart Loulou Moon Road ~ www.readwn.com ~ Loubai Moon's heart grasps the consciousness, and immediately urges innumerable sacrifice powers to surge, and finally turns into an image of Heavenly Mother This mother of heaven seems to be the true mother of heaven and earth, the mother of heaven.

Tianmu appeared and captured the origin of the queen.

With the help of ancient dust and sand, the origin gradually quieted down after this day, and it seemed to be truly subdued, decomposed, and refined by Lou Baiyue. The mother formation of this day was also created by ancient step immortals. After the Day of Origin.

But Guchensha did not relax in any way. He knew that after the refining of the source of Tianhou, the Emperor of Heaven would eventually weaken. Even when the last time he wanted to refine and extract the origin of Wudang Kongmingfei, the Emperor suddenly came out to deal with Guchensha and put Ming Fei Wudang Kong was rescued.

Tian Hou is much more important than Ming Fei Wu Dangkong. At the time of refining Tian Hou's origin, there was no reason for Heaven Emperor not to come out, and the ancient dust was deliberately trying to seduce Heaven Emperor. There was not much clue about the Heaven Emperor he caught last time. It is almost impossible to scoop out the true form of the Emperor. Now the Emperor is still hiding, making the ancient dust and sand very uncomfortable. After all, it is easy to hide the sword and hide the arrow.

As long as the emperor made it clear that the horses and horses were fighting against themselves, the ancient dust was not afraid at all.

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