Dragon Talisman

Chapter 881: 1 palm

Chapter 881 A Palm

"The origin of the Queen of Heaven is profound, if I thoroughly study the matter in this source, I can even create the source of the Queen of Heaven. E-Fiction WWW ん W1XIAOSHUO.COM"

Guchensha has been promoted to the realm of life at this moment, and his ability to motivate the dragon-free mind has been greatly enhanced.

When helping Lou Baiyue to refine the origins of the queen of the queen, he began to analyze the nature of the ancestor of the queen. According to the theory, if he analyzed it, he could use the sacrificial power of beings to extract the same material of the queen of the queen.

The origins of the Queen of Heaven, the King of Heaven, and the Lord of the Sun and the Moon cannot be extracted from the ancient chaotic elements.

However, it can be extracted from the sacrifices of sentient beings.

Within the minds of sentient beings, all the heavenly things can be refined.

Not only that, if the ancient dust and sand were later repaired to a certain limit, they could create an existence similar to that of the emperor. Of course, the premise is that the ancient dust and sand has really gained immeasurable power.

He urged Rugao to visit the token, wrapped the source of the day after day, and gradually learned the characteristics of the day after day. The countless minds in the body squirmed again. After absorbing this knowledge, he cultivated to a deeper, deeper place. Among them, he has really obtained a certain level of the true game of heaven and ancient ta cents.

Over time, he can definitely blend in this level of combat.

For him, the sky is not high and the ground is not thick.

Gradually, after this day, the source came out wailing and couldn't bear the crushing of Rugao's visit to the gold medal and the dragon-free heart method.

The origin of the day after day is very stubborn. Even if the ancient dust and sand are desperately crushed, it must be refined three or five times, but this origin still contains extremely powerful vitality, such as the immortal king.

"After this day, the origin is really stubborn. We are so stubborn, we are still stubborn, stinky and hard." Lou Baiyue frowned. She had pushed the Tianmu array to a certain limit. No, and she knew that she had already angered the Queen of Heaven. If she gave up refining, this source would **** her up in turn and would not provide herself with any strength. She would leave immediately and let her die completely.

In other words, the origins of the refining and refining of this time must succeed, but if they fail, they must die.

"The origin of Tianhou is second only to Emperor Tian. He is far beyond the King of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven cannot rule out the heaven, and he can command the heavens. If it is so simple, he can be refined. Refining, the more domineering the origin of the Queen of Heaven, the higher your achievement. "Gu Chen took it for granted.

Between the words, Gu Chen's dragonless mind expanded again.

"Lack of heaven, sentient beings, unsatisfactory, and shameless ..." Gu Chensha learned one of the highest secrets of Wulong's mind, and he suddenly moved and appeared on top of his head. Countless bubbles, the largest of which is the heavens, and the other bubbles are other worlds.

He actually created everything, and then evolved into chaos.


Gu Chen's prestige suddenly wailed again and again.

At this moment, Tianhou Yuanyuan, in front of Gu Chensha, can't seem to stir up the waves.

Except for Heaven Emperor, Guchensha doesn't care about any existence.

In the midst of wailing, the source of the day diligently shrank, and finally shrank into a bead.

This bead radiated, constantly spinning, twisting, changing, creeping, and finally started a real counterattack.


Among the beads, countless gods and thunders were released, and in an instant, the entire space permeated, starting to explode from the inside, to smash Lou Yueyue into pieces.

"Is the counterattack of the origin of the day after night? But it is the end of the crossbow, it is of no use." Gu Chensha struck out his hands with a stronger heartless light.

Subsequently, the sacrificial power in the dragonless gourd surged wildly, and a human figure appeared. These humanoid figures were the living beings of the Dayong court, and all beings sacrificed, and their cause and effect had a close relationship with the dragonless gourd.

Gu Chen uses the will of all beings to carry out the final suppression of the origin of the Queen of Heaven.

Countless people, countless light and shadow thoughts converged into a torrent of thoughts, and kept converging into the source of the queen of the day. The beads condensed by the source of the queen of the sky are suddenly infected with the thoughts and thoughts of countless people, just like The pearl was dusty and began to fall, losing all its light.

"All sentient beings can hold you supreme, and can also pull you into mortal world. I can extract from the sacrifice of sentient beings, the material that is beneficial to my own cultivation, and from the minds of all sentient beings, we can distill the heavens and pollute. Heaven's poison is the most poisonous. "

Gu Chensha looked at the torrent of thoughts, all of which were gray and black, which was a thousand times stronger than the most vicious magic in the realm.

This is greed, variety and mental poison in the heart.

After being refined, no existence can be contaminated, and once contaminated, it will fall into the mortal world, and it will no longer be free.

This is actually one of Gu Chensha's killers to deal with the Emperor.

The ancient dragon-sand-free heart method can extract from the sacrifices of sentient beings the material of its own heavenly path, or the toxin that causes the heavenly path to collapse.

The human heart is the most poisonous and corrupts the heavens.

It is the most difficult to predict.

Whoever controls the heart will master all changes.

Tianhou Yuan didn't expect Guchensha to have this trick. After being injected with the toxins extracted from the hearts of all beings, this Yuan also began to collapse, disintegrate, and it seems that it will be truly refined.

Suddenly, a white jade palm appeared.

This palm is truly flawless, without any flaws and loopholes, among which it contains the supreme supremacy, command of all realms, all time and space, eternal freedom, immortality, immortality.

"Tiandi still shot? I knew that the origin could not be abandoned casually after this day." Gu Chensha saw the capture of this white jade palm, and the countless data in his eyes immediately began to analyze. In an instant, he had already analyzed I don't know how many trillion times, he is analyzing the current strength of the Emperor according to the palm of his hand, the position and time and space of existence, what kind of state he has reached, what kind of realm he has reached, and what plans and conspiracies are being carried out.

With the current estimation ability of Guchen Sand, with a little bit, everything can be calculated completely.

Now that he has reached the realm of Tianshou, this realm and heaven and earth live together, and he is motivated by him, and the toxins extracted from the hearts of the people of Shenzhou can also threaten the origin of Tiandi.

The Emperor Tiandi's cultivation certainly did not reach the peak of the future.

Legend has it that the power will reach its maximum only when the emperor sits on the throne of the emperor. To open the door of the heavens and sit on the emperor's throne, he must concentrate the endless thirty-six treasures.

Most of the endless thirty-six treasures fell into the hands of ancient dust.

These treasures, if the Emperor did not take away, there is no way to obtain the throne of the Emperor, the power will not reach the peak, the ancient dust sand can be said to have blocked the life of the Emperor.

"The poison of the human heart pollutes the emperor."

Gu Chensha saw this white jade palm move gently, and Lou Baiyue's body, which was about to be refined, was injected with an inexplicable power, and immediately out of control, he took Lou Baiyue to fly to this white jade palm.

The poison of Bai Yu's palm is visible, and actually he wants to take Lou Baiyue along with the origin of the queen.

The ancient dust sand quickly ignited a toxin, and the toxins extracted from the hearts of the dragon-free gourds changed again, and turned into countless creeping dragons. These dragons were strips of poisonous dragons, such as the body of the cheekbones. White jade palm.

There was a flash of light on Bai Yu's palm, and she actually resisted the penetration of these small drug dragons, and continued to capture Lou Baiyue.

"Heaven Emperor, my poisonous dragons are gluttonous idiots extracted from the hearts of people, all kinds of ambitions, no one can withstand it. Why does the Tao of Heaven fear all beings, in fact, it is afraid of the expansion of the minds of all beings. Yes, this 燎 hara is up and out of control. Although your strength is overbearing, it is ridiculous to rely on the palm of one hand to make a comeback. "Gu Chen's shot, deep in his heart, was born. Share greed.

This gluttonous idiot is so huge that it has passed all beings and turned into a huge poisonous dragon. This poisonous dragon devours chaos, devours the heavens, devours all realms, devours numbers, devours past, present, and future. It has devoured all the greed of all beings.

Countless poisonous dragons, turned into one, swallowed directly into the palm of the white jade, it was actually one, swallowed the palm of the white jade to enter, to digest the origin of this emperor.

This white jade palm was shot by the Emperor, no doubt.

If it wasn't for Heaven Emperor, the ancient dust and sand would be able to suppress all of them.

Even Gutiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Guxuansha, the prince, and what **** system ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guchensha does not want to destroy them, but wants to fatten them, so that they will restrain the emperor.

God's system has been planted into ancient dragon-dust-free mentality by ancient dust and sand. With the increase of induction power, this system will surely fall into the hands of ancient dust-sand and become part of his dragon-free mentality.

"Gu Chensha, you are indeed the master of the future and the greatest number of robberies in the world. I landed in the world to come to order, and you are to prevent the existence of order. As long as you quell your robberies, you can have great merit. , Tiandao will go further and master more achievements. "Bai Yu delivered an extremely magnetic voice on his palm.

This sound seems to contain countless magical powers that can subdue people.

In an instant, the venomous dragon of Gu Chensha's heart had swallowed the white jade palm into it, but the white jade palm moved with the sound, and among them the fairy sound drum music was passed out. However, all these gluttonous idiots have been eliminated, making people's hearts stable and distracted.

"Tiandao knows that people's hearts are unpredictable. From ancient times to now, we have been studying how to make people's hearts only be born in favor of the existence of Tiandao, without the poisonous ideas such as greed and greed, and now they have great achievements." The voice said, "Retreat ..."

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