Dragon Talisman

Chapter 882: Uneasy

Chapter 882 Uneasy

The emperor did not show his true form, that is, the palm of his hand, and his voice was very distinctive. E novel Ww "W. * 1XIAOSHUO. COM is the voice of the Lord of Heaven and Earth after anyone hears it. It is completely without the majesty of the emperor, but it makes people willing to serve him.

This is the mystery of the Emperor of Heaven.

Heavenly Emperor is the manifestation of Heavenly Way. Heavenly Way has no form, but dominates everything in the meditation. However, this invisible existence cannot ultimately make all beings awe, so he evolved into Heavenly Emperor, sitting in the highest void, giving all beings a concrete Image, so that all beings can worship, awe, and sacrifice.

Therefore, it will be necessary for Tiandao Exhibition to appear in the future heaven.

From the appearance of Emperor Tianchen, Gu Chensha has already seen the flaws in heaven.

If Tiandao is truly omnipotent and truly in control of everything, then it is impossible to have a Emperor of Heaven, and it is not necessary to have an Emperor of Heaven to make all beings awe and sacrifice.

In other words, heaven requires sacrifice of sentient beings.

Now Guchensha has mastered the Middle-earth Divine Kingdom, and let all beings sacrifice to the imperial court, is robbing the authority of the heavenly path and weakening the power of the emperor.

"I want to see, this hand of Heaven Emperor can really break my dragonless mind?" Gu Chensha heard the Heaven Emperor's dismissal, and the poisonous dragon transformed by the toxin extracted from that person's heart began to truly After retreating, after dispersing, it became the power of sacrifice again.

"it is good!"

Gu Chensha saw this scene and was not shocked: "It seems that the understanding of the sacrifice of the human heart in these days of heaven is far beyond me, and it is actually able to restore the refined toxins again. In this way, it is true Heaven. "

The reason for his joy is that in the battle with Tiandi, he can peep out the secret of Tiandao, which makes him understand the human heart more deeply and go further without the dragon heart.

Reaching such a state, it is difficult for the opponent to find. Looking at the world, only the emperor can be worth fighting.

In the battle with Tiandi, Gu Chensha gradually realized the magical powers and changes that he did not usually comprehend. In this way, he even had a hope that Tiandi would not die, and it would be interesting to continue with this eternal battle. Otherwise, invincibility is a kind of loneliness.

"The human heart is condensed, and the heavens and the earth are changed." Gu Chen's body was urged again, and the magical power of the dragon-free heart rotation was used to condense the power of the sacrificing sacrifice again into a dragon.

Supreme Dragon, Void Wonder Dragon, Heaven and Earth Dragon, Sun and Moon Dragon.

This dragon is the real killer of Guchensha.

As soon as he shot, this Wulong didn't know how many times stronger than the poisonous dragon just now, and the Wulong entangled and flew the white jade palm that the emperor turned into a shock.

"Well, it is indeed the son of Gu Taxian, and he is the most outstanding one. Even ancient Tiansha is better than you. It is a miracle." In the palm of the white jade transformed by the emperor, a voice of appreciation was heard: " Gu Tiansha is a variable that no one has expected. I originally thought that he was my opponent. You are just a flash in the pan, but you did n’t expect that you actually passed him. What is swallowed up is my deity, and you will fall into the endless abyss, and it will no longer be possible. "

Between words, the white jade's palm swelled violently, capturing the dragonless power transformed by the power of the sacrifice.

Tiandi captures the dragon!

The huge palm grabbed Wulong. Wulong was entangled in the palm of the Emperor. To completely entangle this palm, the two sides were deadlocked.


At this time, Lou Baiyue's face showed a fierce look. She shouted loudly and shook the earth. The gold medal of "Rugao in person" in the body burst open and merged into the origin of the Queen of Heaven.

The Tianhou Origin is completely shattered and merged with the gold medal to become something that is not the Tianhou Origin, but the Yuetianhou Origin.

This "Rugao in person" gold medal transformed the origin of this day's queen, making it evolved.

The origin of the day after night is no longer the original.

At the moment of evolution, the origin of the queen of heaven and the emperor of heaven, Tiandao lost any connection, and became the origin of the worship of the moon.

However, the "Rugao Visiting" gold medal also completed his final mission. After merging with the origin of Tianhou, it completely disappeared, and the two became one.

The breath of Lou Baiyue is rising!

She seems to be transformed into the Queen of Heaven, but she has surpassed the existence of the Queen of Heaven, the mother of heaven and earth, the ancestor of all things, the beginning of the beginning ...............

At this time, she had already qualified to fight with the Emperor.


Lou Baiyue hit the endless magical power with both hands. These magical powers gathered together and became a river of magical powers.

In this river of supernatural powers, there are billions of supernatural powers, the number of Hengsha, flowing constantly, containing time, time, ancient times, endless secrets at the end.

The river of magical powers washed the white jade palms of the Emperor, and the dragons of ancient dust and sand joined together, and the white jade palms transformed by the Emperor suddenly retreated.

But even in the midst of failure, the palm of the emperor's hand has maintained a chic and beautiful appearance.

Suddenly, the white jade palm transformed by the emperor swayed slightly, and suddenly there was a force to block the attack of Guchensha and Loubaiyue: "The gold medals left by Ancient Taxian actually merged the origin of the queen of the queen, so that the queen is not the queen of the queen Yes, yes, the day after tomorrow has disappeared, the origin is missing, which means that I have lost the greatest help, but you have also exhausted the ancient Zexian's legacy, and since then, he can no longer help you. I tell you honestly You, Tian Dao has exhausted all his strengths and has entangled the origin of Gu Ta Xian, and will soon deprive him of some breath. By that time, my strength will be stronger. Gu Chensha, I hope you will have no The Dragon Heart Method will be truly successful. Don't let me down. "

Then, the white jade palm that the emperor turned into disappeared out of thin air.

One palm of his hand actually receded.

"Is this the power of the Emperor of Heaven? Even the palm of one hand contains the deepest immortality, and I actually have a sense of desperation." Gu Chen's brows were tightly locked, obviously very frightened.

"Dust, I finally refined the origins of the Queen of Heaven, and went a step further." Lou Baiyue realized the power in her body carefully, but only felt that between her breath, the spiritual power can permeate the entire heaven, even the chaos of time and space, and even Reach the endless endless chaos.

Simply put, her spirit and will have expanded infinitely.

She has become one of the top existences in this world, second only to Heavenly Emperor, Guchen Sand.

Even she was above Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

"The gold medal that Ruyi visited in person can be said to have completed the final mission." Gu Chen said: "You also got a part of the power of the father, but in the future, I feel very optimistic. At the same time as the contraction of the power of heaven, The father emperor is indeed suppressed, and it can be seen from this gold medal that the power of the father emperor was incredible. This gold medal can completely suppress the origin of the day after the Queen, but it still exists, but it does not exist now, it means The authority of the father and the emperor has also completely given up protecting us, and replaced it wholeheartedly against the will of the heavens. The conflict between the two will give birth to many different changes. "

"Can the Emperor fail?" Lou Baiyue was startled, and she also knew that the melting of this gold medal had promoted her cultivation, but she had also lost the protection of Emperor Tianfu.

The aura of Rugao's presence disappeared completely.

In the future everything can only depend on itself.

"I'm not afraid that the Emperor will fail, I'm afraid of another thing." Gu Chensha looks deeper than Lou Yueyue, even if Lou Baiyue completely absorbs the power of the Queen of Heaven and Rugao to come to the gold medal. Not as good as him.

"What are you afraid of?" Lou Baiyue didn't understand: "In fact, we can now compete with the Emperor. Today's battle is a small test of the sword, but we have already seen that the Emperor is a strong enemy, but we will not completely It may be possible to overcome, but it is extremely difficult for us to ask him. Moreover, now that we have the upper hand, the King of Jinmen is refined by us. The origin of the Queen of Heaven is also refined, the king of punishment is also controlled by us, and the endless treasure is also by us Under his control, Tiandi is like a mosquito that has fallen into the net. I do n’t think he can get away and can only be gradually eaten by us. I think the overall situation is good. ”

"If nothing happened, this is indeed the case." Gu Chensha shook his head: "In fact, there are two kinds of accidents now ~ www.readwn.com ~ The first is the failure in the struggle between the Father and the Heaven, but this possibility is very Small. Second, that is, the father emperor and Tiandao both failed and collapsed at the same time, and the situation was completely out of control. This is what I worry about. Even after the father emperor and Tiandao failed at the same time, another child with both father and heaven The existence of a different kind of ability is really troublesome. You think about it, Gu Tiansha was born this way. The father and the emperor were entangled with each other, and this uncontrollable factor was born, which caused him to disturb the storm and cause us How much trouble? This is just a small situation that is out of control. If both fail at the same time, and after we all lose control, we can't control the situation at that time. This is the era of real calamities. "

"You look longer than I do." Lou Baiyue heard this and pondered for a long time: "Indeed, this is the most probable existence. In history, there are many such examples. No one expected that in the end, an unexpected figure stole the world. Once thousands of years ago, there were three countries competing for hegemony on the Middle-earth Divine Kingdom, but in the end the world actually belonged to a small person. This has to be said to be funny In fact, that's the case. We are fighting with Tiandi right now, but who knows, maybe another character will suppress us all in the future? "

"It ’s true that Tiandao and Father Emperor died together." Gu Chen said: "I played against Tiandi today. I feel that Tiandi ’s strength is overwhelming, but there is no force to kill me, but deep down in my heart. , Even more disturbed. "

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