Dragon Talisman

Chapter 883: The mind has changed

Chapter 883 The Heart Has Changed

"Yeah, we could not see the realm of heaven and the emperor at first. We always felt that they were high above them and difficult to touch. Now that I have seen their realm, I hope that I can reach this level, but the more so, the more I feel that the situation is indeed in a state of out of control. E 『┡ Novel Ww』 W1XIAOSHOO.COM 』Lou Baiyue nodded, she refined the origins of the Queen of Heaven, after the mysterious power in the gold medal, she repaired greatly , Second only to the Emperor of Heaven and Guchen Sand, know a lot of things.

"In fact, our current strength has completely passed the Emperor of Heaven. In the battle with Emperor Tian just now, I have more or less understood some of his capabilities, perhaps more powerful than me, but I have no overwhelming advantage, and I The advantage over him is that I have mastered the sacrifices of the people of Shenzhou, and I can extract countless powers from the heavens to supplement myself. Of course, he is also waiting for the civil strife in China, the situation is out of control, and we can't control the moment of the world ’s hearts, now He may have lurked into the imperial court to internally disintegrate us. "Gu Chensha once again recalled the various details of the fight he had just made with Tiandi, and thought about the calculations, benefited a lot, and felt that he had improved to a higher level. , Reached a certain mysterious realm.

"By the way, in your calculations, who is Tiandi, or what identity did he lurk into our court?" Lou Baiyue asked.

Based on her current practice, she is still a little bit behind, unable to calculate the secret of Tiandi.

"I already have some clues, but I can't say it. I even have to hide my thoughts. Otherwise, the thought of the Emperor who hides his identity will be felt that day, and it will be unwise to fight grass and snakes." Dust waved his hand: "Moreover, even if we now confirm the identity of the Emperor of Heaven, we cannot arrest him. Instead, he has caused his dog to jump over the wall. As a result of the turmoil in the world, what we have to do now is to prevent him from using him and strengthen us. In addition to the National Games of China, we must guard against unmeasurable changes caused by the simultaneous collapse of Father Huang and Tiandao. "

After Gu Chensha and Tiandi played against each other, his vision opened up a lot again. Of course, he also absorbed a lot of knowledge from Rugao who came to the gold medal, Gu Taxian's true will, and experience of fighting with Heaven.

This is like the experience of encountering the heavenly confrontation in the gold medal in the hands of God, more than that contained in the God system.

After all, the warships and systems of prehistoric science and technology civilization were just losers. They were completely damaged in the struggle with heaven. Nowadays, ancient stepping gods have not failed, and they have even suppressed heaven, leaving heaven in a state of disadvantage.

The battle between Tiandao and Ancient Taxian can be seen from the ancient dust and the emperor.

Ancient dust and sand in the world represent the ancient step immortal, while the emperor represents the Tao of Heaven.

Now the origins of Tin Hau are refined by Lou Baiyue. Naturally, the emperor is in a lower position, and Tiandao is also in a lower position.

Of course, Tiandao also has a strong counter-attack, Gu Chensha fears this.

The strength of ancient dust and sand, within a time, promotion to reach the realm of Tianyuan will not be a problem.

"Now that I have refined the origins of the Queen of Heaven, and go further, I can do more things." Lou Baiyue said: "Next, how should we lay out? Also, I feel that the emperor's will is not so simple . "

"The hearts of the people in Shenzhou have changed. All you need to do is to try to stabilize the hearts of the people, and I will take all the nine heavenly kings, all their roots, endless thirty-six treasures, complete collection, refining the emperor of heaven, once again weakening the Tao of Heaven. Strength. Participate in the deepest struggle. "Gu Chen said:" This time I have understood a lot of things, many clouds have completely dispersed. Except for the Emperor, everything is clear and clear, even including The emperor. "

"Emperor?" Lou Baiyue said: "That is the Lord of the Land, second only to the Emperor of Heaven, also known as the Lord of Reincarnation. Mastering the matter of the Nether Cycle, mysterious and unpredictable, is one of the biggest forces in the future. As his identity, even the Emperor of Heaven can be appointed and removed at will. Does this person also lurk into our court? "

"Yes, the Emperor of the Earth and the Ten Kings of the Ten Halls have also been reincarnated, hidden deeply, and entered our court, ready to disturb the wind and rain at any time, and they have been instructed by the Emperor to plan for a major event. If this major event is done, enough It can subvert China and make our rule extinct. "Guchen Sand Road.

"That being the case, we immediately eradicate. Eliminate these unstable factors." Lou Baiyue looked cold, knowing that once these people's conspiracy moves, I am afraid that the situation is thunderous, making people in the world turbulent, and it is no longer possible to consolidate.

"It's not that simple." Gu Chen said: "I still stripped the cocoons and solved the conspiracy step by step. The most important thing is that people's hearts cannot change, otherwise people's hearts will change and we cannot control the situation. On the contrary, they will also be polluted by the toxins in people ’s hearts, and fall into the abyss of all beings. We have suffered the cause and effect of all beings, and we must also bear the greed of all beings. "

"The sentient beings' hearts have changed. If there is no beauty in their sacrifice power, all of them are greedy, our dragonless gourd will certainly be greatly polluted." Lou Baiyue nodded.

"Pollution is second. I am already aware of the highest state of Wulong Mind. Once that time is successful, I can turn pollution into merit and gluttony into truth, goodness, and beauty." Gu Chen said: "However, Tiandi Yi To help others, I am also in a hurry. We may always destroy the world in the same way that we learn from heaven. When the human heart is out of control, we ca n’t remedy, we will immediately destroy the world, clean up the dirt, and rebuild the world. I certainly have this ability. Never be able to do it. "

Tiandao can't control people ’s hearts, but when the situation is out of control, heaven and earth will be destroyed. For example, if the prehistoric civilization of ancient science and technology reached its peak, human beings actually wanted to create a system to replace the heavenly ones. Tiandao certainly couldn't let these people change their minds, so, Immediately destroyed the world and re-created Xiandao civilization.

In the immortal civilization, what is particular about the heavenly heart of the body is to cultivate morality and respect the gods.

But these people are still born today.

Similarly, Gu Chensha stands at the current height, manages the four wastelands in China, and there are no hundreds of people in the country. Among these people, uncontrollable factors will also be born.

This is a difficult problem that cannot be solved by heaven.

If ancient dust and sand can solve this problem, it will truly cross the heavens.

"I finally understand why the last move of offering the Heavenly Fuyu is the concentric beings of all living beings." Gu Chensha once again learned: "The concentric beings of the living beings cannot be done by the Tao of Heaven. So Tiandao made Tianzi repeatedly in the folk. Tried and failed again and again, although in the end, it still failed to do so, but after all, it has accumulated a lot of experience, which has led to the evolution of Tiandao. Tiandao has been evolving by itself. "

Between Gu Chensha and Lou Baiyue's conversation, suddenly Zhuge Ya came to report: "Our sacrifice pool seems to be out of order, and the power of sacrifice is much reduced."

"Oh?" As soon as Gu Chen's body moved, he came to a huge space deepest in Wulong Gourd. This space is a large pond. Inside the pond, there are countless lines that penetrate into the void. Those lines are The invisible pipeline connects the hearts of the people in the world and the hearts of every people under the rule of Yong Dynasty.

Sure enough, almost one-third of the lines in this sacrifice pool withered, without any input of sacrifice power, which means that in the world, one-third of the people chose not to sacrifice the court. The human heart has begun to change. This is a change in human heart. Even the court cannot supervise it.

"Sure enough, as people's strength increases, their hearts change, and they lose their sincere sacrifice and awe to the court. Even over time, they will develop ambitions and feel that they can lead the world, so they are divided. "Gu Chensha observed this sacrifice pond. In the pond, all are the sacrificial powers of all beings in the world. There are 6 strange lights and everything.

This sacrifice is equal to the chaotic elemental force, and it must have strong strength and means to extract the immortal material it needs from it.

Ancient dust and sand have such means and strength.

However, if the sacrifice pond loses the faith and awe of the people in the world, it will dry up, ancient dust and sand cannot extract various materials from it, and his power is not omnipotent.

But the good thing is ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now people ’s hearts have changed a lot, but the general trend is still in the hands of ancient dust and the court. If you can delay this trend, win time and let ancient dust and sand completely After learning the highest secret of the Dragon-Free Heart Method, everyone's cultivation can be reduced to a different number, and the change of the human heart can be completely resolved.

Gu Chensha has the confidence to change people's hearts and manipulate.

"In this way, in a few years, we will lose our hearts in the imperial court." Zhuge Ya said: "Dynamic dynasties have been because of natural disasters, causing people to lose their lives, thus losing people's hearts. We never thought that our Yong Dynasty was too powerful The people ’s cultivation has become higher and higher, which has caused the loss of people ’s hearts. ”

"It's not surprising that folks have the idea of ​​Shengmi En, Dou Mi Chou, and big enemies are like big enemies, and things must be reversed. This is right." Gu Chensha is not surprising. How did it change? We have won the hearts of people, but we have lost the hearts of the people because we have given too many things to the people of the world. This change is of great benefit to our cultivation. We can carefully understand and learn more secrets. . "

"In fact, the best way is to weaken the world, stop the people from practicing, and imprison the wisdom of the people." Zhuge Ya said: "The same policy has been used throughout the dynasties, and the people can let them know it."

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