Dragon Talisman

Chapter 884: Advent Boulder

Chapter 884 The Second Stone

Ancient dust and sand, Lou worship, Zhuge Ya and others originally formed the Jingxian Division, giving people around the world too much. E novel Ww% W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Let everyone in the world practice, then teach people the techniques of dragon fist, make various instruments to help the lives of the people in the world become better, and now the reason why the world is so strong, the original Jingxian Si credit cannot be buried.

But now, with the strength of human beings, the people's horizons are widening, and their hearts are getting bigger and bigger. As a result, many people have become unconcerned, peeping at the chief, and wanting more.

In this way, the world's human heart naturally began to dissipate, ambitions breed, and natural sacrifices are reduced.

Sacrifice is not necessarily a variety of large-scale and solemn ceremonies in public places, mainly the recognition of the human heart. People recognize you, even if there is no etiquette, secretly thinking about your various benefits in your heart, there is also the power of sacrifice. On the contrary, people do not recognize the heart, each with a ghost, even if you hold the ceremonial pomp, you will not get the power .

Reaching the present world, the Wulong cabinet is formed, and Gu Chensha and others have not called on the people to hold sacrifices. Everything is done according to their own wishes.

Although one third of the people now have other ideas, most people still have a deep sense of approval for the imperial court, the cabinet without the dragon, and even the predecessor, the Jingxian Division. The gratitude of the court is solid as a rock and cannot be shaken. The power of their sacrifice is pure, rich and thick, and it is the real cornerstone.

"It is wise to imprison the world, which is counterproductive. In this way, I am afraid that the people who support us will change their hearts." Gu Chensha waved his hand, disagreeing with Zhuge Ya's view: "Of course, I am also considering your concerns, but I am condensing An eternal truth, a state of mind in the highest realm, and those who identify with me will practice to reach the highest state in accordance with this mindset, with the hope of immortality, immortality, immortality, inexhaustibility and corruption Those who don't identify with me will naturally have no hope of reaching this realm. Driven by this realm, the human heart will naturally agree with my truth. My dragon-free mind is this realm. Civilization, the supremacy of heaven. Of course, it is not yet complete, but I have the confidence to spread it. The truth will make people understand and accept it. This is eternal innocence. We must make a world-breaking and unprecedented great feat, then It is absolutely impossible to continue the predecessor's imperial conspiracy and imprisonment of people's wisdom. What we have to do is to cultivate absolute truth, absolute supremacy, as a pioneer, to develop a On the right path, if later people do n’t follow our path, they will take a detour. This is the upright and righteous path. The road is at our feet, you ca n’t walk or not, follow me, you will be immortal, If you do n’t follow me, you will fall. I believe that people will have the right choices and judgments. This is what we have to do. This mentality can make us come to the final end, otherwise any deviation and mentality, Will make us feel like everyone. "


After Zhuge Ya heard it, a fierce long shouted: "This is indeed the overall attitude of our court, Wulong's cabinet, and we must also promote such a concept and spirit."

"You must bring up such a trend of thought." Lou Baiyue nodded when he heard the words of Gu Chensha, "With this thought as the foundation, we are tantamount to setting up a pillar of immortality, even the emperor and the Tao of Heaven. It ’s not easy to shake. "

Between the words, a plethora of emotions pervaded, covering the entire dragon-free gourd, and the boiling sacrifice pond started to calm down.

This is the idea that the real core of the imperial cabinet, the dragon-free cabinet, to lead the world, was finally finalized. As soon as this remark was made, it seemed that the number of qi and the number were in the midst of an immortal foundation.

It can be seen that the practice of ancient dust and sand is the true correct approach.

Everyone in the Wulong cabinet will affect the world.

Therefore, they settled on the core idea. The world is in the midst of the world, and there will be great variables in the future.

"Our Qi has strengthened, it can hardly be shaken." Lou Baiyue saw that the overall national movement and Qi of the court did not start to increase, but the degree of condensing was several times more stable than before, and it was still condensed and kept firm. , There is an indestructible feeling and immortal mood.

"Next, just go according to this strategy." Gu Chensha shook her body slightly, then left the Wulong gourd, and came to Middle-earth China.

He has to look at the specific situation and details of the people, how everyone changes their minds, and how their psychological processes are.

This is also his practice.

Originally, the Dayong Dynasty was united by all people, the National Games were highly condensed, and the people ’s hearts were highly cohesive. Since the world ’s extinction and the blast of the old capital city was suppressed by ancient dust and sand, the National Games and the people ’s hearts have reached a pinnacle.

But since 36 years of Tianfu, Tiandao has given up supervision. Folk practice is in full swing, and the degree of promotion is very fast, but people's hearts have changed.

This is how difficult it can be to thrive, and Yiyu to die.

Tiandao was restrained by the ancient step immortal, and it was no longer possible to extinct the world. It simply poured oil on the fire, and after the world swelled, it automatically collapsed. I have to say that this is the most obvious means.

Ancient dust and sand has also come up with a response method.

"This Xianzhou is the most powerful of the people." Gu Chen now landed in Xianzhou. He transformed into a young man, gray sackcloth, not a Confucian scholar, like a river and lake ranger.

When the Yong Dynasty arrived, although the supervision in the secret was tight, the atmosphere on the surface of the world was very relaxed, and it was tight inside and loose outside.

Many people who have become a state of affairs have traveled the world and become rangers and adventurers. Not a scholar. Because the court of the world has actually adopted a de-official attitude, officials have gradually become scarce, and they are replaced by the Cangsheng Commander, Cangsheng Hou, Cangsheng God General, and Cangsheng Little Official. Without selfishness, people will never be able to pick out mistakes. This has led to the court's efficiency being greatly improved, and it has also made it impossible for the people to have any resentment against the court.

In this way, many things are circumvented.

Of course, without promotion channels, people in the private sector will also lose some binding power and control. This is also a major drawback. The biggest reason why the imperial examinations were held in the past dynasties was to attract private scholars to recruit them and give them A promotion channel, so that they do not stay in the people, and have resentment, they will rebel over time.

However, as a solution to this problem, Guchensha also has countermeasures, that is, to encourage people to fight with the demons, how much to kill the devil, determines the amount of credit, and those who have great credit can use the credit to exchange various functions of Jingxian Division. Law, elixir, magic weapon.

This is also a brand new promotion channel, and it also solves the problem of the invasion of the demons.

Gu Chensha now landed in Xianzhou, because Xianzhou did n’t know why people ’s hearts were losing the fastest, and during the supervision of the Cangsheng Marshal, there was no problem on the surface of Xianzhou, and there was no evil deed. , There is not even any trace of the King of Heaven.

But Gu Chensha knew that there was a ghost in this matter.

After all, Marshal Cangsheng is now in the realm of Celestial Supreme, but Gu Chen's opponents are too strong. He is always the King of Heaven and Emperor. These people must hide deliberately. Marshal Cangsheng's realm of Celestial can't find any clues.

Moreover, the body of ancient dust and sand is suppressing the agitation of Shenzhou and Sihuang, so as not to cause problems, and he is brewing Shentong. He must thoroughly refine Shenzhou and Sihuang to become part of his own dragon-free gourd, which needs to be wasted. Time and energy are absolutely huge projects.

Ancient dust and sand came to the edge of Xianzhou, where it meets the barren wilderness. Once upon a time, this was the main battlefield, and the business was very prosperous. However, the barbarians have gradually been expelled, and the trade here has declined. However, as the population grows, The trade here is booming again.

The boulder Great Wall stands on the edge, such as Longpanyu, with increasing momentum, it seems to be a rope that firmly binds Divine China.

At this time, the ancient dust sand has also seen the intention of Emperor Tianfu to build the boulder Great Wall. The resistance to the barbarians is only a small part. The biggest role is to block the Divine Land and cut off the change of Divine Land into a certain channel of future heaven. This makes Divine Land more easily suppressed and suppressed. Refining.

The ancient dust sand has gradually seen the height of the ancient celestial celestial princes ~ www.readwn.com ~ many of the layout of the ancient ancient celestial celestial beings, he can know what it means. There is the origin of the Queen of Heaven in the moon, and then the ancient Xuansha was crowned as the prince, in order to use the ancient Xuansha to imprison the battleships of God's system and prehistoric civilization.

The forging of the boulder Great Wall has many wonderful uses.

Now that the boulder long town is pressed here, Guchensha feels that refining Shenzhou itself has saved a lot of power.

On the boulder Great Wall, now there are tourists like weaving. There are also many shops built on the Great Wall. The shops sell a variety of things. These shops are official. , Used to exchange various materials in the depths of the wild, convenient for people to buy and exchange.

Since its construction, the Boulder Great Wall has become an iconic building. Anyone is willing to come here to watch the scenery and experience the wild scenery and the scenery in the pass.

On the Great Stone Wall, there are more and more tourists every year, more and more prosperous, and along with several major disasters in China, such as earthquakes, floods, etc., other places will shake the world, but on the Great Stone Wall, It didn't move, it seemed to be a place of refuge. Such spirits were passed on, making more people come to understand the mystery.

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